
I'll Look Through Their Eyes, and I'll Know What They See.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
01-06-2024, 03:13 PM
The Auster winds swept across the plains, carrying with them the bite of winter's chill. Talyssa stood at the edge of Hearthstone Castle's primary territory, her bag slung over her shoulder, containing rolled-up maps and essential supplies. It was a stark Auster morning, clouds heavy with the promise of rain, and the gusts of wind threatened to tousle her fur. Yet, determination burned in her eyes. Two years old, and Talyssa felt the stirrings of independence deep within her. The desire to explore, to venture beyond the familiar grounds, compelled her to take on her next adventure. She knew the terrain like the back of her paw, but the world beyond Hearthstone Castle held mysteries waiting to be unraveled.

The decision to leave on her own wasn't made lightly. It danced on the edge of fear and excitement, a mixture that stirred her young heart. If she had spoken to her family inside, the warmth and safety of Hearthstone Castle might have dissuaded her from this path. Out here, at the crossroads between the familiar and the unknown, Talyssa felt the conviction to embark.

With a deep breath, she called out into the open, her voice carrying across the plains. Tati? Talyssa's gaze scanned the horizon, searching for any sign of her father on morning patrol. She wasn't ready for the goodbye, the parting words that might weaken her resolve. The love for her parents tugged at her heart, but the need for this journey pulled even stronger. The wind carried her call- it muted her voice to her own ear, and Talyssa felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness. She knew the importance of this moment, the choice to step beyond the safety of Hearthstone Castle into the vastness of the unknown. The plains stretched before her, an expansive canvas waiting to be explored, and the idea of facing it alone both thrilled and unnerved her.

As she waited for her father's response, Talyssa reassured herself that this journey wasn't a farewell but a chapter in her story. A quest for growth, discovery, and the forging of her own path. The winds whispered tales of adventures to come, and Talyssa embraced the uncertainty, knowing that with each step, she was stepping into her own tale of independence.

"Talyssa Carpathius"


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
01-12-2024, 07:07 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2024, 12:11 AM by Artorias. Edited 1 time in total.)

This was a day Artorias knew would come sooner or later. A day every parent anticipated and dreaded. It was the day when their children would find the yearning of their hearts would pull them off on their own paths, to write their own stories and make their own ways in life. All the days that had once felt limitless, now memories reflected back on were much too short in reality. What Artorias wouldn't give to have his children stay small forever, eternally surrounded in their home with love and safety. And yet, this was also a moment of pure pride for the father to see his children grow and become their own beings, wolves of their own. Knowing that he and Briar had done the best they could to prepare their children for the wide world beyond their high walls and rolling plains was the greatest comfort he could have in this moment. And no pup was that more true for than Talyssa.

Artorias heard his daughter's call that cloudy morning, and he knew. His heart sank in his chest, heavy with the mixture of emotions this moment would bring. Pride, love, worry, hope, fear. He knew that of any of his children, Talyssa would have been the first to want to set out on her own. His tawny girl had always been so much like him—an adventurer at heart with a thirst for discovery and a wanderlust that could never be slaked. It was also Talyssa that he worried the most for. His sweet little girl, so trusting, so pure... He wished he could protect her forever. But he would have to trust in her, in her skills and her instincts, and in the lessons he and Briar had taught her. Now it was her turn to show the world what she could do. The dire brute deviated from his patrol path, issuing a short call back to let Taly know he was on his way and to give Briar time to join them. She would want to be a part of this moment too, no doubt.

He found Talyssa waiting for them on the outskirts of the castle grounds, her bag packed and ready to go. The sight brought a pang of pain and a swell of pride to the sire's chest to see his little girl all grown up, a beautiful young woman anyone would be proud to call their daughter. It took all his strength to keep the tears from his eyes then and there. Artorias approached Talyssa with a wistful, bittersweet smile on his face, fiery amber eyes regarding her, then her bag, and then he sighed. "Talyssa..." he began, meeting his daughter's gaze once more, his expression so full of love and sorrow, "Știam că vei fi prima, dulcea mea pasăre liberă." There was pregnant pause as Artorias steeled his courage to speak the next words on his mind and the greatest worry in his heart. "...Is this for good?"

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Carpathian" | "Corbin" | "Eira" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
01-13-2024, 12:24 AM

From the very first day that their pups had stepped out of their room in the castle for the first time and went running down the halls of Hearthstone she had always encouraged their adventurous spirit. She had never wanted a one of them to feel as if they were trapped here or feel so indebted to their family the way she had that they would be afraid to spread their wings. Of course she knew that the risk of that was the possibility that some of them might was a real taste of that freedom once they were old enough and as their first litter reached their second year she had a feeling it was more of a "when" than an "if". It was really just a matter of time and the question of who would be the first.

Briar was always observant and in the moments that she might miss something around the castle she could depend on Marigold or Willow to tip her off. That was the case this morning as she finished the braid that ran down the length of her tail and Marigold slipped into their room to tell her about Talyssa walking away from the castle with a packed bag in tow. Only a moment later she heard her daughter's call for her parents and a wistful, slightly sad sigh passed her lips. Immediately she got up and hurried out of the castle to meet her, doing her best to keep a brave face as she trotted through the castle grounds toward where she saw her husband approaching their little girl. Well, she wasn't so little anymore. She had grown into a beautiful woman, but there would always be a part of her that saw all of their pups as the little loaves they had once been.

She reached Artorias' side just as he was admitting in Carpathian that he had known she would be the first. Briar hadn't had the same foresight, but she wasn't surprised either. She did her best to keep a small, proud smile on her lips because despite the heavy sadness that weighed on her at the departure of their girl she was happy that Talyssa carried the confidence and curiosity to want to go out and face the world on her own for a time. Still, that sorrow shown through in her turquoise gaze as Artorias questioned whether this meant that Talyssa would be leaving home for good. She leaned lightly into Artorias' shoulder, both for her own comfort and for his as she awaited the answer as well.

"Briar Carpathius"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
03-03-2024, 02:59 PM
Talyssa's heart swelled at the sight of her parents approaching. Her father, Artorias, with his proud yet sorrowful expression, marched towards her with determined steps. Her mother, Briar, was close behind, wearing a brave smile that couldn't quite conceal the sadness in her turquoise eyes. Talyssa's emotions were a jumbled mix of comfort and fear at their arrival. A deep sense of love and security emanated from their presence, but it also served as a reminder of the unknown adventure that lay ahead for her. Leaving them behind would be one of the hardest things she had ever done, but she knew it was something that she had to do. It was time for her to forge her own path in life.

Her fathers rumbling voice caught in her ears, but before she could find her own words, she reached for an embrace. A tight hug from them both as the tears began to well in her eyes. But they were tears of pride and determination, not of sadness. Talyssa was ready to embark on this new journey, but she didn't realize how much she needed the unconditional love and support of her parents in order to take those final steps. Their presence gave her strength and courage, filling her with a sense of belonging and purpose as she prepared to face the unknown future ahead.

"Tati, Mami," Talyssa greeted them, her voice a mixture of excitement and apprehension. As she looked into their eyes, she could see the pride they had in her, but also the worry and sadness that tugged at their hearts. She knew her decision to leave must be difficult for them- maybe just as difficult for them as it was for her, but she hoped they would understand. She needed them to. "It’s not for good," she assured them, her gaze drifting to the horizon where the plains stretched endlessly. "I just... I need to do this. I need to see the world beyond Hearthstone, to find my own path." Though she had reassured them that it was not a permanent departure, Talyssa couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for leaving her family behind. However, the burning desire for adventure and discovery consumed her every thought, drowning out any doubts or fears.

Talyssa took a step away to her parents, her bag feeling heavier on her shoulder in doing so. "I love you both so much, and I'll miss you every moment I'm away. But I promise, I'll come back in time. This is just ... a new beginning, not an end." She looked up at Artorias and Briar, her eyes shining with determination. "I want to make you proud, to show you that everything you've taught me has prepared me for this. I'll be careful, I'll be smart, and I'll come back stronger, wiser, and ready to share all the stories of my adventures with you when I return." Talyssa finished, feeling the weight of her words. She knew she couldn't predict what lay ahead, but she was determined to face it head-on, with the love and support of her family always in her heart.

"Talyssa Carpathius"


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
03-18-2024, 09:49 PM

No sooner had he finished asking his dreaded question, the soft sound of paws on the grass came up beside him, and Artorias turned his head to greet Briar with the same heartbroken look. He supported Briar as she leaned into him, taking as much comfort from her presence as she did in his. This was not going to be an easy conversation for the doting father, but he knew it was one that had to happen sooner or later. Talyssa didn't answer his question immediately, and instead her dainty paws reached up towards them, a silent request for an embrace. Artorias didn't hesitate for even a second before stepping forward to throw his strong forelegs around his beloved little girl—not quite so little anymore—and pulled her tight to his chest, surrounding her with all the love and comfort a parent could give to their child. That was what broke the usually austere brute. The moment Taly was in his arms, faintly glowing teal tears cut their way down his cheeks, his vision blurring as the tears welled up in his amber eyes. But these were not tears of sorrow or mourning. These were tears of pride, from a father watching his child grow into something beautiful, something wonderful, something extraordinary!

Talyssa broke apart from the embrace first, and as much as he didn't want to let her go, Artorias did let his strong forearms fall from around her. She spoke to them in their native tongue, reassuring them that this wasn't for good and it wasn't a permanent goodbye, just a chance for her to go discover herself and the world and to begin a new chapter in her life. That promise, knowing that this wasn't the last time he was ever going to see his little girl again, did wonders to calm down Artorias' anxiousness. He and Briar would see her again someday when she was ready to return home. They weren't losing Talyssa, just giving her some freedom to be herself. As she looked to the horizon, the great dire wolf sire's amber eyes followed his daughter's clear blue ones to that distant line, and a kindred spirit flourished between them. She was just like he had been when he was her age. Wanderlust and the passion for adventure and discovery still coursed through his veins. It was no surprise where she had gotten this drive from... like father, like daughter.

Talyssa again declared her love for both of them, making Artorias' heart swell and ache at the same time. But despite the tumultuous emotions, the Lord of Cinder couldn't help but beam oh so proudly at his princess, no longer a young girl but a blossoming young woman, a fae any sire would be dead chuffed to call his flesh and blood. Those glowing tears continued to fall from his eyes while she spoke of making them proud and returning with new stories, better than she was now. Artorias took in a long, deep breath, held it in his lungs, then slowly exhaled in a heavy sigh. He nodded his head—but he wasn't quite ready to let Taly leave just yet. "Give me a moment, Talyssa." Artorias turned and sprinted back towards the castle, nimble paws carrying him swiftly across the distance and back into their home, up the stairs and to his chambers where he opened a wardrobe and began to fetch some supplies he'd kept stowed away for this exact moment. Then he headed back down to the rookery, whistled to one of the ravens, and ran back to where Talyssa and Briar were waiting at the border, the inky black raven gliding through the air along with him.

Artorias slowed his gait to a trot as he returned, a bundle of black fabric folded across his back and the raven coming to alight on his shoulders. The great dire wolf grabbed the fabric and handed it over to Talyssa. It was a finely woven hooded wool cloak, made from the pack's alpacas, dyed black and hemmed with vivid orange trimmings to represent the Hallows' colors. Atop the folded cloak sat a Carpathian steel brooch shaped in the form of mountain peaks—the Carpathian family's sigil. "I had these made for you all once winter came, but I suppose you'll be spending this one gods knows where. The least I can do is help keep you warm, and give you something to remember home by," he said with a chuckle, weakened a little by his heavy emotions. Gods dammit, he was doing his best to keep it together and not start crying again! His paw tapped the brooch. "Wherever you go, never forget who you are, Taly. You have many friends out there. Your name can be a powerful tool in the right circumstances." Art then looked back at the raven, who gave a croak and hopped from Artorias' back over to Talyssa's, studying the young she-wolf with rich sapphire eyes. "This is Cercetaș. He's the most intelligent flier of all Corbin and Eira's chicks. No matter where you go in Ardent, he will be able to guide you back home. And if you ever need to reach us, no matter where you are, send him with a message. We will come for you, no questions asked." Artorias wanted Talyssa to know that she could come to them for help without judgment at any time if she ever needed it. The Lord looked at Cercetaș with a more serious look—look after my daughter it said.

And that was that. With their last gifts given to ensure Talyssa had a safe and comfortable journey, all that was left was to say their goodbyes. Artorias' throat felt tight as he just stared at Talyssa, looking at her like she might disappear if he dared to blink. "Fetița mea. Te iubim atât de mult și o vom face mereu." Artorias moved in for one last hug, reaching for Talyssa so he could embrace her once more before he let her go for gods knew how long. "We have always been proud of you, Taly. From the day you were born, you've made me the happiest father alive. I know you're going to do amazing things and I can't wait to see who you become when you do return. Just promise us you'll always be safe. Be kind and optimistic, but be wary of others' motives. Remember that a little suspicion can keep you safe. Trust, but always verify. Trust your instincts and follow your heart. And never, ever believe you are anything less than incredible." Artorias looked down at Talyssa, the tears threatening to spill over his eyelids once more as he smiled, then nodded his head. "Go be incredible, Talyssa Carpathius. We'll be here waiting to hear all about it when you come home."

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Carpathian" | "Corbin" | "Eira" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.

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1. I'll Look Through Their Eyes, and I'll Know What They See. Amron's Castle 03:13 PM, 01-06-2024 02:56 PM, 05-20-2024