
ur ex bf's music kinda smacks

autumn 20 healing seasonal


Raiders Hollow

Intermediate Healer (30)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

1 Year

Pride - DemisexualPride - Bisexual
03-19-2024, 07:30 PM

The persistent itch of teeth (or something?) burrowing into his skin nagged at the newly minted yearling, his thin coat and dainty physique easy pickings for any kind of bug that frequented the tropical regions he called home. So he settled himself on the beach, in the sun of a warm spring afternoon, and set to work. Usually his frequent trips into the sea cleared up any critters that were trying to get a free meal out of him, so this must be a particularly sturdy bitch. It took a bit of awkward yoga posing to get into a position where he could see what had latched onto his hip, but there it was. A big fat tick, already busily munching away at his flesh and blood. Well, this is unacceptable.

In perhaps the most quintessentially Nimbus move possible, he'd stolen a few medical supplies from the
healing stores rather than ask for help. Armed with some wormwood poultice and a bottle of whatever alcohol had been closest to the door, he was ready to give the little bastard some absolute hell. To start with, the petite male slathered the poultice over the pest. He didn't skimp on the amount, leaving a thick glob of stinky herbal paste on his hip. Knowing there was no one around to catch him, he opted to take a sip from the bottle while he waited to see what the herbal remedy did. He'd learned by now that most of the time, wormwood was best used as a tea to cleanse internal parasites from the body. Why wouldn't an external application work?

A few minutes passed, he watched the waves for most of it. He wasn't sure if the itchiness was because the little bastard was still drinking its fill, or if the poultice was drying out and irritating his skin. He decided to wait a bit longer. Have another little sip. Whatever this was, it tasted... not bad? That was probably the pirate genes at work. When he reached the point that he couldn't tolerate the stinging anymore, he hopped up off his ass and made a beeline for the sea. Wash the mess off in the salt water, and maybe shock the stupid tick right off of him with a blast of cold seawater. The brisk swim was more than welcome after basking in the sun, a frigid dunk after he'd been warming up for that long. He couldn't help crowing with the shock of the chill, which turned into a raucous laugh as he pulled himself from the waves. The yearling was a little bit numb all over, so he couldn't tell if he was free of the bloodsucking hitchhiker yet.

Shaking water from his coat, he climbed the beach to settle back down in the same spot. A little more wriggling and bending until he could examine the site again. Well, the skin was certainly red now. Perhaps he wasn't supposed to leave the wormwood gunk on there for so long after all? Regardless, as he carded his claws through the sodden tresses of his pelt, he couldn't see a trace of the little bastard. He cackled to himself, taking this small victory against the insect with all of the delight that his siblings might direct towards a victorious raid. It was all about the little things for Nimbus, and this was one of those little things for sure. Collecting his accoutrements, he wandered towards a different part of the beach, hoping to escape the herbal stink or any chance of the tick finding its way back to him.

(WC: 607)


raindrops by sqdpxl

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1. ur ex bf's music kinda smacks Dove Island Archipelago 07:30 PM, 03-19-2024 05:27 AM, 05-01-2024