
Going Quackers



Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

Dire wolf

UnderachieverCritical Fail!Ooh La La
02-25-2024, 09:50 AM
I wish you could see me for something more than the things I'm confined and condemned to be

Stjarna wandered along the southern edge of the Orchard, looking for something new to do today. She was always eager to practice her sparring as well as her hunting but today seemed like a hunting day if she could find a good target. Stjarna had noticed a flock of ducks flying overhead a few days back and since then she'd been watching their movements. Álarr had mentioned that ducks often nest along waterways in spring and summer. Maybe she could try for one of those?

Stjarna finished her chores and headed down to the creek that ran along the border of the Orchard and into the Rio Grande. There were parts where the creek shifted farther into the land, creating areas of slower flowing water. That seemed like a good place to go duck hunting. A pond would be better but since she was in the area she figured she'd take a look. As she neared Star slunk down further into the brush so that she wouldn't scare them away. She could hear them, the soft quacks and rakish mating calls. As she peered down along the shoreline she could tell there were numerous couples though they were hard to see. She could hear them but she couldn't see them nestled down among the grasses. Eggs were definitely an option but she wanted to practice her hunting and for that she wanted to try for a duck.

There was a gentle breeze blowing so Stjarna made sure to position herself down wind. She didn't know how good ducks could smell and she didn't want to blow her chances. Stealth was the name of this game as well as using her own nose to try and pinpoint where a nest might be. Her hope was to catch one of the ducks on their nest and catch it before it could take to the air.

There… she was almost certain there was a nest right near her. She remained still, listening to the soft quacking which suddenly went silent. It must've sensed that she was near. Stjarna crouched even further then sprang toward where she thought the duck was. At once everything exploded into motion. Birds all around her took off into the air but her cat claws snagged the body of her target, her fangs finding the duck's slender neck. She clamped down hard, eyes squeezed shut against the beating, furious wings that were pounding her body. Star never loosened her hold and in moments, the duck was slain and she had her breakfast.


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1. Going Quackers The Orchard 09:50 AM, 02-25-2024 10:43 PM, 03-25-2024