
Ride the Wave




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
01-08-2024, 06:04 PM (This post was last modified: 01-08-2024, 06:04 PM by Rusalka. Edited 1 time in total.)

After returning to Boreas with her mother and reuniting with the parts of her family that had landed in Ashen, she milled about the lands that her father had recently taken over and the ones immediately surrounding them for quite a while–longer than she had really intended to, if she was being honest. She loved her parents–especially her father–so she was reluctant to leave again so quickly, but who said she couldn't wander off and explore a bit? After all, she hadn't promised to join her father's pack or anything like that. She had learned a lot during her time living in Elysium and of course she remembered well living in her father's first pack, but she loved exploring more than pretty much anything else so being expected to be in one place all the time very quickly grew boring.

She still needed to find her way up to the northwest corner of Boreas at some point so she could find her brother in Elysium, but first she wanted to go a bit further south and maybe revisit her old stomping grounds. It had been way too long since she had visited the island she had grown up on so with her loyal mastiffs trailing behind her and a small pack of supplies hanging over one of their backs, she set off down through the ravine, around the fjord, and finally to the long strip of sandy ground connecting Boreas to Auster. She always loved crossing this land bridge. It always felt so otherworldly walking with waves crashing on either side of her down a strip of pale sand that looked like it could go on forever.

When she got about half way between the two continents, the wind from the ocean ruffling her dappled coat, she paused with a little grin, looking around at the water that stretched on in both directions and the outlines of the shore in front and behind her. This always felt like a spot where the possibilities of where she could head next were endless and for a moment she settled down on her haunches facing the water for a bit, enjoying the sun on her fur since she knew Auster would be in it's cold season this time of year and she might as well enjoy the warmth while she could.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"

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1. Ride the Wave The Bifröst 06:04 PM, 01-08-2024 05:33 AM, 05-01-2024