
something's telling me this ain't over yet



Master Healer (240)

Master Navigator (250)

1 Year
02-02-2024, 08:36 AM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2024, 10:06 AM by Bancha. Edited 1 time in total.)
Bancha had been rather reclusive compared to his siblings for awhile now. Something in his brain had felt a little too crinkly. The world around him a little too large. Getting over the fear of the unknown had taken some time. Hovering around his fathers, always in the shadow until he was ready. And maybe today he was ready. When he stepped from the den, his heart didn't do that erratic fluttering. His breathing stayed level and he could actually take a few steps without feeling his legs tremble. Confidence. That was all he needed!

His tail wags happily as he walks from the rapids toward the thundering falls nearby. Outou-chan had said it was okay to go out that way so long as he didn't submerge himself too deeply into the water. Something about drowning? Not sure what that meant! Summer was in full swing though and he enjoyed how the air felt. Not quite sticky, but not light and fresh like summer either. It was almost... sweet. Unable to really place his paw upon it, Bancha moves to splash through the shallows of the running creeks until he sees the land drop out suddenly.

Coming to a stop, his fluffy tail wagging faster now, he peers over the edge. His paws grip into the muddy bank as he stare wide-eyed down at the falls. Though it isn't sunset yet, the falls still seem to have a cascading effect of reds and oranges as the sunlight reflects off of the water's surface. This place was so pretty! Glancing up, the pup looks for a potential path down to the bottom of the falls.


explore sunset falls 1/3

as an adult, bancha will prefer they/them but until he's matured, he/him is fine too!

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1. something's telling me this ain't over yet Sunset Falls 08:36 AM, 02-02-2024 10:05 AM, 03-31-2024