
Why The Long Face?

Predator Fight



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
02-15-2024, 06:57 PM

Dad was too busy to patrol or do much of anything with him today, so he took it upon himself to patrol the perimeter of the isle. Granted, there weren't very many visitors on this side considering the swim they'd have to take to get here, but at least he could do this before going off to do something else. Honestly, this mostly helped him set himself up for the tasks he had for the day (which varied wildly day to day), so he figured he could focus with this, he could focus on the next one, whatever that may be. He hadn't decided yet. The wily boy started on the southern side of the island, the water lapping at the shore on his right as he moved at a steady pace. The calm sound of the ocean beside him coupled with the warmth of the sun was relaxing, and he was half tempted to stop and take a beach day. But then if he did that, he wouldn't get anything done today! Still, he slowed to a stop and looked out over the water for a minute or two before continuing his patrol.

Mere minutes later, he spotted something on the shoreline...he wasn't sure what it was at first, and when he squinted to try and see what it might be, it moved! At first, he thought it was some washed up driftwood, but clearly not. Whatever it was had just rolled over and flapped a...well he wasn't sure yet. Curious, he moved closer and noticed a very strong and unpleasant smell wafting from the thing. "What is that?" He asked himself, and almost as soon as he finished speaking, the thing turned to face him, jumping up onto its flipped and yelled at him! Phoenix jumped back in surprise, utterly confused by this...seal looking thing, but it had a weird nose! And it clearly wasn't happy with him encroaching on it!

"Talk," 'Think.'



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (70)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
02-17-2024, 06:03 PM

Rexx figured he would take the time here to familiarize himself with the Isle, and all its wonders. The brute had a lot to process, having come back after so long; reuniting with his brother and father, and his sisters as well, was taxing on his body and soul. He thought of Rheum often, especially at night; her soft eyes, her gentle laughter, her curious accent and the way her voice sounded like birdsong on a summer day. He missed everything about that girl, and now she was gone. Grief still tugged at him, threatened to drag him down some days. But he decided to brave it further out today, explore more of the shoreline and pick his way through the sandy beaches that reminded him of the Raiders' previous home.

It wasn't long before he noticed a packmate messing around with a..seal? At least he assumed that's what it was, making a braying noise with sharp teeth and dark, beady eyes. Curious, he trotted over, keeping his distance and shooting a look at the other male to indicate you should probably take a few steps back. "It's called a seal-- they can be nasty. Watch out," He warns, though not with any malice. He aims to snap his jaws at the seal as it aims one flippered grasp at him, telling it to back off despite the creature's sheer stubbornness. "Let's try and push it back towards the water."

Thread Move Log
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1. Why The Long Face? Daager Isle 06:57 PM, 02-15-2024 05:25 AM, 05-01-2024