
A voice calls to me...



4 Years
03-31-2014, 12:17 AM
unexpected long post!

forgot to mention her skull was on during this... oopsies xD it will have broken in half when she was knocked out, landing on the ledge she had stopped on before falling into the rushing river.

She had strayed from the packlands while following a small herd of deer, aiming to bring something down of decent size yet small enough for her to drag back to Elysium for anyone else. Carefully she moved, making sure to stay downwind of the skittish animals, body low to the ground, using shadows to her advantage. Ears twitched, swiveling to the right, forward, left, then forward again while green and gray orbs ran over the heard, looking for the one she had marked as her target. It would only take a few moments before Narfi found her, a doe with a bleeding wound on the foreleg, a slight limp in her walk. Lips would be licked before pulling back to reveal her canines, eager to bring the animal down and sink her jaws into its flesh.

Most of the deer began to graze on the grass, the buck surveying the area, keeping the yearling low to the ground, hidden away. When his head would turn the opposite direction she would make her move, tail held straight out behind her and above the ground, not wanting to brush up against anything to create a sound to freak the animals. She would move steadily towards them, attempting to keep herself low, gaze and ears locked on their target. The deer would lift their heads and look around, Narfi would stop and get low, waiting for them to graze again or look the other way. That's when it happened.

Something would startle the deer, every one of their heads snapping up for a brief moment before taking off. The girl would snarl in frustration, her body jolting up then move, breaking out in a full run. She would foolishly try to catch up to her prey, muscles working hard, body growing hot, blood and adrenaline pumping. She would push on as fast as possible, wanting to at least get one more injury on the doe before slowing and just stalking the group once again, but a tremor in the earth would stop that.

The ground would begin to tremble, shaking beneath Narfi's very paws. It was unusual, something she had never experienced before which caused her to quickly come to a stop, legs spread out evenly as they only grew worse. The trembling intensified, the girl's body beginning to sway in motion with the few trees around her, their leaves rustling as though screaming. Ears would pin back against the yearlings head as the sound of a thousand horses stampeding filled the air, jaws clenching and tail going between her legs. Dust was thrown up into the air, and a nearby tree would snap in its swaying, a large branching falling and landing just three feet away from where the girl was standing. The snapping of the branch caused her to jump, head lifting for her to catch the limb falling, and even if it wasn't right above her, it was enough to make her jump away.

In all honesty, Narfi was scared as hell. The girl had never experienced such an event in her life, for all she knew, the world was coming to an end right this very second. What about the hurricane, surely she was around to experience that? The answer to that question, nope. The girl had been away when that event occurred, having roamed quite a distance away. Even if she was scared however, she wouldn't admit that to anyone, the most she would say was that she was slightly worried and that's about it. If somebody was nearby to see how she was acting though, they would think otherwise.

And then she would dart, legs working to get Narfi away from these lands as soon as possible. She had to get back to Elysium, warm the others of what was going on before it moved over there. Ears were pinned against her skull as she ran, eyes wide and head held low. She had to get out of here, even if the earth was still trembling and creating horrible sounds. But it would only get worse.

Suddenly the sounds of boulders clashing would slice through the air, making Narfi jump but she would keep going. Just behind her the sound was getting louder, the earth splitting, a gash being formed. Paws drummed against the ground, her mind screaming for her to keep going and not to stop, not to look back even if it was getting louder. And before she knew it she was not longer running, the ground beneath the wolf had given out, splitting and making her drop into darkness with a terrified yelp. Limbs would flail, back legs kicking and front legs reaching out, trying to grab onto something to stop her fall.

And then... nothingness. Narfi's body would smash into the moving walls, for what had felt like minutes of falling was actually only a couple seconds. The black wolf hit one wall that would knock her out and as her body went limp it would be thrown into another, the rough wall cutting into her flesh, creating various wounds across her body, and possibly even damaging bones. At last she would come to a stop, body hitting a ledge with a heavy thud, legs dangling over the edge for a few moments once the tremors settled. That would not be the end of it however, the ground move violently once again, Narfi's body being pulled off the ledge and tossed into a rushing river below with a splash.

How far she was from the surface would be a couple yards, possibly even more depending on how far the river carried her limp body into the darkness.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3



04-04-2014, 11:07 PM
ooc: longest sevan post ever o.O

The world trembled violently beneath russet paws, causing the girl to look warily around her. Lips curled back in a snarl as her russet bodice swayed back and forth, claws digging into the earth in an attempt to keep herself anchored. Audits pinned against her skull, a growl rising in her throat. In the distance she could hear a roar as the earth shouted to the heavens. Eyes would strain to see as she stood a safe distance from the collapsing ground.

The first quake settled, leaving nothing but broken trees and chose surrounding her. Her heart pounded against her chest as she stood motionless for a moment. With uneasy steps the girl would drift towards the new scar in the earth, curious to see.

As she approached, closing the distance within moments at a brisk trot, her eyes would widen with surprise. Not only had she never experienced an earthquake before, but she had never seen the ground open up before, leading to new worlds. She would step to the edge, peering down below. Just as her eyes scanned the new river, she would catch a glimpse of the black form, drifting into the darkness.

For a moment she was torn, did she risk her life and save this stranger, or should she simply turn away? Without her permission limbs would launch her into action, carrying her down into this gaping mouth and plunging into the river. Water immediately soaked her russet pelt, powerful limbs propelled her through the water towards the wolf.

Her fate would be sealed if they both got lost here. Never explored lands and here she was plunging into them to save some strangers life. Russet jaws would part, reaching out to grasp the scruff of the wolf as she drifted beneath the surface. Muscles stringed, trying to pull the wolf above the surface. The princess would grunt with exertion, limbs trying to grasp the ground to keep them from drifting any deeper into the unknown.

She would struggled, the current dragging the pair away from the light and into what could only be hell. Just as she would about ready to kiss her life goodbye, toes would scrape against rock, eyes locking in on a little patch of land. Her body reacted immediately, limbs flailing for traction to pull them out of the water. Again her muscles coiled, dragging both wolves from the water. She would unceremoniously drop the girl on the little shore, her own russet body collapsing. Jaws parted to suck in air, blue and silver eyes flickering around, trying to get her bearings and hopefully find a way out. But first, this stranger needed to wake.

Talk like this


04-04-2014, 11:28 PM

nevermind that noise you heard

The shaking didn't entirely phase him, while it startled him sure, but there was nothing he feared entirely. The man's head was keeping steady, he piratically slide across the land, following the shaking in a flow until he tripped and hit his side. That simply pissed him off though, the trembling of the land was something he was not a fan of. His perfect afternoon in the hopes of finding some entertainment had turned into a basket fest where the land was splitting in two. Lime green eyes looking irritated like someone ruined his afternoon meal as the scarred male made his paws dig into the dirt. After the first settle, he was about to relief with a sigh only for another to start.

He could hear the tree's breaking, not just the land. Krew was simply a lucky man to have no get hit by them, and suddenly bringing his attention to the water in the scar in the earth. The land had made room for a new river, that was how he saw it, until in an amusing turn of events a woman was attempting to save another from the depths. Krew curled his lips into a grin, how fascinating and he would do nothing to help but watch and see what would happen.

His body would move along the edge's, stalking like a lion as his eyes narrowed watching her struggle to get the girl on the shore in the current. His brown coat made it easy to hide in the darkness that he was cloaking himself in. Paws making sure not to slip against the dirt, easily with his experience specially when he lived in ice for half his life. Tail flicking behind him, he slid to the small shore, muscles pushing him to the opposite side of the shore where she seemed to be heading.

The lucky little path he had found to them, probably would be the same they wanted to get out. Well lucky enough seeing them struggle had been enough amusement since he had just smacked his side from the fall of the quake. Making his back a bit sore. So, Krew wouldn't seek any blood from these two girls collapsed on the ground and tired from a little swim in the epidemic state. His one darker paw would step into the dwindling light with the silence aside from the new river roaring at them. His lime eyes looking down at the unconscious one and the one who looked rather tired.

"Searching for a way out?" his voice deeply impending, dominant and uncaring. Though if he ran into them again, perhaps they'd return the favor he had payed them. Of course, he wouldn't, he didn't give a shit about anyone. So it didn't affect him either way. Tail flicking behind him, he sat on his stomach and crossed his paws in front of him. "There's a path behind me to get back up, but it'll be difficult with extra baggage." he said flicking his tail to Narfi.



4 Years
04-15-2014, 12:58 PM

No doubt, Narfi would be feeling sore from this, from hitting her head when the earth split to getting bumped around in the river and finally grabbed by the scruff and pulled onto dry land. Scratches would line her skull, body and limbs, but nothing was too serious besides a gash in her left shoulder that seemed to be bleeding heavily. The gash however wasn't the thing threatening her life. One disaster had been avoiding, drowning, but now the dark girl wasn't breathing. Body was still on the bank, pelt soaked to the core, a paw giving a twitch.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3