
Sit boy!




Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
12-21-2023, 10:56 PM

Lucette had slept rough the night before. She had been more worn out from tending to Bae-Syl even after his wounds were covered, and making sure the kids stayed settled, than she had been when faced with the jaguar. She knew well enough he wouldn’t be happy on bedrest, but after he’d been running around still sick she was determined that he was not going anywhere this time. In fact, to ensure it, she had eventually climbed up onto his back and laid on him before she managed to get any consistent sleep. All the same, as the sun was just beginning to rise, Lucy stirred. She kept her eyes closed, willing sleep to come again, but no such luck. So she hopped off of Bae and padded over to her herb stores.

As expected some of them were chewed on… a sigh left her lips. Attempting to tell Vitani not to munch the herbs was impossible. She insisted on learning, with or without the experience of her mother and an older healer. Her green eyes slid over to her daughter. She had to wonder if she was testing them again to help her brother. Tough as he was, Baecette had been sleeping a lot lately. She was sure he had some type of illness that was affecting his energy, but he was still able to eat, drink, and take herbs just fine. He just slept pretty much after that. Possibly making Vitani miss him hanging out with her. Lucy frowned.

If Vitani was a pawful… her and Baecette combined were tenfold the issue. And with Bae on bedrest... ugh... she didn't want to think about it.

She took out some of the Chaga, as well as some poppy and other pain numbing meds, brought it over to Baecette to sit by his nose before settling down with a yawn. It was going to be a long, long day.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

12-21-2023, 11:44 PM
Bae had been awake from well before the sun was up, but with the pressure of his wife on his back he dared not move. His head rested on his paws as he did his best to not have to readjust for comfort. Last thing he wanted was to wake Lucy up. But still he had been an early riser from before they had kids. One of the best times to hunt was before dawn as the deer and other nocturnal creatures laid down for bed. Not to mention that the borders could always use a patrol or two before sun up.

His ears pressed back. His shoulder was numbed the night before but it had a dull ache this morning. Likely from him being so tense and avoiding waking Lucy. He wouldn't make her move yet either.

His eyes stayed on the den entrance as light came in. It wasn't long after and Luce was stirring. He had heard the change in her breathing moments before and could tell she was awake but he didn't move still. Even though he knew all he had to do was sit up and she would be spilled off his back. He cared too much about her to do such a thing. And she knew it. She was using his nature to protect and not harm her against him. The moment she moved though he started to as well. Mainly readjusting his position and watching her. Mental note for him tonight, sleep on his side with the injured shoulder up if Luce was going to insist on doing this.

He moved his eyes to Baecette as he heard Lucy sigh in her herb storage. Likely something to do with Tani. He watched his son sleep though. A sigh leaving him. Whatever was wrong with him Bae wasn't sure. But they were likely going to have to see another healer if he didn't get better soon. But when he did get better, Bae had already planned to make sure he was brought everywhere with him. He was going to need alot of exercise and training to get him back to being the boy he knew.

Staring at his son curled up with Tani was a depressing sight. He already could see the great healer Tani was sure to become, but Baecette worried both of his parents. He pushed himself up as Luce took the herbs to place them at their son's nose. He didn't want to watch how little the boy ate. There was no battle Bae could fight for Baecette to make him well. It bothered him. Yet another reason he didn't like being den bound. He hobbled with his injured shoulders leg held up, to the entrance of the den. Normally by now he would of already checked a trap and gotten breakfast here for Baecette. His gruff voice echoed as he gave a demand out to one of his children. "Ikuchi, go check the trap at the edge if the falls, your brother needs to eat." he knew iki whined behind him and just tossed back over. His ears folded at the knowledge. He stopped just at the den entrance, and sat leaning against the entryway. He felt like he had aged so much just being here as part of Ethne. He wasn't going to give it up for anything though.

Art & Code © Rex/Witchdogtor DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.

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1. Sit boy! Lazuli Falls 10:56 PM, 12-21-2023 07:50 PM, 03-18-2024