
songbirds & snakes



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
01-15-2024, 02:55 PM

The Saxe brute and his crew of heathens hadn’t inhabited the plains for long, and already Sephiran was making their presence known. Leaving his scent along the borders, stringing out decaying carcasses and the severed heads of the band Kaino eradicated. He wanted any who passed by, to know that this place harbored monstrosities. And, once he finished adding the final touches, which included instructing his falcon to scatter entrails in the branches of the trees, he made his way back into the heart of the territory.

The move from the north had kept him quite busy- which meant, he was feeling depraved, having spent little time with Aurelia. And so, the beast would seek out his toy. Finding her in one of the meadows, harvesting herbs for her collection. Approaching her, wearing that dominant, haughty expression of his. He instructed her to join him on a walk, leaving no room for defiance. And, he led her towards a collection of boulders on the western section of the territory, stopping at a distance once the hissing was audible.

Shifting his gaze toward her, Sephiran observed her for several moments- gauging her expression, analyzing her for anything out of the ordinary. Always searching for kinks in his forces, and treasonous behaviors. “I’ve chosen this territory to monopolize its resources. There are poisons here for you to collect. Healing herbs too...”  His tail flicked behind him, as he continued to stare down at Aurelia. “…and, the venom in these vipers.” His expression morphed, a sneer tugging at his inky lips. One that gave insight to the ploys formulating in his mind.

He had brought her here to collect them.  

Code by Shelby
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
01-15-2024, 05:16 PM
The vast plains stretched as far as the eye could see, a sea of lush vegetation swaying gently in the early summer breeze. Tall grasses, vibrant wildflowers, and assorted herbs painted the landscape with a myriad of colors. In the heart of the land lay a sizable lake, its clear waters reflecting the blue sky above. A cluster of diverse trees surrounded the water, casting dappled shadows on the ground beneath. The sound of a small river meandering through the prairie added a soothing melody to the symphony of nature. Despite the picturesque scenery, the name of the land, with its deceiving charm, held a foreboding truth as she was coming to find out. As it had turned out, this serene plain was home to a myriad of serpents. Luckily, they didn't particularly bother her, and even better yet, she was coming to like it better than the unforgiving chill of the northern territories.

But of course, Sephiran's arrival would manifest to dispute the tranquility. She felt his presence before he even spoke, the air shifting subtly around him. As he instructed her to join him on a walk, she finished gathering the last few herbs and carefully placed them in her pouch. Without a word of defiance, but a resentfully annoyed glance, she followed him toward the western section of the territory. The hissing in the distance grew louder, and Aurelia's sapphire eyes narrowed slightly, her instincts on high alert. She stood beside Sephiran, maintaining a composed exterior despite the unsettling atmosphere. His words hung in the air, and she listened intently. The mention of poisons and venom hinted at a more sinister purpose for their presence.

Her gaze flicked to the vipers, and she understood the task ahead. Aurelia wasn't one to question her role or show fear, but a spark of defiance ignited in her eyes. She acknowledged his orders with a simple nod, her expression betraying none of the thoughts swirling within her mind. Aurelia spoke calmly, her voice measured, "We'll need the ... proper receptacle to be able to efficiently gather what it is you're after when it comes to venom." Her voice light and airy as she turned her attention to the venomous vipers. She thought back to the small clay pot with a thin layer of leather over the top ... that the interesting woman had used to force an adder's fangs into. Blinking away the image, she returned her attention to Sephiran wondering if he had any idea as to how they were going to collect the venom.

"Sephiran Saxe" & "Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
01-15-2024, 06:30 PM

Ears twitching upon his skull, Sephiran was listening to the variation of hisses coming from the boulders- deciphering how many there might be, their sizes, species, etc. So far, the venomous snakes he’d seen out in the plains were rattlesnakes, mambas, and cobras. But perhaps this little enclave harbored more than that. “I trust you’ll have that sorted after we collect them?” He retorted, quick to the punch. He was making this her task of the season, if she hadn’t picked that up already. Which meant, it would be her responsibility to conjure up a proper receptacle, when the time came.

Truthfully, he wanted to collect the serpents first, to harbor a stockpile away. But they needed to experiment first, and figure out a way to harvest them. Once they had that figured out, he would work on finding an enclosure before they collected more. The thought brought a wicked smirk to his lips, tongue sliding across his fangs. Unleashing a stockpile of venomous serpents on an enemy's doorstep... how delightful.

Turning towards her, he craned his neck downwards- nudging her shoulder with his snout, ushering her forward. “Go on.” He commanded, glaring at her with a mischievous flicker in his eyes. Soon after, he sauntered forward, curious about how she planned to capture a snake.  

Code by Shelby
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
01-15-2024, 08:45 PM
Aurelia took a moment to absorb Sephiran's response, the weight of his expectations settling on her shoulders. As he nudged her shoulder, a silent command to proceed, she gracefully moved forward, her sapphire eyes scanning the surroundings for signs of movement among the boulders. The hissing was more distinct now, a cacophony of serpentine voices echoing within the rocky enclave.

Her sharp senses guided her to a narrow crevice, and with slow, cat-like movements, she inched closer, careful not to disturb the serpents within. The cacophony of hisses and slithering sounds filled the air, making her skin crawl. Aurelia hunched down low, her body becoming one with the thick blades of grass as she observed the elegant yet deadly dance of the snakes. Her eyes locked onto a rattlesnake, its warning tail poised and ready to strike at any moment. But Aurelia was not afraid. In fact, an idea began to take shape in the back of her mind.

Aurelia's gaze swept over the vast plains, her mind set on finding suitable offering for her quest. Her sharp eyes sharpened and honed in on a group of field mice, frolicking carelessly in the tall grasses. Like a graceful predator, she stalked closer, every step calculated and silent. With lightning speed, she pounced on one of the unsuspecting rodents, her jaws closing with a swift snap that echoed through the open landscape. In her grasp was a fresh catch, secured for her journey ahead.

She turned to Sephiran upon returning, addressing the intricacies of venom collection, "Venom loses potency when exposed to open air. The fresher, the better. So, ideally, we want to minimize the time between extraction and containment, and then to use." Her words were measured, a blend of practicality and wisdom. Aurelia continued her explanation, her focus on the task ahead, "You see, the snake doesn't necessarily have to die for its venom to be collected. In fact, you can domesticate them to an extent, making them a renewable source."

"If we can befriend some of these into companions, we can collect its venom without killing it. The key is building trust and ensuring a symbiotic relationship. It's a delicate process, but I think the benefits are worth the effort for what you are wanting." Aurelia looked around, scanning around the boulders for signs of a serpent's presence. Her eyes narrowed as she spotted a subtle movement in the nearby grass. She gestured toward it, "Let's start with that one." She approached cautiously, her movements calculated to avoid startling the snake. With the field mouse in her jaws, she crouched down, offering the creature as a gesture of goodwill. At first glance, it appeared to be black and white- but the longer she looked at it, it seemed that some of its scales glittered dark blue in the sunlight. The process of gaining the snake's trust had begun, and she hoped it would prove successful for their unconventional venture.

"Sephiran Saxe" & "Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
01-15-2024, 10:16 PM

Watching as Aurelia strode forward, Sephiran couldn’t help the predatory thrill that rolled down his spine. The way she crept forward, slow and calculated, as if a wrong step would bring perilous harm. It was arousing to the Saxe brute, for some reason or another. His pelt started to bristle, primarily around his shoulders. Tail raising to align with his spine, as she crept down to peer into the narrow crevices. While she was studying their quarry, he was fantasizing about pinning her down and mounting her. Typical.

When she whirled back around, he was taken off guard- though, his stoic expression didn’t show it. There was a tinge of curiosity in his gaze as he watched her slink away- catching a small field mouse off in the distance, and returning with it in her mouth. An offering? He almost laughed at her, finding it humorous that she might be considering winning over a snake… when they could easily kill it, and harvest its venom.

While she spoke, he listened- though, much of it went in one ear, and out the other, as he couldn’t stop staring at the mouse she was holding. Even when she finished, he didn’t say anything. But he did follow after her, as she honed in on a snake slithering around in the grass. Just as he suspected, she set the dead mouse down, offering it to the serpent. That’s when he scoffed, lips peeling back into a sneer as he narrowed his eyes. How ridiculous.

With a huff, he turned away from her. Flicking his tail at her, hitting her in the shoulder, before returning to the rocky enclave. He didn’t need to befriend a snake- they were a resource to monopolize, and that’s all there was to it. So, while Aurelia lived in her fantasy world, playing with snakes- Sephiran sauntered to the closest serpent he could find, and launched an attack.

It was a fairly large viper, coiled up in a tight ball, hissing and rattling its tail at him. Stopping just out of striking distance, he released a low, guttural growl. Pelt bristling, head lowering, as he faced off with the snake. Then, he moved to his right- wanting his prey focused on him, as he neared a smaller rock. Once it was at his feet, he scooped it up swiftly- throwing it in the opposite direction, causing the snake to momentarily follow the movement. He leaped forward then, jaws splayed, ready to grab the snake by the head- but he miscalculated. Missing it, and snapping at the air, he stepped on the fucking thing. It whipped around striking at his forelimb- and somehow, missed with only centimeters to spare. This brought him stumlbing back, just out of striking range again. A growl rumbling from him, an enraged expression on his face, as the viper slithered deeper into the narrow crevice and out of his reach.

Code by Shelby
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
01-15-2024, 10:35 PM
With a serene and purposeful gait, Aurelia approached the slithering snake, her unwavering gaze fixed upon its sleek and supple body. The creature, initially cautious, slowly coiled itself in preparation, its forked tongue darting out to taste the air. A respectful distance was maintained between them as Aurelia approached with a small field mouse in her jaws, prepared to use as bribery for the beautiful serpent in a gesture of peace.

Aurelia moved with fluid grace, lowering herself to the ground in a calculated manner. Her eyes remained locked onto the serpent's gleaming orbs, daring not to break their intense gaze. In a soft and soothing tone, she spoke, "Easy there. No harm intended." The field mouse hung limply from her jaws, its small body serving as a peace offering extended to the wary creature. Aurelia inched closer, every movement deliberate and purposeful to convey her non-threatening intentions. The tension between predator and prey was palpable in the air, but Aurelia remained calm and determined in her approach.

The snake, with its wary movements and calculating gaze, seemed to sense the lack of aggression from the wolf. Aurelia approached it carefully, her paws making light imprints on the soft earth beneath her. In her jaws, she carried a small field mouse, offering it as a gift to the snake. She nudged it gently towards the serpent with her nose, her voice quiet and soothing. The curious serpent eyed both the mouse and Aurelia, its initial apprehension fading into intrigue. Its tongue flicked out inquisitively as it considered this unexpected encounter.

Aurelia's words flowed like honey, a soothing balm to the wary snake before her. "There's plenty more where this came from if you decide to come along with me. We could form a partnership, of sorts. You would have access to food and warmth whenever you please, and in return, I would have your venom at my disposal. A fair trade, don't you agree?" With careful movements- mindful of the snake's space, she extended an unspoken invitation for companionship. The air was thick with anticipation, as if nature herself held her breath in anticipation of the creature's decision.

The serpent, its sleek scales glinting in the dappled sunlight, was enticed by the irresistible scent of the field mouse and seemingly swayed by Aurelia's reassuring presence. With noticeable caution, it slithered closer, its narrow head bobbing as it tasted the air with a flick of its forked tongue. Aurelia stood her ground, her calm and composed demeanor betraying no fear as she extended her hand towards the serpent, inviting its choice.

After a moment of contemplation, the snake made a subtle movement, coiling around the field mouse. Aurelia nodded approvingly, a silent understanding passing between them. The bond was forming, and the serpent seemed receptive to the mutually beneficial arrangement Aurelia had proposed. With a slow slither, the snake began to close the distance. She took a sturdy outstretched paw and planted it firmly against the ground in an offering. Her beautiful new companion wound its way around her forearm, and moved to a more stable position up her shoulder. With enthused confidence, she looked up to find Sephiran. Offering him a genuinely enthusiastic grin- even more so to see his method fail almost instantly.

"Sephiran Saxe" & "Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
02-01-2024, 04:48 PM
Still staring at the narrow crevice the serpent had escaped into, Sephiran was snarling out of malice and contempt- fangs bared at rock face, a paw outstretched and clawing at the opening. But the snake had already vanished into the inner labyrinth. Leaving him with nothing more than a sour taste in his mouth, and a hit to his ego. Turning away, tail flicking wildly behind him. He gravitated back towards Aurelia, who had a small snake coiled around her forearm. The enthusiastic grin on her face, added fuel to the fire. As he glared at her, the expression on his face read loud and clear. Wipe that smile off your face or I’ll kill the snake. The low growl rumbling from his chest, and his erect tail enhanced his show of aggression. Heterochromatic eyes boring into hers, before he turned away and went back to the rock face. Jealous and enraged that she'd so easily bewitched a snake, while he was struggling to get one himself.

He would continue to try and capture a snake. Repeating the errors over and over- receiving bites here and there, from nonvenomous snakes who got in his way. Whatever Aurelia chose to do now, didn’t matter to him. He was far too focused on trying to enslave his next companion.

-end thread-

"Sephiran Saxe" & "Aurelia Veratti"
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.

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1. songbirds & snakes Serpent Plains 02:55 PM, 01-15-2024 07:57 AM, 03-03-2024