



The Hallows

Expert Healer (135)

Advanced Fighter (110)

2 Years
Dire wolf
02-28-2024, 01:48 AM
Solaire moved with purpose through the garden outside Hearthstone. Ever since he began his tutoring under his aunt Gwyn he looked forward to the time he spent each day in the garden. Usually he was tasked with watering any of the plants that were due for it or maybe pruning away any browning, wilting leaves, but today was going to be more fun because he was going to be harvesting some of the herbs! Aunt Gwyn had given him a specific list of plants to harvest from and he certainly didn't want to disappoint his aunt and teacher. His best friend, Dovleac, trotted along beside him. Their friendship was an oddity to many, but he didn't mind or really think anything of it. The capybara was quite loyal–as long as he kept growing his friend pumpkins–and with the saddlebags that Ember had helped him made Dovleac was really helpful when he went out to gather herbs. He just had to make sure the capybara didn't eat what he was gathering–which was sometimes easier said than done.

They stepped into the familiar greenhouse and their first stop was at the marigold patch. Marigold, with its bright orange blooms, was known for its healing properties, particularly for treating wounds and soothing inflammation. It was obvious why Gwyn liked to keep plenty of it on hand. Solaire plucked the flowers with gentle precision, mindful of their delicate petals. As he gathered, Dovleac busied himself inspecting the surrounding foliage. Despite how apathetic his companion looked he knew Dovleac well enough to know he was looking for a snack. "Dov, if you eat any of the plants in here I don't give you a pumpkin with your dinner tonight," he warned, giving his companion a stern look. That got the capybara to turn away from the plants with a slightly annoyed huff. Solaire chuckled softly and went back to his work.

Moving on, they reached the motherwort bushes. Solaire explained to Dovleac the significance of this herb while he was plucking away a portion of it. Even though Dovleac couldn't care in the slightest it still helped him practice his knowledge of all of these herbs. With careful attention, Solaire harvested the leaves, mindful not to disturb the plant's roots, ensuring its continued growth for future harvests. Some of these plants had been growing here for years ever since his aunt planted them here so he wouldn't dare do anything to harm them. Next, they sought out the lavender, its fragrant purple spikes a beacon amidst the greenery. Lavender was renowned for its versatility, used in everything from relaxation teas to pain-relieving salves. Solaire inhaled deeply, savoring the soothing scent as he plucked the blossoms, his movements methodical and precise.

Their final destination was the boneset patch, where clusters of white flowers stood tall against the backdrop of the garden. Boneset, as its name suggested, was valued for its ability to aid in the healing of broken bones and other skeletal injuries. Even though he certainly hoped that they wouldn't have any injuries as serious as that very often, he knew it was also just a useful herb to use in pain relieving medicines as well. Solaire handled the plant with reverence, recognizing its importance to their pack's well-being. They spent quite a while, moving from one plant to another, going down the list of herbs that Gwyn had given him in his mind to make sure he didn't miss any. While he was here he also did a bit of tending as well and before he knew it a couple of hours had passed and the saddlebags that Dovleac was carrying were nearly filled to the brim with useful herbs.

With their task complete, Solaire and Dovleac made their way back out of the greenhouse and down the garden paths into Hearthstone, the weight of the herbs in Dovleac's saddlebags a testament to their successful endeavor. As they approached the large front doors, he glanced over to his friend with a grin. "Since you were so good and so helpful maybe I'll get you two pumpkins for dinner!" Dovleac's expression hardly ever changed, but the twitch and alertness of his companion's rounded ears told him plenty about how excited his friend was at that idea. Dovleac was really a simple creature, but it was one of the things Solaire appreciated about him.

Inside Hearthstone, Solaire made his way to the infirmary and set to work, carefully preparing the herbs he had gathered. He wouldn't make any of the extracts or medinces that his aunt usually made on his own, of course, but he at least sorted out each herb into a separate pile and carefully cleaned each of the leaves so that they would be ready to go whenever his aunt arrived to do her part of the work. It felt like a big step that he was getting to do this much of the process on his own and it made him feel like he was getting all that much closer to being a healer in his own right. There was so much to learn and remember, but he was determined to learn all of it for his family so he could help keep them healthy and safe.

WC: 877/800

"Solaire Carpathius"

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