
Take Shelter

Laney <3


The Syndicate
Effendi- Köle

Master Hunter (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

4 Years
Large species
01-02-2024, 07:25 PM
After feasting on her kill, and tediously cleaning Laney up until she was back to her perfect little self, Azoula was ready to find a shelter for the night. But she didn’t want to hole up just anywhere. Oh no, those rolling dunes simply wouldn’t do! And so, the tigress led her companion into the sea, pursuing a chain of islands just off the shoreline. There were several sandbars to travel along, meaning they didn’t have to swim for much of the journey. Which also presented the opportunity for sightseeing. “Oh, isn’t this place just beautiful?”  Sultry tones rolled off her tongue, a purr rumbling inside of her chest. And yet, there was always a hint of mischief on her face, keeping Laney on her toes. Who knows what the feline would do next?

Crossing through the brackish waters, the duo were surrounded by an array of marine life. Fish swirling around their paws, tapering off as they reached the shore of a large island that was infested with an array of towering, intertwined foliage that created a jungle. The air was thick with sea salt, wet and sticky as they came closer to the treeline. This place was quite tropical- and Azoula loved it. “Don’t you feel right at home?”  Sarcasm laced her voice. This place was nothing like the woods they used to live in, and that was liberating. “Why, I’d even spend the night here! If I had a warm place to sleep.”  Shifting those volcanic eyes of hers to Laney, she expected the girl to start offering her services.


Caution: Mature themes accompany this character.


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
01-02-2024, 08:11 PM

Delaeni gazed around in awe as Azoula led her through the brackish waters towards the jungle-covered island. The change in scenery from the sandy dunes to the lush vegetation was striking, and the vibrant colors of the tropical foliage captivated her. The air was heavy with humidity, and the scent of the sea mingled with the fragrant aroma of the jungle. Azoula's smooth voice and the low rumble in her chest only enhanced the enigmatic atmosphere of the surroundings. Delaeni couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder mixed with a healthy dose of caution. Her companion's mischief-filled expressions kept her on edge, unsure of what the feline might have in store for her next.

As Azoula commented on the beauty of the place, Delaeni nodded in agreement, her eyes wide with wonder as she beheld the unfamiliar sights around her. "It's... It is quite beautiful," she finally admitted, unable to find words that could truly do it justice. But her genuine appreciation was met with a hint of sarcasm in Azoula's voice. Delaeni tried not to let it bother her, knowing there was likely a request hidden within those mocking words. And when Azoula turned her piercing volcanic eyes toward her, Delaeni felt a sense of anticipation build up inside of her. She knew she had to tread carefully now. "I... I can look for us a suitable place to rest for the night," she offered timidly, unsure if that's what was being asked of her. Her uncertainty flickered in her gaze, but she was determined to fulfill whatever task happened to be bestowed upon her to the best of her ability.

"Delaeni Terblanche"


The Syndicate
Effendi- Köle

Master Hunter (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

4 Years
Large species
01-02-2024, 08:58 PM
Delaeni agreed with her, captivated by the scenery and the unfamiliarity of it all. And yet, Azoula wasn’t entirely satisfied by her answer. Wanting the girl to fawn over her, more than anyone and anything else in the world. “Not as beautiful as your… friend?”She almost said master. Gravitating towards her, Azoula pressed their sides together. Her head bumped into Delaeni’s shoulder, as she commanded adoration in her manipulative fashion.

At the mention of finding them a shelter, Azoula flashes the girl a sly smirk. “Good girl.” Was the only thing she said, as she waited for the Sidi to run off into the jungle. Azoula already knew they would have to build something; finding a cave on this island was unlikely. And so, she would let her search around for a while. Wanting her to spin circles, looking for a shelter suitable for Azoula to rest her tired head. She would even dismiss all of her suggestions… only to make her work harder for her approval. “Oh no, these won’t do.” Portraying disappointment, wanting to stir up Laney’s emotions and self-doubt. She needed to push her to work harder- it was the only way she was going to survive the upcoming Saxe brood. ”Something homemade would be better, don’t you think?”  She leaned against the trunk of a tree- one with massive leaves that fanned out in all directions. Would she get the gist?


Caution: Mature themes accompany this character.


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
01-02-2024, 08:59 PM

Delaeni felt a mix of emotions as Azoula pressed their sides together, a subtle command for adoration. The mention of her being beautiful brought a blush to her cheeks, and she hesitated for a moment before responding, "Of course not … Nothing compares to you, Azoula." She replied softly, her teal eyes meeting Azoula's for a fleeting moment before lowering. As her companion acknowledged her offer to find shelter, Delaeni felt a mixture of relief and anxiety. The sly smirk and the words "Good girl" fueled a small spark of pride within her, but she knew that this was just the beginning. The tigress' words hinted at a deeper game. As she set out into the jungle, the wild dog scanned the surroundings, her teal eyes searching for a suitable spot. The towering trees and dense underbrush presented a challenge, but she was determined to meet Azoula's expectations.

After some exploration, she found a spot that seemed decent enough—a small clearing with relatively flat ground. Returning to Azoula, Delaeni hesitated before speaking. "Azoula, I found a place. It's not a cave, but it's sheltered from the elements, and the ground is even. I think it could work for the night," she suggested, hoping to earn some approval. But Azoula's response was not what she expected. The disappointment in Azoula's voice cut through her like a knife. "Oh no, these won’t do," Azoula declared, and a wave of self-doubt washed over her. She bit her lower lip, trying to conceal her uncertainty. The request for something homemade added another layer of complexity to her task.

"Ye .... Yes, of course, something ... homemade would be better," Delaeni echoed the words that were put into her mouth with clear unease. She cast her gaze around the jungle, searching for materials to construct a makeshift shelter. The massive leaves of the tree Azoula leaned against caught her attention. Perhaps they could be used for cover. Delaeni approached the tree and examined its foliage. "I-I can use these leaves to create a sort of canopy, Azoula. It won't be a cave, but it should provide some protection," she suggested, hoping this idea would meet Azoula's approval. Was this the correct answer?

"Delaeni Terblanche"


The Syndicate
Effendi- Köle

Master Hunter (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

4 Years
Large species
01-02-2024, 09:01 PM
Fueling her ego, fanning the flames that crackled inside of the tigress. Delaeni always knew how to satiate her in so many ways. Sultry laughter rumbled from her, intertwining with her bouts of purrs and feline-like chuffing. She loved getting under Delaeni’s skin, adored when her little cheeks lit up with warmth and she became shy and sheepish. It made her feel powerful- only a cunning manipulator could get what they want, without physically overpowering their prey.

And oh, was Azoula cunning and shrewd in her judgment. Only accepting the best, even if it meant running her wild dog in circles. Her little pouty face was cute, she had to admit- and if Delaeni was with someone else, she might have gotten it smacked off her face. But Azoula was far more patient than the other masters- especially when it came to her little Laney.

Placing the thought in her mind, Azoula was pleased when Laney continued with it. Her eyes followed her as she moved to inspect the tree, proposing a solution that Azoula would accept. But first, they would need to reach the leaves and collect / organize them to create the canopy, and Laney was far too short to do that alone. “Oh, I do hope it will keep my fur dry all night.” She said, gravitating to Laney, until she was looming over her. “If I wake up wet or dirty, I’ll make you lick me clean.” There was a playful smirk on her lips, and yet, there was a threat in her voice. One that said don’t let this plan fail.

Pivoting to face the trunk of the tree, Azoula leaped up onto the trunk. Climbing up to the branches with ease, using her claws and agility. Collecting a few of the branches before leaping back down. She set them down for Laney, expecting her to do the rest of the work.


Caution: Mature themes accompany this character.


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
01-02-2024, 09:03 PM

Delaeni's cheeks burned with a mix of embarrassment and the warmth of Azoula's attention. The feline's laughter- the purrs at her expense only deepened her sense of shyness. It was a delicate dance, one where Azoula held all the strings, and the little wild dog tried her best to follow the steps. As she was teased about the makeshift shelter, Delaeni couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency to please her. The threat veiled in playfulness hung in the air, a reminder of the consequences of failure. She nodded nervously, the weight of Azoula's expectations pressing on her shoulders.

Watching the tigress effortlessly climb the tree, the canine marveled at the feline's agility. She felt a mixture of awe and envy, knowing she couldn't match such grace. Several branches were harvested before Azoula leapt back down. Delaeni, taking a deep breath, prepared herself for her next set of instructions. "Y-yes, Azoula. I'll make sure it keeps you dry," she stammered, her voice laced with pitiful determination. The makeshift shelter had to be perfect. Or at least, as perfect as she could make it.

Delaeni began organizing the branches, weaving them together to create a lattice-like structure. The massive leaves Azoula had chosen were carefully arranged to form a protective layer. Despite her small stature, she worked diligently, driven by the desire to follow orders. She glanced at the tigress from time to time, hoping to catch a glimpse of approval in her piercing eyes. After a considerable effort, Delaeni stepped back to admire her work. The makeshift shelter wasn't as solid as a cave, but it was the best she could create with the materials at hand. "Is it okay, Azoula?" she asked, her tone full of self-doubt.

"Delaeni Terblanche"


The Syndicate
Effendi- Köle

Master Hunter (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

4 Years
Large species
01-02-2024, 09:27 PM
Another rumble of sultry laughter resonated from her chest, as Laney fumbled over her words and went straight to work. Azoula watched her with a careful eye- analyzing her motions, assessing for faults, and allowing her to complete the task. She weaved the branches together into a lattice-like structure. One that would hold together nicely, and allow the massive leaves to fan out above their heads. Reclining onto her haunches and then her belly, Azoula propped herself up on an elbow and started to clean one of her paws- tongue caressing her paw pad delicately, ridding it of any debris, before she moved up to her forearm.

Once the canopy was woven, Laney looked to Azoula for validation- unease written on her face, and lacing her tone. Looking up, she inspected the canopy. Pleased with how intricate the braiding was, and how well it covered their little abode. “Mmmm, it will suffice.”  She said in between licks, finishing the cleaning of her foreleg. “But I can’t sleep on the cold, hard ground.”  And then the tigress stood up- sauntering towards a denser portion of foliage in the near distance. It was a straw-like plant- pampas grass, if she remembers correctly. “We will collect these to lay on- and then, our shelter will be complete.”


Caution: Mature themes accompany this character.


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
01-02-2024, 09:34 PM

Delaeni's anxiety lessened as her companion's laughter echoed through the jungle, a sign that she had met the tigress's expectations, at least for now. As Azoula cleaned herself, Delaeni observed with a mix of fascination and a sense of duty fulfilled. The intricate lattice-like structure above them seemed to have garnered some approval, but Azoula's mention of the cold, hard ground hinted that there was more to be done.

When Azoula sauntered towards a denser portion of foliage, indicating the pampas grass, Delaeni followed obediently. She nodded, acknowledging the need for a more comfortable surface. "Yes, Azoula, I'll help gather the grass for our bed," she said, her tone slightly more confident, fueled by the desire to make their makeshift shelter as comfortable as possible. The little wild dog set to work, carefully collecting as many bundles of pampas grass she could carry. She made sure to choose the softest and most pliable ones, to ensure her task would be completed to an acceptable standard. Once satisfied with her efforts, she looked to Azoula, offering the bundles of grass. "Here, Azoula. Shall I gather more?" Or is this sufficient? She asked, a hopeful expression in her teal eyes, eager to receive the tigress's approval.

"Delaeni Terblanche"


The Syndicate
Effendi- Köle

Master Hunter (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

4 Years
Large species
01-02-2024, 09:38 PM
She had to admit, when given a task, Delaeni morphed into a busy little worker bee. Always looking for affirmation and approval, it made it quite easy to manipulate the girl into completing chores, even if they were unrealistic for her. Which was why she made the perfect Sidi. If she had fallen into the paws of a more sinister master, or perhaps the Sultan, Azoula fears she may have been ruined- not only her beauty, but her eagerness to satisfy. And she was far too special to be tainted… which had played a big part in the tigress’ decision to leave Saffron. Was she prepared to feed the girl to the next brood of Saxe? Absolutely. But, would she watch over the girl, and ensure her safety to the best of her ability? If feasible, yes.

These thoughts came to her mind as she watched Laney collect the pampas- inspecting each cluster, to ensure she was gathering only the softest specimens. And then, she offered them to Azoula- in which she smiled and nodded her head. “Gather a few more, and bring them to our shelter.” Sure, she could have made do with what Laney already collected. But why not have her work some more?

Knowing Laney couldn’t carry them all, Azoula alleviated some of the work. Grabbing a mouthful of stems, making sure to preserve the soft pampas. And setting them down on the floor of their shelter, spreading them out evenly, and watching Laney repeat the process when she returned with her collection. With a yawn, the tigress reclined onto the bedding. Stretching out, and kneading at the pampas a few times with her claws. “Come- let’s rest.”  Patting the bedding, she instructed Laney to come and lay beside her, and share her bed tonight.

[End Thread]


Caution: Mature themes accompany this character.

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1. Take Shelter Kamui Delta 07:25 PM, 01-02-2024 11:10 AM, 01-11-2024