
The First Rule Of Hunting: Rabbit Tracks



8 Years
04-03-2014, 06:52 AM

Sarak slunk through the territory, wondering if the earth was truly done shaking. When the quake began, he had been about to bring down a plump hare, and then the earth had rumbled like some furious earth god, and he?d been unable to keep himself standing, the trembling of the earth bringing him to his belly. The hare, too, had experienced the loss of balance, and the terror of a predator and an earthquake combined had done the creature in. When the quaking had ceased, Sarak could care less about food, more worried about more quakes being on the list of events.

Thus far, only a few of Valhalla were injured that he knew of. He himself had mild bruising on the brisket from the abrupt meeting of his chest and the ground during the worst of the shaking. No one was dead, thankfully, and slowly, things were returning to normal. Almost normal. There was one new thing he needed to add to his daily schedule of living; Lyrics Hunting training. He?d delayed in beginning her tutoring, and he didn?t need to delay any longer, or he would be in trouble. So here he was, on a mild beginning of autumn morning, when the dew still sparkled on the ground, and a bit of mist rose from the earth as the morning heat drew it up.

Finally, he reached a spot in the plains, near the meeting area, and sent up a call for his student. If she was anything like her mother, she would be hunting bison with everyone else in no time flat. For today, he would teach her tracking, which would also be an essential addition to fighting, and tracking your enemy without being detected.

Lyric I


4 Years
04-15-2014, 03:58 AM
She had not seen Alpine since the quakes - and she was worried. It was a distracting thought, that her precious person could be hurt, or worse! And coming out of her den had been hard for a moment. Yet when she peeked out she would sigh, smiling at the little pile of flowers that he had left for her. Her heart leaped, her clenched stomach relaxing as she sighed with relief. "Alpine..." The eta would make quick work of gathering the flowers, by their stems and placing them gently within her den. They smelled sweet, and slightly of the brute that brought them - and she knew that she would enjoy curling up with them nearly as much as she did sleeping beside the brute in question. When she finished setting them up to her liking she would leave her den and start on her quest to find the ivory male and thank him for her latest gift.

But something of equal importance would present itself first. Sarak - he wanted to start their much needed lessons today. The girl's ears would perk at the brute's call, and she would start in his direction from where she had settled. Lyric was a less than adequate hunter - but catching a rodent or getting lucky here and there had been enough to save her from starvation thus far. The young woman would finally be getting a proper lesson - and hopefully learn some new tactics for bringing down prey that she hadn't been able to gather using intuition and common sense. When she saw the brute, she would smile and tip her head toward the darkly colored brute. "Good morning Sarak!" She would greet brightly, meeting his gaze with her own for a moment. "What are we starting out with? I'll warn you now I've never had a hunting lesson - but I'll do my very best to learn."



8 Years
04-24-2014, 11:03 PM

Lyric arrived promptly, a good thing, since he wanted to get this show on the road. She greeted him cheerfully, those unusual eyes meeting his, and he nodded. ?Morning.? low, soft masculine tones hardly rose above a loud whisper, perfect for the early morning atmosphere. She went on to explain that she?d never had a hunting lesson, and he nodded as she added that she would do her very best to learn. ?Good, because this will lend skill to your other training as well.? Rising, he nodded down at a faint spoor between their paws. ?First, tell me what these tracks belong to.?

He?d followed the rabbit tracks as he?d made his way to this spot, and knew there was a warren not far off. Deep moss green eyes watched the swirl eyed female as he waited for her answer. Would she get it right on the first sniff, or have to think on it first? She was a daughter of Erani, and Erani was a descendant of Nomads. Big brains ran in their family. So he doubted Lyric would need much help in figuring it out.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think