
when the whole world trembles and shakes


03-30-2014, 05:40 PM

He had left her parents telling them that he was going to train with Alpine, though he had left out the part that Alpine had to talk to Erani then tell him if Alpine could even train him. In all honestly it had been a few days since he had met Alpine and since the pack meeting and the young boy was starting to get a bit restless. Was the white male going to train him or what? Erion wanted to know so he turned his attention to Whisperer's Gorge where he had first met Alpine and headed off that way. As always he set off with a smile and a spring in his step, massive paws slapping against the ground and gangly legs propelling him easily towards the strange place. The path slopped downwards and he reclined back onto his haunches to accommodate the slope, half walking and half sliding down the pathway into the old ravine. As he neared the end haunches unfurled and he launched himself towards the bottom of the ravine. It all happened so fast after that, paws smacking the earth seemingly so hard that it began to shake. At first it was just a shudder and a frown furrowed his brow.

Had he imagined that? He took a few tentative steps forward, neck bending to press his nose to the ground as if his mighty touch might start off the ground again. So he walked slowly, each paw placed carefully as he moved further into the the ravine. Okay, obviously he had imagined it? The pup would lift his head again just as something shifted above him and sent a cloud of dust sprinkling down on his head. "Hello? Is someone up there?" He called, immediately thinking that someone was walking along the edge above him and had unknowingly kicked some dust down on him. But then rocks began to sprinkle down, the tremors still too small to be felt through his paws. But another minute would pass of Erion staring up in confusion before the whole world started to shift. Vibrations ran up his legs and immediately ears flattened to his skull. Rocks of varying sizes started clattering down around him and he shied away, looking this way and that to try and make sense of what was happening. A boulder struck the ground behind him and immediately it sent the pup skittering away.

"HELP!!!" He needed someone, anyone. Tail tucked between his legs as he sprinted, swerving this way and that, teetering dangerously as stones clattered down all around him and vibrations shook his whole body. CRACK! The sound was almost deafening, Erion's head turning to look over his shoulder so fast it hurt. The earth was splitting. Eyes widened as he watched a gaping hole widen at the mouth of the ravine and chase him even as he tried to run faster. Was this a nightmare? When would he wake up? Tears were swimming in his eyes now as he tried to close them and run faster. He felt weightless suddenly, paws scrambling to keep him running but finding nothing but air to grasp onto. He hit the ground hind legs first and though one crumpled beneath him the other refused to ben properly and his body weight slammed down on it bending it at an unnatural angle. Snap! "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" He wailed as pain ripped up his whole body, his back hit the ground next and even as stones and rocks continued to clatter down around him he refused to move. Body trying to curl up into itself as tears streamed down the boy's face.

"Mommy? Daddy? Help..." He whimpered into the darkness. He didn't know how long he was there but eventually the tremors would stop and the dust around him would begin to settle. But none of that mattered, all he knew was the pain.



03-31-2014, 12:00 AM

A couple days had slipped by since he had approached Erani and he was astonished at their passing. He had gotten caught up so quickly in helping Twig and seeing Lyric that he had delayed something he should not have. Even as Erion's thoughts where on Alpine's, the alabaster brute thought of the younger wolf. He was determined that today he would have a talk with him and explain how their future's would proceed. Rather then calling for the other brute, he had caught the passing of his scent. Now is a good a time as any he decided as he set off at a light trot after the familiar scent.

The other was still not within sight as the earth began to shake and tremble beneath his paws. Shocked eyes would dash upwards, seeking out the younger wolf, begging for a sign of as the earth stopped it strange and sudden turmoil beneath him. He bit back a silent cry as he scrambled for his footing, he cursed beneath his breath in fear, not for himself but for the pup he knew was somewhere up ahead. Even as thoughts of Erion took his mind he thought also of Lyric. His paws, no longer moving but stretched out and balanced stiffened and locked as a new terror ran through him Lyric he thought, shooting a glance beneath him, struggling to see the into the pack lands, as through sheer will could let him see her.

The world shook again, but still he was locked in indecision, Lyric was somewhere behind him and the earth would not stop its seizure, as through it wished to shake the life off its back. No, he forced himself to close his heart of her, she had the pack there with her, Erion was a young wolf alone and probably frightened by the worlds terrible movement. God, how was he to choose between the pup he had chosen to protect, and the woman that had stolen his heart.
?HELP!? A voice cried, and there was no more thought, only action as he threw himself forward, crying out a howl as he looked in desperation for the frightened pup. He moved further into the revene, further into the abyss of falling rocks that cascaded down beside him. One rolled against the rocky side, shooting towards him. He cried out and leaped, but it wasn't quite enough as the boulder tumbled into him, throwing him against the ground and cracking a rib or two with the impact. He gasped at the sudden pain that flared against his side and lay there for a moment, stunned. For that split second he had forgotten about Erion, but the sudden cry that rung out and echoed against the shifting walls reminded him. He gritted his teeth, thankful that nothing had landed on him or pinned him down. He drew himself to his paws in a shaky movement and threw himself forward. He didn't know why the pup had cried out, but it didn't matter. He had to find him, he had to save him. If something happened to Erion.. Alpine wasn't sure he could survive the pain that would bring him.

He saw where the earth gave way and barely managed to stop his headlong run. He cried out and threw his weight against the floor, pulling a stop right upon it's edge, scrambling and stopping there. His sides heaved and he felt the pain of his sudden through his heavy breathing. He looked down, and saw darkness, and knew this was where he had lost Erion. He threw back his head and let loose a keen agony of a howl and threw himself into the darkness.

He threw himself into the darkness onto a lower alcove, scrambling for grip against the rocky surface. He was in the darkness now and found himself looking down, he thought he could see the earth below him, he thought that this drop might not be so bad now. He took a breath and plunged again, and gasped as the shock ran from his legs to his tail, jarring his teeth but could feel nothing broken, he had landed safely. He moved forward more carefully now, this territory was unfamiliar to him and he darkness a keen shroud around him. He moved and sniffed, searing for his friend when the soft whimper came out of the darkness ?Mommy.. daddy.. help? the voice whispered, and Alpine was there in a moment, he leaned over the younger wolf, licking his face for comfort and to feel if he was alright. The entire world had changed around them, and Alpine was as lost and weary as the pup, but he let nothing of it show. ?Erion, Its me, Alpine. Are you ok? Where does it hurt?? He asked, in gently urgent tones.




7 Years
03-31-2014, 07:55 AM

Surreal padded uneasily along the edge of the pack borders along the Whisperers Gorge. Something felt horribly wrong. Her stomach was in a turmoil, and her hackles wouldn?t lay flat, instead rising on her shoulders and spine, as though they could protect her from? whatever it was that was bad. But she couldn?t place it. Ears lay flat to her skull, mismatched gold and blue gaze flicking about, body tensed and ready to fly into action should an enemy fly out at her. A rush of wings from above signaled Battlesong?s arrival, the large hawk floating on thermals above her. ?Anything to see from up there?? Lilting accented voice called up to the bird as Surreal paused to look up at her companion.

Battlesong angled and dipped her wings, coming to land on her land bound friend?s back, beak clicking as her large golden eyes observed the wolf. No. Nothing to-- And then the world turned in on itself. A roar filled the air. Her ears. Her mind. She tried standing still, but the shaking under her paws threw her down. Battlesong gave a shrill cry, wings fluttering as she was thrown with her friend. After a moment of righting herself, she pushed off into the blessedly smooth thermals, gold eyes wide with shock as she soared up, taking in the heaving earth below. From above, she watched helplessly as her silver companion struggled to rise to her paws, only to be tossed and shaken down again.

And then the earth opened its jaws, belching sulfur from an abyssal black depth. On the ground, Surreal thought she heard a howl. Valhallan wolf. And a cry for help. She knew that voice. ?Erion!? The trembling, heaving ground eased it?s rolling for just long enough for her to gain her paws and take off toward the cry.

If it weren?t for Battlesong, she wouldn?t have seen the gaping jaws of the earth before her. The bird saw her friend?s impending danger, stooping swiftly to flash her wings in front of the beta. Follow! Surreal dropped her haunches, rearing back on them, effectively halting her forward progress, in time for a boulder to crash past her, the very same that hit upon Alpine, though she didn?t realize this. Her eyes tracked the hawk, following her movements as the bird scoped out a safe path through the turmoil. Just as the hawk swooped back to lead her, Erion?s scream pierced the roar of the earth. Pain, terror. Battlesong arrived in time to fly ahead of the wolf as she charged forward, weaving through obstacles, until she came to a stop at the edge of the gaping mouth into the earth, in time to see the pale form of Alpine dive into the earth.

Erion was in there? Luna?s teeth. She dove after the male, following roughly the same course, wincing with soft grunts as the shocks ran through her legs, following the sound of his passage. The earth had stopped rumbling? The silence was heavy on her ears, until the male?s voice came to her ears. She followed it. Alpine, the male her sister was fast falling in love with. A cry from somewhere above told her Battlesong would wait to lead her out. ?Erion! Alpine!?

She came to crouch across from the male, looking down at the curled form of Erion. Her eyes were doing their best to adjust, but it was still horribly dark. What would her mother do? Oh Luna, was her mother safe? Panic threatened to rise in her throat, before she quashed it down and stiffened her spine. In the voice of the Beta, she spoke to Alpine. ?We need to find a way out of here and get him home. My Companion can help to find a way out. Are you alright?? Oh how her legs wanted to tremble. She felt one forelimb throb, caught the smell of blood. Her own blood. Nevermind that, she would look at it when they were out of here.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.


03-31-2014, 11:42 PM

ooc;; anyone feel free to pick him up XD

He didn't understand any of it, didn't understand what was going on or why this was happening to him of all people. Not that he would wish this on anyone else but he didn't want to be here, he didn't want to be in the middle of this. The dark was all consuming, but to add to it he screwed his eyes shut, dust and pebbles clattering down around him. A few would ping off him, one or two opening shallow wounds on his body but nothing serious. By this point his mind had turned off, unable to comprehend the unnatural angle at which his left hind leg was bent. He didn't know how long the world shook, how long he was down there before silence began to settle around him to the point where it was almost deafening, maddening. He should be screaming, crying for help but all he could manage was tiny whimpers that would bubble up from his throat, barely audible even in the echoing silence. But then sound would begin around him, a clattering of stones that made the tiny pup only draw closer into himself in fear of another shock. But instead warmth would cover his face, and slowly he would squint and open one eye. Tail would give one thump against the ground, the only recognition that he saw Alpine there. But as he spoke the pup would shuffle, trying to shift himself up so he could balance on his forepaws in an upright position. The went as far as trying to fold his hind legs behind him. Though one moved the other nearly twitched before that red how pain arched through his body once more. And then he screamed. Though it was more of a shrill shriek that lasted a few seconds before drifting off into whimpers once more. "My? My leg?" He whimpered, eyes rolling back in his head as if he was trying to look back to see his leg but he was too terrified to lift his head in case the the pain came back.

"Are? are you okay?" His voice trembled violently but suddenly his eyes would snap to Alpine as if all at once his pain and fear were outweighed by a worry for his friend. But then there was more noise, more stones clattering down and again he tried to curl himself up into a ball, everything moving but his injured leg. But again it wasn't an aftershock but another familiar face. Like with Alpine tail would give one weak thump against the ground in recognition but he refused to move even his head this time. "Surreal, are you okay? I smell blood..." He murmured softly, finally trying to lift his head and succeeding, slowly shifting his left shoulder over until it was placed to prop himself up. No pain that time. That was a bonus. And for a short time he forgot about his leg as widened eyes looked between Alpine and Surreal and their various injuries. He noted a few splatters of blood on his own body but that was nothing in comparison to them. His eyes were brimming with tears as he looked up at them, not understanding Surreal's urgency or need to get them out of there right now. Instead tear brimmed eyes would turn up to Alpine. "I'm so sorry! Your hurt because of me. I just wanted to see you, I thought maybe you forgot about me and I just wanted to be a warrior!" Words came out in a rush as he stared up at the white male he had come to idolize so much, eyes pleading for him to understand that he hand't wanted any of this to happen to any of them.

It was like all his fears came true all at once, pebbles began to cascade down around them once more, dropping slowly at first but as the tremors increased so did the size of the stones dropping down around them. Mouth would become unhinged as skull tipped back to look up at the slowly fading sky above them, all he could do was watch as larger stones began to fall, the walls themselves beginning to tremble and shake. "RUN! RUN! WE HAVE TO GO!"He screamed shrilly, as if all of a sudden he remembered his voice. Unlike before when the fear had paralyzed him now all he could think of was Surreal and Alpine and what would happen to them if they didn't know. But there was nothing he could do for them, nothing he could do to drag them out of harms way. All he could do was try and make himself less of a hinderance, forepaws pulling himself slowly away from the adults and further into the darkness. He didn't understand what was going on, all he knew was that he had to get out of there. He had to be strong for them and try his best not to get in their way. The pain was immense, almost unbearable but he had could do nothing other the grit his teeth and bear with it. He tried to stand, tried to struggle up to three paws but he didn't have the balance on the shaking ground. All he could do was drag himself.



04-01-2014, 12:22 AM

A new cry sounded out amongst the rubble and Alpine, so caught up in his fear for the pup was shocked to see the Beta wolf materialise on the other side of Erion and call out their names. He blinked up at him, dazed and almost incomprehensible of the reality. How and when had this other wolf joined them? The blood pounded a steady rythem in his ears and he was finding it increasingly harder to think and concentrate, he blinked past bleary eyes at the other wolf as the words slowly pounded access to his mind. Surreal spoke of a companion and Alpine struggled to make the connection. He had not known Surreal had a bird companion and his eyes blinked confusion at him still. He must have looked half incompetent. It was the pain of Erion that threw back to sanity and with a gasp he watched the young wolf try to rise. He heard the shriek and that same sense of helpless he despised washed over him and he hated himself for it.

He was going to learn healing, the second he was free of this damn nightmare he was going to find a healer and do whatever it took to learn the art, he would fetch and carry for the healer for a year if that was what it took. He was shaken again as eyes fell upon Alpine, he could, see the fear and concern and love in those eyes and it shook him to the core. He couldn't let anything happen to this gentle wolf who boosted a nature so worth saving. ?Dont worry about me, Erion, I'm fine. And so too will you be? He promised in a soft, ferocious tone. And then the onslaught of the young wolfs words flowed free and Alpine's eyes held an oddly burning sensation as he lowered himself closer to the pup, moving to draw his tounge along the others cheek bone. ?Shh Erion, don't worry about me. I should not have delayed, and I am so sorry. You will be a warrior, I promise you. Erani said yes, and I will make it so? He words where gentle, and he hoped that would give the other something else to think about, to take his mind off the pain. In the mean time, Alpine's chest heaved with the weight of heart... it was his fault Erion was out here, and in this mess? The other had been looking for him? His heart flared with a sudden self-hatred before he quelled it, placing it aside to examine another, less precarious time.

The sudden tremors, the aftershock of the earthquake started up, he turned his eyes upwards at the collapsing ceiling, at the stones that shook and threatened to seal their fate. He gasped, his eyes flying back to the injured pup, but the other was gone. He was limping, struggling and moving further into the darkness. He tensed, ready to spring forward when a handful of stones bounded into his face. He gave a silent cry as they tore into his forehead, aggregating a smaller wound that had started there, and the tiny trickle of blood that had had trickled down his nose bleed more freely. He shook his head, reeling with shock for a short moment. He clenched his jaw and with a bound Alpine was there beside Erion. He gave no sign of his injury, and hoped in the darkness the other would not see it. He did not want to stress him further. He nudged his head gently into Erion's shoulder. ?Lean against me, quickly Erion, we can do this, we just need to move further from the collapse? Least it bury us with it, was what he did not say as he moved to aid the other wolf, nudging him to put his weight on Alpine. He had almost forgot Surreal in the madness, his first and foremost thought to the child he had vowed to teach and protect.




7 Years
04-01-2014, 11:09 PM

Surreal?s heart fell as she finally adjusted to the darkness and her eyes befell little Erion?s leg. Oh Erion... Even when the pup was in pain, he tried so hard to be brave, his honest concern evident as he looked between herself and Alpine, asking if she was alright. ?I will mend, little warrior. Don?t you worry.? Her eyes flicked to Alpine as Erion turned to the male. She knew Alpine had been granted the position of training Erion to fight, but was surprised he hadn?t begun yet. Then again, he was also courting her sister. Helping with the pack. She could see how he?d taken a while to get to it. So no anger was given, especially when the male so vehemently assured Erion that he would become a warrior.

But this was no place for lollygagging. Her eyes raised to the way they had come, trying to map out a path up in the dimness. ?I think we--? The world rumbled wrenching an involuntary gasp from her lungs, and sending Erion into a panic. Before either she or Alpine could stop him, the little male attempted to pull himself to his feet, only succeeding in dragging himself into the darkness, further from the way out. She could see the pain in his eyes, the way his jaw clenched. Luna?s teeth, he was bearing the pain as best as he could. She charged after him, Alpine a step ahead, who was bombarded by stones to the face. She could smell the extra scent of his blood, knew he was hurt worse, but he gave no sign of it and she knew why.

She darted forward, coming abreast of the male. Into his ear she called, over the rumbling. ?We need to carry him out. I thought I saw a path up.? The rumbling eased, weakened, died, leaving behind it a deafening silence. She looked back, searching through the dust and darkness with eyes adjusted to the near lack of light. A long shaft of rock had broken away from the gaping mouth, falling at a steep angle. She just hoped another tremor wouldn?t shake it away before they could try it. ?Come on You?ll need to carry him. We need to move quickly or our chance may fall in the next tremor.? She took off at a careful trot, barking up at the gaping chasm, trying to get a fix on Battlesong?s position outside. A faint answering cry told her where the bird was.

She reached the shaft of rock and hopped her paws up on the end, carefully applying weight. It held. ?Come on.?

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.


04-02-2014, 12:11 AM

Cooed words of assurance cascaded around the boy, both from Surreal and Alpine that they were okay and so would he. He knew he was hurt but their words scared him, was he really hurt that bad? He could't look, couldn't bring himself to do it he knew he would just panic more if he did so instead he focused on Alpine. Focused on those blue eyes that promised that every word he said was true. He had something to focus on now beyond the pain, Erani had said yes to Alpine teaching him and it was like everything else didn't matter anymore and he was floating. It was everything he wanted to hear and the whole reason why he had gone out today. Suddenly all the bad things that had happened that day, in those last 45 minutes melted away in light of this new news. He was going to be a warrior. His tail thumped against the ground a few times, weakly as he looked between Alpine and Surreal with a smile etched across his features. Had Surreal heard that? Was she proud of him? He had grown up chasing her around when he and his sister had gone to Erani's to be babysat, always loving her swirly colours. His need to please others was great but these two wolves before him were some of the most important people in his life aside from his family.

And then it all started again, everyone panicking around him. He tried to slip and slither into the darkness as rocks continued to clatter down around them. Then suddenly Alpine was beside him, nudging at him to help him rise so they could flee faster. He struggled, a lot of trying, failing and army crawling some more before finally he was able to get to his paws and lean heavily on the white male's leg. His leg was broken above his ankle but below his heel so he could lift the useless appendage off the ground light high enough so it wouldn't drag. But it seemed that their panic and worry was for not, the tremor ceasing it's intensity to a tiny vibration that he could only feel in his leg. Surreal turned back to their original entrance and started up a steep slope, calling back to them that they would have to climb."I can't?" He whispered under his breath, looking up at the daunting task laid out before them. There was no way Erion cold climb that even in his best shape and he didn't want to have Alpine carry him in the shape he was in. His head was bleeding and Erion was starting to worry about him. "You guys can go, get help. I'll wait here for you. Go!" He said, balancing precariously on three legs as he pressed his forehead against Alpine's leg to try and push him forward.

The intensity of the vibrations began to increase again, this time slowly and almost unnoticeable at first until the pebbles began to bounce around on the floor. "Go before it all collapses in! I need to get away from the open." He said, louder now so Surrel could hear him as well. He was beginning to understand the danger of the crack he had fallen through. When the ground began to tremble the stones would stop from the top of the gorge and gain speed before they would ping down around them. If he could get away and get under the enclosed area then he would have more of a chance here. He didn't want to die but he didn't want them to be trapped down here with him either, didn't want him to be their downfalls. He looked up at Alpine with pleading eyes, trying to lean away from him to stand on his own but it seemed that as soon as he stopped touching Alpine he teetered and fell back into his leg for support.



04-02-2014, 01:38 AM

The earth had never felt less reliably, less steady beneath his paws. Between the shaking of the earth and the pounding in his head it was hard to blink reality back into his eyes. He zoned in on the sound of the pups efforts, and that noise was all the that needed to ground him. Those hopeful innocent eyes upon him told him of a trust and a pleasure that Alpine would die before he took from him. As he stood next to the injured child he took an account of his own injuries, he could feel a pain in his chest, the weight and short-of breath of his cracked ribs. He could barely feel the cut against his forehead it felt numb to his skin, and made it easier to shake it off, ignore it from existence. He felt the numerous little cuts along his pelt from all the falling rubble and his flight into this hole but they where nothing, superficial.

He had barely finished considering his injuries when the earth shook beneath them again, he controlled the urge to howl with frustration and weakness as he struggled to make sense of his shaking world. And his weight beside Erion was made use of as the injured wolf leaned against his, his injured paw held upwards to ease his movements. His eyes moved to Surreal who still held the despite hope fleeing this ruin. He looked from older wolf to injured pup and kept it there, assessing and thinking on how to boost this being up that climb. Even as Alpine wondered at the possibility, Erion spoke of it as impossible. When he told them both to go, the glare that shot though Alpine's blue eyes was icy and hard. ?Not for a moment Erion, I will not leave your side? The littler creature tried to push against him, touching his leg and not his broken ribs. He locked his limbs, refusing to budge a single inch despite his insistence. His eyes remained on Erion, showing his iron-clad answer within their gaze.

The shaking started up for what felt like the millionth time, and Alpine was beginning to forget what smooth, still ground felt like beneath his paws. His eyes moved from Erion, and looked up at Surreal, almost silver with emotion made of worry, tension and hope. ?Surreal, you can get help. Besides, my ribs are cracked, I think I would black out before I made the jumps up that climb. We need help, it has to be you? His voice was strong despite the worry and fear that burned inside of him. The worry was not for his own skin, it was for Erion, he needed to other to be okay. He wouldn't even have mentioned his ribs, if he had needed to show Erion that he could not leave him, and Surreal that he had to go. With that, Alpine Swooped downwards, pushing his nose under the other wolf to catch his weight and nudge him towards the safety of the deep, to get him moving, Erion was his one and only concern amongst this chaos. He turned his eyes on Surreal one more time, his eyes begging the other to leave them and find the help they needed. ?Your sister is out there too, and the pack, I worry for their fate as well? He admitted, still gently nudging the pup away.




7 Years
04-02-2014, 02:03 AM

The trembling. How she hated the trembling of the earth, how it shook her and rattled her senses. Erion, it seemed had the level head. He could see that Alpine wasn?t in the best shape for climbing with a pup in his mouth. He told them to go without him. Surreal stood fast, Alpine?s reply falling on her ears. He would not leave the boys side? Her ears pinned with indecision, before Alpine confirmed her knowledge. Cracked ribs. And the trembling began again. ?I?ll go. Try to find a way up while I?m gone, but try not to venture too far from the location. Be safe!? She gathered her haunches and thrust herself up onto the pillar, claws scraping for a hold as the earth shook.

She scaled the pillar, muscles screaming at the abuse of trying to stay balanced while every part of the nature around her wanted to shake her free. But she was Valhallan, and Valhallans did not submit. So she forced her way up.

~The Surface

Light stung her eyes as Surreal pulled herself up over the crest with a snarl. She wasn?t sure how long it had taken to get up the pillar. Everything had been shaking, quaking around her, rattling her senses. She?d barely had enough strength to reach this point and pull herself over. She slumped to the ground, gasping, as below her the earth groaned and ceased its shaking, like a great monster taking a nap before the hunt. The cry of a hawk from above made her open her eyes, finding the glitter of fiery opal against a feathered breast. Battlesong looped in the sky, ready for her to rise and follow her home.

Surreal pulled herself up, onto trembling legs, and forced herself to run home.

-Exit Surreal For help!-

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.


04-07-2014, 11:37 PM

He was scared, every fibre in his being screaming for him to cling to Alpine and Surreal and beg them not to leave him, not to let him die alone down here in the dark. But at the same time the logical part of his mind told him that he was slowing them down, that they would't survive down here with him if he asked them to stay and the ground continued to shake. But he was scared and those two feelings warred heavily inside of him as he continued to try and shove at Alpine to make him leave with Surreal. It was only when Alpine shot her a look of menace and told him sternly that he was not leaving that he would stop shoving at his friends leg, casting a frightened look to Surreal as if asking for her to help. The quivering ground made him lean heavier on Alpine, the older males words dawning on him as Alpine addressed Surreal. Cracked ribs? A whole new panic set in on the pup as widened eyes looked up at Alpine, orange eyes rounding with worry. Would Alpine be okay? This was his fault, Alpine wouldn't have jumped into this stupid hole and gotten himself hurt if not for Erion screaming like the child he was.

Ears pinned to his skull even as Alpine's nose pressed against his ribs and ushered him further into the darkness, away from the open sky and deeper into the ground. He turned his gaze around to look at Surreal as Alpine's words continued to chase Surreal further from the hole and out into the light that was fading behind them. Don't venture too far she said? He clenched his teeth as he continued to hobble deeper into the darkness with Alpine, not heeding her words as debris continued to rattle down around them until they finally got away from the crack. "Is she? Is she going to be okay?" He asked, voice soft and timid amounts the clatter and rattle around them, gaze still over his shoulder to were Surreal had disappeared. Not would she bring help or would she find them. Just would she be okay. He didn't say anything more until they were further into the darkness, still hobbling at a painfully slow pace leaned against his friend.

Paws hit something wet and he stopped suddenly, it had been a while since the ground had stopped shaking and the light was almost completely gone. There were a few pinpricks of light shining in through holes in the ceiling of the caves they seemed to now be moving through but nothing completely certain to make him able to see well. "Where are we?" He asked, voice horse and raspy. His eyes were burning from dust and unshed tears but still he had to ask, curiosity still managing to shine through the fear. "How are your ribs?" He asked, looking up at Alpine with honest concern. He wasn't sure how deep the water was before him, if it was a puddle of a lake from the lighting. In all honestly he was trying to buy himself some time, not wanting to cross this new obstacle before him anymore then he had wanted to fall into this stupid hole in the first place.



04-08-2014, 12:03 AM

Alpine would watch with weary eyes as Surreal would understand what he was saying, him and Erion couldn't make it up, she was the only one who could do it and bring them back the help they needed. In moments Surreal was scaling the climb and was gone from sight. When his sights moved back to the youngster behind him he would be greeted with orbs widened in worry and fear for him, and silently Alpine cursed for having to reveal his injury in front of Erion. They had been moving during this exchange and it would take them a few strides and plunges into the darkness before at last the earth would stop dropping its debris down upon them. He was tired of the pelting his coat had gotten and his head burned as a fresh welt of blood would trickle down from his cut and across the bridge of his nose. ?Don't worry about her Erion, she's of Erani-blood, she'll be fine. Its us we have to think about now? he would admit, but he would say it was a forced cheerfulness in his tone in an attempt not to stress the boy beside him.

Still they continued to move, there seemed to be nothing else to do amongst the darkness of the cave. The storm of stones has stilled but his paws still felt wobbly beneath him as through he walked on the rhythm of water. He felt Erion still beside him and Alpine also brought himself to a halt, the gentle lull of water was a scent that caught in his nostrils now and he was startled at its appearance. He would take another breath, forcing himself to think past the headache burning in his skull. ?Where under the world? he would first say, then amend. ?Caves, under Valhalla, ones that we never knew where here and the earth opened up to us. Maybe its an extensive network... maybe there would be another way out? he mused, although he knew there was a bigger chance of getting lost beneath its mass wonder forever in the darkness, the thought brought a shiver down his spine.

?My ribs aren't my biggest concern, there nothing, really, your paw is worse. I want you to drape yourself over me and swim with your uninjured paws to lighten your weight? Think you can do that??
Despite the worry of getting lost, the thought of sitting here beside the chill of the water, the darkness, the unknown, he had a burning need to keep moving. If nothing else, they had to find somewhere safer to sleep, and if food was to be found, that too, they needed. he would start to ease himself into the water, waiting for Erani to agree with him, and if so they would plunge into the deep together.


04-20-2014, 10:38 PM

Alpine tried to reassure him but in all honesty it didn't ease his worries over Surreal never mind for Alpine himself. Would they all be okay? Erani was amazing yes but wasn't that because she was an alpha? Didn't all alpha's have powers like her? Or was it just Erani herself and her bloodlines that were so cool? Maybe he would never know. But as Alpine said he had to start thinking about himself and Alpine, had to start worrying about getting themselves out. Though Erion couldn't help but constantly look backwards he would continue moving forwards with Alpine. But after a moment of walking in silence Alpine would answer the young boys question, they were under the world? For a short time Erion would blink, trying to comprehend these words. How could they be underneath the world? He looked down at his paws suddenly feeling so small and useless up against it all before looking back up at Alpine as he continued to explain that they must be in some caves. Maybe there was another way out...? Hadn't Surreal told them to stay put? But then again they already knew that there was no way for Alpine or Erion to get up the way they had come so it seemed that another way out was really the only option. Erion's lip trembled at the thought of having to move further into the darkness but he said nothing out loud.

As they stopped at the edge of the water Erion would try and stand on his own, testing his balance on three legs now that the world was a bit more steady beneath his paws. It wasn't great. And the weight of the gravity against his broken paw was painful, though it was more of a dull ache then anything awful. Was it adrenaline? His father had told him many times that adrenaline was far better then any herb you could use. But what would happen when that wore off? His worries were quelled for a small moment as Alpine spoke again, trying to brush off the idea of his ribs being a big deal. Erion knew they were a big deal though... "My dad said that ribs can be the most painful thing to hurt... And they they're the hardest thing to treat..." He said softly, weirded out a bit at the fact he remembered these things. But all those worries were still as Alpine told him to climb up and how to act when they had to go through the water.

For a moment all Erion could do was stand there on his own and watch Alpine's slightly lighter form slip into the water. Was this a good idea? But then again what other choices did they have? Slowly Erion would follow his mentor in, hobbling lightly until he was first beside Alpine then throwing his unwounded fore and hind paw over Alpine's back. "Okay... Lets try this... Tell me if it hurts though." He said softly, ready to bail off Alpine's back if he had to. As Alpine started to swim Erion would too, using his forepaws only to swim along with the bigger male. Where were the going? How long would they be swimming? More importantly... "What lives down here?" He couldn't help but wonder out loud. Would there be something in the water? Would there be something for them to hunt? Would they starve to death down here? At least they had found some water, his father had always told him that dehydration was always worse then starvation and that you could survive longer off water then you could off food. Maybe they could stay here until Surreal came back. Though he was content with letting Alpine take the lead, not wanting to make any decisions for their little rag tag team.



04-21-2014, 12:01 AM

All he could think about, all that mattered was getting this pup to safety. Erion had become a piece of him, a part of his heart and future. He was the adult here, and this young life was entirely in his hands. It was a daunting, even frightening thought, especially where failure meant death, failure was simply not an option. He would assure the boy that his ribs where fine, that they where of no concern, but of course he had forgotten that this was a son of healers. He would hold back a sigh as the other pointed out how terrible ribs where to injure. He needed the other to believe he could get them out of this, that Alpine would find the asnwer. He could not have Erion giving up hope, they had to keep going, they would find their way out of this.. they had to, after all Alpine had him promised fighting training.

?I've got adrenaline Erion, I wont even feel it until where safe and snug back home? it was the best, and most honest answer he could think to give the this son of healers. It was true enough anyway, he knew the injury was there and the throbbing of pain echoed in the back of his mint. However, his blood was pumping in his ears ever louder, and his body coursed with a nervous energy. Alpine was... well, he was terrified, of being stuck down here forever, of some unseen height waiting just ahead, of seeing what happened to his brother happen to Erion. He was terrified of behing helpless, of being a failure, but all of that added up to his will to see them safely home.

He was slipping into the water, Erion was watching in surprise and uncertainty. The one highlight he felt as his body sunk into the embrace of the water, was that it was cool but not freezing. The still air offered no cool breeze to freeze his damp fur to his side, and it meant that this little dip was bearable. He would however aim to keep as much of Erion dry as possible, he certainly didn't want infection or cold, or anything to lower his immune system and make this worse for his injured friend. ?Same goes to you, if it hurts stop swimming, and rest your injured paw on my back, as much out of the water as you can manage? He advised, as he began to paddle against the water, the stillness of it making it easy for him to break through the surface. He was insanely grateful for his love for water and the long hours he had spent swimming, which had built up the right muscles for this work. The added weight of pup was holding him down, but he would never dare say it. Wolves where built for endurance, so long as he took it easy he could keep this up for long enough. Or what he hoped to the gods was long enough...

The swim would continue on for a little while, and the boy would fill the silence with something he thought of as a new worry. ?Maybe rats or mice, maybe some fish if the water comes from the surface somewhere? to be honest, he wasn't certain what could be living down here, he just knew that sharks where salt-water creatures, so they where safe from that at least. He was also fairly certain alligators didn't live in caves, and he wasn't certain what other dangers there might be. He would fight back a shiver and instead fill the silence himself. ?So Erion, you have healer training and you'll get a good share of fighter training. If I where you I would enjoy your rest after this, you'll need it for how busy your gona be? he would joke with a half-forced, half true laugh. He already kinew that when they made it to the surface, Erion would be out of commission for a while with that leg. He would feel sorry for the pup for the time he would have to spend immobile to allow that to heal, he would, if he wasn't worried sick that he wouldn't be able to get the boy that far.

His swimming would be slow and repetitive, his paws brushing the wave in familiar strokes. However with the weight of the pup his breathing would grow quicker, he wasn't tiring just yet but he was certainly getting a work out. With each harsh breath he could feel it all the way through his chest and in his injured rib. It was that, he thought that might drown them if they didn't reach the other side soon. The pain was growing on him, or perhaps the adrenaline fading with the steady rythem, really the ribs where his biggest concern right now. Or at least, that would be so right up until the moment he would feel something brush against his leg. His face would blanch in surprise, and his rythem would break for a moment before starting up again, terrified not only of the unknown beneath his feet but of alerting the pup that was in his care that something might be wrong. He would continue on for a while, and there it would come again, the slimy touch of something with scales against his paws. His face would be drained of colour by now, and still he dared not do or say anything to frighten his passenger. His heavy breathing after all could be considered the effort of the swim. Oh god, he was wishing for dry land about now. He could only imagine what might be swimming down below him, circling him, waiting for the right moment...

To strike, he felt it again against his leg, brushing against two paws this time, one after the other, circling back, and then he would feel it against his paw again, and his breathing would hitch, and then he would feel it nibbling against his paws. He would explore, into laughter, the shaking of his body as he laughed turning into a soft cry of pain to his injured ribs. ?I think? he wheezed I know what where having for dinner, do you know how to fish Erion? Because if not your about to learn? his breath would still shake, in relief and in laughter, but softer now for the sake of his ribs. Even as the adrenaline and relief would slowly slide off him his paws would brush ground and his swimming would turn into walking as he took the last few steps and came upon dry ground. He would feel Erion slip off his back in the shallowest of waters and then then they would be fully on dry loud, and the solidness of it beneath his paws was a blessing. ?I have it on good authority there's fish in these waters, so lets catch us some supper? his relief made it easy this time to put a cheerful tone into his words, and to nudge the pups neck gently in a warm gesture.
