
When Heavy Wings Grow Lighter

Twig I


03-28-2014, 06:54 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2014, 07:00 PM by Twig I.)

It had been but a few days since the last time she'd spoken to Alpine, since then her time had been spent sleeping. She knew he hadn't forgotten about her from the scent he left on the food Jinxx brought in for her. She has seen even less of the outside world, but it was now because she was letting her body recover. No longer did her eyes sag or seem dull, her pelt was beginning to show its usual shine once again. Physically she would improve dramatically, her bones would not protrude through her thinned fur. Mentally however there was still little improvement, she felt the hole engulf her and she still wasn't sure if she wanted to fight it. She wanted Fern with her, more than anything.?

It would take time but the she wolf would grow restless within her shared den. She needed to be out and stretching her slender limbs, she needed the sun upon her back. So, while Jinxx was away, because he would worry too much over her, she would slip from the confines of her prison and out to Wolf Paw lake. It was slow going, she was stiff and not used to holding up her own weight. She would make it though, safely to the water's edge. She could feel the summer ending, the leaves would soon be changing. The winter would overtake them within seasons, the tearing of her heart would continue as she couldn't help but think of how lonely the next few seasons would be. How much she would never be able to show Fern, how much she'd miss her. The girl would let herself fall to the shore, her orchid gaze peering over the waters surface.?



03-28-2014, 08:43 PM

The last Alpine had seen of Twig was when he had left her the ferret, it had been growing late and he knew it had been time to leave her to her sleep and her brother. Since then he had not entered her space for a few days, he had left the occasional kill outside her den but other then that he had left her to rest and recover, simply knowing that she had friends in this pack that she could count on whenever she needed them. He had seen nothing of her within the pack lands and knew that she had remained within the warmth and safety of her home as she recovered, and he longed to see her out against the sun, enjoying the day and the life that came with it.

So when he paced by his favourite lake and caught a sight of her against the soothing reflection of the still water he had stopped him steps in surprise. He had looked out at her for a long moment, noticing the changes in her appearance. He knew she had been eating the kill he left and the kill that others where sure to have brought her. He could see the fulling of her cheek bones and in her side, so that the ribs no longer poked painfully against her stretched skin. He also saw in the reflection her soft violet eyes, he could see the misty distance in them and knew that Fern still dominated her thought. He wasn't surprised, not really, he had seen her pain at its freshest, had seen how keenly she longest for her still-born child to be beside her and knew that it would be a very long time before she would be able to push such thoughts to the back of her mind and live her life without the constant shadow of grief beside her. The grief would never be gone of course, but her ability to deal with it would eventually out weigh its burden.

He let the moments tick by before he realised he had been standing there, staring at her and decided to dive into the coolness of the water, he felt the shock of its cold wash over him, and knew that summer really was leaving them. He stroked easily through the water as through he belonged within its depths and in no time was by her side of the shore. He waded a little closer until he was right before her and hovered there with a few gentle strokes.
?Twig, it's good to see you out and about?
He told her as he pushed himself to the surface and shook out his saturated coat, pelting her with flecks of cool water in the process, and would turn over-innocent eyes upon her as he did so, a friendly cheekiness barely hidden within his eyes.


Twig I


03-28-2014, 10:31 PM

Her thoughts would be so preoccupied that she would not see the silver male until he was splashing into the water. Her head would swivel towards the slight commotion, watching curiously as Alpine made his way toward her through the water. Her features would seem rather neutral in appearance, though she would feel her lips turn the slightest bit.?Alpine was very much respectable in her eyes, an honorable wolf that she enjoyed having around. He held a special place in her heart, and he always would. He was one who had seen her very lowest point, much like her brother. That would be forever how she saw him, a comrade and brother she could look to for comfort and support when she needed. Were it not for his help but days ago she might have already stopped fighting. "It's Goo..." he would suddenly shake his pelt, the water droplets falling about her generously.?

She would shake her head lightly as the excess water would be expelled from her own features. "Good to see you too," she would continue, blinking the droplets from her lashes. She would feel a heavy sigh well up within her chest still, a reminder of the brokenness her heart felt. Her gaze had been averted as she tried not to drag the sweet wolf on her emotional roller coaster ride again. This was still the first day out, she was doing well do far. Composing her features she would look back to him, "Did you have a nice dip?" she would offer, continuing her efforts to stay focused on Alpine and not her darkened thoughts.?



03-28-2014, 10:48 PM

His eyes would dance as he looked upon her now, could see the glistening drop of water in her coat like sparks of due in the chill of the morning air. He didn't want to think of the sadness she had gone thorugh, the loss and dispair, here she was lying in the warmth of the sun and the soft of the grass and he did not want to remind her of how she had felt and looked and been those few days earlier. He wanted this to be fresh, he wanted to see a smile against her features once more.

She shook her head now, just a light flick in an attempt to free herself from the few droplets he had spread to her. Despite his little onslaught she still continue with her words, how it was good to see him also. He could almost laugh at the way she ignored his joke, except for the fact she ignored not from a pretendance to remain calm but because she was so emotionally wrung out she couldn't seem to muster the ability to change her expression. He would hide his inner sigh, but would not give up. He would see her smile again, or would damn well die trying.

?Why yes, actually I did. So much so that I think I would like to go again. Care to join me??
He kept his expressions jokingly neutral and impassive throughout his words until the very end, where he offered for her to join him and a smile would upturn the corner of one lip in a warm, half smile. ?Its not like you can say you want to stay dry? He added, keeping up the teasing banter.


Twig I


03-29-2014, 07:37 AM

The cross marked girl would keep herself positioned daintily upon the shore, her sad eyes would let curiosity break through their appearance as she would want for Alpine's reply. She was focusing on him, on his words and his actions as she tried to overcome the stifling sadness within her. He would distract her quite well as the shared each others company on the beach, his words reaching out to her. Grabbing her focus and keeping her wrapped within himself as she fought her sorrowful memories. He would inform the girl of his enjoyment, sure he would take a second dip. Wondering if she would follow, he would continue to coax her. "Your argument is rather valid, sir." she would start, trying to show him she had been amused by his words, "I'm just afraid my strength would fail me. Maybe if I just stay in the shallow water?" With effort the girl would rise from her bed, obvious she still needed time on her feet to completely reverse her actions. She was shaky, but she was sound as she found herself moving closer to Alpine's form. "don't go too far.." she would find her paws slipping under the waters surface as she passed her companion's form and began her dip. She would feel a bit of light heartedness take over her as mischievously she would look back over her shoulder at the brute. Taking aim she would let her paw slip, the cascading water directed at him.?



03-29-2014, 08:26 PM

His concern and worry would not show through the grey-blues of his eyes, he could not bare to let any reminder of her sadness show upon him. He needed to be something different to it, one who had expoerianced her sadness but could still show her what life when you could rise again and live it. The hope he felt, that was what shone in greys against the blueness of his gaze as he kept his eyes upon her. The life she tried to show was a skeloton of the wolf she had once been, he could only hope she would full out her eyes and soul with life again and he would do whatever it took to feed her happieness that would allow this skeloton wolf to grow again. He watched as she tried to hard to bring herself to life, and even this action almost broke his heart. He could see she wanted to find life again, even if only to live it for the daughter that she had lost. Whatever her reasons, she wanted it and he would watch with an aching heart as she struggled to find herself again.

His delight would however break through as she found to way to her paws and actually agreed to come into the waters with him. He had not expected her to agree so willingly and he almost prances as she found her way to her paws, and on shaky legs would move closer to his alabaster form. He didn't move as she slipped past him, hardly daring to hop she would actually do it, and he watched as she made her way into the soothing embrace of waters. So he was looking heavily upon her as the sudden cascade of water would wash upon and envaople him as her paw would rush against its surface, the resolting wave would rush against him. He stood blinking water from his eyes for a moment in shook, before he too Dived heavily into the waters beside her, aiming to get her every bit as soaking wet as he. As his head would push free of the waters and he shook out his mane he would say.I will be by your side? [/b] and it was a promise.


Twig I


03-29-2014, 10:58 PM

Her thoughts would drift back to Fern's innocent face if it were not for Alpine's rather boisterous attitude. Her own could not hope to reach that altitude of light heartedness, her heart would not be healed so quickly. Still, for her first outing she would keep her head up and keep herself focused on Alpine. His sweet smile, and ability to keep himself cheerful would support her own spirit. She would still feel the incessant pull of sorrow and grief as she would wade into the water, but she was able to let herself free for just a moment. Giving in to the simple pleasure of teasing him with the displaced water. Her mind would focus on keeping herself vertical, instead of thinking of Fern. And how much enjoyment the little girl would have gotten from swimming with her mother. She would mentally loose herself from the constraints of her thoughts, trying to let herself enjoy the relief the water offered. Even more so as Alpine shot himself into it's depths, coating the rest of her with the cool water. His head would resurface as she eased herself into the deeper water, finding her support in his strong form. She would find a physical and mental anchor in the man as she let the clear water soothe her, her submerged frame would push against his own as she took his support. A sigh leaving her lips, she wished she could converse with him easier. All she could think up to try and talk of though, was her daughter. "I guess another dip really was a good idea." though the words were simple and should have been kindly, they were still rather forced. She was still searching for her reasons to smile.?



03-30-2014, 08:58 PM

The sense of coolness that the water brought was like a soothing balm to him. He had always found peace within the embrace of sea of lake alike. He enjoyed the feeling of freedom like flying that came with the sensation of swimming. His own strength against the currents and the clarity of open eyes beneath its bulk. So he could say, despite everything and despite that throbbing never-forgotten sense of pain he could sense from Twig it was still possible to hold a warm smile against his lips and mean it.

He watched her with careful eyes as she eased herself into deeper waters, he knew that every moment he spent with her it was his duty and his want to look out for her. This strong, independent fae who had been through so much and with a fate that deemed it necessary to drag her through more pain and hardship. He could see she did not find the same peace within the coolness of the water that he did. He thought a moment, paws dragging at the waters as he paddled easily within it.
?It was a good idea, but I wouldn't mind finding somewhere to dry off. Are you up for a walk?' He asked lightly, he already had a destination in mind, is she was willing they would walk to the top side of the gorge and look down at the running water there. He had still not gotten over his horror at heights and cliff sides, but perhaps she would find some the peace she had not found here, up there, on top of the world. It she did, it would be worth his discomfort.


Twig I


03-31-2014, 07:06 PM

She would feel herself pushed against Alpine's side, her feet finding it much simpler to gain balance within the depths than the dry land. She would be gently upheld with the buoyancy of the water, her slate covered limbs treading water. She would keep herself close to Alpine, touching his pelt as she swam delicately on her own. The gentle exercise was rather good for her, strengthening her subtly. However, Alpine seemed to sense trouble within her being, as her thoughts so easily strayed to Fern and her beautiful features. Though her companion would still distract her, asking her for a walk. "I'll follow wherever you'd like to go. It's better than having my mind to myself." had she said such words in a lighter mood it would have come out much more jokingly, however her cracked voice would fail in the attempt. She would try a smile to correct her sad words, she wanted him to know how much he was helping. But when you were drowning in an ocean of misery it was hard to see the raindrops of progress. "Where are we going to go?" she would ask, her voice gaining a tint of curiosity as she started towards the shore slowly.?