
Mojiru kid readoption [Closed]

Get your wolf-dog gaybie here part 2.



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
12-16-2023, 07:21 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2024, 03:03 PM by Lolaf. Edited 6 times in total.)
So unfortunately we've taken back one of the Mojito and Nao kids, as such we are looking to readopt Osamu out. He is largely a clean slate as he has yet to be posted but we do have a few things we'd like to see remain for him, so let's get onto the important stuff!

Changes: This kid's gender must stay the same. (Male, He/Him). Beyond that we are not requiring anything remain the same though we would prefer if his design not change due to there being art already attached to it, that said we will consider any apps regardless of design. If you wish to keep his appearance and/or personality we will still require they be rewritten in your own words.

Cultures: So it should be hopefully evident that Nao and Mojito come from very different backgrounds, ideally they would like to raise their children with some influences from both as such Virgil and I wanted to give any potential adopters a bit of a primer on the names that each pup could be expected to refer to their fathers as. Mo for his part would likely be easy, papa, daddy and as they get older dad, father etc. However Nao, due to his culture and wanting to differentiate the fathers, is a bit more complicated. As children they’d likely refer to him as Outou-chan and swap to the San honorific as they get older, additionally they may also choose to swap to Oyaji as they get older, this term is less formal and has a more similar vibe to the english usage of Pops or “old man”. If you’d like a more in depth explanation you can find one here. Additionally I’ve compiled a few more common linguistic notes in the event you want to use them for your pup, however we’re only enforcing the usage of Japanese terms to refer to Nao so he and Mo can be easily referred to separately.  

Activity: Let's be honest here guys, it's me and Virgil, we're not gonna get too upset about lower activity, we'd love to see them around and may request semi-regular posting (a few times a season or so) but we're not going to be picky about that. That said if you plan to set your puppy inactive please reach out to one of us, we will take them back no questions asked. If you do set them inactive we will reclaim them without warning. Once the kids are a year old we consider them yours and will only reclaim them if you set them inactive. Additionally since Verg and I are kind of spotty with posting, we rely a great deal on OOC plotting and overall assumptions of what the family might be doing when not actively threading together. If that's something you are uncomfortable with or don't enjoy, please reach out before applying to see what else we could work out so everyone is happy!

Names: Names must be Japanese, Mojito has no preferences beyond that, however Nao is likely to pick at least a few names of Japanese style drinks. All pups will take the family name of Satoru-Klein, which will be used before their given name in line with the way naming conventions work in Japan.

Alignments and Personalities: The kids can run a bit of a gamut here, both parents are at a point in their life where they want to just spend time with their families and would not discourage lighter alignments, however neither are exactly moral compasses either. Both are very aware of and even sometimes embrace the darker sides of life and don't necessarily shy away from that. That said we're going to say a hard no to pure evil for the sake of evil, type characters or any characters who are abusive sexually in any way. This is a hard no incest litter.

Discounts/Inheritable Mutations:
- Small Goat Horns

- 25% off Orange markings

His canine pass is already covered, just needs to be taken from my inventory.

Designs: Please know all provided designs (and corresponding art) will be reclaimed/stay with the character if reclaimed or re-adopted out. They absolutely are not to be used outside of the site. You are free to provide your own, which will stay with you in the event of re-adoption. Another thing to note we are requiring one thing in particular for all of the pups. We want each pup to have at least one floppy ear, you may chose to have two or chose which ear is floppy as you wish however we are asking all the puppies have at least one, some provided designs may not showcase any floppy ears however we will still request one be written into your character description! Additionally some designs may have goat horns on them already, these designs may be used even if you are not intending to give your pup goat horns. The pups may also have other border collie style traits beyond just their ears as they are still a quarter collie because of Mojito.

Design Stash

The app:
[b]OOC Name:[/b]

[b]Character Name:[/b] Satoru-Klein _________
[b]Apperance:[/b] (Site minimum, please make sure to include which ear(s) are floppy, must be rewritten in your own words even if keeping original apperance)

[b]Personality:[/b] (Site minimum, must be rewritten in your own words even if keeping original personality)

[b]RP Sample:[/b] (Only if you've never threaded with myself or Virgil before)

Soft deadline of Jan 7th
(Time to get wips posted afterwards this will be kept open as long as needed until we agree on an app, as long as this thread is open new apps will be considered but any wips posted/unfinished after the 7th will not be waited for.)
[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
12-17-2023, 01:16 AM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2023, 01:53 PM by Skelle. Edited 7 times in total.)
please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex!
eightysichs/wolfbea was hacked, what's owed has been made/paid,
and i wasn't involved or even knew her during the time she was hacked, thank you ♥



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
12-23-2023, 11:42 PM
Due to realizing we picked a terrible time for us and others we're extending the soft deadline for this kid until next year on the 7th of January!
[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
01-08-2024, 11:34 PM
decided to just post a new reply instead of editing my last one, cant help myself asdasfa.

OOC Name: skelle

Character Name: Satoru-Klein Sake (Matcha for an alternative)
Alignment: Neutral, but will likely turn into Lawful Neutral as he ages
- willing to keep original design if eye color can change
-- note: I'd like to ultimately purchase the design so that I can buy or make art for it and not lose money should the adopt get reclaimed. I'm happy to work out a plan, such as waiting until I get a certain amount of posts before I'd be able to purchase it if necessary.

Sake is a handsome man, even if there isn't much of him to look at. With a rather unassuming height of 22", he has a small frame and nary a pound of fat on him. While he's young, this is due to do his weakened health and recovery, though as he ages he will fill out just enough with the added extra weight of lean muscle. He will never be a large, frightening man in size or strength by any means, however that doesn't stop him from honing his skills where he can. He will always feel the after shocks of his illness leaving him short of breath at times and it makes physical training hard, but he does his best to work around it especially since he isn't one to ask for help.

For a child with koi heritage, he is colored rather plainly in various shades of silver to black. His body is silver, though a blanket of dark grey lays over his back while his face and limbs darken near his points to black. Patches of black are scattered around not only his body but also his face while patches of silver break it all up. Above two medium aquamarine colored eyes sit two nubs while he's a pup, but will grow into a pair of somewhat dull looking black goat horns. Due to the domestic genes, his fur grows a bit longer in a few places that give him a more bushy look than a long and silky one, but nothing is as noticeable as the set of half-pricked or semi floppy ears on top of his head, bouncing with every step in perfect synchronicity.

- traits: stoic, stern, quiet, judgemental, stubborn, dry humor, reserved, independent, easily annoyed, borderline emo, blunt, afraid of bodies of water, stealth master, prefers peace and quiet so stfu, studious

Sake spent most of his early days sick and on bed rest, unable to get to know the world around him with the rest of his siblings. This has a lasting effect on the young boy in various ways, from jealousy to feeling like a burden. His delay has forced a noticeably sized wedge between him and the rest of his siblings, leaving him feeling left behind and better off doing his own thing; he is used to being alone, anyway. He actually prefers to be alone and enjoys the quiet sounds of nature, easily annoyed by crowds or excessive chatting. He isn't afraid to tell someone to shut up either, or anything else for that matter.

Due to his accident, Sake is left with a fear of bodies of water. He's secretive about it though, as he is with everything. He doesn't talk about himself ever but certainly isn't shy about judging someone when they overshare, hiding his true thoughts behind his trademark resting bitch face expression that hardly, if ever, changes. He even acts older than he is, and tasks himself with chores and responsibilities on top of his self-assigned rigorous training and learning as soon as he's free from his bed rest.

Skills: fighting x nav
Plans: samurai shit. i see him becoming the mysterious guy that everyone always whispers about, some may even be a little afraid of him because hes so 'dark and mysterious'. gonna buy him a katana or something neat to fight with, probably. personality will develop more as he ages, i'm just piss poor at writing my thoughts down these days
- reason for 'inactivity' after birth: I'm thinking that he was either dared to (preferred option, for drama) or tried to be brave and went outside of the den before he was supposed to and maybe fell in some water? Someone saved him but it was real iffy for a bit and left him with pneumonia that they didnt think he'd pull through, but he finally did and now we're here with asthma and trauma. maybe one of his siblings brought him things from outside to study and they formed a closer bond.
please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex!
eightysichs/wolfbea was hacked, what's owed has been made/paid,
and i wasn't involved or even knew her during the time she was hacked, thank you ♥


The Chaotic One

13+ Years
Extra small

Coder - RainbowArtist - RainbowContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowToys for Tots
01-09-2024, 09:19 AM
OOC Name: Bunni

Character Name: Satoru-Klein Bancha
Alignment: Neutral Good (Possibly change to something darker as he ages)
Apperance: Both ears floppy, change to this design
Not quite as tall as Nao, but taller than Mojito, Bancha stands at 28" tall. Slender legs and a slim frame, he is rather feminine in his appearance. Dainty paws, soft facial features, a fluffy coat that boasts more of the collie appearance, one might believe he to be a female from afar. Though his muscle tone and obvious genitals will determine that he is not a female, he also won't correct anyone for misgendering him. At birth, he appeared to be a myriad of greys, but as he ages, his fur is actually more a sooty brown and creaming beige. White markings still mar his features in paint-like patterns and highlight the soft aqua green of his eyes.
Personality: Bancha will take after Mojito more than Nao during his younger years. Loyal to a fault and extremely empathetic, he will see the good in everyone. It won't matter what bad they do, he is unrealistically optimistic and eager to please those around him. While he isn't stupid or gullible, he can be seen as naive and possibly ignorant. Or maybe he enjoys seeing the world through rose colored lens. Whatever it takes to make it so no one is unhappy. Persistent in a way that might grate others the wrong way, Bancha also never takes offense to anything. He's gonna be that pup that just says "okay!" to everything even if you insulted him.

As he ages, he will develop a thicker skin and potentially a dark view on the world. Bancha will mature into an adult that prefers they/them pronouns. Though he won't care or mind if others misgender him because he still won't take offense. Everyone will always be good or misguided in his mind. Depending on where plots take him, he may become more like Nao. If he finds himself and his sexuality, he may be loose in his morals or go the opposite way and make him more determined to find "the one." He's leaving his personality up to fate for now.
Skills: Intellect / Healing
Plans: Being a naive lil' shit who grows up to be not a menace.

- I have been on the fence about this since you guys initially posted and if I do get picked, ofc he'll get attention, but I can't promise superb activity. ;-; I can't resist okay, I need fluffy koipup



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Pride - BisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
01-10-2024, 03:02 PM
Aaaand we have out last kid, Congrats Bunni you can bring Bancha in when you have a moment. (I'll get his canine pass transferred over asap)

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. Mojiru kid readoption [Closed] Adoptions 07:21 PM, 12-16-2023 04:13 AM, 02-07-2024