
Nature's Cruelty



Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

5 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
02-25-2024, 10:15 AM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2024, 10:16 AM by Coran. Edited 1 time in total.)

It was strange to be home and yet not home. If there was a lesson Coran had learned while off on his wandering it was that the land itself did not make up 'home'. He still held a fondness for these lands, however. After all he'd grown up here, but it was still strange to see these lands empty when he was used to seeing his pack mates and his family wandering about their daily activities. Coran sighed and shook the reminiscing from his head. He was here to hunt, having caught the scent of a pregnant doe that lead him back to these lands. White tail deer often gave birth in late spring and early summer. He was almost certain this one had given birth, for he'd caught the scent of blood and now tracked it into the plains.

Coran settled in amongst the grasses, his pelt helping him to blend in perfectly with his surroundings here. He could see the doe, head bent and eating something off the ground which he quickly realized was the placenta, meaning the fawn was somewhere nearby. It was a sad thing of course, to slay such a young life but he had his own to sustain and it was difficult for a lone wolf to take out an adult deer and if he were to slay the mother the fawn would perish anyway. No, this was the way nature often was. With Valhalla's absence the deer population had exploded in the area and so he was ready to do his part.

Coran couldn't see the fawn but he could guess at where it was based on the doe's location. He'd have only moments to attack and if he could catch the doe unawares and startle her, perhaps he could get her to bolt and leave the fawn. He stalked forward, moving carefully through the tall grasses. The doe lifted her head, large ears swiveling, no doubt she sensed she was not alone. It was now or never. Coran sprang forward through the grass with a snarl. As he'd hoped the doe bolted, parting the reeds and grasses as she went. Coran wasted no time in scouting out the fawn. It was still as if frozen, hoping not to be found by his keen eyes but he saw it. "I'm sorry." He whispered softly before pouncing on the fawn and ending its very short existence.

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1. Nature's Cruelty Vericona Plains 10:15 AM, 02-25-2024 04:20 PM, 04-15-2024