
Did you think you had something to prove?



02-12-2024, 03:46 PM

Alaois’ trip to the bay had proved interesting, though his encounter with the purple wolf had not been what he had hoped for. His actions with the mother fox still felt to be a waste, a toy taken far too quickly. There were more wolves in the neighboring land but with how many there were it was likely a band or the beginnings of a pack. Confident as Ala was in handling himself, he did not care to bite off more than he could chew by pissing off several wolves at once. And so the man turned back the way he had come, traveling down the beaches in the direction of the delta. He had no set destination, no true goal in mind. He was feeling out the lands, seeing who he might meet.

As he crossed one of the streams to a bigger island among the others, the sound of a strange bellowing caught his attention. “What the fuck is that…?”” His ears fell back, a scowl crossing onto his lips. Whatever it was, it was annoying as hell… With narrowed eyes, Ala set off to discover what beast dared disturb what had otherwise been a peaceful trip.

What he found… was a lone sea lion. An injured beast, one hell of a wound on its side, but still kicking as it bellowed on the beach. A scoff left his lips. He never had much of a taste for aquatic faire, but this creature appeared to be more a threat than mere prey. Drawing his blade Alaois charged toward its side, blade pointed at his quarry. Specifically the wound that was alright present, the metal slicing through the flesh and spilling blood once more as the sea lion tried to swing toward him. A leap away from the thing kept him out harm's way, the dance of life and death begun.

"Speech," 'Thought.'


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
02-14-2024, 02:01 AM

"That son of a bitch..." A growl erupted from Kaino, the lavender smoke woman stalking towards the sea lion. She'd been picking her way around the delta, checking for any little mollusks that she might be able to collect and possible find some pearls for Nila. That was when she'd been waylaid by the god damn sea lion. The bastard had come out of nowhere and they moved a lot more quickly than she thought they could manage. Kai had been wearing her tiger claw bracers and so she'd lashed out, leaving a nasty wound down the sea lion's side. It had spun at the pain, it's stupid hind flippers hitting her and knocking her into the water. That was all the time that it took for another wolf to intercept what was soon to be a dead seal.

The man whipped out a knife and started some hack and slash. Kaino did the same. Soaking wet, water sprayed from her as she leaped onto the back of the blubbery lump. Claws dug into flesh, ripping away and leaving trails of blood. Ugh, this thing was so full of fat that it would take a lot more than scratches and pokes to get to the good stuff.

Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]

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1. Did you think you had something to prove? Kamui Delta 03:46 PM, 02-12-2024 07:04 AM, 03-04-2024