
Trouble brewing

Rhazien x Alaric skill


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (360)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
01-30-2024, 05:55 AM
It took Alaric weeks to travel from the northern end of the continent to the east. When he arrived, he could notice the difference in the regions almost immediately. This new part of the continent was warmer and the region he was in had much taller, thicker, grass. He pushed his way through the dense foliage of the land, his ears pricked and alert. It wasn't until the smell of something new that entered his nose that cause him to pause in his tracks. His hackles raised to their peaks, his muscles tensed. This was the smell of a big cat and from the smell of it, it was quite the domineering one. Alaric nearly snorted, rolling his orange eyes. Before he could pass any judgement, the smell of another wolf entered his nostrils. A potential extra use of paws of help him take out the lion? He sniffed and searched for the wolf, trying to make out their figure amongst the tall grass. He could faintly see their figure and he called out in a calm, yet hushed tone.

"It looks like the local big cat isn't happy we're here." He rumbled, somewhat annoyed. "I don't know you. However, I don't take such display of authority lightly. Do you want to help me defeat it?" He asked lowly. Maybe they could get an upper hand on the beast. Or maybe the stranger would decline and he would be left with leaving the region altogether. He waited for a response from the stranger.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
02-01-2024, 03:59 PM

On the prowl for knowledge once again, Rhazien left the confines of the serpent plains, heading in the northwest direction. A foggy memory appeared in his mind, as he approached a thorn engulfed thicket. This was where he treated that bear pelt with Strai. He hadn’t thought about the kid in ages- hardly able to remember his face now, given their encounter was seasons ago. He wondered how he was doing, and if he’d grown into a strong young man- and if he was still wandering around alone. He would have been a fine specimen to claim and mold into a warrior of their brood. Rhazien regretted not trying to take him back to Sephiran that day.

Ducking beneath the low-hanging branches, to avoid being smacked in the face by the thorns. Rhazien maneuvered through the thicket with precision, stopping here and there to inspect oddities. He was about halfway through the territory, when the scent of a feline caught his attention. Putting him on alert, as a sly smile curled his lips. An opportunity for bloodshed. How thrilling. And then, something else came to him- the musk of another wolf, increasing with each second, an indication they were heading his way.

Stopping, he would allow the stranger to approach. Eyeing the male who emerged from the thicket, analyzing his figure through the tall grasses. Younger than himself, shorter but robust in his figure. Thick scars adorning his flesh- though, whether they were a testament to strength or weakness, was yet to be told.

Rhazien's ears flicked as the male spoke, and he couldn’t hide the toothy, wide smile that curled his lips. Doesn’t take display of authority lightly. My, this male would despite the leader of their brood. It would be amusing to bring him home to Sephiran, just to see the two go at it. Still, Rhazien was never one to deny the thrill of a slaughter. “Only if you’ll spare its’ pretty little pelt.” The tone of his voice was airy, with a playful banter to it. But the look in his dual-colored eyes, revealed what was really going on in the brute's mind. He was going to take the pelt, regardless of what this guy said. And he would fight him for it if need be.

Whether the male agreed or not, Rhazien would move away from him. Fading off into the grasses, following the scent of the nearby tiger.  

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (360)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
02-02-2024, 04:19 PM
Alaric's watched and analyzed this male's body posture and facial expressions carefully. It didn't take much for Alaric to piece together that this make shouldn't not be underestimated, yet neither should Alaric. He nodded, agreeing to the male's condition. "So be it. Just give me the fangs." That was the only condition he could think of. He had no use for a pelt. Still, he kept vigilant as he followed behind the male through the thick grass. "My name is Alaric, should you need to know." He uttered lowly, smelling the air as they grew closer to the beast. Alaric wasn't interested in small talk yet a name seemed customary to trade. He was certain he didn't want to be friends with this male either. His orange eyes laid up on the big cat in the distance, his body tensing. It would be a challenge for anyone to take on. Yet, Alaric felt it was a necessary challenge. A workout, an experience. If he could defeat this beast, others should they cross him, should be easier.

"Ideas for a game plan?" He asked the male lowly. He kept a respectful distance. He was careful not to alert their target before a plan was formulated. He figured it was the least they could come up with. To charge in without one would be reckless and he didn't trust this male not to run out on him last second,eaving him to fend off a big cat himself. He kept that thought in the back of his mind as he waited for a response.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
02-02-2024, 04:44 PM

o, the man wanted the tiger's fangs? Assumably, he meant to craft them into something- perhaps a weapon he could use against an enemy. Nodding in agreement, Rhazien continued his pursuit deeper into the thicket. Avoiding the low-hanging branches littered in thorns, to avoid having his skin torn by the nuisances. My name is Alaric, should you need to know. And the man was a talker, it seemed- usually Rhazien didn’t exchange names until after a kill. Still, he wouldn’t deny the man a proper greeting. He hadn’t done anything to piss him off yet, after all. “Rhazien.” He rumbles, keeping his voice low and gruff, to prevent alarming their quarry of their presence.

Stalking through the underbrush, the two wolves finally reached a small clearing- and the tiger they sought was in the middle. A massive beast, lying on its belly and propped up by an elbow, licking the sinew of a fresh kill from a paw. Ideas for a game plan? Shifting his gaze to Alaric, and eyeing him for a few seconds. He flashed the male another smirk, before providing his thoughts. "Simple. Keep taking bites until it bleeds out. Go for vitals. Avoid those claws, and don’t let it catch you.” Not really a constructed plan, but it would work nonetheless. They were going to fight it, after all. This wasn’t a hunt for prey that needed an intricate strategy.

He waited for the information to sink into the male’s mind, before he veered off towards the right. Using the underbrush to conceal him, until he was perpendicular to the beast. Waiting for the other male to take his place, wherever that may be. Rhazien suddenly erupted from the foliage, jaws splayed and grabbing the tiger by the hock. Completely taken by surprise, the feline roared and reflexively swiped a paw in his direction, missing him with inches to spare.  

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (360)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
02-02-2024, 05:02 PM
Alaric listened quietly to Rhazien's plan. Not very strategic, but it was good enough. Avoid getting hit, wear the beast down, and slay it. Fine by him. Before Alaric could speak, Rhazien had took charge right at the tiger's hock. He watched as it twisted it's body and swiped for the male but missed. This is where Alaric would charge in.

Alaric's ears were flat against his skull to prevent loosing them, his eye narrowed to protect his irreplaceable eyesight. He tucked his chin to protect his vitals. Once he made sure his basic defenses were cover, he moved in closer. His hackles raised defiantly as he let out a threatening snarl. His black maws splayed open and sought out the front leg that was opposite to the one Rhazien had gotten a hold of. He figured if they could immobilize the cat, it would make their job a lot easier.

His fangs found warm skin and tore through it with ease. Blood filled his maws as he applied pressure as heavy as he could. His head jerked and shook, tearing the wound deeper and deeper. He was aiming to bite down to the bone, to make it very difficult to walk for the beast. He could feel the tiger moving in his grip and he found it somewhat challenging to hold on.

His grip relented, much to his displeasure. The beats seemed to try to move all at once, now swiping for Alaric. Alaric moved backwards just in the nick of time, only a small scratch on his nose seemed to trickle down blood. His gaze flashed to Rhazien and he quickly moved in to make his next attack.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
02-02-2024, 05:32 PM

Serrated fangs hitting their mark, sinking deep into the tiger’s hock, sawing through the flesh with every flex of his jaw and shake of his head. Rhazien would make sure the feline suffered irreversible damage to its hind leg. Of course, it swiping at his face and missing was purely out of luck. But it did force him to release his hold, back peddling a few steps to avoid getting a face full of deadly claws. A snarl erupts from his throat, blood coating his obsidian-plated fangs.

His company had a similar idea- Alaric having grabbed the cat by a front leg, and in sync, the feline swiped at him too. Nicking him on the nose, drawing blood to the surface. With its attention on the other male, Rhazien shot forward again. Relentless and vicious. Throwing his weight into the tiger’s side, forcing it to stumble a few feet. And, given its now two mangled legs, the remaining two buckled and it hit the ground.

Not missing a beat, his jaws splayed again, grabbing the tiger by an elbow. Trying to keep it immobilized, so the other male could attack again.  

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (360)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
02-05-2024, 08:20 PM
Alaric watched as the wounded tiger fell to the earth, it's worth buckling from its injured legs. His gaze swiftly moved to Rhazien, who had secured yet another leg. Alaric could see the tiger was focused on Rhazien, so he took the opportunity to move in. Alaric charged into, moving out of range of the tiger's paws. He had noticed while it was trying to swipe at Rhazien, it had left the side of its neck open.

Alaric's blaw maws splayed open and latched on with a harsh grip. He shook his skull fervently, aiming to tear in deep into the skin. He was going to kill the damn thing before it had enough of this spectacle. Wamr blood trickled down his throat and stained his maws as he ripped and tore at the flesh. Then, he could feel the familiar heartbeat against his fangs. The jugular. His orange eyes narrowed viciously as he took no time in cutting through the previous artery. He felt the well of blood gush from the wound as it artery was severed and he released his grip and stepped back to watch the river of red come from the tiger. He could here it's gurgling cries and the panicked look on its striped face, the horror of what had happened apparent on its features. He stared back at it with a cold, prideful, glare. It was over. He had won. His gaze flickered to Rhazien, waiting to see what the male would do.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
02-07-2024, 01:41 PM

Shaking his head, and burrowing his fangs deeper into the tiger’s leg. Rhazien sought to mangle the appendage to a point of disfigurement, which would immobilize the beast given they’d already broken its back legs. And while he had its attention on him, a paw swiping angrily at his shoulder. Alaric took advantage of an opening- grabbing the tiger by the throat, his assault both calculated and methodical. The yowl that erupted from the big cat was almost deafening- causing his ears to ring, folding against his skull tighter to try and keep the sound out. A final battle cry. Blood started pouring onto the earth, hot and sticky, bouts of steam growing from the increasing pool at their feet. As Alaric stepped back, the tiger crumbled to the ground- which prompted Rhazien to release his hold and do the same.

Stepping back, the two wolves watched the river of blood flow from the arterial source- Rhazien fighting back to urge to lick it from the wound, wanting to savor the warmth and final pulsations of a faintly beating heart. But he refrained- because he hadn’t dealt the killing blow. This was the way of a true warrior. Shifting his gaze to the male, and flashing another devilish, yet suave smirk- one dazzled in splotches of blood, and sinew caught between his teeth. “Not your first time?” He questioned, eyeing the male with an analytic gleam in his gaze. This man must have been a soldier at some point, because his method of slaying the tiger was far too calculated to be performed on a whim. No, he’s done this plenty of times before. Which meant the scars littering his pelt, may be testaments of strength.

Moving forward, he sought to begin the process of skinning the tiger. Circling it first, to ensure it was dead before he moved to its underbelly. "The fangs are yours." He said, before pulling out a small dagger from beneath his grizzly bear coat, and using it to slice down the entire midsection of the corpse.  

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (360)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
02-10-2024, 02:11 PM
Alaric flicked an ear at Rhazien's question. "No, it isn't." He answered simply, his gaze flickered down to the freshly fallen tiger. He wondered for a brief moment what tiger meat would taste like, but he wasn't in the mood to try it. Instead he watched Rhazien carefully as he began to slice at the midsection of the beast, his eyes glistened with some interest. He used a paw to pry down the lower jaw of the animal. He examine the front canine fangs, the largest in the mouth. He would take all four and use them for something in the future.

Carefully he began to pull away at the teeth methodically with his own. He'd lose the guns around it with his claws, trying to make it easier to pull out. One by one until the limo head was defanged from its most prominent fangs. He sat them nearly in a bloodied pile, turning his attention back to Rhazien. "I suppose you don't need me for anything else." Gods, he hoped not. The last thing he wanted to do was a favor.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
03-01-2024, 12:39 PM

No, it isn’t. Alaric’s response is simple- devoid of any additional information, but an answer nonetheless. Rhazien rumbles in acknowledgment, consuming himself in his work for the time being. Slowly and methodically, he uses the blade to slice through the underbelly of the tiger- like an anatomist performing an autopsy. And once he has the midsection separated, he begins the process of pulling the hide from the muscle, without creating too much of a bloody mess. He wanted to preserve the pelt the best he could; it was a gift for his dearest Kaino, after all.

Working in tandem, Alaric removed the fangs he desired- collecting them in a bloody pile, before turning back to Rhazien. He can’t help but laugh at his comment- the sound resonating from inside of his chest, bubbling through gaping jaws. “Unless you intend to tan this hide-“ He smirks at the male, holding the blade tightly between his teeth. The metal shimmered in the sunlight, blood dripping from the sharpened tip. “We’re done here.” He says, not necessarily dismissing the male, but not asking him to hang around either.  

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.

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1. Trouble brewing Rustling Thicket 05:55 AM, 01-30-2024 12:27 PM, 07-16-2024