
Bear With Me

summer seasonal


War Chief

Master Fighter (260)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
02-27-2024, 08:45 AM

She had taken to exploring more of the lands around Auster, wondering if there was anything similar to what the north lands in Boreas had, or if she was just out of luck on that one. While it would be nice to live in a colder climate and not deal so much with the warmer Auster, she had gotten used to it to the point where it didn't bother her so much. She supposed that was probably why she didn't mind when it rained, but sometimes it got to be too much. As she was out and about wandering around, the rain had really decided to pick up and dump from the heavens. A storm began with the winds threatening to pull her off her feet. She decided then, that she had no choice but to find shelter and wait until it quieted enough before she could resume her ventures. The Northern bear ended up finding the entrance to somewhere she clearly had never been before, and so she ventured into the underground to escape the rain. So far, it didn't look like it would flood down here, but one couldn't be too careful, either. She kept her wits about her, especially since it was just her and her two companions. They were small, but they were experienced fighters. Still, despite the fact they were older than her, Saga still felt protective over them.

Her claws scraped the ground as she walked the dimly lit path. Unaware that she hadn't been the only one to seek shelter here. Before long, she heard shuffling behind her, causing her to turn and find that the exit was now blocked by what appeared to be a grizzly bear. "Hey! You're looking for shelter too? There's plenty of room in here," Her voice was friendly of course, but apparently, the grizzly didn't care about that. It's head shot up, beady black eyes looking at her, head swinging back and forth as it briefly rose on its hind legs before slamming its paws back on the ground. Though she didn't have much contact with bears, she was fully aware of bear behavior, and this grizzly did not seem to like her presence. She took a step back, fully prepared now as she had the feeling she was going to have to fight to either drive the bear out, or force an escape for herself.

Just as expected, the grizzly only gave a brief warning before it charged at her, and Saga too, met him with her own charge. The cavern rumbled and echoed with the thunderous steps of both large bears and she swore the ground shook as they collided. Claws and fangs clashed as the pair did their best to get the upper hand on one another. She swung her head, jaws agape as she sought to clamp down on the thick skin of her neck. The grizzly tried to do the same, claws swiping across Saga's shoulders as its teeth sank into the flesh of her scruff. They battled it out with Saga releasing for a moment, her head swinging towards her opponents, knocking him off of her.

She backed up for a moment to catch her breath, gasping for air since it felt like the grizzly's thick hide almost felt suffocating. Just as the grizzly made to move again, Saga was faster. She charged, throwing her body into the grizzly and forcing it back. She swiped with her claws, scoring it once across the fact. Again over its head, tearing an ear. And once more over its shoulder as she struck with a quickness. She was faster than the grizzly, though perhaps he was heavier. He roared at her, teeth bared as he lunged once again, striking out with his own claws and catching her foreleg. Her shoulder. Her chest. She roared in pain as blood splattered her pristinely white pelt, but she did her best to ignore the pain as the giants continued to clash. She didn't want to kill him...that was something she had never done before. But he appeared to be giving her no choice. Seemingly forcing her to do something that she wasn't sure she had the guts to do. Not to her own kind. Was a grizzly even consider as kin? She wasn't sure.

What she did know was that she was growing tired. She was still inexperienced. Still young. And the grizzly was getting the upper hand on her. He reared, backhanding her and sending her to the ground. With a thunderous roar, he made ready to stomp, but before he could, her companions rushed in. Each one attacked a hind leg, their teeth tearing and claws slicing skin as they dragged its hind legs out from beneath it, forcing it to crash to the ground. The cavern shook from the weight of it all, and Saga took her opportunity. She found her paws, roaring and threatening the grizzly enough to where it quickly got up and started to think twice about this. Perhaps there were better places to go to find shelter...

Breathing heavily after chasing it off, Saga's adrenaline pumped through her veins. She hadn't been in such an intense fight before, nor had she accumulated so many injuries in such a short time. Things were stinging. Bleeding. Hurting. Bruised. And she didn't know anything about healing. All she knew was to clean the wounds, but she'd have to wait until the storm passed before she could get back to Ethne for someone to treat her there...

After several minutes, the adrenaline began to wear off and she suddenly felt all of the soreness, pain, and weariness hit her at once like a train. "Ooww...everything hurts! Why did he have to be such a jerk? I would've shared the space!" She lied down with a groan as he companions came over to her. "Most bears are solitary and do not like to share space. Grizzlies too, are different from polar bears, but even our kind often are solitary. It is actually rare for us to want to be together! I suppose we are a different sort. Unlike wolves, not all creatures are social." Saga thought about it, and it made sense that she didn't see packs of seemed her and her companions really were the odd ones out in this world...

WC: 1,058


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1. Bear With Me Crystal Cathedral 08:45 AM, 02-27-2024 04:55 PM, 03-08-2024