
Down, down, down

Laney <3


The Syndicate
Effendi- Köle

Master Hunter (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

4 Years
Large species
01-02-2024, 10:28 PM
How the hell she ended up here with her dear, sweet Laney, Azoula did not know. Somewhere during a hunt, their quarry had led them to the base of a massive mountain, only to descend into a cave that turned out to be an underground labyrinth. Why a moose would do such a thing, was also a mystery to her. Didn't they try to weave between the trees, or smash their prey with their hooves? The tigress wasn’t concerned with it at first- figuring the cavern would soon come to an end, and they would have their meal cornered and begging for mercy. But as time went on, the duo ended up deeper in the sub-terrain, losing their meal as Azoula accidentally took a right instead of a left. The butt-end of the moose vanished into the darkness, until it was so deep in the tunnel she couldn't hear it anymore either. Irritated with her failure, she roared and slammed a paw against the earth. The sound echoed within the cavern, trickling into the tunnels, until it was almost deafening. Taking several moments to recollect herself, before the weight of the situation sank in.

Turning around to Laney, who was standing right behind her and awfully close. She peered down at the girl, with her night vision gaze that allowed her to see perfectly, even in the dark labyrinth. Perhaps she was standing so close because she couldn’t see as well, and needed guidance from her master. Or, perhaps she was gravitating towards the tigress- drawn to her prowess and beauty. The thought brought a smirk to her lips.  “My, Laney, we’ve gotten ourselves into a predicament.” She wasn’t going to outwardly admit it- but the two of them were now lost underground.

Sighing, she pressed into the girl. Running the length of their bodies together, sharing her warmth if only for a fleeting moment. “Can you see?” It was a rhetorical question- she already knew the wild dog couldn’t see in the dark as she could. No, she was looking for Laney to identify an alternative to using her sight- perhaps, her sense of smell? Which, combined with her eyesight, would help lead them back to the surface.



Caution: Mature themes accompany this character.


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
01-02-2024, 10:45 PM

Delaeni's whole body trembled as she felt the reverberations of Azoula's mighty roar echoing through the cavern. Her pointed ears flicked back in response, a mix of fear and nervous tension coursing through her veins. She had followed Azoula faithfully, trusting her instincts and leadership during the hunt, but the sudden turn into an underground labyrinth left Delaeni disoriented. The oppressive darkness seemed to smother her vision, and she relied on every other sense she possessed - her keen sense of smell, her sharp hearing - to navigate the treacherous and unfamiliar terrain. Every step felt like a calculated risk, every breath tense with anticipation. But Delaeni knew that this was the life of a hunter - always adapting, always pushing past one's comfort zone in pursuit of prey. And with Azoula by her side, she was ready for any challenge that lay ahead.

As Azoula turned to face her, Delaeni could feel the heat radiating from the tigress's body as they pressed together. The warmth brought a comforting presence in the midst of their uncertain surroundings. Azoula's inquiry about Delaeni's ability to see in the dark was met with a subtle nod, her golden eyes glinting in the faint light. Although her night vision wasn't as keen as Azoula's, she was still able to make out shapes and navigate through the darkness with ease, relying on her heightened senses and instincts. "I can see a bit, not as well as you, of course," Delaeni replied with a small smile, her teal eyes reflecting a mix of determination and curiosity. "But my nose and ears are still sharp. Maybe we can find our way back using scent markings or listening for any echoes that might guide us." She suggested, relying on other instincts to compensate for the lack of visibility.

Delaeni's slender form took a cautious step forward, her body poised and ready to catch any subtle shifts in the currents of air around her. Her teal eyes, sharp and alert, scanned the immediate area as she moved through her immediate surroundings. Her sense of smell was her greatest ally, and she silently prayed that it would reveal a path that could lead them out of this treacherous labyrinth. The musty scent of damp earth and decaying foliage filled her nose, leaving her very little to discern from it. What were they going to do?

761 / 1500 words
"Delaeni Terblanche"


The Syndicate
Effendi- Köle

Master Hunter (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

4 Years
Large species
01-03-2024, 12:20 AM
Nodding in response, and shifting those teal eyes towards her face. Laney claimed she could see a bit, but not as well as Azoula. A feline-like purr rumbled from her chest, smirk widening, as she finished encircling the girl before pulling away. Oh, did she love being complimented by her pet. “Of course not- I’m a feline, after all.” And us felines are superior. “But yes- we can use your sense of smell and those big, pretty ears of yours.” Truthfully, the girl had ears far too large for her head- and Azoula found them both humorous and adorable. Sometimes, the tigress wanted to bat at them with her paws, as if they were leaves blowing in the wind. Perhaps one day, she would do so.

Shifting her weight, and flicking her tail. Azoula Allowed Laney to move forward, falling in stride beside her. Movement fluid and agile, as she kept their bodies only inches apart, the tips of their fur mingling. She could tell Laney was hesitant at first- scared to disappoint, fearing the punishment that would follow. Or perhaps, she was just being cautious, given this was new terrain to navigate. There was no telling what was hiding in this labyrinth- but surely, it was not as fearsome as the tigress, whose tooth and claw could slice through even the toughest hides.

Inching their way forward, relying primarily on their senses to guide them. Azoula tried to sniff out the moose, or at least, its old scent trail. But the smell of damp earth was all-consuming, and her sense of smell had never been her strong suit. But the echos reverberating off the walls, and the clicking of water hitting the ground as it dripped from the lavacicles; it was all an indication that they were still deep in the labyrinth. “Do a little bark for me, Laney.” She said, wanting the girl to create a series of echos to help them navigate.



Caution: Mature themes accompany this character.


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
01-03-2024, 12:39 AM

Delaeni felt the purr vibrating through Azoula's chest as the tigress encircled her, and the compliment about her sense of smell and ears brought a subtle warmth to her cheeks. Azoula's playful remark about being a feline reminded Delaeni of the seemingly lighthearted banter they often shared. Despite the seriousness of their current predicament, Azoula's ability to inject moments of humor into their interactions was one of the things Delaeni appreciated about her. As Azoula shifted her weight and allowed Delaeni to move forward, the wild dog felt a mix of trepidation and determination. The tigress's close proximity, their fur mingling, created a sense of unity and assurance amidst the unknown. The scent of damp earth enveloped them, and Delaeni focused on the task at hand, relying on her sense of smell and keen ears to navigate through the labyrinth.

The steady rhythm of their footsteps echoed through the underground maze, each step a calculated move towards an unknown destination. The distant sound of water droplets falling added to the eerie atmosphere, creating a constant backdrop for their journey. Azoula's unexpected request for Delaeni to bark caught her off guard, but she quickly grasped its purpose. By creating echoes in the cavern, they could potentially reveal the hidden contours of the labyrinth and guide them towards an exit. With a deep breath, Delaeni complied and released a series of controlled barks that bounced off the damp walls and reverberated through the cave like haunting melodies.

The sound reverberated off the smooth, stone walls, creating a dynamic symphony that filled every inch of the vast space around them. Delaeni's sharp ears honed in on the subtle variations in the echoes, her mind working tirelessly to discern any patterns or shifts that might lead them to a passage leading to the surface. As the echoes gradually subsided, she turned to Azoula with nervous conviction etched across her features. Her teal eyes glimmered with a mix of concentration and anticipation as she asked, "Did that make a difference? Can you sense anything now?" Despite the underlying tension, Delaeni's voice remained steady and confident as she addressed her companion.

1441 / 1500 words
"Delaeni Terblanche"


The Syndicate
Effendi- Köle

Master Hunter (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

4 Years
Large species
01-03-2024, 12:56 AM
Following her command, Delaeni released a series of barks- allowing each one to reverberate throughout the labyrinth, before sending out the next. Upon her skull, Azoula’s ears were swiveling to and fro. Following the echos, and creating a pattern inside of her mind. They weren’t too far off now. “Oh yes, that will do.” She said, glancing at Laney from the corner of her eye. Watching as she looked up at the tigress with nervous apprehension, needing to know if she had completed the task appropriately. Just as Azoula craved compliments and adoration, Delaeni desired affirmation. And although Azoula wasn’t the type to dish it out so freely, she would so so, here and there.

Moving past Delaeni and picking up the pace, the tigress navigated through the tunnels with predatorial ease. Only now, she wasn’t lingering behind to ensure Laney was beside her. She was challenging her now, wanting her to struggle to keep up, to push the girl past her limits and spark a small wave of panic inside of her. “Keep up now.” She cooed, sing-song-like in tone.

And soon, the duo would emerge from the cavern, greeted with the midday warmth of the sun.



Caution: Mature themes accompany this character.

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1. Down, down, down Pyroduct Caves 10:28 PM, 01-02-2024 11:10 AM, 01-11-2024