
Fine Time Being Queen


03-30-2014, 10:32 PM

His blasted tail had been ripped clean from its hinges. Not that Etern entirely minded, but the pain had been enough to make him in a grumpy enough mood. Usually quiet and reserve he had found himself just wanting to be left alone. He had more than calmed down now though, and without a tail to flick he sat there narrowing his eyes at the small tree's and bushes that had uprooted themselves. Was this some sort of sign he wasn't trying hard enough for his sister, for his brother. Beloved Sendoa, the way he felt could not be described. Of course he didn't know weather he had been happy to see her at first, but now he finally felt the sense of belonging he had longed for. His dead loved one could only look at him now and laugh. Etern only wished to tear out the throats of those who banished him simply because he slaughtered those heathens of allies.
Solemnly the now tailless slate blue man would only crave more, crave more power and crave to be closer to the family he only wished he have. Who knew, maybe he was a bit jealous of Isardis, it was more of his regrets of being unable to have seen his own children's faces only to have his beloved defiled and slaughtered. Etern had grown to love Kyarst, he had grown to love some of the others as well. He only hoped they respected and liked him as well. Not that it entirely mattered to him as a whole, but such things filling his head were not good for an armada like him. Even if he did wish it, he was currently recovering from an injury. It wasn't like he could challenge for what he wanted right now. Besides being a knight was enough....right?
Etern sighed, but kept an expressionless face, he stood up looking at his scabbed over rump. How silly he looked, but perhaps it made it a bit intimidating, this did mean one thing though. He needed to train, badly. With his lack of tail, he would need his muscle power even more than ever, specially his abdomen muscles. Which could easily be fixed by a daily climbing of tree's. Though he did want a bit of company, how selfish could he had been? Lowering his head the knight gave a shrug of his shoulders. The war-lord was growing tired of these new found feelings of wanting more. Was it normal for Armada's to feel this way. Regardless, he wanted to do his siblings some good, as well as make a name for himself.



03-31-2014, 03:39 PM

So much had happened, and yet it felt like so very little. She'd released several to fend for themselves, content upon removing them promptly from Glaciem's ranks. They had not wanted to be here, and had made no effort to become a part of their home pack - so why should she fret over their absence. It wasn't as if any of them (or even the lot of them combined) left any sort of hole in her chest, or Glaciem's for that matter. The Ice Kingdom was better off without them, she wholeheartedly believed. Of course these things were further from her mind than the recent tremblings of the earth. Trees had fallen and snapped in two, shattering to bits in the wake of the huge earthquake. She'd never experienced anything like it, and hoped she never would again. After ensuring her family wasn't much worse for wear, she had resumed her routine - only now emerald eyes were keeping a close eye out for injured Glaciem wolves. It would not do for the Queen, and the primary caretaker of the pack, to overlook even one injured. Etern had been one she'd intended to check on, but it seemed he was nowhere to be found. That is, until his scent suddenly and effortlessly filled the air. She breathed it in selfishly, as if it were a drug, and then sprung toward the source of it - tail aloft and wagging wildly. ?Etern!? she cried with woe as she noticed a part of him was gone - entirely so. His tail must've been removed in the quake, and how he'd managed to get over that was a mystery clearly painted upon her face. ?You're alive.? She breathed with great relief, moving forward to rub her muzzle affectionately across his cheek.



03-31-2014, 03:49 PM

Etern was granted affection, upon seeing his sister his heart made a small jump. Gladly, he'd rather it be her than anyone else for that matter. He knew for a fact Isardis wouldn't be as excited to see him, then again he hadn't seen much of his brother since arriving apart from a few important occasions. But yes indeed he was alive, and that was enough for him to cope with the loss of his tail. Etern gave a soft rumble deep in his throat as she made contact with him, a gentle pleased one if anything, at least she cared enough to do this for him.
"Indeed I am, a simple quake of the land is not enough to send me to the ground." He stated with mild pain from his rump. "Though I have eris to thank for the healing." His paws stepped a bit back, he tried not to get excited enough to flick his non existent tail around, otherwise it open up the wound once more. Instead he sufficed in rubbing his head under Sendoa's chin to her shoulder happily. "I am glad to see my sister is fairing well after the event as well." he noted.



03-31-2014, 04:38 PM

Her eyes wandered over the slope of his spine to where his tail should be, noting that though the wound was very much visible, it was not grotesque. She knew how to recognize Eris' work when she saw it. How Glaciem could ever get by without the woman - she had no clue. ?I don't think anything could send you to the ground,? she spoke with a laugh in her tone. He then confirmed her thoughts that he had been attended to by Eris, and she would nod in affirmation. His affection did not go unnoticed, and she would curl the curve of her neck to meet the top of his head with a slight purr vibrating in her trachea. ?I got lucky, I suppose. Isardis is unharmed, as are our children.? She knew not what she would have done had any one of them been hurt. ?It was a god-awful experience, was it not?? Even still she had felt a few aftershocks, remnants of the energy that had been so rapidly released - but nothing to compare to the event itself. She breathed a sigh before drawing in his scent hungrily, enveloping the cells within her nostrils with his musk. At once she had thought him lost forever, and it was still a miracle to her that he'd found them at all.



03-31-2014, 04:55 PM

God awful indeed, for a moment he thought he had done something wrong. Etern usually was not bothered by such things, but in the back of his head he kept thinking of how the leaders reacted. How would anyone react to his such desires. If he were to kill an Allie because he saw them doing something unforgivable would he be punished for it? Etern gave a soft sigh, here he was expressing more of his emotions now that he was free to flutter about. Even though he feared his desire for power, he used his connection with Sendoa and Isardis as an excuse not to feel bad for this desire.
"Indeed it was, but those who were quick on their feet are fine, and helped those who could not. I am glad to hear Kyarst is doing well his brother too." Where was the other beloved son he liked Vereux, the one eyed stranger who had so many plans on his head. Etern threw the thought away as she pressed on his forehead and he gave a heavily relieved sigh. "At least you care, I must say ever since arriving in Glaciem I have felt welcomed. But I wish to better myself higher, and yet do not wish to remove ranks from the two ladies clutches. I feel to trust you with these words as I speak them and not think little of me." Etern said, he was trusting her. Hopefully Sendoa would not betray that trust.



04-03-2014, 04:51 PM

?As am I,? she uttered with relief. She was sincerely glad that her children were well. Kuvio was his usual secluded self, but he was unharmed and that was all she cared about. He expressed his desire to advance in the ranks, and she heaved a sigh. It wasn't as if she were purposely holding him back, there was just no place higher to put him. ?I do not judge your aspirations, but I must tell you that there is no place higher for you to climb at this moment. Your rank is one of the highest a male can possess in Glaciem - at least until things change. I hope that can satisfy you for the time being.? Her tongue would swipe across his flesh gently, ruffling the guard hairs that stood out from his blue coat. ?You will always be special to Isardis and I.? That was a fact she could not - and would not - deny. As old Armada blood, Etern automatically inherited every ounce of her love, loyalty, and respect. So long as he did not betray the family like Taurig, that inheritance would never be taken away from him. And, as much as she hated to admit it, Taurig still held part of the same inheritance in her. ?Aside from rank, is there anything else you desire? If it be within my power I assure you I will do my best to help you attain it.? Perhaps he wanted a love, a family, or perhaps it was blood he sought, vengeance. Whatever it may be, she hoped he might share with it with her.



04-03-2014, 08:23 PM

Not judge him? Well her certainly hoped and felt that was true. After the old scars that lied upon his heart making crevices for demons to crawl into. At least he had gotten it off his chest. His tail would come to rest behind him as his white tipped elbows came to rest near his stomach. He was special to them, he felt like a child being praised. Etern's green eyes would wander for a moment in the middle of his thoughts. But then her voice raised a question, so simply but it made him think. What did he really want?
"Anything else I desire..." he had been born a simple fighting machine. A monster, he killed young if he was ordered. When he finally had feelings for someone she had been torn away from him. Etern shut his eyes, ears pulling back. His brother had a wife, Sendoa, he had so many children. And what did he have? Rank, boasting about having the Armada blood. He sighed trying to center his thoughts. "I feel strange Sendoa, my life before this was all about taking orders. I would take the lives of the innocent without another thought. I was not aloud to express emotion, and when I finally held someone dear before I even got the chance to have children with her she was defiled and her life torn away. They threw me out for killing the men who did it. They set me free. So I'm not sure what I want, I already feel welcomed belonged here. Perhaps I should take some time while not training the others to really think about where my paws should lie." Etern said lowering his head. "I would never be able to ask you to fetch me anything without thinking I can do it on my own. I have to realize I am my own man I feel like a fool." What he was saying nearly didn't even make sense to him. Maybe Sendoa was getting the jist of it, he sat back and swallowed. He wasn't a mess, he was just thoughtful.



04-08-2014, 12:53 PM

She would wait eagerly, genuinely interested in what it is that drove him, what it was that he desired more than anything else. He spoke of his past, something she had only heard vague bits and pieces about. She wanted to know more, but judging by his tone it was not a topic he enjoyed discussing - even with her. He mentioned that he would never be able to ask her for anything. She chuckled, though it faded quickly so as to not appear as if she were laughing at him. She was rather laughing at his words and how he'd misunderstood her. ?Etern, I am not offering to fetch you anything you wish - but I am offering my help as your kin. If there be anything I can aide you in, it would be my pleasure and my honor to assist you.? She paused, breathing a slow sigh. ?But I understand your confusion about your desires, and your longing to achieve your goals on your own terms. I will respect that, but know that you aren't in this life alone.? Her mind wandered, wondering what she wanted out of life. She honestly didn't know. Perhaps that was why she found herself longing to help others reach their goals - because she had none of her own. Her tail flickered idly as one, then both of her ears lay back against her skull.



04-09-2014, 01:30 PM

Etern looked to watch his sister, closely, well he had spoken enough as it seemed enough to make him feel at ease. Tail flicked he smiled at her, standing, and lowering himself he dragged his head across her shoulder in a hug. Wagging his tail happily, his head arching around the back of her neck. He would always hold his siblings dear to him, they were the most important things in the world. If they hurt them, he didn't know if he'd be able to control his rage if there was any. Etern pulled away, starring into her own green emerald eyes. "Neither are you, Sendoa. Never forget that, I'm always here for you and Isardis, even if I were to be a land away. My siblings are the most important things to me now." he noted dragging his tail down with a soft sigh.
The man's odd smile was out of character somewhat, but he couldn't help it feeling happy as he was. "Nervousy will be the death of me if I am not careful." He mused. After all, no one wanted to see a wolf who was nervous of what others thought of him. They wanted to see someone who knew he was here to be a leader rather than a nervous puppy wanting to control something. That was for certain.



04-11-2014, 04:24 PM

She would relish in his embrace, his warmth enveloping her so much like Isardis' did. Oh, how she missed him, but his pride kept her away most of the time. He wouldn't like her seeing him as he was, and she didn't like seeing him as he was. Besides, if she were to grow ill too Glaciem would falter - and neither of them could stand to see that day. ?That means a great deal to me,? she voiced with tenderness. Etern was truly a sentimental, despite his hardened exterior. Etern then commented on his nervousness, and she chuckled idly. ?Then you and I must vanquish your nervousness. I won't have anything slaying my kin.? She would rather die than see anything harm he or Isardis, or Fermin - wherever he was. His smile didn't go unnoticed, and with certainty she would tease him as any good sister should do. ?It is good to see you smile, grumpy pants.? There was a childishness to her tone, something akin to the way she once spoke to him so many years ago in their youth. Oh, how long ago that seemed.
