
An Unkindness



"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
12-31-2023, 02:27 PM
Absinth was practically bounding her way to Aresenn’s den, a grin on her face. She had something cool to show him, something really fucking cool. She knew it could be done, but this was the first time she’d actually tried for herself. With playful bark she halted at the entrance of his den, his scent indicating he was inside by the freshness of it. “I did it! I heard you could do it, but I actually did it!” An almost childlike cheerfulness, Absinth waited for him to emerge.

As he did so, she wasted no time in sharing the reason for her thrilled demeanor. The monochromatic woman opened her mouth slightly, her jaws snapping together in a quick series of what sounded like clicking noises. She had her head up to the sky, eyes alight with pride as a caw rang out, and from above the treeline flew out a huge raven. It drifted downwards towards them, its wings ruffling Absinth’s fur as it chose to land directly on her back. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”  The expression on her face warm and affectionate. For the bird.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
12-31-2023, 05:00 PM

Absinth's voice penetrated the veil of sleep that still clung to him, coaxing him into a groggy awareness. He blinked his eyes open, the den's shadows gradually giving way to the dim light filtering through the entrance. Her cheerful proclamation pulled him further from the clutches of slumber. I did it! I heard you could do it, but I actually did it! Absinth's enthusiasm filled the den, and Aresenn's senses sharpened as he processed her words. He could hear the excitement in her tone, a contagious energy that stirred him to consciousness.

Staggering to his paws, Aresenn emerged from the den, his movements still sluggish from sleep. The sight that greeted him, however, jolted him awake. Absinth's clicking noises were accompanied by the majestic caw of a raven, and from above the treeline descended the dark-winged creature. It landed gracefully on Absinth's back, and the surprising tableau left Aresenn momentarily stunned. He blinked, clearing the remnants of sleep from his eyes, and a stoic expression settled on his features. She's beautiful, isn't she? Absinth's warmth toward the bird was evident, and Aresenn couldn't help but agree. "She is." Though his answer was short, as he was still processing what he was seeing.

His curiosity sparked, Aresenn inquired, "Did you just wake up and decide you needed a pet?" The unexpected presence of the raven added a layer of intrigue to the otherwise tranquil atmosphere of their camp. Aresenn waited for Absinth's response, his gaze shifting between her and the raven perched on her back. He still wasn't entirely sure if he was awake or not.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
12-31-2023, 05:45 PM
Absinth was quite pleased with Aresenn’s agreement of the beauty of her raven, meeting his eyes as he spoke – questioning her. “She’s not a pet. She’s a friend. Ravens are intelligent creatures. They are called bad luck, and considered omens. But that's not all they are. They mean wisdom and balance, life and death. They create familial bonds, and they remember those who have wronged them.” Absinth cooed, her voice flitting from soft to passionate. Her eyes were captivated by her bird, and it in kind nuzzled its beak into her cheek. Pulling back only to ruffle its feathers and release a symphony of caws, and then words. Giving its greetings to Aresenn, not by name but by a nickname it applied to him all on its own. Fireboy. It spoke with a rough ‘voice’, the words falling like it was merely repeating sounds it has heard throughout its life and mushing them together into a sentence.

“I had to gain her trust first. Offering her bones and colorful feathers, shiny things too. And one day I realized she was bringing me her own feathers, the black ones in my den. I called out to her today, and she came to me.” The woman was buzzing with excitement while she explained.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
12-31-2023, 05:57 PM

Aresenn listened attentively as Absinth shared the profound significance of the raven and their unique connection. The depth of her passion for the creature was evident, and he found himself lightly amused by the interplay between Absinth and her newfound friend as she would have it. "I see. How silly of me to think that." Aresenn replied, a hint of amusement coloring his stoic expression. The fact that the raven had spontaneously given him a moniker was both unexpected and oddly endearing. "So, Fireboy, huh?" he mused, glancing between Absinth and the raven with his half-smirk playing on his lips.

Absinth's explanation of gaining the raven's trust through offerings and a gradual connection only deepened his groggy investment. Aresenn's curiosity lingered, and he asked, "What's her name, then?"  He was beginning to accept the reality that she had formed a bond with a bird. Although he would give it more serious thought a bit later when he had time to wake up, for now he was willing to entertain the idea if it meant something to Absinth. He would be willing to take in interest in the bird, himself.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
12-31-2023, 06:24 PM
Aresenn looked like he was interested, and that alone made Absinth’s mood soar even higher than the bird alone. She had never gotten the chance to bond with something so unique before, and growing up marveling at the black birds of death had been one thing she remembered prominently. As Aresenn took his words of pethood and such back the raven repeated him with a succession of ‘silly fireboy’. It’s feathered head dipping up and down as she nodded her confirmation of the nickname it has chosen for him.

Absinth tilted her head to the side as she contemplated his question, thinking up the best way to explain this as well.  “Well, you see… She has no name for herself, they refer to each other as differential sounds. But a sound cannot be a name, so I told her I would call her Vita.” Absinth smiled at her bird, who had begun repeating the name after her.  “It means life... I’ve loved ravens since I was a pup, because they are scorned and disregarded. I saw one mourn over its mate for weeks on end, trying to keep her warm, bringing her food, and shiny things until it passed from heartbreak. That’s a lot more than I can say about us wolves.” Absinth locked her gaze onto Aresenn, becoming increasingly aware that this all might have sounded strange, or much too… naive.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
12-31-2023, 08:02 PM

Aresenn absorbed Absinth's words with a thoughtful expression, his gaze shifting between her and the raven, Vita with a look mixed of interest, confusion, and amusement. The repeated affirmation of the nickname "silly Fireboy" from the raven drew a chuckle from him at the idea of it. "So, you're telling me. It can name me Fireboy, but can't come up with a name for itself?" The idea was quite comical to him. But he did his best to harness the hilarity that threatened to break his resolve.

The story behind naming the raven Vita and Absinth's connection to these enigmatic creatures stirred a reflective mood in Aresenn. He nodded in understanding as she spoke about the ravens' unique way of communicating, acknowledging the depth of their relationship. "Vita," he repeated the name, hearing it on his own voice. "It's a fine name," he remarked, acknowledging both the choice of name and the sentiment behind it.

He understood where she was coming from when she described the loyalty and appeal of such a creature. He nodded along, allowing her to illustrate an instance of a Raven captivating her through its actions. Perhaps, Absinth was a bit of a raven, herself. "How does the saying go? Birds of a feather, flock together?" He mused aloud. Wondering if Absinth drew the parallel as well.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
01-01-2024, 12:20 AM
Absinth quite enjoyed the amount of interest she was getting from Aresenn, not expecting him to take so easily to her news. It was one thing to show him her new raven friend, it was another for her to share so much of her excitement about it all. But she felt like she could, because he was her closest definition to the word safe.

“They are very smart, even so.” She giggled at his comment, shrugging her shoulders and disturbing her bird for a brief moment before she stilled. Oops. Nearly knocked Vita off. The bird kraa-ing as it flapped its wings, tiring of being so low to the ground and lifting off to pursue other endeavors. Absinth watched with a grin, eyes focusing fully on Aresenn after the bird departed.

“Maybe if I befriend another, I’ll call it Amare. That one means love.” She said matter-of-factly, peeking at his expression to gauge his opinion of her rather positive names for the birds of death. As Absinth told her childhood story of how her affection for the birds came to be, she felt a validation that he took the story so seriously – listening quietly until she finished. ’Birds of a feather, flock together.’ Came his comment, a direct comparison between her and the raven. With a laugh she moved to nudge his shoulder with her own, grinning at him.“Is that a compliment? You know. Too many ravens, and you get yourself an Unkindness. Whereas crows create a Murder. The woman nodded, giving him more unsolicited information on the glory of ravens.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
01-01-2024, 11:39 PM

Aresenn couldn't help but be drawn into Absinth's enthusiasm, finding her excitement infectious. He chuckled at her slight mishap with Vita, noting the bird's departure with a raised brow. The mention of potentially befriending another raven and naming it Amare elicited a thoughtful nod from him. "Love and life, huh?" he remarked, his amber eyes reflecting his genuine interest in her connection with these birds. "I'm not sure I would have pegged you for those kind of names." He mused aloud, allowing his glance drift to where Vita disappeared.

As Absinth playfully nudged his shoulder and shared more insights into the collective nouns for ravens and crows, Aresenn couldn't suppress the grin. The corner of his lips pulled upward, revealing the half-sided smirk of his. "But It's absolutely a compliment. An Unkindness? A Murder? Sounds like my kind of people." His tone held a playful edge as he teased her with the idea, enjoying the playful banter between them. Aresenn's gaze lingered on Absinth, studying her features with unabashed admiration. Her vibrant green eyes seemed to dance with mischief as she spoke, and her contagious laughter filled the air. A warmth spread through his chest, mirroring her joy in these newfound connections. The unexpected turn of his morning had brought things to a pleasant start, and he couldn't help but think that he could get used to it.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
01-03-2024, 02:52 AM
Aresenn made another comment, this time of her choice of name for her bird, and the name of a future second one. Casting her gaze to him, eyeing him momentarily, Absinth blew air from her nares in a snort. “Well. Forgive me for thinking Death and Despair were far too unoriginal~” The monochromatic woman teased, smirking coyly through her words, until she began again – this time with an earnest tone. “I will not name them negatively, because that’s not what they mean to me. Call me silly all you want, fireboy – but I cherish the things that bring me happiness. It’s not a common occurrence, you know.” She said, following his line of sight to where the bird had disappeared above the treeline.

’Sounds like my kind of people.’ This earned a laugh from her. “Oh really? Mine as well. Once I get another bird you’ll have to refer to me as such, Aresenn. Your very own, Unkind Murderer. Absinth nodded, a playful tone returned to his banter. Her eyes returned to him in time to see the admiration there, and she felt her skin flush beneath her coat. “What?” She grinned, questioning the expression as emeralds flashed with intrigue and openness. “Don’t you have anything you’re passionate about? Something you could grin about all day and night?” Absinth ventured to ask him, pressing her muzzle into the side of his neck, she challenged him to divulge his secrets. She hoped he would, because she quite enjoyed delving deeper and deeper into the being known as Aresenn Praetor.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
01-04-2024, 11:22 PM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2024, 11:28 PM by Aresenn. Edited 4 times in total.)

Aresenn's smirk persisted, his lips twitching with mirth as Absinth playfully responded to his commentary on her chosen moniker. He couldn't help but chuckle at her teasing retort, finding a delightful rhythm in their banter. "I suppose you're right. Death and Despair might be a bit on the nose." His voice was laced with humor, reveling in the playful dynamic between them. Despite the talk of Death and Despair, there was an undeniable spark of joy in their conversation, a shared understanding and amusement that only they could find. As they continued to toss ideas back and forth, Aresenn couldn't help but feel grateful for their connection. Where would he be without Absinth?

As Absinth spoke, her words struck a chord within Aresenn. Her earnestness and sincerity made him reflect on the things that brought him joy as well. There was a warmth in her confession that he couldn't ignore, and he found himself nodding in agreement with her sentiments."Oh, you're silly alright. But happiness seems to be a rare and precious thing. If ravens bring you joy, then Unkind Murderer it is," he replied with a light and teasing tone, enjoying the lighthearted moment shared between them.

As Absinth pressed her muzzle into the side of his neck, challenging him to reveal his passions, Aresenn considered the question. His gaze lingered on her for a moment, appreciating the openness in her eyes. Finally, he spoke in a measured tone, "Passions... I don't think there is a specific thing I'm passionate about." He paused, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I do like leading- ahh, maybe that's not the word for it." Aresenn trailed off, searching the depths of his mind for a more accurate way to describe what he was talking about.

Absinth's proximity and the easy exchange between them created a sense of camaraderie that Aresenn found surprisingly comforting. He wasn't accustomed to sharing these aspects of himself, but with Absinth, it felt different—safe. "Maybe guiding? Teaching, I guess." He corrected himself after a few moments of reflection. He understood it might be an odd thing to say, or an unexpected one to say the least. So he felt the need to offer an explanation. "I never got much insight into life- though I don't need to tell you." Aresenn knew Absinth came from a background similar to his own in certain aspects, but far more unforgiving. Holding her emerald gaze a moment, he looked her over then. Really looked at her, seeking out an ounce of understanding. "It's a .... fulfilling purpose. To be able to show some of Sephiran's other lackeys basic skills. I'm no great warrior by any means, but it looks like some of them lack experience. I was that way. I know." I just wish I also had someone who was willing to be a guide. But of course, there was very little to come of wishful thinking. He had the future to look forward to. And in that future, he hoped to help pull the Syndicate together. "I just get satisfaction out of filling that role for others." He finished lowly, offering her a faint half-smirk as he tried to read her expression.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
01-09-2024, 05:04 PM

Absinth couldn't help but enjoy the playful banter with Aresenn, her eyes casting a mischievous glint towards him after he spoke of her silliness. It wasn’t a very deep conversation currently, but it was one that made her feel a sense of great belonging. In spite of the fact that attachment had always been a forbidden thing for her. And as much as he felt she could see right through him, so too did Absinth feel she was opening herself up to all his scrutiny – it was.. an unpredictable, terrifying thing, but she would not step away out of fear. They had agreed to see this to the end, hadn’t they? She refocused on his amused demeanor, which was a welcomed thing, especially as it teased her. Absinth's chest flooded with a warmth, a sense of comfort and.. well, she didn’t know what. Familiarity? You didn’t grow up as poorly as she had, to just know what each and every emotion was. So as Absinth pressed her maw into his neck for a moment or two, a compulsive display of casual affection – she smirked to herself, pulling away nonchalantly. Returning to his gaze with a faint smile, mirroring his own.

If being a guide for others was his calling, she would not criticize him. In fact, she related to it, although much less passionately. Her charcoal skull nodded as he explained then expanded on his admission. She caught the need for understanding and reassurance he sought as his amber gaze searched for her own. She wanted to give those things to him. With a thoughtful hum she responded, “Ah. Sharing your knowledge to those in need of it. Quite the noble notion.” Absinth teased with a smile, though her eyes reflected the connection she felt at his words. The empathetic knowing of just how directionless, how ‘every-man-for-themselves’ their childhoods had been. Absinth considered the depth of what Aresenn had said. It had revealed a passion and a more  vulnerable side to him she hadn’t expected. His tone, his thoughtful gaze – his desire to be understood overall. Absinth took it quite seriously, giving him her full attention, and her empathy so long as she could manage it. As he spoke about guiding and teaching, she sensed a shared yearning for purpose — the very reason she was here before him trying to make something of herself with this Band of heathens. Her reason for being, as she had once told him. “I’ve felt the same at times. But… usually I end up offending people instead of giving them any solid advice. I lack the compassion to approach it the right way… I’m impatient.” She sighed, piecing together a breakdown of her own experience trying to impart knowledge onto others, but unfortunately the fact that she did not have the same mentoring gift as he did. The monochromatic woman simply didn’t have the same conviction to teach, but perhaps it was something she could work on. All those wise old wolves she had heard of couldn’t have been born ready to teach, after all.

“I’m excited to see what else Mentor Aresenn can teach~ You know, it’s quite a thrill, watching you command attention.” Absinth’s gaze peered softly at Aresenn, something more intimate lingering there between tease and compliment.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
01-15-2024, 12:31 AM

Aresenn absorbed Absinth's response with a thoughtful expression, appreciating her understanding and empathy. Her acknowledgment of his pursuit of knowledge and teaching brought a half-smirk to his features, while glancing away for a moment. "Noble, huh?" he echoed, chuckling softly. "I suppose it might be, in a way. But it's also a bit selfish. Gives me a sense of purpose, you know?" His amber eyes held a glint of sincerity as he spoke, baring his own vulnerability for a split second before attempting to tuck it away again.

As Absinth confessed her own challenges in sharing knowledge, Aresenn listened intently and found himself nodding in understanding. He knew all too well the frustrations of trying to persuade others to see things from his perspective, without coming across as pushy or overbearing. "Impatience can be a tricky thing to navigate, especially when you're trying to help others see things your way. But hey, it's a start that you recognize it. Perhaps it's just a matter of finding the right approach or topic to engage your audience."  He offered her a reassuring smile, acknowledging that everyone had their own unique strengths and weaknesses when it came to communication and persuasion. "And you know, maybe avoid instructing people to do a better job of offing themselves." Aresenn added, with obvious teasing humor in his tone- nudging her in the shoulder playfully as the focus of their conversation steered back toward himself.

Absinth's playful remark about Mentor Aresenn teaching with a thrill didn't go unnoticed. The corners of Aresenn's lips twitched upwards in an amused smirk, his eyes highlighting a mischievous glint. "Well, I'm glad someone finds it thrilling. Maybe it's the fire in my eyes," he teased, a hint of playful arrogance in his tone. "Or maybe it's just the illusion of command. Either way, I'll take it." Aresenn's smirk widened, and he nudged Absinth playfully with his shoulder. "But if there's something specific you'd like to learn or discuss, you know where to find me. Mentor Aresenn is always open for private lessons." Aresenn began, his smirk widening further as his tone adopted a more suggestive tone. It was all out of good fun. But he still couldn't help but remember the night they shared by the campfire.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
01-27-2024, 12:33 AM
When Aresenn teased her about her… advice, Absinth playfully gasped, a paw raising to her chest in astonishment. Though it was only for a moment, before her usual mischievous grin claimed her lips and she nodded. “Yes yes. I’ll be careful. I’d hate to cause that handsome face any further adornments. She peered at him with a sideways glance, a light feeling entering her chest.

Absinth smirked in response to Aresenn's teasing and playfulness. It was.. Different. When did it happen? When did talking and tossing banter back and forth become so familiar between the two of them? Ah. Fuck it. Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of amusement and genuine warmth as she absorbed his words. "Fire in your eyes, hm?" She quipped, leaning in slightly with a playful glint in her own gaze as she made a great show of studying his amber orbs. "Quite the captivating sight, I must admit." Her tone held a hint of teasing, and agreement.

Aresenn's offer for private lessons didn't go unnoticed, and Absinth couldn't resist a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Private lessons? I wonder if it includes extra credit?" She purred, her smirk evolving into a sly grin. Oh, she just had to take advantage of his words, even if they were supposed to be solely playful. "I might have a few subjects in mind. You know, things that require an expert touch." Her words carried a coy undertone, leaving the specifics of her implied subjects to his imagination. Memories of the nights by the campfire surfaced in her mind, and in turn her eyes narrowed coquettishly. Absinth's gaze briefly flickered like fading embers of that great time, before returning her focus to meet Aresenn's eyes. "I'll have to take you up on that offer, Mentor," She replied with a mockingly serious expression. "For the sake of knowledge, of course." The subtle wink that followed betrayed her lustful thoughts.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.

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1. An Unkindness The Polar Sound 02:27 PM, 12-31-2023 07:59 AM, 03-03-2024