
No, you can't pass




Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-29-2023, 09:04 PM

Kotori and Ochi were heading to visit with Art and Briar and share the news of Ochi joining the family.  The wind had picked up as they made their way across the Bifrost, their fur whipping in the wind.  They had just left the Bifrost bridge, the plains were easily in sight now but salt from the ocean had made its way into Kotori’s fur and on his muzzle so that the smell of the salt was with him.  Whenever the wind struck out it was as if it was roaring, cutting out other sounds, and then after things would seem oddly silent.  Smaller animals and birds were staying out of the wind, taking away the normal noises one might hear during the day.

A leaf blew in front of Kotori’s paw, as his weight landed on it the crackle of the dry leaf was easily heard in the silence.   Not too many leaves here but he could see the trees of the berry grove to the east and there were assuredly plenty more of them there.

Coming out of the grove was a large bear, potentially it had enough of the cold and was heading directly towards the two bears, huffing as it came closer.  Perhaps the bear had enough of the cold and was thinking of crossing back into boreas?  Maybe it was just looking for a fight?  Regardless, Kotori was more than happy to give the bear one.  Might as well make sure it didn’t double back and try to get into the hallows land.

The horned wolf glanced at Ochi and quirked a small smile at her before rushing the bear.  Kotori ran towards the bear face first, pulling up before ramming right into it.  The bear reared up with all its focus on Kotori and he sidestepped so it wouldn’t see Ochi, making sure she could get a good first attack.  The bear sent a large meaty paw at Kotori and the wolf dodged.  After the bear’s paw was fully extended Kotori snapped his jaws around the front leg while it was still in the air.

The bear waved its arm, and Kotori had to let go to keep his balance.  It was enough, Kotori had got first blood and given Ochi the time for a surprise.

Words 382

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]

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1. No, you can't pass The Bifröst 09:04 PM, 11-29-2023 04:54 PM, 03-08-2024