
Maybe Is Wolf? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [Solaire]


The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-13-2024, 01:48 PM

Nelu buried himself deep in the thicket, eyes peering out of the brush at the strange, reddish wolves that were maneuvering about. "What are they?" He whispered to Samiri. He felt the little monkey move on his back, her delicate hands parting the brush just slightly to examine the potential threat. "Dingos." She whispered. Pleased to have a name for the creatures, Nelu offered no further questions even though he had many. It was risky to give away their position. Even though Nelu was much bigger than these creatures there were four of them and one of him. Poor odds.

Nelu tried to slip away to where he could call to the pack or at least get back on pack territory but he was large and pale and the dingos immediately noticed him. Samiri squeaked and raced deeper into the thicket. The dingos fanned out, two of them charging for Nelu. One heading for Samiri while the fourth lay back. "Help Samiri!" He cried to Aster before charging toward the dingos. The raven quickly flew into action, talon's out, diving at the dingo that was trying to push its way into the brush.


The Hallows

Expert Healer (135)

Advanced Fighter (110)

2 Years
Dire wolf
01-16-2024, 09:50 PM
Solaire trotted out toward the nearby gardens with Dovleac following behind him diligently, a small set of bags draped across his back. Honestly, he would have just been happy having the capybara just hanging out with him all the time, but if he was going to be following him around he might as well have him be helpful! His companion didn't seem to mind the little side bags and he was using this little trip just past the pack's borders as a test run to see if he needed to adjust anything. Ember had done a great job with them, but just cause they looked good didn't meant that there wasn't something else that could be improved for functionality's sake!

However, before they could get to foraging through the plants in the garden, a commotion up ahead drew his attention and made his turquoise gaze snap up toward the sounds of growls and such. He hesitated to keep going toward the sounds, wondering if it would be better to go another way, but then he heard his brother call out to one of his companions and that sealed the deal. "Get somewhere safe, Dov!" he called back to the capybara that immediately dove into the nearby bushes while Solaire rushed headfirst toward where he heard his brother calling from. When he leaped over a cluster of brush he landed right in the middle of a scuffle between Nelu, his companions, and some smaller wolf-like canines that didn't quite look like wolves but were close enough for him to figure they weren't too far off.

"I gotcha, Nelu!" he called as he dove for one of the dingos that was going for his brother, grabbing the smaller canine by the scruff and tossing him back several feet with a hard swing of his head. The dingo yelped as it hit the ground, but that didn't seem to deter it too much since it immediately scrambled back to its paws and started running back in toward him. This time he let it get close enough that it was about to bite at his leg before he lunged for the back of its neck again, this time pushing down to shove it to the ground instead of tossing it away. Just as he did this, though, a fourth dingo that he hadn't noticed at first came out from the brush and went for his tail, sending a sharp pain through the limb as it bit down around his tail. He yelped and growled, making him let go of the first dingo that gave it an opening to skitter away as he spun around to face the one that had bitten his tail.

"Solaire Carpathius"


The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-20-2024, 10:47 AM

Nelu slammed his massive weight into the nearest dingo, combining the motion with his fangs to tear a aceration in his back as he sent it flying. The motion triggered the second and it leapt at him, fangs latching into his scruff before he could respond. The dingo he tossed got to its feet and dove for him again, but thankfully his brother arrived and tossed the creature away. Thank goodness! So many opponents was making it difficult to respond to all attacks.

Nelu turned his attention to the one that had his scruff, he twisted his head in fangs grabbing onto the dingo's leg, just above the elbow as he jerked his head up, unbalancing the canine. His jaws bit down hard, the power behind them causing the bone to crack and the dingo to scream thus releasing his scruff. Nelu quickly tossed the creature away from himself, trying to buy more time to react. Before he could go and help his brother the dingo that had been in the thicket after Samiri had broken away from the raven and was on the attack. It charged for him.


The Hallows

Expert Healer (135)

Advanced Fighter (110)

2 Years
Dire wolf
01-23-2024, 06:50 PM
He kept his focus on the dingo in front of him since the smaller canine was bound to use him looking away as a chance to attack, but he heard one of the dingos scream from the direction that his brother was so he assumed that Nelu had it handled over there. That freed him up to charge in toward his opponent. From the training and practicing he had done with his smaller siblings he was pretty familiar with the kind of tactics that they'd use to try and get the advantage against someone as big as him. The dingo wasn't much different and tried to dart to the side to avoid him and go in for his side–except that's exactly what Solaire assumed it would do and he was ready for it. He was already twisting around toward the dingo before it had even fully committed to its attack on his side and that brought his jaws to the back of its neck well before it was able to make contact with him.

The dingo squealed and flailed as he bit down on the back of its neck. He tasted blood as he bit down hard, but he threw the dingo to the ground before he actually hit bone. He didn't want to kill the dingos so he hoped that if he knocked them around enough without doing anything lethal they'd get the message, but they certainly were certainly stubborn little guys. The one he tossed down was immediately back on its paws and diving in for his foreleg before he could react and he growled as its sharp teeth bit into his foreleg near his ankle. "You're really trying my patience..." he muttered as he lifted his other paw and slammed it down on the top of the dingo's head, making it yelp and release his leg so he could stagger back a couple of steps and get back out of range of this guy.

"Solaire Carpathius"


The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
Dire wolf
02-04-2024, 12:40 PM

Nelu examined the dingo's movements then kicked off violently, coming in low. Just as the dingo launched for his face Nelu launched himself up at an easy angle, shoulder crashing into the dingo's trachea. There was a sickening thud as the two collided and the dingo let out a strangled cry. It fell back, gasping and struggling to breath, limbs flailing as it stumbled to its feet and took off running. While he was distracted suddenly one of the other dingos was on his back, fangs digging into his scruff. He yelled in surprise but quickly recovered by raising his upper body up then slamming himself forward, effectively launching the dingo over his head and off of him. It turned around and charged once more but this time Nelu was ready. He pivoted out of the way and grabbed the back of the dingo's thigh, thrashing his head. It shrieked and kicked, wiggling away from him with its tail between its legs.


The Hallows

Expert Healer (135)

Advanced Fighter (110)

2 Years
Dire wolf
02-18-2024, 02:02 PM
Solaire snarled at the dingo that he had knocked off of him, his hackles bristling and eyes darting toward the other two that Nelu was tossing off of him as well. These little guys were tenacious, he'd give them that! But he was growing tired of all of this back and forth and knew he was going to have to do something to finally chase them off. With a snarl he grabbed the one closest to him by the scruff and charged toward the next, knocking two of the dingos into one another, almost like he was bowling with dingos. Was it the most elegant fighting method? No. Was it any of the practiced, trained moves that he worked on with his parents? Absolutely not. But was it effective? Yeah it was! The two dingos yelped and scrambled, falling into a tangled pile that took them a second to unravel and get back to their paws. By the time they did the third one had already decided enough was enough and took off, inspiring its friends to finally do the same. Once he was sure they were gone, Solaire turned to Nelu with a big, victorious grin, his tail wagging behind him. "We did it! Good job, bro! Are you alright?"

"Solaire Carpathius"

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1. Maybe Is Wolf? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [Solaire] The God's Garden 01:48 PM, 01-13-2024 10:46 PM, 03-25-2024