
Duck Duck Mongoose!

Summer seasonal



Expert Fighter (180)

Novice Hunter (15)

1 Year
Extra large
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
02-25-2024, 09:20 PM

"One...two...Ripper's coming for you..."

He was wandering just outside the borders, tracking down a couple of passing ducks. His belly seemed to always rumble with hunger despite how much he ate, and mama said it was because he was growing! Well, he didn't like the hungry part of growing! It was annoying and made him irritable! So he planned on catching these ducks for lunch, and he could hear them up ahead somewhere as they waddled through the grass and bushes. Though he was still an inexperienced hunter, he was learning more each day that he practiced. Ducks wouldn't be too hard to catch, right? Assuming he could catch them before they managed to fly away from him. The skeletal marked boy didn't really try to hide. Ducks couldn't be that smart anyway, right? His ears moved as he kept track of their low quacking, nose twitching as he followed their scent. Every now and then he glanced at the ground, spotting their weird webbed tracks on the ground. He was getting impatient, and wanted to just run up to them now and just start shaking them apart. But he knew if he did that and they heard or saw him well before he reached them, then they would definitely get away! And he didn't want that to happen.

Several more minutes, and he spotted them. Two mallard ducks waddling along like they weren't about to be his next meal. The audacity! He lowered himself to the ground, tail twitching with excitement as he felt his mouth begin to water. Sneaking toward the shrubbery, his rump began to do a little wiggle as he watched and waited for the perfect moment to strike. He eyed them hungrily. Counting down in his head. One...two...thr- Before he knew it, something else had shot from the bushes in front of the ducks and tackled one like a bullet train. The cries of terror from both ducks was loud as feathers flew and wings flapped. What the hell was trying to steal his ducks!? He couldn't get a clear view with the whirlwind of feathers. And while one duck had made a break for it and he could've easily gone for that one, he was mad that something had the audacity to steal his duck!

Without hesitation after he got over his shock, Ripper charged toward the commotion with a growl, yapping as he bowled into predator and prey with all the force he could muster and forced everything apart. More feathers flew and the ground was covered in a mess of blood and duck feathers. He turned around to find some sort of creature still latched onto the duck, but the duck was now limp in its jaws. "That is Ripper's! You thing, drop it right now!" He shouted. The Mongoose puffed up, dropping the duck it had just killed as it squared off with Ripper, tensely trying to walk around behind the pup but Ripper wasn't having it.

He barked at it, his fur on end as he did his best to intimidate it. Before he could do anything else, the mongoose shot toward him, its sharp teeth and claws nipping his foreleg and causing him to stumble. Backing away quickly, Ripper swiped at it with his talons, looking to cut it and force it to back off, but this creature seemed unphased by his claws. It launched again, catching his chest and clinging onto him. Ripper did his best to shake it off, jaws snapping for its body, and eventually, he managed to grab it by the scruff and drag it off of him. The mongoose clawed at his muzzle, angrily yelling at him to let it go. Surprised the thing could speak, Ripper spun around and tossed the little beast as far away as he could (which wasn't very far to be honest) and it hit the ground with a dull thud, but even with that it wasn't phased. It turned around hissing and spitting at the boy, and Ripper practically did the same.

"That is my duck! Ripper was tracking it first! You cannot steal it from Ripper, that is rude you Thing!" He shouted as he stomped his feet like a toddler throwing a tantrum. The dead duck was between them now, but Ripper wasn't sure that he would be quick enough to snatch it. "Relax kid! You're being rude for calling me a Thing! I'm a Mongoose! Is the poor wittle baby huuungry?" It taunted. Were Ripper a cartoon character, one might be able to see the steam coming out of his ears. He stared, jaw dropped at what the creature had said. "It's making fun of Ripper!" He shouted again, hackles rising as he threw himself at the Mongoose. The smaller creature dodged, over and over each time the pup tried to make a grab for it. Making the pup even more frustrated than it already was. Ripper wasn't fast enough to catch it. Not until the mongoose had gotten too overconfident and had been just a little too slow to react when Ripper whipped around and jumped on it, pinning its tail with his talons. "Owowowow! Lemme go, you heathen! That hurts!" It lunged and nipped his toes, forcing Ripper to let go once again as he jerked his paw back.

Both Ripper and the Mongoose faced off again, and both of them held their injured parts respectively. "Why're you so mean!?" He shouted, tears nearly threatening to fall. "What!? You attacked me first ya little brat!" They both stared at each other, ready and waiting for the other to attack again, and despite his pride, Ripper was the first to sit his butt down. "Ripper was hungry for duck, and you took the duck from him!" He wailed. The mongoose looked at him, shaking his head as he tsked. "Look, if you want, I guess I'll share it with you. My names Menace. You're Ripper right? Look, no hard feelings. Just...stop attacking me."

Ripper thought about it for a moment and nodded. "Fine, Ripper can share..." Did he want to? No. But he also didn't want to keep getting his butt kicked by this Menace. By the looks of it, Menace appeared to be close in age to him, too. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to share...this time. "Good. Here, I can cut it up so we can split it, 'kay? It's fair, right? You tracked it, I caught it." Ripper nodded, watching and waiting for his piece. Once Menace had finished butchering it and gave his part, Ripper settled down and tucked in. When he finished, he was satisfyingly full. "Does Menace live here?" The mongoose glanced up and shook his head. "Menace doesn't have a home.", that simply wouldn't do. Ripper waited for him to say psych right now, but he didn't. "Then Menace will live with Ripper. We are friends now. Menace helped Ripper, Ripper will help Menace." He nodded before getting up and heading back into pack lands, "Let's go!" Shocked and too stunned to speak and unsure of what had even just happened, the mongoose figured why the hell not? Not like he had anywhere better to go...

WC: 1195

Like a traditional Mortem, Ripper can be unpredictable in nature~

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1. Duck Duck Mongoose! Dancefloor of the Gods 09:20 PM, 02-25-2024 12:38 AM, 06-11-2024