
It's a Seeker's Game



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-04-2024, 06:50 PM

With each step, Mariah's feet seemed to sink into the soft underbrush of Redbud Nook. Every sense was heightened as she navigated through the thick foliage, attuned to every rustle and whisper of the forest around her. The air was cool and crisp, carrying the earthy scent of fallen leaves and the faint hint of wood smoke from a distant chimney. Rays of sunlight filtered through the dense canopy above, creating a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow on the forest floor. This young forest, reborn from the ashes of its predecessor, was alive with promise and growth. Where once towering giants had stood, now thrived a diverse ecosystem of low shrubs and redbud trees, their pink blossoms having long since given way to vibrant green leaves with heat of summer that was just beginning to subside.

Mariah's keen eyes scanned the forest floor, searching for any signs of the elusive late season plant life she sought. She moved with a sense of casual interest, her paws carefully navigating the maze of fallen logs and tangled brambles that obscured her path. With each step, she could feel the herself becoming closer to solace she craved. And then, as if guided by an invisible gesture, Mariah spotted them - delicate clusters of white flowers, their petals glowing like celestial bodies against the canvas of green and brown. The scarlet fae tilted her head in question as she knelt beside them, her claws gracefully weaving through their stems and plucking them with expert precision. With a satisfied half-girn, she tucked the precious blooms into the small pouch that rested over her shoulder, knowing they had just made her trip worth while.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
03-04-2024, 07:10 PM

Caedes had been prowling dangerously close to the edge of the nameless pack’s territory, his senses keen and alert for signs of movement. His mind was consumed by thoughts of her, the woman he sought, her elusive figure haunting his every waking moment. She was in his skin, his flesh, his bones – she had captured his attention and refused to let go. It was maddening. Sickeningly so. He almost wished he hadn’t sent his Raven over to spy on her, so that he would have never known where she was. But then again, there was no escaping his own dreams.

As he waited impatiently in the shadows, Caedes felt a mixture of anticipation and hunger coursing through his veins. He knew that she was somewhere within the pack's boundaries, hidden from prying eyes, but he was determined to find her, to speak to her of his… fixation. Perhaps, she was of the same affliction. Hours turned into days as Caedes maintained his vigil, his resolve unwavering despite the passage of time. He was a creature of pride and determination, willing to wait as long as it took to find her, to finally have her within his grasp. What had she done to him? Was she a witch?

And then, one day, she emerged from the depths of the forest, her form illuminated by the dappled light filtering through the trees. Caedes's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, his breath catching in his throat as he beheld her beauty once more. Her framework was as sharp and delicate as he remembered. He fought to refrain from setting after her immediately, his limbs tensing with excitement. He didn't move until he was sure he wouldn't do something too... impulsive. Caedes bid his time well, trailing her from afar, watching – waiting. What was she going to do? Was she running again? Was she meeting someone? Was he going to have blood on his hands by the end of the day? His eyes so intently focused on the woman as his form weaved through the trees some distance behind her. To his pleasure, she was merely collecting herbs in the end. A test of the air, his nares caught no other souls in the forest. Perfect.

With a steadying breath, Caedes stepped forward, his voice a low rumble in the stillness of the forest. "It’s a wicked thing," He whispered loud enough for her to hear, the deep rumble of his words laden with longing and offense. "Hiding. Staying just out of reach. Even after the spell you placed over me." The brute drew closer, slowly, the bulk of his frame crossing the distance between them with impossible grace. Predatory charm. “Are you so cruel, Mariah?” Caedes was there, looming over her, his gaze soft – and yet there within the deep emeralds lay the symptoms of his infatuation. In her close proximity now, his senses fully heightened, every fiber of his being was attuned to her presence, rife with the desire to touch her to his heart’s content. He spared a glance at her bag, the flowers she hadn't collected and flashed her a knowing smirk.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-07-2024, 10:58 PM

As she moved through the familiar landscape, Mariah's thoughts were consumed by memories of the hauntingly passionate encounter she had in the meadow. Truthfully it was something that she thought about often, criticizing herself for what had happened. For wanting it to happen again. The heat of his touch, the intensity of his gaze - it all replayed in her mind like a vivid dream even though it had been weeks since their initial encounter. But reality was never as simple as fantasy, and she knew that Caedes was a mystery she wasn’t sure she could afford to unravel. The effect he had on her resolve was frightening. How could her own better judgement be thrown to the wayside so quickly? He was a dangerous creature, after all. He made her long to make dangerous decisions. But as she plucked the fragrant flowers from the earth, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was missing something - that there was more to their story than met the eye.

Oblivious to the presence that lurked in the shadows, she continued her task of collecting the herbs. The delicate white flowers glowed in the sunlight as she tucked them into her pouch, their heavenly aura captivating her senses. Once satisfied, she began the process of working her way back to the edge of the Valta’s territory, her thoughts consumed by her discovery. So when that dangerous creature stepped into her path, the mere sight of him rattled her to her core, causing her to freeze in her tracks.

Her heart raced as she met his gaze, the intensity of his emerald eyes piercing her very soul. Though she wanted to break from his stare, Mariah found herself unable to look away. The uncertainty and desire he inspired in her was an intoxicating mix, making her question her own intentions. And so, she remained there, frozen in time, unable to break free from his gaze. Her heart pounded in her chest as she took in his close proximity, feeling the pull of his presence like a magnetic force. A shiver ran down her spine, both from the chill of his words and the heat of his nearness. "Caedes," she breathed her surprised acknowledgement, her own voice barely above a whisper as she echoed his initial tone. There was a flicker of defiance in her eyes, a spark of something untamed and wild. With a calculated calmness that belied the tumultuous emotions swirling within her, Mariah spoke, her voice more steady in volume yet laced with an unspoken challenge. "Wouldn't you say that cruelty is a matter of perspective?" She answered simply, though she couldn’t help trace the edges of his scars with her own eyes. She could feel the impulsive fog of wanting beginning to cloud her mind. And he accused her of casting a spell? The only way she could achieve clarity was in distance, and with such close proximity, her clarity was quickly fading.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
03-08-2024, 05:17 PM

From the moment he laid eyes on her, there was something about Mariah that ignited a fierce longing within him, a hunger that could not be sated by mere words or fleeting embrace. Morbid creature that he was, he saw no issue in the obsessive nature he possessed. It was commonplace within his bloodline, and what a ravenous affection it was. Every glance, every touch, every whispered word only serves to fuel his desire, stoking the flames of passion that burn within him. He longs to possess her, to claim her as his own, to wrap her in his darkness and never let her go. It’s an irresistible temptation. One that threatened to overtake his rationality. But, he was not raised to be a brute to the fairer sex — even if he was just that, a brutish man.

It’s intoxicating, the effect he has on her. Her surprise is shadowed by the challenge in her silver eyes, despite the freeze of her limbs keeping her rooted there with him. As she speaks, he is wrought with the urge to hear her voice cry out. His gaze roams her face, watching as her lips form words, trailing down the soft expanse of her throat. He almost forgets to answer in favor of imagining pressing his fangs to her jugular, just to feel the blood pump there. "Cruelty, my dear," Caedes replied, his voice a low velvety whisper, aching. "Is indeed a matter of perspective. But what of desire? Is it not equally subjective?" His words hung in the air, a bold question with an unspoken but clear meaning, as he traced the outline of her defiant features with a knowing gaze. His lips pulled back in a smile, one so godless in nature. She could redirect the conversation, avoid him all she wanted, but his hunt would hardly end there.

He watches her with a predator's gaze, calculating, waiting for her to stray so he could coax her back to him. God, how could he make her understand? Shall he cut the hearts of numerous animals, line them up for her and say ‘Here, you can have these, or mine, shall I cut it out for you?’ It’s enough to drive him mad — For a moment he does lose his mind, “Tell me. Would you have me beg? Pray? Would you have me on my knees, mind overtaken by you and only you?” The dire brute rumbled, slowly, steadily advancing on her smaller frame. And those emeralds, already so ablaze with infatuation and possession, burned holes into her pretty little skull. He sees in her a reflection of his own darkness, a kindred spirit whose inner fire matches his own, and he finds himself drawn to her with a ferocity that extends past obsession.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-08-2024, 09:17 PM

The heat of his gaze seemed to sear her skin, as if he were reaching through the veil between them to touch her where only he could see. It sent shivers down her spine and made her heart race, as if she were standing before an unyielding force. In a small part of her- one she didn’t care to admit to, she couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness, the winds of emotion swirling around her like a torrential storm on the cusp of breaking. Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat echoing the rhythm of her thoughts. She wanted to break free, to escape the pull of his gaze, but she found herself rooted to the spot, entangled in a web of her own making. His words, though laced with accusations, held a sincerity that couldn't be denied. "And what of desire? Hmm? How could one desire someone as viscerally cruel as myself?" Mariah retorted with a delicate laugh, her voice tinged with a mixture of amusement and incredulity at the mere thought of it. But deep down, she couldn’t deny her own subjective desire, the way his presence stirred something within her that she struggled to contain.

Mariah stood her ground as Caedes advanced towards her, his presence overwhelming and suffocating. She could feel the intensity of his desire emanating from him like a palpable force, wrapping around her and pulling her closer to the edge of the precipice she had been teetering on since the moment they met. His words echoed in her ears, resonating with a haunting truth that she couldn't deny. The air between them crackled with tension, thick with unspoken promises and forbidden longing. With a tilt of her head and a gaze that refused to waver, she met Caedes's eyes head-on, daring to challenge the darkness that lurked within him. "Desire is a fickle thing, Caedes," she spoke softly, her voice laced with a raw honesty that betrayed her inner turmoil. "It does not always follow logic or reason. Sometimes it simply is." Her words hung in the air, a fragile bridge between them that threatened to collapse under the weight of unspoken truths. "Perhaps that would be enough for the moment, Caedes, having you on your knees," she replied, her words slicing through the tension with a sharpness that suggested she wasn't entirely joking. "But I’m afraid I cannot give you whatever it is you seek. You would be best to find peace for yourself in an alternative means." She finished in a whispered tone, her silver gaze never leaving his. Her resolve didn't falter; she was holding onto it with fierce tenacity, despite the turmoil brewing within her.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
03-08-2024, 11:34 PM

Caedes's predatory gaze remained fixed on Mariah, drinking in every nuance of her reaction with hunger. Her defiance only fueled his desire all the more, but therein also came a conflict. Her willpower, her endurance, oh he was so fixated on it. Spellbound by it. But at the same time the brute wished to conquer that spirit in this moment alone, to make her give in to him. But that was something he wanted to happen willingly.

As Mariah challenged him with her words, a smirk tugged at the corners of Caedes's lips, amused by her audacity and yet intoxicated by her honesty. It was becoming a common occurrence. “What can I say? I might crave that cruelty, among other things.” He countered, his voice a low rumble that echoed with a dangerous allure. Mariah was making a habit of refusing to give in to him, her tenacity was so strong, so unyielding.. It was the very thing that appealed to him the most about her. She was a paradoxical creature of strength and delicacy, and his thoughts of her couldn’t have been more maddening. Would she let him touch her? Let him caress her lithe body, trace the sharp dips and curves her feeble figure possessed? He was hard pressed to not let his eyes wander away from her face, instead choosing to follow the intricate markings that complimented her defiantly silver gaze.

She would dare to try and say that this desire he felt, that he was sure she felt, would just ebb away. Fickle? He’s never been fickle before in his life, much less been so absorbed in another soul in his life. Did she think he hunted down women left and right, without rhyme or reason? His face set in an intense stare, willing her to understand his motives — the way she haunted him. How he knew if he did not manage to keep her by his side, he would never recover again? "Desire also knows no bounds, no limitations. It thrives on the forbidden, the taboo. Isn’t that appealing?" Caedes’s words hung in the air like a seductive promise, daring her to succumb to the allure of their shared dark impulses.

He longed for her to speak the words he so desperately wanted to hear, but even as she said them they were laced with a sharp contradiction. “Then have me on my knees, but not for a mere singular, fleeting moment. No. With each step closer, Caedes could sense Mariah's resolve waver, the thin veil of her composure threatening to unravel in the face of his relentless pursuit. “Until the world burns down to ash and rubble all around us.” He was entirely serious, unwilling to consider another course of action at all.

Caedes held back his anger at her deflection, her insinuation that he could find another means of sateing his desires. "You speak of peace," He mused, his voice dripping with irony, "But now that I have met you, known you, touched you, I will never know peace again. You’ve stripped me of my sanity." His words were a whispered temptation, laced with a potent mixture of seduction and danger.

Leaning in closer, Caedes could feel the heat of Mariah's breath against his skin, the charge of their proximity sending shivers down his spine. But he pressed on. "This is what you’ve done to me. And I would wager,” A pause, heavy and sinful as he leered down at her beautiful face. “I have done the same to you… So, you may resist for now, you may pretend you can forget," He murmured, his voice a low, terribly longing rumble as his skull dipped downwards to meet her flesh and fur. His lips, his fangs trailing down the side of her neck in gentle, covetous kisses. A reminder. "But you’ll find that I am relentless. I can remind you as many times as needed of that fact. So why can you not give me what I want? I only ask for you." He said, though whether it was a promise or a threat remained to be seen depending on her reply.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-09-2024, 12:49 AM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2024, 11:37 AM by Mariah. Edited 1 time in total.)

Mariah's eyes sparked at his words, the audacious proposal triggering a new wave of defiance within her. She was breaking; he could see it, in the tremble of her lips and the quiver of her fragile frame. But god, how she fought! She fought as though every breath might be her last, every word a desperate plea for control. He was relentless - she was relentless. No quarter would be given in this battle of wills. "Does that make you a masochist?" Her voice rose in a sardonic challenge, her mouth upturned in a devilish grin. She fought to keep her voice steady as she watched him approach, his prowling form taking on an animalistic grace. The intensity of his gaze threatened to undo her, and yet, she found herself drawn to the treacherous flame burning within him. His unwavering attention was disconcerting and sent her heart pounding against her ribcage with a reckless abandon.

But there was a trace of vulnerability hidden beneath the surface- something Mariah hadn't expected to find. It intrigued her, sparked a curiosity that she hadn't felt before. She couldn't deny the pull he had over her, drawing her in like a moth to a flame. Yet his desire to dominate, to conquer - it clashed with every ounce of stubborn independence in her being, causing an internal war that left her emotions as scattered as leaves in the wind. "As you crave my cruelty," she finally began, closing the distance between them until they were mere inches apart, "I fear I crave your honesty." Her eyes bore into his own emerald depths, staring unflinchingly into the abyss within him. It was a dangerous game they played - one that could lead only to destruction or an understanding so profound it might shatter them both.

Mariah held his gaze, refusing to recoil from the intensity of his words. His audacity was infuriating yet enthralling, pushing her further into the labyrinth of their shared desires. She drew a deep breath, filling her lungs with the scent of him – wild and untamed, like a force of nature that refused to be claimed. "Appealing?" she echoed, her tone laced with wry amusement. "That depends on one's perspective, Caedes." Her eyes briefly flickered down to his lips, a tantalizing temptation she hadn't intended. The faintest shadow of a smile crossed her face as she continued, "The forbidden can be enticing. But there is something to be said about the value of caution." His words served as a catalyst for her own desires, bringing them crashing to the forefront of her mind. The forbidden allure he spoke of was not alien to Mariah. She had always been drawn to the edge of reason, where order surrendered to chaos, and passion ruled over logic. It was there that she felt most alive.

For a moment, Mariah was silent, her silver eyes widened ever so slightly at his audacious words. She took a shuddering breath, her heart racing in her chest as the gravity of their game of wills sank in. His admission echoed around them, hanging heavy in the air like the impending doom of a thunderstorm. "You speak as if I have wronged you," she began, her voice barely more than a whisper. "Yet, it seems to me that we are both victims and beneficiaries of our shared infatuation." She paused slightly, her gaze never wavering from his. Her next words were slow and deliberate, drawing out the tension between them further. "If I am to strip you of your sanity, know that you've stripped me of my solitude.” My quiet existence is no more, replaced by this tumultuous yearning that knows no rest.

A tide of emotions washed over Mariah as his words settled around them, lingering in the air like a tangible aura. His soft kisses rained down her neck, causing goosebumps to rise on her flesh; his honesty, raw and painful, seeping into her soul. She tilted her chin back to offer him easier access to the touch they both craved. The defiant glint in her silver eyes softened despite herself, a flicker of trust sparking amidst the sea of chaos that their relationship had become. Her voice was a whisper when she finally replied, "And what would you do with me if you had me, Caedes?” She asked lightly, but then thought better of it “Think carefully before you answer me. I am a Mendacium- though it may not mean anything to you, it certainly does to me, and it comes with a deep culture of numerous core beliefs that I have to adhere to.” She finished softly, her eyes never leaving his as she awaited his response. Her heart pounded in her chest, the rhythm echoing in the quiet space between them. She could feel the tension betwixt them, thick and heady, threatening to swallow them whole.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
03-09-2024, 03:52 PM

Caedes met Mariah's challenging gaze with a smirk, his eyes alight with a lustful gleam as he reveled in their verbal sparring. Her defiance versus his persistence. A perfect, disastrous match. What a battle it was, to have such a beast's heart thudding painfully hard in his chest. The uncertainty of how they could come away from this interaction was agonizing. So he chose to focus on her instead. His eyes followed that devilish curl of her lips, wanting nothing more than to nibble at the delicate skin there. Maybe draw blood too, for her taunting.   "Masochist?" He echoed, laughter in his tone and amusement dancing in his emerald eyes. Maybe he was. Maybe he would rather her drive a knife through his chest, pierce his heart now – the better alternative to living without her. "Perhaps. I fear I would take any shred of your sentiment, even if you were to curse me, don’t you see this ruined hide? I am no stranger to pain, if it were all I could receive from you I would still keep coming back for more." His words were an invitation, a haunting plea. He was certain he would find delight in her brutality, if he couldn’t have her adoration. Possess her? Claim her? Oh, but what if the reverse could also be true? He surprised himself, wondering when he had become so strange. He was meant to be a weapon for his cousin, not for a girl he coveted. She really had stripped him of his sanity.

As Mariah confessed her own craving for his honesty, Caedes felt the surging of satisfaction coursing through him. It was a rare moment of vulnerability from her, one that only served to deepen the bond growing between them. He was compelled to continue to return the same sincerity. "Honesty," The scarred brute murmured, his voice low as he thought out his response, "Can be a double-edged sword. It can cut deeper than any blade. Liberate your very soul.  But if that is what you crave, I will give it to you.” But what was she asking for? What was the price of his plea to have her? Again his thoughts muddled, clarity escaping his grasp. Caedes  was impossibly tempted by her proximity, his nares taking in her heady scent like a drug — and oh have mercy on this poor addict. He fought to maintain his resolve, unwilling to stop pressing her; because he could so easily fall into her momentary embrace. But at the risk of it being the last, he resisted.

Her mention of caution only fueled Caedes's impatience. She was so careful, so precise. She was everything a proper healer was and more, and for a few moments his clinical brain took over and he wondered what knowledge they could share, what ailments she had cured, the differing uses of the flora here… Ah. Musings for another time. "Caution has its merits, yes," The scarred behemoth conceded, though his tone was laced with a hint of mischief, of course it was. "But where's the allure in playing it safe? You’ll find no fear in me. Not of consequence, not of tribulation. Are you scared Mariah?" He imagined brushing his lips against hers in a fleeting, reassuring kiss, a tantalizing taste of the forbidden that would leave them both longing for more — but thought better of it… for the moment at least.

As Mariah spoke of their shared infatuation, Caedes longed to stop the conversation, to convince her through heat and pleasure. But ah, civility. It wouldn’t do to act like he hadn’t a brain to make use of. What appeal was there in a dumb brute? None. "Yes, because I do feel terribly wronged. How else can I explain the mark you’ve left on my soul?" A thoughtful tone rumbled out from his maw, his voice thick with amusement and barely held back exasperation. What a funny way of putting it. She certainly kept him guessing, that unruly spirit of hers. He loved to see it burn at the forefront of her gaze. It paired nicely with her rebellion. "Victims and beneficiaries equally. I agree.” It was difficult to desire her so wholly, to yearn to possess her. But what part of her? Body? He had done that, and while he wished to do so again and again, that wasn’t the extent of his fixation. “I don’t apologize for what I’ve robbed you of.” He retorted, skull tilting with a cocky expression on his face.

Her question hung in the air between them, heavy with anticipation and unspoken longing. Caedes's gaze softened though she could not see it as he kissed her throat, his lips tracing the contours of her jugular with a gentleness a brute his size should not have been capable of. His teeth began to graze her tender flesh with steadily building fervor, urged on by her bearing the vulnerable area to him; giving him easier access was quite cruel of her. "If I had you, Mariah," He whispered, his voice barely more than a breath between each kiss, his will fighting to keep a levelhead. This was as careful as he could think to reply, leaving the latter half of her question unanswered for the moment. "I would cherish you, every touch, every word you spoke. I would pray at this altar, I would worship you until the end of time." His words were a solemn vow, a promise of devotion that eclipsed those silly boundaries of reason and sanity. He had to tear himself away, had to deny his desire in favor of reeling back with measured control. Eyes locking with her own, seeing the softness there, the ounce of trust. Everything he could have hoped for in that moment. But, there were still answers he had to give her.

Mariah had revealed her heritage as a Mendacium, which piqued his curiosity. He knew nothing of the bloodline, heard no tales of their culture, of their beliefs and traditions. What did the name mean? To many, the Saxe’s were a cultish following, but how different were their two families? "Mendacium," He repeated, memorizing the word, voice tinged with the revelation that family was the reason she was keeping him at bay. That wouldn’t do. With his gaze locked on her own, returning the softness back to her, beckoning her to lay all her cards out on the table. To trust him. "Enlighten me." It was more of a request than a statement. His family was all he knew, their brutal ways, focused on dominance and conquering. What adherence did her family ask of her, where his commanded only loyalty and the strength to fight for them? They were a nation of heathens and degenerates – there were no gods to them, no beliefs other than the Sultan’s authority.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-10-2024, 09:43 AM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2024, 11:36 AM by Mariah. Edited 3 times in total.)

Mariah's breath hitched as his words curled around her, as binding and inescapable as a lover's grip. His confession was raw, too raw, and she found herself lost in the depths of his emerald gaze. For a moment, they were no longer the victims of a twisted game, but two beings bound by an inexplicable force. Mariah found herself leaning closer to him, their distance decreasing until their breaths mingled in the cool air. "Is pain all you believe you deserve, Caedes?" Her voice was soft, tinged with a sadness she hadn't known she carried.

Mariah watched him, her eyes a mirror of his internal turmoil - a whirlwind of emotions that threatened to tear her apart from the inside out. But she remained steadfast, unwilling to look away. Their game of push and pull was agonizingly sweet – the desire, the longing, the impossibility of it all. She felt his hot breath fanning her skin, sending shivers down her spine. His words hung heavily between them, enticing her with promises of raw honesty and freedom. She could taste the temptation on her tongue – a sweet flavor, too intoxicating to resist. “Then give it to me,” She demanded, her voice barely a whisper, yet laden with all the determination she could muster. Her heart pounded in sync with his as if they were one – a single entity bound by an unspoken agreement. His eyes were a bottomless pit, pulling her deeper into him and making it impossible to resist. “Give me your honesty," she implored, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. “Going forward, give me your truths, however harsh they may be. I would rather shatter under the weight of your honesty than drown in the illusions of your silence.” Her words echoed between them, a silent plea wrapped in the intensity of their connection.

Mariah's gaze held his, a challenge and a dare in the depths of her silver irises. His words hung in the air between them while she mulled them over, their implications unfurling one after another. She found herself inexplicably drawn into his charisma, into the reckless abandon he offered. Was she scared? The question dangled in the quiet space between them, its weight pressing against her chest. Was she? Mariah let the silence stretch for a few heartbeats before replying, her voice soft but steady. "Scared, Caedes?" she echoed, a glint of amusement seeping into her eyes. "Fear is a part of life. It whispers in every shadow, lurks within every choice. But I don't let it rule me.” She answered lightly, looking him over once more before continuing. "I may be cautious, but that does not make me a coward." She raised a single brow in a challenge, her lips ever so slightly curving into a devilish smirk. "Fear and caution are not one and the same. Caution comes from wisdom, while fear stems from ignorance." Her words were as sharp as shards of glass, cutting through the tension between them effortlessly.

Mariah blinked, her neck still wonderfully warm from his gentle ministrations. His words echoed in her mind, a sweet promise that tugged at her heart. He spoke of worship, of an undying devotion that seemed so impossible to comprehend in the cold light of their reality. Yet there was a reckless part of her that yearned to believe in it, to give herself over to the intoxicating haze of his promises. She shivered as his breath ghosted across her skin, the intoxicating scent of him filling her senses. "And if I had you, Caedes," she murmured, her voice barely a whisper against his ear. "I would be the storm you crave, the tempest you seek to weather through. I would challenge you at every turn, never letting you rest on laurels. I would heal your wounds and inflict new ones. And never, not once, would I allow you to be anything less than what you are- what I needed you to be. Would that still appeal to you?" Her words hung in the air between them like an incantation, further weaving the spell that he had already accused her of.


It took her a moment to consider his rather straightforward request, her heart pounding in her chest as she considered his words. His gaze held her captive, the piercing intensity of it demanding nothing less than absolute honesty. It was a line she had never had to tiptoe around before- having never had to explain her family to an outsider. She hesitated for a moment, weighing her options, and then sighed. He desired to know, and she found herself unable to deny him. “The foundation of my family is built on loyalty. There are a myriad of rules and explanations for why we do the things that we do, but when it boils down to it, the core value is loyalty. So please keep that in mind as we talk about it.” She began, offering a precursor explanation before moving on to topics that she was sure would sound absurd to someone who hadn’t been born into the Mendaciums. “My family … is deeply connected to our ancestors. We have no gods. We worship nothing. However, it is our ancestors who bless us with striking colors and … unique mutations, as each of us is possessed by the spirit of one of those ancestors. Even though ... my personal connection to the ancients is rather mitigated, As it seems if I'm destined to be the scapegoat. That was something she didn’t realize she was angry about until it came to speaking it aloud. How could these spirits- who were allegedly responsible for such magnificent gifts, only grant her the bare minimum of life to keep living? It made her feel ridiculous trying to explain it to him now.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
03-10-2024, 10:50 PM

The brute’s features froze as the sadness in her voice reached his ears, eyes searching hers as he recognized something. He did not like the sound of sorrow in her melodious tones. But what she said struck him. What did he believe he deserved? As a Saxe, the answers were power and bloodshed. As Caedes? He only knew he wanted her. "Pain," He mused with a grim smirk, crafting his reply as he studied her face. "Is but one facet of life. And while it may hold a certain allure, it is not all that I desire, nor all that I believe I deserve." His words were a confession, even to himself, as he shared a small glimpse into his soul that he rarely allowed others to see. It was not something the brute did. But with her? Naturally.

As Mariah demanded his honesty, Caedes felt a surge of relief coursing through him. He hadn’t realized how… closely he had been clinging onto her every word until now, anticipating her acceptance or rejection of him. The ferocity of her gaze, the resolve – it threatened to consume him. He wanted to let it. "You have it," He rumbled out, his voice thick with desperate emotion that was strange to hear from himself. But he pressed on anyway, unwilling to lose the glimmer of hope her words had planted. "My honesty, my truth, laid bare – for you." Caedes’s spoke lowly, features softening as he assured her, intensity burning in his gaze. A mix of passion and tenacity, all in one heavily scarred package. At her words of caution and fear, the brute only listened. This devilish woman, how she tempted him even with her cutting words. It came easily, the reverence that settled over his features, watching as every word left her lips. Memorizing each movement so that even if he were deaf and mute he would know what she was saying.

It was after his kisses, his whispered proclamations that she spoke again. He shuddered as her voice caressed his mind, drugged by the sensation of her breath against his ear. His own breathing seemed to stop as Mariah's words washed over him like a tidal wave, each syllable carrying the weight of her resolve. Her challenge. He itched as she stood her ground against him, and he knew she would take nothing else - nothing less than his entire soul. She was a tempest, a force of nature unto herself, and he was drawn to her with a ferocity that defied reason. Again, she had robbed him of his sanity. He had the proof in the way her body could push and pull him, that hulking framework instantly adapting to obey – indeed like waves on the beach. Her words echoed in his mind for a moment or two, a tantalizing invitation to the obsidian beast. It was earth shattering, hearing her promise. Her plans for him, for them. "The storm, the tempest, is yet another thing I crave." Caedes murmured, voice tinged with longing, drawn out of him so exquisitely in the way only she was seemingly capable of. "So have me." The words were a declaration of devotion, leaving nothing to doubt. He couldn’t have sounded uncertain even if he tried. In fact, he sounded as utterly transfixed as he felt.

As Mariah revealed the intricacies of her family's beliefs, Caedes listened intently, his curiosity piqued by the glimpse into her world. He wanted more of her, her life, her past, her present, her future.  "Loyalty," He repeated, his voice heavy with understanding. "As it happens, is all I know." The brute grinned, a wicked thing playing on his lips as he mulled over her words of ancestors and spirits. Her family had no gods, nothing to worship – ah, but she seemed… to have a slight detachment. He wanted to ask her why, but he chose to be a very good, quiet, attentive student as she explained her heritage. The importance was clear, her family meant everything to her.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-10-2024, 11:44 PM

The corners of her lips twitched upwards, barely visible but there nonetheless. His words were like a balm, soothing yet simultaneously stinging. She found her gaze straying to his, eyes locked in a tumultuous dance as they sought answers in one another. A confession - it was a rare sight from the hardened warrior. "Then what do you believe you deserve, Caedes?" she asked, voice soft yet piercing. The room seemed to shrink, the two of them caught in their own world as silence fell around them. It was an odd sensation - dangerously intimate for two people so dedicated to maintaining their own defenses.

A small smile played on her lips at his words, her heart pounding furiously in her chest as she took them in. The honesty in his voice, the sincerity of his promise - it was both terrifying and exhilarating. She could not remember when someone had last been so earnest with her, had agreed to lay out their intentions so clearly for her to see. Her gaze locked onto his and she felt something shift between them. Something deep and raw and unexpected. “Thank you.” Her voice hushed in the space between them. His promise earned her trust. It was fragile, but it was there, and it would continue to grow as long as he kept his word.

She felt the ground shift beneath her as he spoke, his words shaking her to the core. She saw the glint in his eyes, the desperate passion that had him clinging to her every word, devouring them as if they were a lifeline. His honesty- what she had specifically requested of him- was raw and untamed, matching the wild look in his eyes. He desired the tempest she was- craved it with an intensity that frightened and thrilled her in equal measure. She did not know what to make of it, this irrepressible beast that had laid himself bare before her, offering himself up with an earnestness that was as intoxicating as it was terrifying. Pausing, Mariah studied him for a long moment, her eyes softening as she considered his words. Her hands reached up to frame his face, her fingers gently tracing his scars. "You are a mystery, Caedes," she murmured softly, her voice barely louder than the whispering wind that danced around them. His strength, his ferocity – it was unlike anything she had ever seen before. And yet, it was not just these traits that drew her to him; it was also the sincerity that echoed in his voice, the vulnerability that lay hidden beneath layers of hardened steel. She was drawn to all of him. And the longer they spent together- just talking- the more she began to accept the idea that she was sure she could go on without him.


Ah yes, but it wasn’t that easy. As he insisted that loyalty was all that he knew, she offered him a nod in response. Loyalty was a fantastic start, but there needed to be some level of understanding as well. Clearing her throat, she glanced away for a moment to gather her thoughts before continuing. “From the time that we are young, we are told that we are possessed by ancient spirits. Yes. But also that there is another ancient spirit of our family born out in the world. And it is our individual task to find that outlying ancient spirit and return with them back to Elysium … think of it as a soulmate and a pilgrimage to find them.” She paused, taking a moment to chance a glance in his direction. Again, she wasn’t entirely sure she bought into it. But this feeling that she had for Caedes was the most convincing thing to her own culture that she had encountered so far. “A soulmated pair is predetermined, and selected by the ancients with the mindset of providing the next generation the strongest connection to our ancestors as we can provide … that being said. While exceptions have been made for relationships outside a soulmated pair, there is no room for illegitimacy. Any accidental litters are culled upon birth” This particular conversation made her feel more strange than she could have anticipated. It no longer felt as if she were just merely teaching him about some of her family’s most important customs, as it was laying down parameters of how a relationship would work with her if he chose to pursue it. But when it came to culling pups … well, that wasn’t something that she wanted to be a surprise if he were to witness it.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
03-11-2024, 12:54 AM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2024, 12:55 AM by Caedes. Edited 1 time in total.)

It took the brute a moment to think of his reply to her question, his eyes locked with hers and the softness there, just for him. But how to answer? Had he ever allotted himself the time to think about himself as an individual? More than a Saxe cog in the machine? Was there such a thing? He wanted to laugh, torn between the thought and the loyalty to his kin. Caedes' brows furrowed slowly as he began to speak. "I’ve never given it much thought." He muttered, honestly trying to contemplate what the question meant to him. He wanted strength, he wanted to be of use, but what did he deserve? The answer was lost to him.

As Mariah thanked him for his honesty, Caedes felt a shift in their relationship. It was fragile trust, born from shared vulnerability, yet it held the promise of something more. Her touch ignited a fire within him, a primal urge to claim her as his own. Yet he held himself back, allowing her the space to explore the depths of their newborn connection on her own terms. He was silent as she studied him, speaking of him as a mystery. He would have wagered she was the greater mystery, but remained still and quiet – willing her to continue looking at him with those enchanting eyes.

Not the soulmate part, but the pilgrimage was familiar to him. He supposed he was on one right this moment, here only to lend his strength to his cousin and fall in line with his hedonistic kin under the new Sultan. But, now there was Mariah. A rogue variable disrupting the cogs of his mechanical existence. Thrillingly, he might add. The notion of a soulmated pair, as Mariah called it, intrigued him. Something stirred within him that he couldn't quite name, too. "Soulmates." He repeated, voice falling in deep, intimate rumbles. But there was something else in his tone, something jealous and possessive. Was this her way of telling him there would come a time that she would find that soulmate of hers and abandon him? “You consider me an… 'exception'?” His gaze lit up with predatory intent, focusing solely on her face. He hardly registered the alternative possibility as he wrestled with his envy.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-11-2024, 01:29 AM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2024, 08:46 AM by Mariah. Edited 1 time in total.)

Her gaze faltered slightly at his response, her heart aching for the vulnerability of the moment. She found herself wishing she could reach into the depths of his soul and pull out the answers she sought, to give him the assurance he seemed to lack. But she also knew that was not her place; it was a journey he had to undertake on his own. “You deserve to understand who you are outside of who you have been molded to be.” She echoed lightly- though she wouldn’t push it any further beyond that if he didn’t want to talk about it.

Mariah watched him wrestle with his thoughts, her heart pounding a wild rhythm in her chest. His question hung heavy in the air between them, echoing in the silence around them. She felt his gaze piercing through her, sparks of predatory intent sending waves of heat down her spine. Slowly, she raised a paw brushing it gently against his chest- she couldn’t resist the desire for connection. “You” she began softly, locking her sterling gaze onto his. “are not just an exception.” The words came out in a whisper, barely audible amidst the gentle rustling of leaves. “You are a free-thinking individual, and you are welcome to decide where you fit in this- if at all.” As she wouldn’t be surprised if there was too much control being taken away to be interested in entertaining the thought of advancing further.


With a few more moments pause lingering in the space between them, she continued. “You should also know that my family is a matriarch. Not that men are treated any less- leadership just passes from mother to daughter. My oldest sister has been the Matriarch for a little over a year now. My mother is her advisor.” It was difficult for her to guess what he might be thinking in this moment. She wasn’t sure if, after all that, he thought it would be worth the trouble. She certainly wouldn’t blame him if that’s how he felt. “I know it’s a lot to take in, but that’s the basics of it. At the end of the day, I’m not exactly what you would consider a blind follower. But like I said, the foundation is loyalty, and at the very least that’s what I can provide for my family. Loyalty to them, and respect of their beliefs." She trailed off, unsure of what else to say on the topic. Looking at him once again, she her voice once more. “Do you have questions?” She asked, prompting him for direction as to where he might need more information.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
03-11-2024, 02:34 AM

Caedes's gaze softened at Mariah's words, a flicker of vulnerability showing beneath his hard surface, before it was crushed as he pushed it down. A line of thought to follow at a different time. He was a brutal creature, capable of great cruelty and wickedness, but in her presence, he felt a yearning for something more – something he couldn't quite name. He did not know what to do with the sensation. He let her statement die with a subtle nod, unwilling to further delve into what he did and did not deserve.

And when his jealousy came just shy of a boiling point, her gentle touch against his chest sent a jolt of electricity through him, stirring his longing up anew – which he struggled to contain as his breath came unsteadily. He was thinking of hunting down that soul mate of her’s, killing the swine before she could ever meet him – an impossible desire that he fully planned on enacting, until her words soothed his agitation. He was not a mere exception. She was letting him decide what he wanted to be to her, and where he fit in her life. Caedes’ gaze bore into her own, disarmed by her immediately as she calmed his insecurity as if she had done it thousands of times before. Insanity. He chose not to speak, but to push forward into her space. His snout finding a resting point against the back of her neck, his skull craned over her smaller one as he settled into the scent of her. Grounding himself. Actions speak louder than words, don't they? This is where he belonged.

As Mariah continued to explain the ways of her family, the complicated expectations they sought. The notion of a matriarchal society intrigued him, almost an exact opposite of his own family. "A matriarchy," He mused aloud, wondering of the implications, wondering how much different that must have been. A leader that didn’t think with their dick? Sounded too good to be true. No offense to his dear cousin, of course. He wanted to laugh at the appeal. Caedes was finding the worship of a woman quite compelling at the moment. "Show me?" He breathed into her fur, the rumble of his voice strong and steady. If her task was to bring back her soulmate… he wanted to be the one she brought back. Greedy beast that he was. What it meant for him as a Saxe? He was much too inebriated by her presence to really give a damn at the moment. He chose his wicked delights; desire burning in his abdomen yet sorely neglected in favor of intelligent conversation. But when she offered him the opportunity to ask questions, a chance to understand the complexities of her upbringing, he snapped himself out of his intoxication. "Tell me," He began, begrudgingly breaking off his embrace to meet her silver orbs, half beckoning her to give him command. "What would your family expect of me? Blind follower or not, What would you have me do?" He had his own purposes, his loyalty to his kin. Though he had told her, she would find no fear in him. Not of consequence, Not of tribulation. His gaze said as much, more than words ever could.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-11-2024, 09:09 AM

Mariah felt the rhythm of his heartbeat against her body as he craned over her, the warmth of his breath drifting over her neck causing an involuntary shiver to run down her spine. She could feel the softness of his muzzle against her fur, the jagged peaks and valleys of his scars brushing against her. His silence was powerful, his proximity even more so. It was a sensation foreign yet comforting like an old memory long forgotten now resurfacing. She let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, her body instinctively leaning into his touch. The familiarity of his scent enveloped her, offering an unexpected comfort that tugged at strings within her heart she didn't know existed. It was magnetic, this pull towards him. She understood then why the moon and the earth danced in a perpetual cycle- it was not an obligation but a gravitational pull, an inexplicable force. And as they existed in that quiet moment, anchored by each other's presence, she realized that he was her moon - a celestial body she found herself irresistibly drawn to.

Mariah turned her head slightly, her nose brushing softly against his jawline. She took in the rugged, musky scent of him up close, it held a certain earthy wildness that matched his hunter-killer spirit. It was a smell comforting in its intimidation: a reminder of his ferocity and strength and... loyalty. Yes, loyalty. A word that echoed in her mind because it encapsulated what she had unconsciously begun to feel for Caedes. He could have turned his back on her, dismissed her complexities as burdensome and not worth his time. But he was here, enveloping her in his warmth, meeting her vulnerability with his own. And she commended him for it.

Mariah held her breath as Caedes broke their embrace, his piercing gaze locked on hers. His bold question rang in the silence between them like a tolling bell. She blinked, taking a moment to collect her thoughts, attempting to piece together a response that would quell the brewing storm in his eyes. "My family...” she began slowly, her voice barely above a whisper. “It is custom that a soulmate joins Elysium- they are being identified as a Mendacium at that point- possessed by one of our ancestral spirits. The idea is to bring them home. There would be a ceremony shortly after to finalize everything.” She paused looking for any information she could read in his expression. “Any one of us only has one soulmate … There is no separating after that. No second chances …" She answered lightly, wondering how deeply her words might cut him. Her heart hammered in her chest as she continued, “I don’t expect any of that. As my friend, you could probably get by with meeting my parents and my sister. I could visit you- you could visit me. And we could get on like that for a long time …” But as far as she could see, those were the only two options for advancement.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
03-11-2024, 05:11 PM

As Mariah spoke of the customs of her family, Caedes listened with rapt attention, his mind racing with possibilities. The idea of joining Elysium, of being identified as a Mendacium, sent a thrill coursing through him. He wasn’t sure what that electric sensation was however, because the idea of stripping himself clean of his Saxe name was… an irrevocable one. Her family would see him cast aside his name, and take their own. A trade… one that meant he could have her. Or perhaps, it meant that she could have him. Both ideas appealed to the brute, but his familial devotion and his new, all-consuming devotion to Mariah were clashing now. It was a heavy feeling that settled on his shoulders, his eyes flashing in agitation at the thought of losing one for the other. Of considering either a choice to be discarded at will.

Mariah had no way of knowing that he was a product of a plaything and a cruel Saxe mistress. For a moment he wondered, blasphemously, if he had ever been a true Saxe. There were certainly some who believed otherwise. "I understand," The scarred brute murmured, thoughtfulness looming over his features. Could he give the answer he wanted to give, say yes, accept the conditions… and risk being hunted by his own kin? Was being her friend, hiding behind a lie in front of her family all he could do?

He released a breathless laugh, her words stoking the embers of his jealousy and irritation at himself. “A friend would not covet you as I do. Everything in this mutilated body yearns to accept.” But. There was a but coming. He hated that. All he desired was to have her forever, and what a perfect belief system her family held for that to become a reality. Only.. "But I will only do so if you ask it of me. If it is what you desire." He continued, his gaze unwavering as he made a new promise to her. "I will not let you go without a fight. I will move mountains, traverse oceans, defy the very laws of nature if it means being with you." His voice was fierce, determined, a declaration of his unwavering devotion. But with it also carried his infatuation, his possessive inclination, and a horrible truth. “But, it’s not without consequence. Disposing of my name will mark me for death.” He said, his tone falling in warning, keeping her gaze fixed with his own. As they stood there, he began to divulge his own circumstances. His words were honest, his tone brutal. “I come from a bloodline of conquers. Heathens, godless, without religion, without morality. I am here as part of a plague, seeking domination. An Empire under a Sultan. My name is Caedes Messorem Saxe. This is all I have ever known. Until you.” He regarded her, waiting for reaction, waiting for a shred of doubt to cross those lovely features. Oh, how it would sting. But he was not a beast that knew to fear.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-11-2024, 06:36 PM

Mariah sensed the shift in Caedes' mood, the lines of his face hardening as conflict played out across his features. She could feel a tension coiling between them, a silent storm brewing in the air that threatened to shatter the quiet serenity of their moment. Her chest tightened at the sight. It was not her intention to force him into a corner, to make him choose between loyalty to his kin and what could be blossoming between them.  She watched as the struggle played out on Caedes' face, a raw honesty that nearly broke her heart. His turmoil reflected her own - the decision was not easy, filled with stakes and consequences that could alter their lives irreversibly. “I understand that, Caedes …” She began, staring into the depths of his emerald gaze. If she could give him reassurance with a look alone, she hoped that she had. Resisting the urge to touch him again was difficult in itself. “But there is no in-between. To my family you either are an ancestral Mendacium- or you aren’t.”  Mariah explained, her tone heavy with the burdensome truth. “But I won’t ask you to choose. How could I possibly?” Her voice transitioned into something gentle yet laden with urgency. She needed him to understand that no matter the path he chose, she would not be disappointed. Nobody could be expected to change the course of their life in the span of a single conversation. “Like I said ... we can get on for a long time without choosing ...” And while her family might disagree with that sentiment- the family she was loyal to first and foremost, she also wasn’t a mere cog in a machine. Her personal relationship with the ancients would be kept private. That’s all anyone needed to know for now.

She drew in a deep breath, absorbing his confession. Her mind reeled with revelation, each word tumbling over the last like waves against a rocky shore. Conquerors, heathens, godless - these were not the traits of Caedes she had come to know. Yet the man standing before her was not denying them, he was revealing them, his voice absent of any remorse or shame. For a moment, she was silent, her eyes never leaving his. Then, with a gentle sigh, she spoke. “I don’t know the heathen you speak of, Caedes Messorem Saxe. I don’t know the conqueror, the plague, the godless soul. I know only what you’ve shown me of the man who stands before me now.” Her words were soft, yet carried an undeniable weight. “One day you’ll have to tell me about your family. But it doesn’t matter to me who you are … you’ve sworn me your honesty .... For today, that’s all I need.” She finished while looking him over, hoping to have reached an understanding, as fragile as it might possibly be.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
03-11-2024, 07:37 PM

The choice before him was clear, yet the consequences loomed large on the horizon, casting a shadow over their fragile bond. How could he reconcile the loyalty he felt towards his family with the fierce longing he harbored for Mariah? The answer eluded him. Certainly it was not something harmonious, and a decision was going to have to be made. But as she said, how long could that go on?  "No in-between." He repeated to cement the words to himself, emeralds swirling with scenarios and future possibilities. To become a Mendacium was to forsake his past, his name, his very identity. It was a sacrifice he hesitated to make, a choice that threatened to tear him apart from within. It enraged him, to have his choices boiled down to one or the other. But Mariah's reassurance offered him a bit of ease, reminding him of the impossible allure. Her gentle tones, her understanding gaze – they spoke volumes without the need for words. If he did not choose her, he was sure her silver eyes would haunt his dreams forevermore. So how long could he hold off ensuring that never happened?

Caedes drew in a deep breath, his resolve steeling against the uncertainty that lay ahead. He knew that one day he would have to confront his past, his lineage, but for now, he found solace in the present moment, in the woman who stood before him and the pull he felt towards her. Really, it was that simple, wasn’t it?  “The choice will have to be made eventually, or it will be taken from us.” It had to be said, and he did so with a hint of morbidity. He wondered if the consequences would be terrible, painful, but how much more painful than all the scars upon his body? Excruciating? Looking into her eyes, he knew that he would do whatever it took to protect her, to worship her, for as long as she would have him. Maybe even if she didn’t. He would still prefer her lashings, her cruelty if it meant receiving something from her still. Even as she accepted his words, his admissions of his heritage and his past, she absorbed it all – assuring him that it didn’t matter. What mattered was what he gave her now, how he continued on now. It was simple, it was raw. He couldn’t fail such an easy request. Especially when it was all she asked of him.  “I will not be anything less than I am, or what you need me to be.” He returned her earlier vow, gaze alight with intensity; and that gripping devotion of his. A slow, mischievous smile spread across his face, hinting at secrets and desires. His towering presence seemed to beckon her closer, silently invitating her through the subtle raise of his paw. In his gaze, there was a plea, a silent proposition for her to draw near and embrace that intoxicating allure that was the cause of such turmoil.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.

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