


03-30-2014, 09:55 PM

She hadn't seen Aeron since she had run into her father, he had simply vanished. The russet woman missed him dearly, and it was taking a toll on her to have all her family and those she cared for disappearing on her. She had seated herself, crown hanging low when it struck, when the earth shook violently, screaming its rage at the world.

There had been a strange noise, it sounded much worse than the rumbling, it sounded like the earth was falling apart. Verdant eyes widened as she looked into the distance, watching as a hole opened up in the earth. Panic and fear struck her like lightning. Jumping to her paws, she would race to escape certain death that nipped at her heels. Panic sent her heart into a racing frenzy, her body shot into overdrive, legs struggled to push her farther and fast.

But she wasn't fast enough, the earth gave away beneath her paws, a strangled cry fleeing her lips. Limbs would flail, desperately wanting to grab a hold of solid ground, but to no avail. She would tumble in blackness limbs flailing. Her body would tumble down the side of scar, skull bouncing off rocks and dirt like a ball. Her vision would slip away, sending the woman into unconsciousness.

When she finally hit the bottom, she would lie limply, the only sign of life was the rising and falling of her side. Rocks continued to fall, barely avoiding her body. What the woman didn't notice was the blood that seeped from her skull, matting her russet fur. Her left was shredded, most of it gone, nearly sheared off by a rock on her way down. Silence would surround her body, simply waiting to be found or for her to wake up again.



3 Years
04-03-2014, 03:03 PM
He had never experienced anything like this - the earth trembled below him - and the brute couldn't fight the little bubble of anxiety that swelled within his chest. Where was Sibelle? He had been up north for a bit, trailing after Silana - but it would seem that every time that he caught the trail of one of the females in his life he lost the scent of the other. The search for the russet female would end with Aeron closing in on her in the middle of a huge quake. The brute would stare feeling fear for what could very well be the first time in his life - but not because he was afraid of what could happen to him.

Sibelle was sprinting toward him and away from the earth that was cracking violently behind her. His heart in his throat, he would get a taste of what his sister felt being mute - as sound would not emerge from him until it was too late - and she was falling. His first reaction should have been to run away from the calamity, but Aeron would not leave his lady red. The quakes would settle slightly, but the tremor was still going as he burst forward. The earth was still dangerous to stand on, but he would do his best to hold his footing as he half climbed half fell into the hole that Sibelle had disappeared into. The brute would stumble multiple times, loose his footing and sliding forward. The last few feet of his descent would be a fall, and he would roll to a hazardous stop - suffering a few cuts and bruises as well as his back left ankle possibly being twisted... but the brute would release a shuddered breath and force himself to his feet.

"Sibelle?" He would quietly call out - wincing as he tried to put weight onto his ankle. He would redistribute his weight onto his other three paws, but every step would be painful, that much he was sure of. Thankfully, Aeron didn't seem to care too much about himself at the moment - in fact, he couldn't have cared less after the smell of blood hit his nose. Sibelle's blood... what had happened? Limping forward, the brute would wait for his eyes to focus through the darkness - and once they did his jaw would drop. "Sibelle!" Panic was not something that he wanted to feel, but it definitely sparked within him at the sight of the russet woman's figure. Immediately he would remove any rubble or rocks that had fallen onto her, and check for her pulse by burying his nose into the side of her neck. "Please wake up, Please." He wasns't sure what he would do if she didn't.
gorgeous table image by Trynx <3


04-03-2014, 05:52 PM

She felt like she was floating, stuck in a place between living and dying. It was dark, she couldn't see a thing, it was silent, all she could heart was the gentle thumping of her heart. Slowly, the russet woman would regain consciousness. Eyes fluttered open, her vision blurry and unfocused. And then the pain. Her body immediately stiffness as pain stabbed at her skull, radiating through her entire body. A low whine vibrated in her throat, her verdant eyes trying to focus on a form that stood beside her.

A cool nose pressed into her neck, nostrils quivered trying to determine who it was. A familiar accent filled her ears, relief spreading through her. She tried to lift her crown, but her entire body felt so heavy, her gaze would search for his, she yearned for his touch, his comfort. Her words were hoarse, a mere whisper.


Her russet body was covered in various cuts and bruises, her pelt dusty and littered with dirt and other debris. Blood began to dry on her skull, her torn ear still bleeding. The woman would attempt to rise, trying to pull her limbs under her to lift her bodice. Her gaze would finally focus as she looked up. A frown pulled at her face as she realized she was in a hole. Her gaze would return to Aerons, hoping he would explain.



3 Years
04-27-2014, 10:48 PM
He would be momentarily calmed by the warmth that still came from her body, and the gentle heartbeat that he could feel still pounding beneath her skin. As he forced himself to calm down, he noticed that she was still, albeit slowly, breathing - and so he would sigh in relief. The fall had not taken her from him. Sibelle was alive - and he would get her out of here... he just wasn't quite sure how yet. Her eyes would flutter open and he would meet her eyes immediately, glad to hear her voice even for a moment. "It's okay Sibelle, you are going to be alright." He would say - but honestly he wasn't sure how either of them were going to get out of this.

The way they came in was a messy cave in - and although he could just see the sky above him, it didn't seem like way that he could carry Sibelle out... especially with his ankle in bad shape. But he had told the russet woman now, that things would be alright. He would fulfill his word, for Sibelle's sake and his own. She seemed to need his help as much as he needed her... "You fell, and I came after you..." It hadn't exactly been a rescue - because he was just as stuck as she was, but he couldn't bear to leave her to face this alone. Besides, regardless of how odd a move it had been, to come in after her opposed to finding another way in or waiting until the rocks settled - he would do it again.

"Ve 'ave to find another way out." It was eerily reminisce of how they became stuck in the ship a while back. She was injured, they were stuck - and the way they came in didn't seem like it would make for their way out. This time though, he was limping and Sibelle's head was bleeding - what a sight for sore eyes they were. "Can you stand?" If she couldn't... well, maybe he would attempt to make the climb. She was a bit taller than he was, and quite possibly built heavier as she had more of a fighter's build than he did - but regardless of any sort of size differences he would not leave her here. If the only place to go was up then that was where they were headed.


05-05-2014, 01:44 PM

She would try to focus on his words, but as she became more aware, the pain in her skull amplified. A low whine escaped her lips, brows furrowing as her head felt like it might explode. She could feel the blood matting her pelt, slowly drying, tugging at hairs. His question would bring her attention back to him as she mulled it over. Limbs would fold beneath her, slowly lifting her russet form. Legs would sway, wobbly and unstable. She would stumble, bumping into Aeron before she found her footing. If he was close enough than she would lean against him, unaware of his own injury.

Pain radiated her skull, it clouded her thoughts, becoming her sole focus. It blurred her vision, caused her to suck in air rapidly. She couldn't see her own injury and was oblivious to the fact she was now missing part of her ear. Verdant gaze would attempt to focus on Aeron, waiting for him to lead her somewhere safe. Hopefully somewhere they could rest and she could get cleaned up. Again she would look around, uncertain of which way to go. They were in a hole with no clear way of escape. Panic rose in her chest, being disoriented only made it worse. "Aeron." His voice slipped out with a whine, eyes widening slightly.