
Hattori X Kiriko litter



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
11-30-2023, 08:20 AM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2023, 12:37 PM by Hanzō. Edited 2 times in total.)

Hi hello! I'm going to try and keep this short because I'm lazy, and you all know how this works by now, hopefully. The litter is 11 pups in total with SIX slots available. We have only two free pup slots, so I'd prefer if you bought your own, but if you broke as hell I can probably help. If you have any questions or concerns my DMS are always open. They are due on the 27th of December and playable of the 10th of January. Applications will close a few days after Christmas, not sure the exact date since I know the holidays can be busy. Will let y'all know! Just trust that they will be announced before they're playable so you have time to set up profiles and such!

Activity is a bit of a hot topic when it comes to adopts, and I just wanna get it out the way. At the end of the day we're here to write and have fun and the last thing I want is for anyone to feel as though writing any of my pups is a chore. Yet at the same time, I don't want folks to just post them once every couple of seasons and consider it a job well done. I can't judge too hard cause I go through phases of either posting a lot or shit all, all I ask for is a decent effort. On that note, I don't like activity checks so I'm not going to set a quota to meet, but if you ever feel like you're struggling keep me in the loop. Pups won't ever be yoinked from you without communication or warning. If you set them inactive for a little while that's fine, as long as you provide a reason why or what they'd be doing in the meanwhile. But if you don't post them for 3 months without letting me know they will be reclaimed and readopted out.  

Aight now onto the fun stuff.

TLDR of their backgrounds: The Hattori clan is kinda an upstart family both here and back in Nihon & Kiriko is the bastard daughter of the fallen and disgraced empreor of fake wolf Japan. Two very fancy-smancy lineages coming together to make some very well bred koi wolves. Hattori is a serious no-nonsense stubborn old man and Kiriko is a very graceful, if not a little manipulative pretty wifey.

Personality/ Alignment
Hattori is the strict father and Kiriko the doting mother. A strong sense of duty and loyalty will be instilled in this litter from an early age, Hattori is a proud man and has high expectations for his children. This litter is expected to more than agreeable than his last, sorry Oki :D. There’s no reason for the pups to be salty or disloyal fresh out of the womb, of course this can change with IC development but try and keep it real. Hattori can be a bit of a dickhead himself and has said and done some very morally questionable things; but if you're looking to play an evil and quirky wolf who is just a horrendous person for no reason at all, this probably isn't the litter for you. I'm all about context. Doing shitty things for the greater good or if it's deemed necessary? Heck yeah! Eating people for the shits and giggles? Nope, Tori wouldn't let that fly and they'd probably be culled. We're looking for mostly lawful and neutral characters, as Tojo doesn't really suit overly chaotic wolves. Kiriko won't be such a hard arse though and will definitely do the majority of the emotional heavy lifting, involved and a little anxious and overbearing she's gonna be a good mumma!

Mutations and discounts: Hattori has 4 mutations that are up for inheritance: his fancy horns, eagle claws, reinforced bones and enhanced vision. Other mutations are of course welcome, with toothy and antler/horny mutations being common in Hattori's family tree. Hattori's orange and Kiriko's reds are 50% discounted, whilst Tori's blue is 25%. Since Hattori is a dire there's a 25% discount up to 42 inches. If you're struggling with gems for colours or inches let me know, I might be able to help! I will probably take a peek at your gem credits though ;p

Other things I can't be bothered to make sections for:
  • Naming theme is anything suitably Japanese or weeby.
  • Upcoming potential plots include: arranged political marriages, other mini pack events I have planned.
  • Pups can roam further from Tojo as pups, by pping Tori's companions or travelling with a pack member. You shan't be locked inside the bamboo unless yer into that.
  • I believe they're the first and only pure koi wolf litter on site?

Feel free to slightly edit these designs in your apps, such as eye colour, coat colours and skin colour.  For things harder to edit, like marking changes: making them more or less splodgy etc, just make a note of it in your appearance description in the application since I'll be getting us sibling art! And as always, unless you're accepted please don't use any of these designs! If you wanna design your own go ham, or you can even use pictures of koi fish as a reference!

If someone else has chosen the design you like, feel free to twin! Minor edits can be made!

Have fun and no worries if you don't manage to grab one this time, we'll be having another litter next year! Form is below, yadda yadda ya'll know how this works by now.

[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
11-30-2023, 04:15 PM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2023, 01:50 PM by Skelle. Edited 10 times in total.)
please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex!
eightysichs/wolfbea was hacked, what's owed has been made/paid,
and i wasn't involved or even knew her during the time she was hacked, thank you ♥



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowEaster 2022Toys for Tots
11-30-2023, 06:44 PM (This post was last modified: 12-25-2023, 10:09 AM by lunarcat7. Edited 3 times in total.)

Name: Kina [meaning Joy]

Gender: Female

Size/Height/Build: Dire | 45" | Medium


Alignment: True Neutral

Kina is a creature of elegance and beauty, cloaked in a coat of white as stark as bleached bone. In the areas where her fur is thinnest the faintest hints of soft pink can be seen, peeking from underneath her fur. Her nose is a deeper, earthy pink that is prone to sunburn. If one looks closely they can see the faint koi patches that mark her lineage in warm silvers just a few shades lighter than her coat. Kina's eyes are striking, peering out from her face like new spring flowers peering out above the snow. Some might find her gaze eerie for while her irises are a soft, sugar pink her pupils are a ruby red distinctly reminiscent of blood.

Kina stands at a respectable 42" tall. While not the tallest or the brawniest of warriors she bears a frame that speaks of her strength and speed. She carries herself with a distinct grace and elegance on slender legs and delicate paws.


Balanced • Empathetic • Responsible • Honorable • Introverted • Moody • Self-Confident

Kina is something of an emotional mix, often hovering in the gray regions between extremes. Kina is a balanced wolf. She is tempestuous yet calm, warm-hearted yet fierce, and courageous in the face of danger though not reckless. She believes in authority and respects it, but sometimes she is too stubborn to listen to it when she believes she's in the right.

Sociable and good-natured, Kina is a wolf who is eager to makes friends and hates disappointing others. Being empathetic she is sensitive to the emotions of those around her. Intuitively, she is able to see the world through a strangers eyes and sense their perspective. This does not necessarily mean she agrees with someone else's perspective or is sympathetic toward them. She does not necessarily feel pity for each individuals's predicament, particularly if they are a threat to her family, but she can understand what feelings might drive another's actions.

Kina is a responsible wolf and she will take responsibility for her actions whether they are good or bad. Once she takes ownership of a task or action she feels emotionally bound to follow through until the task is completed to the best of her ability. Should she fail to deliver, she automatically starts looking for ways to make it up. Excuses and rationalizations won't do, she needs to find a way to make restitution.

Loyal and protective, Kina is a wolf of honor. She has her own code of ethics and honor and she follows her code to the letter. She also expects others to follow a similar code and can get frustrated when they don't. Kina takes her word seriously and looks out for her fellows. However, she does have a mischievous streak. Kina doesn't believe much in lying, at least not outright, but she will twist her words if she deems it necessary to get what she wants or to have a little fun.

A hard shell masks a soft and turbulent center. Kina does her best to keep her emotions under control and not let others get under her skin, often appearing aloof and anti-social. She can come across as pessimistic and jaded though deep down she is a very caring wolf who will go out of her way to help those she cares for. Often this form of caring is displayed as tough love but those that are closest to her can view her deeply compassionate and sympathetic nature. Over all she comes across as quiet but she radiates with a soft, yet determined energy.

Kina is hard to pin down. Moody and some what high-strung her mood can change at the drop of a hat. Its hard to tell what might set her off or calm her down. As always she attempts to mask these changes but the truth is she is always struggling not to be ruled by her emotions.

Kina is intelligent and self-confident. She trusts in herself above anyone else and has faith in her strengths. She knows that she is able to take risks, able to meet new challenges and able to deliver on her promises. She has confidence not only in her abilities but also in her judgement. She knows she has a unique and distinct perspective of the world. And since no one sees exactly what she sees, she knows that no one can make her decisions for her.


"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
12-01-2023, 10:52 PM (This post was last modified: 12-25-2023, 02:58 PM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 6 times in total.)

Name: Keisuke
Gender: Male
Size/Height/Build Extra Large / 42" / Light
Design: See above.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

  • Body: As a child, Keisuke will hold onto his puppy chub, filling him out with a rounded belly and cheeks. Proof that he will grow into a more sizable adult will be seen in massive paws and ears that are comical on his smaller body. Once Keisuke begins to train his puppy fat will melt away, leaving behind a more refined figure of lean muscle. One thing that will not alter much, however, is his youthful face with high cheekbones and softer features. As he grows into his adult height, he won’t be quite as impressive in stature as others in the Hattori Clan, though he will stand at a respectable forty-two inches tall. His stance and expression, while not intimidating, will hold the look of a male who takes his place in the world seriously.
  • Coat: The base of Keisuke’s coat is pure and pristine, a bright white that covers much of his frame. True to his koi heritage, brighter colors of red and orange can be found splashed in splotchy patterns upon his coat, as well as black from his sire. The black splotches lay at the bottom layer of the markings on his coat, found on his face, chest, left foreleg, sides, rump, and the top of his tail. Red is then splashed beneath his left eye, chest, back, right rear leg, left knee, and the middle section of his tail. Finally, orange is found next upon his face where it bleeds over his right eye, left cheek, shoulders, left rear leg, and the bottom of his tail.

    [Note: Mostly symmetrical-esc markings, minus the face. Boop me for a crappy ref later so you can get the arts if he chosen. <3 His nose and pawpads are black.]
  • Eyes: Keisuke’s eyes are rounded in shape, but sharp in intensity. They are a very light silver.
  • Skin: Keisuke's skin is a deep black.
  • Scent: Keisuke carries a strong scent of bamboo and green tea leaves.


  • Charming, Empathetic and Loyal: Keisuke is a wolf who bears patience as if from an endless well. He is calm, keeping both eyes and ears upon those he speaks with. He appears to be an easygoing creature, laid back, social, the sort of stranger you hope to encounter for a friendly chat to make your day go by a little easier with conversation. But just because he can be pleasant does not mean that the man will tell you anything and everything about himself. Above all, Keisuke’s loyalty is to his own within the bamboo. He guards their secrets and lives in mystery, politely dodging any attempts at gathering information about them by deflecting the question. To those of the bamboo this nature is shown tenfold, however, in an empathic listening ear and one who will seek to give them a hand up in tackling their problems, rather than a hand out. For his calmer nature, he is a wolf who prefers to live by action, not just word.

  • Serious, Dutiful and Hardworking: …and that is what drives Keisuke at his core. His loyalty to Tojo-Kai, to his family and the koi, have him both duty and honor bound. Anything he does he does with the mind of representing his home, even if a stranger will not know where he hails from. Keisuke cares deeply for his roots, something that as he ages he will take great pride in. Their strength is their unity - relying on no one but themselves to build each other up stronger. Though he might seem the sort to shy away from work, Keisuke will be anything but. The intense look in his gaze betrays an underlying serious nature. He has no qualms about doing what needs to be done and does so without complaint. He looks at his work from the perspective of how it impacts the whole, versus how it impacts the individual, and finds greater value in it that way.

  • Cold, Blunt and Petty: But all creatures, even those who seem like they are “perfect” have their flaws and Keisuke is no exception to this. As a whole, the male is pleasant to be around, the sort of wolf you’d enjoy as an ally… but if he is given a reason not to like or want to help someone, whether through insult, laziness, or a dismissive attitude, Keisuke can switch to a much colder persona. He is not reactive, more of the calm before the storm as his expression and heart harden. His tone shifts, becomes blunt, and he will no longer act with kindness in his heart, but rather the petty attacks of a man poking holes in the negative traits and excuses of others. He has no shame in this - nothing is more distasteful to him than a wolf who does not carry themselves with duty and honor.

Skills: Fighting | Intellect
"Here we do not place bets. We place concerns." - Starcrosst of DeviantArt

Beau's Inklings



ContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - Silver
12-02-2023, 03:11 AM
Name: Mochi
Gender: female
Size/Height/Build (tbd - dire/light if I can swing it, medium/medium if not)
Alignment: Lawful Evil/True Neutral

Mochi tries to emulate her parents but it's just so hard when you don't always think your parents are very fun. The girl is distractible, doesn't care much for her appearance or manners, and can be quite self-interested when she thinks there is something in it for her. It's not that she goes out of her way to be a bad person, but she lacks responsibility or an awareness of how her actions can impact others. It's not all bad, the girl does dedicate herself to her studies, and can be agreeable (moreso if there are bribes involved, but often praise is enough).

A two-edged sword, the girl is honest, and if she thought to apply herself, she could even grow to be insightful. She is generally friendly with those she is familiar with and can come across as dismissive of those she is yet to get to know. It is likely the only way she will ever manage to get herself a partner is if her parents choose to marry her off, as she doesn't show a lot of interest in getting particularly close to strangers unless there is something in it for her.


What one might call a traditional koi pallet, the girl has splashes of red and black across a white base with almost-white silver eyes that can make the brightest days uncomfortable for her. When she is young, she much takes after her namesake, small, and round and soft, with ears and feet that seem comically large. In fact, there may be concerns during her childhood that she will never lose her puppy fat. By the time she hits a year, the girl will have a glow up and all that excess she's been saving will be channeled into one final growth spurt that will finally leave her proportionate, awkward movements will become more graceful, and some of her runaway fluff will settle down into something that looks like it might have been maintained in the last month. The girl will always have a bit of a wild look to her, her fur having a tendency to stick up all over the place like she just rolled out of bed.



The Chaotic One

13+ Years
Extra small

Coder - RainbowArtist - RainbowContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowToys for Tots
12-11-2023, 05:52 AM (This post was last modified: 12-21-2023, 07:28 AM by Bunni. Edited 1 time in total.)
Name: Jiro
Gender: Male
Size/Height/Build: 42" X-Large, Heavy
Alignment: Honestly, Jiro will be lawful in the sense that he follows his father's family code, but while he wants to be neutral, he will be chaotic at times due to his lackadaisical personality
Appearance: Jiro will be big, muscular, and everything himbo. Though his build says heavy, it is not in excess of body fat. He will have this suave air about him that just shouts "cuddle me! touch my abs!" (man, that was hard for me to type without laughing) Large paws, thick legs, a wide chest, and well-chiseled facial features bundle him up into handsome and not so mysterious. Brimming with a wide smile or smirk, however you'd like to see it, his appearances are warm, welcoming, and drool-worthy. (I'd like him to be dire if I can snag a pass & have 1-2 muties)
Personality: Himbo. Lackadaisical. The trouble child. Doesn't care to listen - in a sense. He'll behave to an extent. Probably won't stay home. Probably won't learn his manners or his "home" language. His mother will be his safe place as she will keep him from being absolutely murdered by Hattori. Speaking of Hattori, Jiro will definitely think he is stuffy and boring. Will ask Hattori more than once to "please smile" or "get the stick out of your ass" when he's older. Riddled with commitment issues because he won't want to be the great and honorable son. Though he gives off this "I don't care" attitude, he will love his family and bully them lovingly. He'll want to be the bestest of friends with his siblings and have close relationships with them. Probably will have multiple lovers and want to cherish each of them as best as he can. Not necessarily a wayward soul, he'll want to visit home as often as he can because he'll miss his family, but also will want a sense of adventure and "to see the world." Not the greatest with skills, he'll take up fighting simply because his mother urges him to "impress Hattori," but will probably do better with navigation and tracking.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
12-13-2023, 12:36 PM
Added more designs! Let me know if you have any edit ideas. Salt designs can get mutations added on for free!
[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]



Toys for Tots
12-15-2023, 04:22 AM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2023, 04:32 AM by Jackal. Edited 3 times in total.)
NOTE: I'm not sure if I'll be using a supplied design or making my own!!! Lord

Name: Denji
Gender: Female
Size/Height/Build 33", Large, Light
Alignment: Lawful Neutral ( to start ; development can take her any way )

As a pup, Denji looks notably feminine in her build -- and this continues into her juvenile years. As she nears adulthood, however, Denji's height increases, she becomes broader-built, becomes stronger-browed, becomes more heavily-featured.


Denji is particularly self-possessed, even as a child; her reactions remain subdued into adulthood and she will always be rather hard to read. Her mannerisms are exacting and incredibly deliberate: she is the sort of girl who doesn't do things by accident if she can't help it. In youth, she will be slightly headstrong, deliberately acting in ways that gain her attention from her parents, this will smooth out into a placid acceptance: Father is a bit of a dickhead, and Mother is loving, and this is alright and the way things should be. Denji will not backtalk her parents, and strive to maintain a polite sheen despite her internal emotions.

All this to say that Denji is going to grow up to be an impeccable diplomatic force. Her Father's code will be burned into her young. He is, after all, an upstart who seized the throat of the world and took his power from it. Denji will want to emulate him-- and so she will grow to be terse, cold, and stern. Her family will get smiles out of her, but her insights are limited to family and-- to a lesser extent-- Tojo-Kai as a whole.

What may not be noticed until she first takes to the battlefield is Denji's particular form of ruthlessness. She is not cruel, nor is she sadistic, but Denji will simply do what she must do to get her task done, as long as the action sticks within the moral code she was raised in. She doesn't take kindly to those who break the rules more than once, and if she gains a high rank in Tojo-Kai, she will be vocal about punishing repeat offenders. She doesn't, however, like to take lives, seeing killing as a waste of potential.

Her wit is sly, and Denji actually takes great pleasure in pantomiming manners back at others. She may appear antisocial, but Denji actually greatly enjoys social interactions.

Denji will be entirely uncompromising with regards to her sexuality: once she figures out she likes women and only women, a pursuing or courting man is liable to find his face slashed open or an ear rent off of his head as a warning-- because Denji, from a young age, will set her boundaries and demand they be respected. If someone crosses one of her personal lines after they've been communicated, even as a child Denji is certainly going to make a big deal out of it. She demands respect, and furthermore, will have little patience for tradtionally-gendered roles. She may adhere to a variety of codes, but Denji's going to find anything that limits her stupid.

Ultimately, Denji is going to be the queen of making excuses to herself: she can bend the rules as she sees fit from time to time, because she's the one who knows them. If others do the same, they're not granted the same grace.

SONGJIEUN(송지은) _ Don’t Look At Me Like That(쳐다보지마)
Sabaton - Lady of the Dark



Pride - Bisexual
12-15-2023, 09:54 AM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2023, 11:49 AM by Shazaki. Edited 10 times in total.)
Name: Akane
Gender: Female
Size/Height/Build Large - average build - 36 inches tall
[Image: koi.png]
[Image: koi-v3.png]
Design made by me
Will pay for a pup pass if picked.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Mutations: Horns(Ill use my inheritance pass if i get picked)

Akane is an imposing wolf not just because of how she holds herself, but it is her size even though is not a big as her father will still demand respect. Her muscular and athletic frame will allow her to do well in combat and endure hardship. Her coat is basically black with subtle lighter motling which resembles that of her father but as if his colors were switched to a black and white scheme. But amongst this ocean of darkness in her face and tip of the tail are the only two hints of light. With white patches, which contrast very well with the rest of her fluffy yet well-kept coat. On her crown two horns rest, a resemblance of her father. They share the same colors as the rest of her frame. Her eyes are taken from her mother, red like the blood yet featuring elegance.


A girl who will grow to be a wolf whose main purpose in life is to work hard and so much for her family's sake. Someone for whom the words lazy and mediocrity will never be allowed to take hold of who she is a wolf, as a Hattori. She will oftentimes go beyond her mortal capabilities. Sometimes biting more than she can chew. But in her eyes, nothing of that matters, for she wants to please and be Daddy's favorite. To show them she is the winning number for them and their family.

This comes with a solid and growing confidence, a confidence mainly held by the pride she has of being a Hattori and being part of something she will come to see as glorious as godly. The Hattori has to be a synonym of power and perfection. She will be ruthless, but only when she needs to be. But what might trigger this side of her will be if someone dares to threaten her family or wrong them in a way that could risk their well-being or even their lives. Then, Akane will be up to doing whatever's in her power to ensure they won't be able to affect her loved ones again.

Depending on her upbringing, she will seek to learn both the road of the warrior and the road of a medic. To have both sides of life as one. She will be diligent about what she wants to be the best at. There is nothing half-finished or incomplete in her book; what she will start to do will not be left unfinished. What she wants to do will be done with the utmost care and standards. And she will probably suffer with that—suffer with the idea that perfection doesn't exist.

From her mother, she will be manipulative, but only if the situation calls for it, She will be smart and never go head-on into conflict if she has better options before going ahead.

She struggles with criticism, even if it is not ill-intended. She simply hates the idea of failing and probably being the cause of her family's demise. As a pup, she will snap or quickly try to justify herself as a way to protect her insecurity. But if things go well as she grows, she will learn to at least keep these to herself.

Skills: Fighting and Healing

I have some times like I can give her an sword/companions and more.


13+ Years

Pride - GayPride - AromanticPride - TransgenderEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Silver
12-19-2023, 02:07 AM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2023, 02:10 AM by Virgil. Edited 1 time in total.)
Ali.. wicked... how could you (WIPWIPWIP)

Name: Hattori Momiji AKA Miji (named for the Japanese maple tree <3)
Gender: Male
Size/Height/Build: XL - 41" - Light/Medium

Alignment: True Neutral/Lawful Evil
Personality: affectionate - adventurous - romantic - introverted - stubborn - soft spoken



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Pride - BisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
12-22-2023, 03:09 PM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2023, 10:09 AM by Lolaf. Edited 3 times in total.)
Name: Majima (Literally: Real Island)
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Size/Height/Build Extra-Large, 40", Light
[Image: Kc4rZCE.jpg]

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Appearance: Majima exists in an awkward in-between state. Not quite imposing or powerful and not quite delicate or graceful. While growing to be 40 inches tall isn't anything to sneeze at, it won't stack up to the heights seen before in his family. Neither is Majima built like the warriors of the Hattori clan, nor does he particularly embody his grandmother's grace; in fact for the majority of his early life he'll mostly just be tall and gangly. Only seeming to fill out his form close to his second birthday. Then he'll just be a tall, skinny, but not awkwardly so, wolf. Not soft, not delicate, just thin.

When it comes to his pelt however there is no question which family he belongs to. He is swathed in a deep black colour, broken up by some very distinct colours. Splotches of white mark his right foreleg, left hind leg, back, chest, face and most distinctly: In a nearly perfect circle on his forehead much like those of a Tancho Koi. On top of that, both in addition and in a layering sense, Majima carries spots of bright reds, one darker and one lighter with the darker usually being under the lighter colour. They are splattered across his body in places too numerous to list them all, including on his tail which would otherwise simply be black.

Standing out starkly against the distinct colours of his coat Majima's eyes are a bright blue, and rising above his head from just above his brow bones grows a pair of antelope horns, like those often found on cape bushbucks. Both helping to draw the eye to his handsome face.

Personality: Majima wants very badly to earn his father's approval. In his pursuit of that he will mould himself into what he thinks of as the perfect heir. The majority of that will come from emulating his father. While all children are selfish for a time Majima will quickly learn to be selfless, loyal and filled with a sense of duty everything he does will be for the good of the clan, even to his own detriment. Not to a dangerous degree, he will still have a strong sense of self-preservation. While not as unsociable as his father Majima will still be a largely stoic and quiet wolf, he doesn't dislike company he simply doesn't speak much unless he feels the need to. Similarly he won't be a pushover, while he may be convinced to do something for the good of those he's loyal to he's not naive, he's logical and very capable of understanding what the consequences of actions could  be, even from a young age. This comes largely from watching and listening, hto is parents especially.

Majima is proud but maybe not quite on the level of many of his family, he won't take insults laying down but the truth is his pride is largely a projection. Deep down he's desperate for the approval of others he cares about, his parents, and his father in particular, will be the first wolves he will strive to make proud. Unfortunately expressing himself won't be a strong suit, he'll simply work hard and hope that's enough and struggle to handle or process his emotions when, inevitably, he doesn't feel up to snuff. In a sense while he is desperate for his father's approval Majima will likely be closer to his mother as he'll hold on tight to anyone that has helped to fill the need for validation, and those wolves will likely be the only ones who will get to see what's under that nearly expressionless mask. Deep down he is quite soft and capable of tenderness even if it will be rarely seen.

That said he'll never be afraid to get his paws dirty, indeed he's no bleeding heart, nor is he too held up by what might otherwise make more moral wolves object. He won't be volatile but there will be no denying that when violence is called for Majima will be the first to volunteer. He may enjoy it a little too much, nothing unseemly but the wild look he'll get in his eyes will likely be cause for some concern. No worries though, it's just about the only emotional outlet he'll have. Nothing bad about that. But in truth he'll always make sure to retain a modicum of control, it would never do to make his clan look bad.


12-25-2023, 11:52 PM
As a note since I am just returning, I would need help in the gems department but I thinnnkkkk it would only be for height? Someone will have to correct me if I'm wrong.

Name: Takeru (warrior/fierce/health)
Gender: male
Size/Height/Build XL - 40" - Medium
Design: Fox 9
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Appearance: Takeru pales in comparison to his parents.  Their vibrant and contrasting color schemes seemed to miss the mark in passing onto him.  In fact, in many ways, Takeru could be seen as average. The colors found within his fur were all as earthy as the dirt under his nails.  He was koi in the splatter of colors that looked as though someone had splashed paint across a canvas however the array of black and greys that dominate his coat blend fairly well and the areas of white only bleed into the mix, dulling the effect that might have should he have been anything other than grey.  He would be very monochromatic if it weren't for the peppering of tawny-orange that blessed his otherwise underwhelming canvas.  It was the color of a red sun reflecting off the bamboo during the golden hour.  The natural color was very muted compared to that of his father.  That aside, his coloration does make for good camouflage, blending into the landscape better than his family.  

His golden eyes convey his even-going nature and his facial features lend him an approachable appearance.  On the size scale, he's up there at a solid 40 inches to the shoulder but no Goliath like his father.  Overall his build is sturdy without being overdone, but all the same, it could still be considered just average.  

Personality: Diplomatic - Realist - Curt - Loyal

Takeru could be seen as a very modest wolf.  Given the impressive bloodlines he descends from it's hard to be overly confident when you're not the tallest or handsomest in the Maze.  Humbled from birth by his mundane appearance, Takeru finds himself not as absorbed into the culture of his family as he should be.  Not that he saw himself as ugly or other, but more so that Taki simply felt average.  He was inadequate alongside his kin. Average, a word that he found to describe his muted koi coloration, his build, and hell sometimes even his temperament.  Yet, he was so much more when he didn't let himself dwell on what he perceived as his shortcomings...

The broody male could be very quiet by nature but passionate and outspoken when called for.  He had a natural diplomacy about him with a clear head and good decision-making skills.  He's realistic and thoughtful.  A natural-born leader, one might say, though he felt himself too average to ever be seen as such by others.  Taki feels passionately about opening the bamboo to trade and good relations with neighbors - for the good of the Tojo-kai!  And to take it a step forward, he is prepared to personally spearhead adventures into unknown territories to build treaties and charter new paths.  Takeru was not one to be fearful or turn down a challenging task.  

When it comes to love and war, Takeru can be seen as an outlier with little vested interest in either.  He will learn how to fight to protect his family, for whom he is intensely loyal, but he has no wish to be some skilled warlord.  And love?  Well, this serious lad has more on his mind than the ladies.  There is no illusion that Taki would ever go willingly looking for love.  He may be approachable and easy to talk to when you can get him to hold a conversation, but he surely is not a flirt.  If love were to sneak up on him, it would be a wonder if he'd even see it before it bit him.  

The clan is his life, even if he desires to wander beyond it and open their borders to friendly visitors.  His mind whirls around diplomatic affairs and ways to improve life for their people.

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
12-26-2023, 05:01 PM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2023, 12:55 AM by Dragon Mod. Edited 8 times in total.)

Name: Hinata
Gender: Female
Size/Height/Build Idk, maybe dire, maybe medium or large. Haven't decided yet ^^;
Design: Dragon koi, dragon koi!
Alignment: Lawful neutral - true neutral
Appearance: Born into a world that seems uncertain, Hinata appears to be a beacon of light. She is a pale beauty from birth, though it becomes more evident as she grows older. Almost as if she were straight from the tales of old, the pale beast shows characteristics of a certain mythological creature early on. Her base coat is as pale as can be, snow white intermixed with albinistic qualities. Her skin and scales hold a pink tone to them, evident more around her feet and face. Silver markings mask most of the right side of her face and part of the left, blanketing her head, neck, shoulders, back, rump, and chest as well as one ear, while the other ear is pale white. From her father, she has inherited a deadly set of talons, and horns, though hers are different from her father's. More slender, curved, and jagged, Hinata's horns appear to have some similarities to those of a rose's thorns. Potentially, anyway. Another unique quality, is she also possesses a set of thick dragon-like whiskers, not unlike those of older half siblings. (TBD for longer tail/fur). Set in a slender and feminine visage, a set of intelligent blue eyes.

Loyal & dedicated, Hinata is loyal to her family and her crown first and foremost. She works hard in an effort to make her parents proud, doing everything she can to prove that she is worthy of respect and honoring the family name. As a child, she is soft spoken, and polite, addressing others by their honorific. The latter two, of course, remain with her as she grows, though she eventually loses her soft spoken nature and develops a more sure-of-herself attitude. She isn't particularly one to be pushed around or walked on. While she may sometimes appear quiet, meek, or timid, she is far from it. Sometimes her quiet observant demeanor may be mistaken for those things, but when pushed, she is quick to show others they were mistaken. When Hinata finds passion for something, it's as if a fire is lit behind her eyes and she will fight tooth and claw for it. She fights with all she has and she fights hard, potentially even at the cost of her own self preservation.

Hinata turns out to be an assertive woman, taking a page out of her father's book. She leans more toward the strong and silent type, observing and analyzing those around her and finds childish shenanigans as distasteful, humiliating, and well...childish. Call her uptight if you will, but she works tirelessly in an effort to earn the respect she so desperately seeks, often telling herself that she can always do better.

Other traits: Steadfast, disciplined, hard to crack emotional walls, stubborn, although she craves romantic love, she is afraid it will make her weak (plot fodder yay!), has a hard time understanding why others choose to slack, goof off, etc. Mostly all work and no play probably. Duty first, her own needs never later.

Adding more if I get her but for now, here's the base. Had to do it on the phone since guinea pigs ate my laptop cable earlier :')



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
12-28-2023, 12:52 PM (This post was last modified: 01-07-2024, 12:03 PM by Hanzō. Edited 1 time in total.)
We are closed! Thank you all for applying!

Dragon + Nacho + Lolaf + Beau+ Jackal + lunar, congrats!!
[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
01-07-2024, 06:57 AM (This post was last modified: 01-07-2024, 12:03 PM by Hanzō. Edited 1 time in total.)
[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]

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