
And A Hero Was Born


03-30-2014, 06:03 AM
It was time. The behemoth of a creature stepped into new lands, his gait unwavering as he raced across the terrain. The world was a blur around him, his mane flying in the wind as his tail followed suit in a perfected streamline behind him. His hooves thundered across the ground, shaking it as if the earth itself was in a fit of rage. He had not stopped running, not for a long time. The beast had only stopped to rest and drink at night, only to continue his journey to nowhere throughout the long hours of the day. He had no path lied out for him, no course of direction in mind. All he knew was to run, and to keep running, and to not stop until his limbs gave way beneath him. But he was a warrior, bred for endurance and strength. His heart would never allow him to give up, no matter how much his body wanted to. And so it was in the evening of this day, that he would come to the lands of the unknown.

Evening would begin to fall, the sky turning all shades of greys and reds and oranges, the sun sinking below the horizon as it dipped between the mountain peaks. The beasts pale eyes scanned his surroundings, his movements slowing but not stopping. Steam began to rise from his pelt, his body coated in a slick sheen of sweat. Ears were attentive, head beginning to lower as exhaustion would set in. He did not want to stop, did not want to falter. The memory of what he once was and what he once used to be, nay. He was still what he once was. He was still the warrior he was bred to be, the warrior that had protected his Prince upon the battlefield, the warrior that had felled many and yet kept his rider safe...until the downfall of mankind destroyed everything. As the memories flooded back, the creature would slowly pound to a halt, unknowingly easing into a stop within the confines of a place he had not known he came upon.

All around him, he could hear the evening bird song. The gentle gurgle of a creek could be heard nearby, though the thoughts of that were far from his mind, though his body cried for refreshment. He was too stricken with the memories of old, as well as the scenery of the new things around him. Where was he? And what sort of creatures inhabited these lands? Better question yet...was he all alone? Were his childhood friends gone too? Had they survived? Or was he alone? He had not seen another of his kind nor many other creatures since he had left his ancient lands, and so the beast although might as he was, felt alone in a world larger then he ever anticipated.



13+ Years
Extra large
03-30-2014, 06:38 AM

She had wandered away from Valhalla, heading north. Things were peaceful for the wolf pack she called family, and it lent her mood a bright shine. Late Summer was turning to autumn now, and still, her hide hadn?t yet turned from it?s rich raven?s plumage sheen to the dull matte black of cooler seasons. Somehow, don?t ask her how; it was a complete miracle? Somehow, she had managed to evade all burrs like the plague, and her mane had grown out again, daring to fall to just above the knees. It still bore a few adornments of nature; aromatic tree sap clogged a spot between her ears where she?d scratched a particularly annoying itch away on a Douglas fir.

Her haunch wounds were completely healed now, and it was a blessing that proud flesh hadn?t sparked up once in the whole time it had taken to heal. That Erani was a heaven-sent miracle in herself. She wasn?t half bad at being a Queen, either. Thick black tail flicked as she carefully placed her hooves upon the marshy earth. It was a quiet place here, with birds singing to and fro, and frogs adding their soft croaking to the air. It also sounded as though a thunderstorm must have been heading in; thunder rolled in the distance, coming closer. And closer. Her ears pricked forward. That thunder seemed rather? constant. But there was a familiar rhythm. Not at all unlike? Hoofbeats. Big hoofbeats.

The last rays of sunlight were dying, and she lifted her head as high as she could, ears quivering to the point of the tips nearly meeting. A little gift from her dam, those ears. The blue eyes were a dam given gift as well. Her mother?s had been a regular horse eye blue of a Sabino, her face splashed in white, rimmed in flecks of the color. Speaking of white? Was that a ghost mane and tail flying by? And feathered socks and broad blaze? Said blue eyes popped wide with surprise as she peered through her thick forelock at the thundering creature that charged past.

She hadn?t seen another of her own kind, this unexpected blast of horse flesh was something she hadn?t any idea how to react to. Even instinct seemed at a loss here. So she stayed, stock still, staring after the flowing white tail as it drew away into the darkening twilight. Had she really seen it? Only one way to find out. She forced her muscles to obey her and stepped forward, falling into the careful pace she?d picked up from Cormalin?s lessons to Surreal. Walk lightly, make no noise. Deer prancing through the meadow. She tossed her head slightly, dark mane falling to hide the four-point star as finally, the darkness fell complete around her.

Now, unlike wolves, who had excellent night vision, Horses were a little less adept at traveling through underbrush at night. Something Cormalin had noticed and addressed. So he?d taught her to travel with her head lower than usual, her sensitive nose with it?s long whiskers being used to gently feel her way along where she couldn?t see her next step. And finally, an opening ahead, and the ghost mane and tail, and four feathered socks and broad blaze, came into view. They were attached to? She blinked. Oh, hubba hubba.


04-08-2014, 11:43 PM

The sky would finally fade in color, instead growing to a darker light that would hide him away from the world. He was but a ghost in the night, the only indication of his presence being his mane and tail and the blaze that ran the length of his face to those who saw him. But would anyone know he was here? He felt alone, as if he were the only creature in existence. Even the birds had stopped singing, leaving him alone with the companionship of the crickets in the night. He snorted, warm air blowing through enlarged nostrils as he still strove to catch his breath from his previous run. Steam rising from his body as the air cooled him slowly, but surely.

What happened next, however, he never expected. He had not heard the approach of hooves coming towards him, nor did he catch the scent of one like him. His focus had seemed to escape him for a moment since his weariness had begun to catch up. And so when a rather large figure came barging from nowhere, he startled and would move backwards in quick steps as he neighed, hooves pounding the dirt as he regained his composure. Silvery eyes would focus themselves on the darkened figure before him, and by the scent of it, it was a female horse...Wait, another horse?! Well well, it seemed to be his lucky day. It seemed he wasn't the only one left of his kind! He would stand there, stunned in silence as he tried to find his words. It had been years since he had seen another female, most of his companions of his species being stallions or geldings used in the battlefield. And so he would simply stand and stare at the black beauty, jaw somewhat agape as he stood motionless like a deer caught in headlights.



13+ Years
Extra large
04-09-2014, 05:27 AM

She must have been getting better at this silent walking thing than she had originally thought. She took the stallion completely off guard. But perhaps, she thought, looking over his steaming hide, he?d been dozing off from exhaustion. However, as he reacted to her appearance, she could definitely say, he was wide awake now.

The massive male let out a cry, backing a few steps. Obsidian tossed her head slightly, one curved ear cocking sideways, as the stallion stared at her with some ice blue eyes that really set off his coat. Finally, after it seemed he was unable to speak, she spoke up. ?Am I really that frightful? Heavens, I must check my mane.? Soft voice was gently teasing, liquid dark blue gaze twinkling with amusement. The toss of her head had bared her marking to the dim lighting of night, and it stood out against her forehead, as did the claw marks on her shoulders.

She stepped forward, neck extending slightly as she dipped her head. ?My name is Obsidian.? As her head raised, tilting slightly to the right, she looked at him encouragingly, hoping for a name. Heavens above, it had been so long since she?d seen any of her own kind, she hoped this stallion-- this glorious hunk of quality horse flesh, wasn?t actually a gelding. Her eyes tracked to that region with the thought, before jerking back to his face. Best not to ogle that part. Yet.

Her tail flicked slightly as some insect landed on her haunch, eyes roving from the stallion?s face to the contours of his body. The scars, and that curious brand on one hip. He had definitely been owned by humans. Though, with those scars, which didn?t look to be given by a horse, or a cat for that matter, she wondered if the humans he?d been owned by had been kind or harsh.


04-10-2014, 05:32 PM

It would take him several moments to compose himself. To realize that what was before him really and truly was real. Ghostly eyes stared at the newcomer, the stranger to his eyes. Was she a ghost? An apparition? A haunting of one of his felled comrades? No. She was real, she was an unknown, someone he had never crossed paths with before. She would speak, the male staring wide eyes in surprise and disbelief as if he was still trying to grasp whether he was alive, or whether he had died from exhaustion and was now in the realm of unreality.

Little by little, his body would begin to move of its own accord. Ears would curiously move forth, hastily catching the lyrics of her voice as they came his way. Oh how good it felt to hear the words of another, especially of his own kind! He began to grow excited within, though did well to hide it. He kept his gaze on her, ghostly windows quietly moving over her features, though did his best not to make it seem uncomfortable or ungentlemanly. He was a male of respect, and would not make it seem as if he were "undressing" her with his eyes. Goodness, that would be so very rude of him. He gazed over the marks on her shoulders, wondering what could have possibly inflicted such wounds upon her. Had she been in war too?

He would remain quiet, the contours of his mind struggling with the exhaustion that had slowly been enveloping him the longer he stood. Though he would push it away from his mind, for he was not one to show weakness less it kill him. "My name is Obsidian." Head rose, his spirit brushing aside the weariness that threatened to consume him. Obsidian? That was indeed a pretty name. Then again, she was a very pretty specimen. He made a soft nicker, nostrils flaring slightly to inhale her scent and store it away from memory's sake. "Obsidian? That is a lovely name. My name is Ryuk Warlander, former General who served under Prince Philip." His introduction would produce a bow, his left leg extending as his head lowered towards her. He would right himself after a brief moment, eyes gazing now curiously at her star struck form.



13+ Years
Extra large
04-10-2014, 06:14 PM

Heavens, but he took a while. Her head cocked as the male stared at her, not responding to her initial words. Finally, he moved, if slightly, eyes beginning to rove and take her in. His ears picked up, and she pricked her own in return, offering an encouraging whicker. It was nice to see her own kind again. She saw his eyes land on her shoulders, and knew what he was looking at. The claw marks of the cougar that had attacked her years ago were hard to miss. The marks on her haunches were bigger, too. She didn?t mind if he wanted to stare at her at all. A male of her own species had been something she had thought she would never see again. Ever.

Her introduction finally spurred a full reaction from him. His head picked up, his nostrils flared, and he uttered a nicker. Oh goodness. What a voice. And finally, he spoke up. His complement didn?t go at all unappreciated. ?Oh? Well.? One ear planed outward as her eyes rolled up. It straightened forward again as he bowed, introducing himself. Ryuk. And an ex General. She?d never heard of horses leading armies, but she?d heard plenty about Royal Humans riding her kind. Her own blood held that of a breed descended from war horses of old. But she?d just been a show filly.

She studied the powerful frame of the fellow horse while he was bowing. He had amazing muscles. Her sire didn?t even come close to how impressive this male was. Sorry dearest Daddy? As he rose to standing again, she looked back at him with a smile. ?It?s a great pleasure to meet you, Ryuk. I was beginning to think I was the only horse left.? Her lashes glinted slightly under the rising moonlight, liquid blue gaze on his face. She was sorely tempted to get closer, but at the moment, looking at the steam rising from his frame, she decided to help him out some. He needed cooling. She knew a spot where the crocodiles didn?t swim.

?Follow me? You need to cool down.? Obviously, Erani was rubbing off on her. She turned, the moonlight making choosing her hoof placement easier, and headed off through the land, trusting that he would follow. Her haunch injuries were brought into full, moonlit relief as she brushed past the stallion, and she couldn?t help sneaking a peek under the frame. Yep. Balls. Thank heavens; the possibility of foals wasn?t out the stall door. She flicked her tail with a good amount of pleasure as she traversed the path to the pool of crocodile free water, her head lowering when she reached the edge to take a sip. ?I?d say walk with me a while, but you look tired.? Lyrical voice sang on the still night air, mingling with crickets and night birds, as well as the frogs.


04-25-2014, 02:35 AM

She was adorable. That's all he could think. It had been quite a while since he had seen any of his kind, and he was glad it was her. Not simply because she was a female, but because she was pretty. He would shake his head for a brief second, long mane flaring slightly as it fell against his neck once more, hiding the long ridden battle scars from days of old. "No need to be shy, I really do think your name is pretty." He would reassure her, for it was not everyday he met someone with a name quite as fetching as hers. In fact, he was sure he had never met anyone with that name. They all carried plain and ordinary names. Max, Bella, Evan. All ordinary to him. "It is a pleasure to meet you as well, and honestly...I was beginning to think the same thing. But tonight it seems, has proved me wrong." His frame would shudder slightly from the light hearted laughter that brewed within his chest. Even for someone of his personality, he couldn't help but be in a good mood, despite his weariness. He was just happy that he wasn't the last horse on earth!

The beast did not miss the way she looked at him, her blue gaze catching the rays of the moon and the glittering stars, appearing as if her eyes themselves carried the sky within them. His own pale blue eyes couldn't reflect the sky like hers did, though he supposed he was glad for that. It might've made them both stand there the entire night just staring at each other like starstruck teenagers! He almost would comment on the thought, however, thought better of it. They had only just met after all, but was there really such a thing as love at first sight? Perhaps so. Perhaps tonight would prove such a ridiculous sounding thing. Who knew, fates liked to toy with him on a constant basis. ?Follow me? You need to cool down.? Her voice pulled him from his mind, a nod willing and eager as his response. He shuddered inwardly at her touch as she brushed past him, his heart jumping in his chest. He would follow the beauty, her form outlined by the light of the moon and the shadows and trees around them. He missed her peek at him, for his attention was caught on the markings upon her haunches. So she had faced a battle with a predator and won? Now wasn't that admirable...beautiful and strong-willed.

They reached a place with water, to his relief, it was exactly what he needed. All too hastily, he would lean down to drink, though he did not sip as she did. He was far too thirsty, and so he took a few mouthfuls until he was content before raising his head again, a small sigh of relief escaping his nostrils as droplets dripped from his whiskers. Head lifted as she spoke to him again, and it was then his head raised proudly as he seemed to stand at a relaxed form of attention. "I have been running quite a long time, but I won't pass up an opportunity to walk with you...I've missed the company of our kind, so I will take you on your offer."