
This is pretty alright I guess

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The Hallows

Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (175)

2 Years
Dire wolf
01-18-2024, 02:14 AM

Her second birthday was so close she could taste it. Just a few more months and she'd be considered a full blown adult. She wasn't sure why that was something she was chasing so eagerly, but at the very least it meant that she was getting more and more freedom to go and do what she wanted. It was mostly the going places that she was interested. She had looped through the territories that Ashen owned more times than she could possibly count and all of the ones immediately bordering them had been seen by her at least a couple of times by now. Now that she was on the cusp of her second birthday she could finally start venturing out a little further as long as she had her companions with her which was completely fine by her. She hardly went anywhere without Umber or Goldie anyway so that was an easy condition to meet.

It was later in the day when she got to the Gulley, the sun just dipping bellow the horizon. Even though her family was mostly active at night she knew it was easier to travel and see things during the day so if she was going off on her own she tried to at least get going in the afternoon. Luckily the moon was big and full as it began to peek through the clouds and be revealed by the setting sun so even as the sun went away she still had a nice amount of cool, white light to see by. Umber flew around overhead, her loud "hoo"s reminding her occasionally that the owl was still there. Meanwhile Goldie had already wandered off a bit to a bunch of nearby bushes that were dotted with a bunch of berries. "Make sure you're not eating any poisonous ones!" she called after the golden jackal with a little chuckle before she turned her magenta gaze back toward the landscape. She stood in what felt like the middle of a valley, lush foliage, flowers, and plants spreading up and out on either side of her. Well... If she was going to land anywhere for the night at least this was a pretty place to do it.

"Rebel Klein"


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
01-18-2024, 05:40 AM

Departing from his adventure with Calista left him in a hurricane of lingering concerns. None that proved to be too serious; though, it did not sit well with how she’d maneuvered her way into something that kept him alive. He knew surely it was not love that stroke his heart. Such an emotion did not exist in a world full of Saxe. Cifarelli only knew hate, lust, and power. Much like the color of his eyes, blood pumped with the course of adrenaline surging through him. He’d ran here. Finding more interesting places to fuel his scouting mind. There would be not one area that did not smell of his scent. But for now, he moved around these lands like a rock skipping on water. Time was on his side. So what rush did he have to be in to search through every inch?

A week or so had passed since he’d last seen the dull, yet beautiful blonde woman. It’d only been a day or so since he found his new pet. Having her to give the serpent a name, he chose best to keep the young snake hidden away until it could fend for itself. Only then would it be given a chance to prove worthy of being Cifa’s new companion. Lacking of such would only lead to a quick death and new skin to present to their Band’s healer. Whomever that is anyway.

The moon shown itself ascending the once bright skies. Leaving the blue to darken effortlessly. Night had always been his favorite. To slip into the shadows and become one with it made for easy access when entering into claimed territories. A beast of a creature. The Black Plague all should stray far away from. Unlike his family, he learned the way to blend into the environment given. Like a chameleon. Cifarelli felt it best to play a part. Earn the truth of others before striking like the scaled pest back home. So, what luck did he have to find such a young beauty standing amongst a field of floral arrangements, foliage and various plants. He took quick note of the bird above and a jackal slipping away to a nearby bush. Much like others he’d seen here, she clearly had her own set of companions? However, this was simply just a hunch as he moved forward on silent paws and stealthy limbs.


The Hallows

Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (175)

2 Years
Dire wolf
01-18-2024, 10:33 PM

As she was examining the landscape, she spotted a bit of a path through some of the bushes and began to make her way that way curiously. Since she was here she might as well learn her way around and see if there was anything particularly interesting here. She let out a quick whistle to get Goldie's attention so her companion would know she was on the move before she stepped past a couple sizable raspberry bushes. Pondering the bushes for a moment, she paused to pluck off a couple and smirked a little at the tart taste of them. They reminded her of the girl she met at the Hallows ball that had introduced her to the raspberry cake she had been eating. She had to admit that the berries were much better in cake form than they were on their own, but they weren't too bad.

A little further into the gulley she found a trio of willow trees with a bunch of wild flowers scattered all over the place. The ravine that her mother had picked for their home was plenty lush outside of the cave systems where they made their dens, but this place made the ravine feel almost barren in comparison. She had never seen so many different kinds of flowers and plants all over the place! Maybe she'd have to collect some of them to take back with her. It almost made her wish she knew more about the herbs and plants that were used in healing so she'd know what was actually helpful, but the thought of memorizing all of that stuff sounded like an absolute bore.

"Rebel Klein"


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
01-18-2024, 11:11 PM

The decision to keep a respectable distance between them was only to ensure she did not come with others. Her two companions not something he really cared much for. However, if any unknown wolves chose to present themselves in that moment, at least he had time to assess the situation before hand. His movements were quite calm. Calculated under the conditions presenting themselves. The young female simply looking over various plants in observation and acknowledgement. It made his tail flick with interest. Taking a mere second to sweep his gaze over the Gully. What it had to offer nearly sickened him as he preferred the shadows and darkness of corners and such. This place reeked more for those who’d picked to be healers. Yet, he said nothing when choosing to approach her in a last minute decision. Words still choosing not to escape sealed lips. Her blue and winter’s white coat so happened to be a sight to see the closer he got. The markings adoring her legs quite different from those of his family genes.

Looking at the raspberry bush she’d chosen to feed from he, too, took in partaking some of the sweetly tart fruit. It’s staining red pigment coating the interior of his mouth with ease. One. Two. Few. Cifarelli did not know he’d enjoy such a delicacy. A thought of such taste with a mix of canid flesh or even on a bloodied hog brought him to hum in satisfaction. Only then did he allow his attention to fall back t’wards the adolescent. Or, was she reaching the age of becoming a yearling? He did not know nor did he care. Using a paw to dig at the roots of the bush itself in thought, he continued further along the path. Pass the gathering willow trees and to what smelled of a stream to clean his pallet. Cifarelli wasn’t intentionally ignoring her. He just rather she spoke first.


The Hallows

Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (175)

2 Years
Dire wolf
01-18-2024, 11:50 PM

Rebel reached out her white-dipped paw to run it through the long, trailing willow branches, admiring how they moved over her paw kind of like how water might if she ran her paw under a small waterfall. She had just been about to turn and walk away to a different part of the gulley when she heard a rustle of leaves above her and looked up to see Umber perched in the branches of a tree she was walking under, her large eyes fixed on something behind her with a low hoot leaving her companion. Turning back the way she came, her magenta gaze landed on a dark-coated man that was stepping away from the raspberry bush she had just been enjoying moments ago. How long had he been there? And was he following her or was it just a coincidence that they were following the same path? Something about how Umber was acting made her more suspicious of the individual and a little frown tugged at her lips. Regardless, she didn't like how close he was without saying a word.

"Are you following me?" she questioned him as she faced him directly, her brow furrowing. One of her ears flicked back toward a sound behind her, but the familiar, quiet growl from her jackal told her who it was without her having to look. Goldie came to her side, licking her lips from getting a drink of water. She had picked up on the slight sound of a stream right before she noticed this silent weirdo behind her. Too bad her little outing was interrupted so she didn't get to go check it out herself.

"Rebel Klein"


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
01-19-2024, 12:25 AM

Ah. So, she hadn’t noticed him as of yet. Not until the reveal his presence became alerted by that damn bird perched just over their heads. He made a mental note that if it were ever to get close enough, surely it would meet its ends with a quick snap of his jaws. Winged creatures were both useful and useless all in the same breath. Choosing best to ignore the thing all together. An ear flickered at the low growls of the jackal approaching its master. The sounds answered with a deep guttural one of his own. "Control your pet. Before he becomes my lunch." A brow rose in mock expression. Flashing the golden coated canid his teeth. Ones far sharper than that of its own. "I was merely passing by when your scent brought me here."

Cifarelli shook his head at the accusation. He was not one to just simply follow someone out of boredom. There had to be some sort interest to keep him lurking around. "How does one follow another… when they do not know of which direction they’ve come from?" Chuckling at his riddle like question, he turned his back to continue the path t’wards the flowing stream. The crystalline surface reflective of the moon above becoming more present than before. Ripples greeted him as he slid his tongue repeatedly to take in his fill. Ears listening on whatever response the young woman would have and preparing for whatever actions the jackal chose to take. He knew Sephiran would not be happy if he started a fight with one of another band or pack. But, where was the fun of not causing a bit of trouble while he continued his explorations of the new lands?


The Hallows

Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (175)

2 Years
Dire wolf
01-21-2024, 04:00 PM

As if she wasn't already irritated by the creep following in her footsteps, he had the audacity to call Goldie a "pet" and threaten her, saying she'd become his lunch. Her eyes narrowed while her hackles bristled in response. "Don't talk about her like that," she growled, watching him closely and wanting to wipe that look off of his face as he bared his teeth at her companion. If it wasn't for the fact that she didn't know what group he was with and not wanting to cause some kind of trouble between them and Ashen she probably would have, but for now she just kept her distance and glowered at him instead. She didn't believe for a second that he was just "passing by" as he claimed, but it wasn't like she had much proof to the contrary besides the fact that Umber had spotted him behind her and he hadn't made himself known before then. Whether or not be was being honest or not, he was still acting suspiciously and was getting on her nerves so regardless of his reasoning for being in her space she didn't like it. He spoke in riddles and Rebel rolled her eyes in response, scoffing at his question. It seemed as though her lovely evening in the gulley was at an end since this guy saw fit to intrude so she nodded for Goldie to follow and she began to walk away without a response and the soft rustle of leafs told her that Umber was close behind. Perhaps she could find some other pretty landscape to enjoy for the rest of her evening before she went back home.

"Rebel Klein"


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
01-23-2024, 09:23 PM

"So testy. I did not know the inhabitants of these lands were so… sensitive." The chuckle which pressed free from his lips pierced through the thick air. Her growl dismissed with a simple flick of his tail as he trotted up to meet her strides. Water droplets falling to the fresh grass. "Do not fret. I mean no harm." And honestly, he didn’t. A promise he’d made to himself for the time being. With their eyes all peeled in observing what creatures and wolves resided here. Cifarelli felt best to continue his own research to bring back to the Band for further knowledge. "Let us start off with names. I am Cifarelli. And, you?"

Silence was offered to help in easing whatever tension had been created. The eyes of her Jackal and bird piercing through him like daggers. A feeling he knew all to week and even then it made him smirk. Hiding away the malice itching just beneath the surface. What meals they’d all make. Cooked or raw. Eyes flickering ahead to once more ensure no others lingered about. And when none came, that smirk curled into a full blown smile.

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1. This is pretty alright I guess Fern Gulley 02:14 AM, 01-18-2024 05:30 AM, 05-01-2024