
come back, little bird


11-03-2014, 02:23 PM
Morning finds Adair on the move, panic grips tight at his throat, clutching to his windpipe like an enemy. Every step is deliberate, forceful. His nose brushes the ground, desperate to pick up the scent he'd lost only an hour ago. But it seems he's out of luck. Either Ellasyn didn't come this way or her trail has gone cold. Adair can feel the hairs along his nape stand on end, fear and anger sending chills down his spine.

"Back before nightfall, back before nightfall," he hisses mockingly. He stops, realizing just where he is for the first time. Almost ironic as he's seriously considering slapping his sister across the face. They'd just arrived, it simply wasn't smart to split up for so long. And his hunting efforts had gone almost entirely to waste. Too worried for Ella's safety, even he hadn't touched the meal.

With a sigh he tilts his head back and lets out a long, low howl. He's been avoiding it; to put his position on the map so clearly makes him nervous. But to find his sister it's a risk he's willing to take. His ears tip forward sharply, honed in for any reply.



4 Years
11-04-2014, 02:21 PM (This post was last modified: 11-04-2014, 02:22 PM by Ellasyn.)
Her lungs burned as she pulled in a ragged breath after another, never slowing. Her paws bounded across the unfamiliare territories, eating away the distance as quick as her muscles could move her. Carnation eyes stung as the cool air whipped passed them, lips parted and lungs aching to pull enough air to fuel her bounds. She was in trouble, she was late, way too late. There was no possible way she could have made it home by nightfall and it seemed she wouldnt be in his company before day break either. She had broken all her conditions, something she had never done before. Adair was not going to be happy, not in the least. Panting, gasping, she continued to move, eyes narrowed as she ate away the distance between her and the shrine. Paws had only just barely met the soft earth of their makeshift home when she heard his call. "...No." She breathed, turning carnation eyes to the sky. Yes, he was upset, rightfully so. But this...he called for her, called. She winced away, ears pulled back and eyes closed tightly. Yes, Adair was beyond upset, he called for her, it was so uncharacteristic. There was no way she'd be able to talk her way out of this one.

With a deep breath to cool her aching lungs she swung around, tilting her cranium back to call to him. It was a solemn song, an apology in the air. Ellasyn was okay, she hoped that would ease his firey anger just a little. She lowered her head then, bounding across the territories to reach the battlefield, never stopping, trying not to slow. Adair was waiting, he was. Her lungs burned, her body ached, but she had to reach him as quickly as she could. She had news, she had an explination, but more than anything she just wanted to see him.

His scent was strong in her nose as she entered the territory, breathing heavily as she slowed to a stop. "A...Addy.." She panted, staying where she was as she gazed at him. She wouldn't reach out to her brother, wouldn't move to embrace him untill she was sure his anger had moved to a simmer. They would never harm each other, but she couldn't take that chance. Instead she stayed where she stood and worked to slow her racing heart and provide enough oxygen to her humming and shaking limbs. Carnation eyes never left him, wide with worry and shining at her brother, waiting for his reaction.

"Burn Baby Burn"


11-05-2014, 08:30 PM
All senses are on alert: cherry red eyes scan the horizon, ears prick to catch the slightest sounds, even his tongue flicks to taste the air. Unbidden, his mind flashes to the possibilities still left before him, to the darkest reaches of the future. What if she'd fallen, or been hurt by an animal. Or another wolf. His hackles spring to life at the thought. He'd kill them, whoever so much as touched her. His heart thrums against his ribs, desperate for some kind of resolution to the situation. All night he'd stayed awake, fretting and pacing within the confines of the bone-white trees. Even now that nervous energy hums through every muscle strand, adrenaline fueling him past sleep deprivation.

A lone call reaches his ears, a solemn answer to his request. Relief floods him instantly, and he feels the air flee from his lungs in a long breath. But where there was fear only betrayal remains. She'd broken her promise.

He smells her long before she comes into view, that familiar scent he'd fallen asleep next to and fought so hard to keep alive. Finally she stops, and offers him one questioning word. For a long moment he's silent, staring her down with the fire in his eyes normally reserved for his enemies. Their enemies. They were supposed to be a team, a pair. Always for each other, never against. But even this thought doesn't quell his anger. He takes a slow, rattling breath. Without it, his only sounds would surely be unintelligible.

"Ellasyn," he hisses in a low voice. "What the fuck did you do?" There's danger in his tone, rage and hurt and confusion all mixing into a slow, halting speech.



4 Years
11-05-2014, 09:22 PM
She stares at him, eyes wide yet she didn't move. She didn't know yet the extent of his anger. While her brother was a vessle of pure rage at times, he could surprise her. Just seeing her safe could potentially settle his anger, could it not? Her breath was caught in her throat, eyes never leaving him as she moved to step forward. A delicate paw lifted into the air as she lowered her head, tail swaying low behind her. It was almost a defensive stance, almost submissive and if anyone but her brother saw it they would swear it was. But she wasn't lowering herself on a tier below him, she wasn't showing he was above her in anyway. No, she was apologizing in a way only she could, and she hoped he would take it as it was.

When he spoke, his harsh words cut though her and she winced away, once eye closing tightly and the other to watch him. Her jaw clenched slightly before she took a deep breath, her face steeling as she raised her head. "I was doing just as I said I would, brother." She said steadily, her toes playing at the dirt to hide her anxiety. "I misjudged the distance I walked, and was informed there was no way I would make it home in time for nightfall. I ran as quickly as I could, brother, to return to you. I apologize I could not return sooner." She paused then, her ears flicking back as she looked to the ground, her apologize written so clearly across her face, her everything. She was sorry, she honestly was.

"I have news, Addy." She whispered so softly, lifting shining carnation eyes back up to him. "News I am sure you would like. I met this man, an alpha of a pack built to respond to war at any moment...." She trailed off then, her features smoothing out once more to look up at her brother, hoping his anger had simmered off.

"Burn Baby Burn"