
I'm here with out you, baby

Ares 1


05-18-2014, 01:09 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2014, 03:09 PM by Ares 1.)

Devya was gone. Not long after their arrival in ebony a sickness had taken her. The boy had done his best to care for her but in the end she had died. (or so he thought) So with nothing left for him in Ebony he had left. He felt so lost with out her. The world was darker around him, the sun seemed to never shine. What did he have left to live for? Would he go crawling back to Artemis and the rest of his siblings? No, he was too prideful for that. How he wished his father was still alive to show him what to do. To guide him along once again. He was gone, left him just as Devya had.
He had felt his heart begin to grow with her, like it was real and that he could really believe in love. But why would he want to believe in it when all those who he had ever loved were now gone. His rough form would find its way back to the volcano. His place of birth, his mother's grave, maybe the mountain would hold some answers for him. Ares would find a familiar place, where Morphine had once gathered her brood to teach them of their kingdom. He would bring his haunches underneath him. A devastated sigh falling from his lips as lavender eyes looked out over the view before him. What could he do.?



05-18-2014, 02:35 PM

Winter had grasped the land. It brought heavy snow and biting winds. But more than that, she had turned two and entered her first heat. Desire curled in her belly but she fought it back, ignoring it for the moment. It had been a few days since her run in with Artemis. And since then she had left Ebony, her determination renewed by the face of her biggest enemy. Long stilts carried her at an easy lope across the land, heading straight for her place of birth. She didn't know why she was returning, the place was nothing to her, it held no memories. But nonetheless her narrow bodice navigated that treacherous terrain with ease.

The woman was still recovering from her illness, her coat had gained back it's shine but she was still putting on weight. Aside from her physical appearance, her mood had changed too. After seeing Artemis and facing her, the girl knew she needed to change, she could sulk forever over the loss of Ares. Nostrils quivered, taking in the scent of the rogues that had claimed the land for themselves. But one scent had her skidding to a stop. It couldn't be, her mind had to be playing tricks on her. He was gone.

Cautious steps carried her closer, following his trail until two times gems landed on his pale figure. She blinked a few times, trying to believe that this was real, that she was imagining things. She said nothing. She had no idea what to say. Her resolve slowly crumbled the longer she stared. Time seemed to freeze, she had no idea how long she stood there. Would he notice her? Was he even real?

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Ares 1


05-18-2014, 03:17 PM

He would sit in complete silence as the snow would fall around him, light flecks would rest on his pure pelt. His gaze would see all before him and yet he saw nothing. Just her face. He would find tears starting to roll down his cheeks, his emotions so raw. Even the death of his father had not elicited so much emotion. He would stay, his mind begging the volcano to take him. However it would bring about other ideas.
Her absolutely irresistible scent would arouse him from his stupor. Vivid violet eyes would snap open as his senses were enticed. It could not be her. The sickness had taken her... Hadn't it? Bleached white ears would fall back as he swiveled his features, was the mountain testing him now? But no, his nose was not fooling him. Her form, her gorgeous pelt would shine out against the snowy background. He was transfixed, was it her? "Devya.. But.." tears would being trickling from his eyes slowly working themselves into a stream. "You're. Dead." she had to be a trick of his mind.?

I can talk!


05-18-2014, 06:15 PM

Crown would tip to the side, watching as he looked frantically, seeming to think he was only imagining things. Her name would drop from his pale lips, disbelief clear in his voice. You're dead. A frown tugged at her features, his words stinging. He thought she had been dead? But, why? For a long moment she would say nothing, merely looking at him in confusion. The dark girl took a hesitant step forward, uncertain. "I'm definitely not dead." While she meant to sound serious, it came out as more of a question.

"You left." Again. The closer to got, the more evident it became that his cheeks were wet. Her own eyes watered, but she refused to let any tears fall. She would not let herself crumble again. Dark stilts carried her forward until she stood only a foot away from him. His masculine scent assaulted her, tugging at her darkest desires. She knew now was not the time, but her heat....It turned him into a drug, more so than he already was.

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Ares 1


05-20-2014, 12:55 PM

Her beautiful features would turn down as he made his revelation, her absolute confusion as deep as his. Yet at the same time a sense of relief would flood through him as he would take her in. She had lived through the sickness, he had been totally and utterly mistaken. "You were so sick, and you stopped breathing, and you were... You were gone." pale ears would cling to his scalp as he tried to keep himself from embracing her. She would confront him about leaving her, but how could he stay when all he'd ever wanted had perished. "I couldn't... I couldn't.." he was at a loss of words as her enticing scent would overwhelm him. Her stunning eyes and perfect figure begged him to grab her. "I can't believe you're alive." he would shake his head in disbelief as his tears kept falling. "Devya.." he wanted so bad to touch her, to confirm her solidity. But he couldn't. He'd left her again when he'd promised to stay by her side always.?

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05-20-2014, 01:30 PM

The confusion was embedded in his features, in his words, he was trying to make himself believe. Had she really been that sick? It was all a vague memory she could barely recall. She was unable to bring herself to blame him for leaving. If she had indeed been that close to the death that he believed her to be dead, then she couldn't put the blame on his for moving on with his life. Her expression would soft, eyes searching his face, seeing his control crumble. Without a second though, she would rush forward, closing the small gap between them. She moved to bury her face in his neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent. His warmth sent shivers of desire down her back, leaving her craving more. "Oh Ares." Words were a whisper, muffled by his pelt. Aching desire curled in her belly, causing her press closer to him, drowning him in her perfume. A low whine slipped from her jaws, it was unbearable, she craved his every touch so bad it hurt. Taking slow steps, she would rub herself down his side, circling him to stand on his other side, pressing her weight and warmth into him.

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Ares 1


05-20-2014, 03:30 PM

Lavender gaze would watch her appearance, he didn't know what she would do or even if she was even before him. It was still very likely his mind was playing awful tricks on him. ?Suddenly though, her appearance would change and she was surrounding him. Felling her face find its place on his neck he would become overjoyed. Embracing her fully with the love and need he'd experienced since thinking her dead. he would whine as the simple touch of her body would cause his skin to alight in blazing fire. Her intoxicating scent would surround him, his need for his drug returning. Life would again return to him as her words were whispered to him. She would bring herself so close, his body becoming harder to control as she whined. Her form sliding along his body, he would feel himself shudder as memories of their first time together would flood back. "Devya," he would whisper her name greedily, his muzzle moving close to her own. Salmon tongue would sneak from behind his teeth as he offered her a kiss. His body trying to run away with him as he tried to suppress his strengthening desires.?



05-21-2014, 01:50 PM

His every touch set her skin on fire. Her name rolling off his tongue sent a shiver down her spine. His was addictive. Impatience made her bold, fangs nipping gently at his neck. He was holding back just as he had held back the first time. Desire clawed angrily at her belly, demanding to be sated. Thick plume danced behind, brushing against his pale hip. The woman practically vibrated with impatience. A whine slipped from behind dark lips, begging him to give him, begging him to stop making her wait. Ebony crown would lower to slip beneath his chin, tucking herself against him. She would continue her assault, nipping at his chest until he gave in and gave them both what they wanted. "I love you." Words were spoken only for him, just loud enough that he would be able to hear. Nothing could explain the joy she felt to back in his embrace, to be in his presence, to know that they were once again inseparable.

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Ares 1


05-21-2014, 03:31 PM

His senses were set alight as her gentle shiver ran over her spine and transferred to his own skin. He would feel in ripple over his body as he found himself losing catch of his own breath. So similar was this to their first time, he felt himself holding back. Uncertainty living within his form as her body begged him to take her. Alluring tails brushing his back temptingly. She would whine, bringing forth a gasp from his wanton lips. She would slip her head under his chin, her body simply begging him to release the tension that grew between them. He would let the desire within him take over, the fire that was kindled would explode into a raging fire. He would feel himself stand, her nips pushing him further, his grip on reality fading as all he could think was of her and her irresistible being. She would whisper, words of concrete meaning, of permanent togetherness. He knew he would never leave her side as his paws danced in anticipation. "I love you, Devya." He'd whisper as he found her ear lobe, gently tugging as he slipped his arm over her back. "I want you, forever." he would whine as he felt his instincts completely taking over. His body begging to have her.

I can talk!


05-21-2014, 09:56 PM

She felt like she was going to explode. She couldn't wait any longer. Her skins as on fire, desire held her in its unbreakable grasp. A smile would tug at dark lips as words fell from his jaws. She was overjoyed. He still loved her and he would always love her. Her tail wagged behind her for the briefest of moments. He would pull her closer, a leg draped over over back. Dark limbs would bend as he pressed herself against him, encouraging him as she attempted to wiggle under him. She didn't want to wait any longer, she couldn't wait any longer. She waited for the moment that he would send them into a blissful world of pleasure. It had felt like forever since they had last shared such an intimate moment, she missed it dearly, craving his ever touch.


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Ares 1


05-21-2014, 11:03 PM

Her heat soul continue to urge him forward as he dove into her intoxicating scent head first. He found himself falling and he had no care to stop. He would give in, allowing his body's actions to guide his way. As he found himself draped over her back she would push her body towards him, her movements begging him to continue. The feeling of her heated body next to his would be enough to coax a surprised gasp from his lips. She very much obviously was ready for them to come together, he would growl hungrily as his chest would be pushed upon her back. Teeth would craze her nape as he ended their long wait. Body melting into bliss as he enjoyed Devya thoroughly, it had been far too long since they'd been together.?

Her every movement had brought him immense pleasure as they had claimed each other again. He could hardly move as they separated, immediately he would lean in to nuzzle her gently. Now that he had her back he didn't want to leave her side. She was his drug and he would be utterly hooked until the day he died. "I've missed you so much Devya. It hurt so bad to think you dead. I can hardly contain my joy of being with you again."



05-30-2014, 02:26 PM

As the pleasure came to an end, exhaustion swept over her. Ares would slip from her back, his warmth leaving her though he didn't stray far. He would lean into nuzzle, and she would return the gesture, leaning into his touch. His words would make her smile. It saddened her to think that he thought she had died, but she wouldn't hold onto the thought, nor would she blame him. "I've missed you too! I am so happy to be with your again." She would smile, sleepy eyes turning up towards him. She knew that she could never bare to be away from him again. But where would they go now? Back to ebony? Or remain rogues? She wasn't entirely sure, but that was a discussion for later. She would press herself against him, absorbing his warmth like a sponge. The farthest thing from her mind was the possibility of being pregnant, she was far to wrapped up in her happiness to even think about it. Her twit ones gaze would mingle easily with his lavender one, a permeant smile plastered on her dark face.

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Ares 1


05-30-2014, 03:31 PM

His breath was still lost to him as he grabbed hold of his mate's form once again. He felt the same satisfied exhaustion as she, and unlike their first time he wouldn't worry about pregnancy. They were still rather young, it hadn't been terribly long since their first time. She would exclaim how much she had missed him, almost as much as he missed her he was sure. He'd never thought he could need someone do much, but she kept his heart beating. She would look up at him, and his face would mirror her smile. Tiredness was obvious in her features as it was in his muscles. Nothing was on his mind but her luscious sable curves and gorgeous dual toned eyes. She was perfect and she was his. Area would slip his form onto the cold ground of the volcano, perfectly content to spend the night with her there. They would decide what to do tomorrow, there was plenty of time for just the two of them and the mountain. He would sigh contentedly, "My beautiful gem."



05-30-2014, 03:55 PM

She would watch as he folded his limbs beneath him, curling up on the cold ground near the volcano. She would follow suite, tucking herself against his side, blanketing herself in his warmth and love. She would smile as her spoke. "My love." Words were soft as her lowered her crown to rest across his pale limbs. Eyes would flutter shut, trying to stay open but to no avail. Exhaustion swept over her like a wave. The dark woman would curl up into a ball, sharing her warmth with her mate, dozing off with a small smile of her face before finally slipping off into the dream world. Sides would rise and fall gently, her mind subconsciously aware of his ever movement, his every breath. Finally, she was back in his embrace and had no intentions of going anywhere, no matter what.


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