
Existential Crisis


03-29-2014, 03:51 PM

But the Lord said "go to the Devil"

So I ran to the Devil

OOC: None of you super happy maimy rapey people, please. Mildly maimy people are okay.

Angelus found himself standing atop a small rise overlooking the battlefield. He was surrounded by flowers and pretty things. Of course, here and there the ground was torn up, the flowers wilting, the pretty things speckled with gore, but if you overlooked it really wasn't a half bad place. How this plain had been chosen as the land's killing grounds was beyond him.

Turning from the scenery, the brute padded down the rise and began to walk across the plain, kicking flowers out of his way as he went. Not knowing what to do with himself, Angelus just wandered. He'd worked so hard to better himself in his home pack and now, not even three seasons after he'd left, he was once again just dicking around not doing anything of substance. It was almost as if he'd never left.

With a sigh, the brute sat down in yet another patch of flowers. What was the point of him? He had nothing. Was nothing. If he were to drop dead right now no one would miss him. In all honesty, he didn't know what to do with himself. Was it time to just go home and give up this silly little adventure?

He was waiting


03-29-2014, 08:54 PM
The ivory queen has spent a fair bit of time at the battlefield as of late. She wasn't seeking to spar- she was however, seeking to expand her kingdom- hoping to find loners and creatures who had no other home here. She could take them in and make them great. She could give them a home. It was with those positive thoughts, that she emerged again from the shadows of the field, entering the beautiful landscape. It was strange to call the land beautiful, though it was marred with the deaths and blood of others. Flowers littered the landscape, and she took a moment as she moved through them to admire the various colors. Hues of yellow, pink, red, and orange with a few violet flowers decorated the land- a testament to the wild.

She stepped gently through them, her head turning to scan the field about her, it seemed quiet out here today. No battles were raging- the only other scent here belonged to another. She turned towards it, pausing among the flowers she stood in, and took in the form of another. The mottled brown male was sitting in another patch of flowers, with a slight twitch of her ears, she turned towards him, her eyes surveying him as he approached. "You look lost." She'd comment dryly as she approached. Towards his left side, she would stand waiting to be acknowledge by the male. Her body remained slightly tense- she wouldn't be caught of guard here.

ooc: as soon as I find our other thread, I'm gonna reply there too c: We can assume they've met previously if you like or not, since that thread was started a week or two ago?



6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-30-2014, 05:15 AM

The battlefield seemed to be like a second home to him. He had become seasoned here, and he had often traversed it to find others who needed purpose. He gave purpose to those he came across, for he was on a quest of his own to fulfill as well. And each he came across helped him further his goal, so for both ends, it was a win-win situation. His plans came closer and closer to fruition each passing day, and today would be no different. He would find that he was not alone today, for the familiar scent of someone he knew, mingling with the scent of one he had come across before, came to him. Amber orbs gazed upon the form of his Sister, a smirk appearing on his features as he neared, though he cared not what she was here for. And as eyes fell upon the other, he would soon come to find that it was a male he had spoken to before, and one that he had found potential in. "Well, never thought I'd run into you here." He commented as he stared at his sister. He came to stand at an angle, facing the pair. Angelus on his right, Roman on his left. This would be an interesting meeting, and yet it was Angelus he had hoped to run into. He had seen and sensed a potential within the young male, and Sin planned on bringing it to fruition. "Not stealing prey anymore, boy? I see you've taken my advice. What is it you are searching for out here? Still interested in bringing yourself to full potential?" He would turn towards Angelus, for his business was with him, yet he would not miss a chance to pry into the affairs of his sister, neither.


You Wear a Crown but You're No King by Blessthefall on Grooveshark


04-05-2014, 09:36 PM

There was nothing around him but flowers and grass, and the openness of it made him feel small, further darkening his mood. He tried to remember what it felt like to be safe. Try as he might, the only memories associated with that feeling were woven with the placidity of the lowly and all Angelus was able to take from them was that, as much as he wished it, he didn't belong there. This realization wasn't new to him, it was one he'd reached many times, however it didn't lessen his desire. He wanted to belong somewhere, anywhere, and was almost to the point of conforming just so he had a place to call home.

The approach of another drew him out of his spiraling thoughts and caused him to tense. He wouldn't be caught off guard in the battlefield again. No, definitely not; he'd learned his lesson.

Angelus' ears swiveled in Roman's direction before dragging the rest of his head with him. Upon settling on her, his eyes brightened with recognition. He knew that confidence, that face. Well, 'knew' was perhaps a little strong, but he was somewhat familiar with her. Her statement was reaching, but true. He was lost and while that wasn't a new thought, his ability to push it aside and keep moving was diminishing quickly. "In a sense, I suppose I am." The brute was on the verge of saying more when yet another familiar figure appeared. Sin. Instantly his willingness to divulge his woes vanished. He doubted such weakness would be met with kindness in the presence of the other male and strove to not only protect himself, but to not lessen himself in the eyes of the other. "I'm always interested. It would be foolish not to strive for the best." How exactly he reached that goal, if reaching it were even possible, had yet to be decided. Angelus would continue weighing options until there was a clear victor.



04-14-2014, 12:51 AM
She kept her attention on the oddly colored brute before her- taking in his words. It would seem as soon as he'd answer her question the arrival of another would take her attention- Sin. Another Armada, and her brother. She hadn't seen hide nor hair of him in a long while- long before she had left Glaciem for Tortuga's rule. He commented that he didn't expect to run into her her, and she chuckled slightly. "Nor did I expect to run into you. Haven't seen you around these parts as of late, I thought you'd moved on to greener pastures?" She questioned slightly,only slightly curious to his late affairs. Her tone was friendly enough, she had no reason to be hostile. She found herself paying attention as Sin spoke to the stranger, and she took in his answer before speaking. "What do you define as the best?" She questioned the stranger, her curiosity peaked. He wasn't affiliated, and she needed recruits. He looked capable, but stealing prey.. what was Sin on about?

With that she would wait, to see what both of the wolves said and to see where this conversation would go. She stood facing off the two males- her body fairly relaxed. She didn't foresee any reason to be uneasy.