
something they call a ground-breaker


03-30-2014, 03:45 PM

what you're about to witness, is no illusion...

Just hours ago, the brute had been walking along the plains near Traveler's Lake, exploring the western parts of Alacritia. He hadn't noticed that the rocks were moving, until it was too late. Underneath the brute's paws, the ground convulsed and split, and dust was spewed into the air. The acrid scent of smoke stung at the brute's eyes and nose. He was trapped in a ever-spinning dust storm. He would have turned and run, but his paws were anchored to the ground. The black brute turned his crown toward his feet, and felt mud on his paws. The ground was dry just a second ago, and now it was a deep pit of liquid. Pulling his paws from the mud with sucking noises, the brute looked about the crumbling landscape. All was falling down, and up, and left to right. What is going on?. The black brute took another step, and a massive crack, like thunder, erupted.

The ground gave way, and down he fell. For an eternity the sound of crumbling soil, falling rocks, and cracks of dirt carried about him. The brute closed his eyes, preparing himself for the fall. He tumbled onto some softer ground, and when he stood on his pillars, one gave way as he collapsed. The brute didn't bother to stand, silently whimpering from the pain of his hip. He attempted to stand, managing to walk a few steps, only to fall again, this time, laying down.

ooc; anyone can come and post! this is the thread where Ouranos gains his dislocated hip.



04-24-2014, 01:25 PM
The brown, white, and black wolf walked on through the crumbling earth. The smell of dirt and mud traveled through her nose, and she began to cough and sneeze from the aroma of the earth below her. Her gold eyes looked around for some shelter for she had been in one of these before. Her paws began to sink as the earth was starting to give way as the femme leaped away from the crevices that formed. When she was able to get away from the falling rocks and debris and everything settled down, she could smell another wolf nearby, but it was not a female, but a male.

With quick speed, she dashed toward the expected male and when she was able to see him, she could see him. A black brute with blue eyes, and he appeared to be hurt. She lied down and crawled toward him, not showing any signs of hurting him as she approached. "Hello, i see that you were hurt by the earthquake, or whatever natural disaster that just occurred," she told him and could see his leg. Her ear twitched slightly as the tip of her ear was chipped away.