
Wanderlust Guide Us



11 Years
03-29-2014, 02:06 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2014, 09:57 AM by Bane.)
It was early when Bane awoke in his den by the Rio Grande, and with a nuzzle to the three other occupants sharing his den he padded out into to view the mist covered river. It was yesterday that he had thought to move. Move so his young could be safe, so Tahlia would be better fed than by a old wolf and three yearlings. So that the crashing bushes of other wolves moving through the river scrub brush would stop the constant feeling of anxiety for his family's safety. Wolves were coming. Soon. He'd seen them across the river. It was no longer safe to be here all exposed along the riverbank.

The last of his traps were brushed over with dirt. Des had helped him survive by digging these. Now he was helping his family survive by covering them up, masking the scent of blood and viscera so as to not attract others. With a swish of a tail he returned down the den and nosed Tahlia away. They'd get their eldest young on the way out. Bane picked of Kailos, the pup whining and voicing his displeasure. The newborns eyes were open now, both Lior and Kailos now tumbling about the den during the day as they played. Needless to say they were coming out into the world early. A new home, a new place for his mate to nurture their newborns. A pack.

To the east then. Anais, Nako, and Jakart were roused from their slumber and told to follow. If his pups complained Bane didn't hear as he guided them east, to focused on searching for a pack and carrying Kailos. It was at the edge of a lake they stopped after the day of travel, and a border scent was close by. A pack. A new home and a safe place for a family. Kailos was placed next to Tahlia, not having been fed all day, such was Bane's drive. The pup had bled for the first time in its life, a rather long time being carried at such a young age. Whines left Kailos's scrunched up muzzle as he then became distracted by nursing. Bane regretted the pace he pushed his family but he it had been a necessity if they wanted to make it before dark. A howl was given and a door would hopefully be opened for the family to live here. Bane didn't know anything about these wolves, but then again, he didn't want to. Only his family's safety mattered right now, and if they were denied membership Bane at least hoped they could rest here for the night.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
03-30-2014, 10:26 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her husband had woken early but Tahlia had merely opened a drowsy eye to glance his way with a faint smile before curling protectively around their newest children. He might have had early plans of his own, but for her it was just another quiet morning, more time to spend enjoying the time that she had with her pups. Before long she knew they were going to be as old as the other three, and as independent. Then they would have their own den, be venturing off on their own, and soon they would be grown up and running off to do their own thing. These were precious moments to be cherished, and she intended to do just that.

Of course, she had not anticipated things to get turned around so quickly. Bane was back and nudging her to consciousness, and as she lifted her head with a wide yawn she realized he intended for them to leave. It confused her in her still sleep-befuddled mind, but as she rose and shook herself, watching as Bane picked up their boy and turned to carry him out of the den, she realized this was more serious than she had originally thought. This was not going to be a simple outing. If they were taking the pups, then there was more here going on than she had originally thought.

Without a word, Tahlia picked up her daughter Lior and and followed Bane from the den and further up the riverside so they could rouse Anais, Jakart, and Nako. With everyone in tow, her husband led them from their densite and away across the southern lands toward the east, their destination as yet unknown. It was fine at first - Tahlia trusted Bane enough to know that something wrong must have happened to their home to warrant their retreat - but the long day of travel with pups both whining and full of questions had taken its toll. Her patience was thin by the time they reached the lake he brought them to, and gratefully the mother wolf reclined and laid down with Lior at her side, receiving Kailos with a lick for the poor babe's cries. She settled them in before turning her eyes upon her eldest children and then her husband, voicing what she had begun to suspect as they had neared their current location, "Will we be staying here?"



04-05-2014, 12:56 PM

He would spot the family from afar, and he would decide to start walking towards the borders, assuming that they would all trail upon it somewhere along the line. As they arrived, vaughan was soon to follow. He would smile in greeting, liking the change of seeing a whole family then a single rouge. He would remain cautious, though he presumed that the two adults wouldnt use violance near there children. " I presume you'd like to join? Im Vaughan the high lord of Ebony." His gaze would shift to each and every one of them before continuing, there where 7. " We will accept all who are willing to put in the effort to help the pack grow, we currently have around 16-20 members. All who remain active and alert will be rewarded" He would wonder if it was difficult to raise a family with little to no help. " What are their names?"

OOC: Sorry its so short!

image by Luisiana



11 Years
04-08-2014, 04:46 AM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2014, 12:06 PM by Bane.)
The elder's determined gaze softened as he watched Tahlia give Kailos a lick, spending a moment watching their two newest pups feed their troubles and aches away from a journey they were far too young for. Bane sharply exhaled the caught breath in his lungs. Moutains. He'd forgotten what it was like to be in the shadows of a range of them. The wind in the trees and the stale air of altitude. A leopardess he'd met long ago would feel right at home around here.
His remaining eye glanced around, finding a black wolf rapidly approaching them. The wolf was missing the fur on the side of his face, and Bane couldn't help but reflect to a time in his younger years when he used to look somewhat like that. The strangers scent, Vaughan was his name, reeked of wolves. The pack of Ebony. Nako?came up to his fathers side, fully grown and just as weary as Bane was about this stranger in front of them. "A rather blunt and assuming fellow aren't you sir?"

Bane nudged the yearling on the side of the maw who glared back at him as if to ask 'what, its true and you know it'. The elder wolf tilted his head slightly and gave his son a stern gaze. His attention returned to the pack wolf. "My name is Bane, and while I can only offer knowledge of years past and forgotten to Ebony, my offspring and mate have learned a variety of skills as we survive our constant displacement." Bane sat himself down next to Tahlia and gave her a assured nuzzle. "As for the two little ones they are Kailos and Lior. And it is my hope they fit in well here once grown." He'd let Tahlia say a few words about this, ask questions to calm her fears and worries if she had any. The pale wolf gave his mate a nuzzle between the ears and hoped this blunt wolf would let them call this unknown pack their home.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
04-08-2014, 11:45 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Rather than answer her, Bane simply looked about them, and assuming there was purpose behind his silence Tahlia let it be. She turned her dark gold stare away from her mate and to the pups nursing from her, offering them both a few more consolatory licks for the trek they had had to endure. It was a long travel but overall they had done marvelously. All of them had. Once her youngest had been given her attention she turned it toward her eldest, noting how well Nako, Jakart, and Anais had taken their second move so far. Did they think as she did, that they might gain a new home, new opportunities? Would such an offer be made available to them here?

She would know soon enough; not much time at all had passed before they were being approached by a mostly black figure, half of his features bathed in a white fur that accentuated the different colors of his eyes. It was strange, stranger even than the uneven eye colors that her own son bore, but of course she kept the comment to herself. If Bane intended for them to join this pack then they needed to make the best impression they could. Still upon her side, children nursing, Tahlia shifted as much as could be allowed to straighten herself and appear less haggard from the trip even though she would have happily taken a nap here before someone would come to greet them. There was no time, however. It would all be well just the same.

Direct words were issued by the black and white male, assuming they intended to join while at the same time introducing himself as the High Lord of Ebony, Vaughan. The usual rules seemed to apply - everyone who would join needed to pull their weight - though now Tahlia was confident her family could do this. No longer were they divided, distracted. They could truly begin to make something of themselves here. Of course, her children were also Bane's, and so there was the issue of feeling much too free to speak their mind. "Nako," she exclaimed, her voice quiet with surprise. How embarrassing that her son should speak out of turn so! What sort of impression would that make on the wolf who could just as easily turn then away as welcome them in? Bane was patient, however, more used to the quick tongue he had passed on to their children, and recovered nicely, moving to sit beside her as he spoke and nuzzled her head.

Given the opportunity to speak, Tahlia took it. "The elder children are Nako," - she paused to gesture toward the blunt youth - "Anais," - again she gestured to the grey-gold girl who sat quietly beside the nursing pups - "and Jakart." Her golden gaze lingered upon her quietest son, hoping his silence was one accepting and not grudging of the change they were making. "I myself am Tahlia," she continued, purposefully leaving off the last name she had once clung to in identifying herself. Bane had none for her to take, so why take any at all? "I can assure you what skills I have in hunting and fishing will gratefully be shared in exchange for a place here. And our children will do the same." Her last phrase was as much a promise to Vaughan and Ebony as it was a warning to her children. A lack of action on her part had already cost them a home once, and she honestly hoped they would learn from her mistake before doing the same themselves.



04-14-2014, 11:25 AM

He would listen carefully, before looking towards the man with the comment he had made. " i just like to get straight to the point, sir. Afterall what's the point in chatting if you have no desire to join?" and with that a smirk would tug at his lips. His crown would raise, his triangular ears perking towards the names. 5 children. Thats a lot to deal with. " Then you all shall be welcomed here, For now your children will be ranked under commoner[ Lior, Nako, Anais, Jakart, kailos] And the pair of you shall go as hunters and work your way up. Unless you'd like to request something different?" Vaughan had no objection if one of them wanted to change their role, but it doesnt necisseraly mean they'll get it. After a few moment, the ebony lord would step aside so that they can go explore the new lands that they can call home.

OOC: Feel free to join in on the Tourney!

image by Luisiana



11 Years
04-19-2014, 02:04 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2014, 12:49 AM by Bane.)
Tahlia had named their offspring in turn before naming herself, Bane using the moment to then look around them. His mate spoke of her skills in acquiring both the fish of the water and creatures of the land. He didn't doubt her, that much was obvious, but the pack wolf Vaughan may need convincing. Not in her current state, no, this would have to be an investment of time if he took in seven wolves of various ages and seeing what their strengths were in good time.

There was a silence, Jakart adjusting the carving antler he held in his maw that he'd brought all the way from Seracia. It touched Bane that his son had missed him so, and the Talutah mark upon Anais's shoulder did him proud. A swish of his tail was given at Vaughan's words. Ranks were given out and the elders one good eye glanced about in search of a den location. Too many trees, they'd have to walk around some more to find a place. The eldest pups would have to dig their own den, close to their sire and dame. He wouldn't loose them again.

Bane gave a grateful nod at Vaughan and touched the tip of his nose against the ground in a bow. "Thank you Vaughan. Though the world remained hard on our family for quite some time, it is my hope that, although there might be some issues with old customs and beliefs that we will discuss the problems before actions are taken should the new arise. We have ears on our head. I can only hope they are open and understanding should something come up."

The black wolf stepped to side and Bane dipped his head at the high lord and turned to Tahlia, they were in Ebony now. Kailos finishing up with his feeding and curled up in an attempt at sleep. The elder reached down and clean of his sons muzzle before wrapping his jaws around the pup's scruff again. The little pup gave a wiggle and went limp, a minuscule wail of protest voicing from his muzzle. "Almost there little one. We've almost made it." Bane looked back at Tahlia, relief in his eye. A den would be searched for in Ebony by the lake on a forested hillside overlooking their new home. A fresh start for them all.

-End thread-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•