
Now or Never


03-24-2014, 10:42 AM
OOC: Please look here for the guidelines and dates for these trials ^.^

The meeting had been a success. And others had joined in the recently days since. But now it was time to call the pack together again. They had all be informed about their chance to gain a higher rank. Now it was time for them to perform. She had found the perfect place, a decent sized clearing within the heart of the forest, where the sun had breached the trees and cleared the mist.

She would seat herself before tipping back her crown, a calling forming at her lips. Her numbers had grown larger than she had anticipated for such a new pack. And she was certain that they would only continue to do so.

Her tail would come to rest on her paws as she waited for them to arrive. The Monarch was certain that each and everyone of them would want to promote to a higher rank, though there were a few that could not. Much to her surprise a few pups had found their way into her home. And then there was her Apprentice.

Quietly, the Monarch would wait. This was certain to be a spectacle, the most ruthless of society coming together to battle for position, to prove their worth and desire for such power. Oh the power she now held within her grasp. It was truly wonderful. Soon, she would meet with Basilisk again, she found herself fathering enjoying the thought of their meeting. A slow would contort her features as memories flashed through her skull.


03-24-2014, 11:13 AM

Kaneyna heard the call and she grinned. It was the tournament that she had heard so much about. She had planned it all out and knew what she wanted from it. She wanted to be a duchess to the pack, one of the most prestigious ranks you could hold other than the monarchs themselves. She would force her way into it and she would hold it with pride. She'd have powers that the normal wolves of teh pack did not have. It was one of two things she desperately had been craving for a while. Power and blood. The sight of the lead female told her that she had finally arrived and that she was the first wolf there. "My queen. I'd like to earn myself the rank of Duchess." Her statement wove through the trees and reached the ears of the leader. That was what she wanted. She had said it. It was final. There was nothing stopping her.

Her stormy gray fur had been freshly groomed because she had just finished the patrol around the borders. She had taken it to habit to go in a pattern. First she would hunt. Immediately after she would run the borders twice and then she would groom herself. The rest of the day was spent doing whatever she could to be useful. Occasionally she would have time to go to the battlefield and find someone to spar with.



4 Years
03-24-2014, 11:52 AM

It was time, the call of her Monarch would announce the gathering for the little tournament for ranks. Narfi would leave her kill behind, lapping at the blood on her lips as she headed in the direction her call came from. Gaze would narrow however at the sight of a dark female she had no seen previously at the meeting, wanting to earn the rank of Duchess. The yearling chuckled as she approached, this newbie already going for a rank she most likely did not deserve. The girl would not follow such a wolf she did not know unless they had proven themselves in more than just a single fight for the rank. Even though she was young and inexperienced, Narfi found herself wanting to fight for the rank as well, just for the fact that this woman was already trying to and she was fresh outta the rogue lands.

"My my, look who thinks they are all high and mighty. Newbie already going for Duchess." The girl would raise a brow as she came to a stop beside the stranger, a light chuckle escaping her jaws. If she was going to follow any Duke or Duchess, it would be one from the first meeting. Unless... "In that case, I would also like to try for Duchess as well my Monarch." She would give a small dip of her head to Cataleya. Narfi was under her mentorship, so why not try for beta when she was here since the first meeting unlike this other woman,with the rank you would be working close with them anyway. It would be a good learning opportunity.

My my, she was already going against what her original plans were.



03-25-2014, 01:15 AM

He was nearby when the call came but he didn't set off at a quick pace, instead redirecting himself and simply moving off at a steady lumber once more. Shoulders rolled, sleek pelt moving to accommodate the strange movement. He didn't want to be the first there, having always been happier stalking the outer edges of pack meetings rather then sitting front and centre. But as he approached he noted that only two yearlings were there with Cataleya who was seated quite elegantly before them. The girls' words would reach his ears and he couldn't help but let a bit of laughter bubble up his throat. It was quiet, kept mostly to himself as he skirted around to sit behind the yearlings. He would toss a glance up to the queen, head tipping eloquently in greeting but not speaking as he waited for the women to finish their chatter about what ranks they wanted. "I'll spar for Duke if you would allow?" He rumbled, low baritone of a voice rolling over the small meeting. He took a moment to settle himself down, massive tail flipping over mammoth paws as best as it could. He was quite the imposing figure seated behind them, a cocky smirk pulling up the edge of one corner of his lips.




5 Years
03-26-2014, 09:25 PM

Fog hissed along the ground, stroking her fur as the warrior moved silently through the haze that always clung to the forest. D?gmar was panting lightly. She'd been traveling every inch of the terra, familiarizing herself with the lay of the land in case of thick fog as well as invaders. Sharp senses would be a great advantage to the should war ever come knocking at their doors while the fog might tarry their enemies.

She joined the gathering in time to see to new faces. Another young female and a massive and handsome male far closer to her age. Good, at least someone with more experience was going for one of the second-in-command ranks. She herself had other goals and desires. "Lady Monarch. My heart and soul live for battle and battle only. I am interested in testing my skills to see if I am worthy of the rank of Marquis."


03-27-2014, 12:42 PM

He heard, and he arrived. Although it was after a few others had arrived, the male had been out training to tone his body to a solid mass of muscle. He swept into the scene, eyes landing briefly on a yearling that seemed familiar. Sapphire eyes narrowed, where had he recognized her from? He would think about it later, for now there was more important matters at hand. Although he had not been here long, he was determined to prove his abilities, and win or lose, he would keep striving to attain all that he desired. The dual toned male looked towards his Monarch, a grin reaching the corners of his lips as he dipped his head in greeting. Ears flickered about, uncaring towards those that had arrived, for he had only one goal in mind: fighting for a title. If he lost, he would try again. If he won, he would not disappoint.

He would stand tall before the Monarch, sapphire eyes confident and determined. "My Alphess, I too wish to challenge for the rank of Duke." He would speak a tone of no emotion, cold, though it was a normalcy, for he never had emotions within his vocals. He was a killer, a deceiver, it was what he lived for. He knew nothing else, and he would do what was necessary to attain the power he so desired.

Talk like this


03-27-2014, 01:15 PM

born a saint, but with every sin
the woman heard the call of the leader as she had been exploring the territory of the forest, they were strange lands. The second the Monarch's call was heard she was moving swiftly in the opposite direction, heading for the trials. She was itching for a fight. She had had no release for weeks. She needed to fight. She was going to try for the rank of Marquis. As long as she had a reasonable position within the pack, she was happy, she could work her way up from there. There were five wolves gathered there already, and the Monarch. She hated calling her that, but understood that she demanded the respect. Nott would expect no less from her pack members if she were a leader. She walked over to the Monarch with her head held high, sneering at the rest. I wish to try for the rank of Marquis my lady monarch. I see it only fit that I try for the position of lead warrior. She had no need for the title of duchess, it was no more than an empty word. She tipped her head at the monarch and walked a few metres away, not too close to the others.

Monster by Imagine Dragons on Grooveshark

I still wanna be holy



2 Years
03-28-2014, 01:06 PM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2014, 03:16 PM by Meinx.)

Blood thirsty animals a lot of them seem to be.

Had they not come to realise there was much more then proving strength to become a high ranking? Of course, that is a valuable thing. But most seem to be forgetting that a duchess, the second in command needs to be clever and tactful, with a keen eye to detail. Meinx, would be sure to make her sisters proud. To prove that she doesnt need a father to hold her high title and perhaps persuade Syren or even Sevan to join, though Vyv may be unlikely. Her head would be held high. The large behemoth clung to waning shadows; witnessing, and keenly watching how it all took place. An amused smile would form upon her face, her head shaking. Perhaps she thinks like a queen, but she definitly acts as an enforcement. If Cataleya knew the adravendi's, she should know that there loyalty is the strongest thing they could give. She would pull away from the darkness to greet her with a nod, before standing beside her. Meinx was young with yet an admirably huge frame, and the youth had no intention to hide it.

" As i said in our first meeting, my skills in politics are great. Those who are power hungry here are not showing there ultimate goal it seems. So thirsty for a grand title that some appear to be blind to the fact that a duchess/duke holds many things. And it shouldnt just be fought over by strength." She'd sigh and take a moment for herself, before continuing. " id like to take up a rank within the political area, i can be of good use, my queen." Meinx would take a seat, waiting for whats to come. She always knew her capabilities where great and her mind stronger. She had proven worthy in her very first battle before turning one. And she had made her father proud with her strategy towards things. And that would not be all, Meinx knew that was only the beginning.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



3 Years
Extra large
03-30-2014, 01:28 PM

He would frantically rise when his momarchs call leaked into his ears, long and slender limbs unfolding as he stood up, his awkwardly large body imitating the swaying of a newborn lamb. Lazily his lips would part as he yawned, and he would squint his eyes as he emerged from his den, the faint sunlight burning his orbs. He preferred the gloomy darkness of the night, when the fog was the thickest and the nocturnal beings lurked.

He would weave through the trees effortlessly now, his jumbled mind spinning as he dodged each obstacle in his path. He would reach the group within a few minutes, and he would come to a sloppy halt as he neared the clearing. His pelt would bristle as his nostrils flared, a low growl bubbling within his chest as he weaved through the buzzing crowd. He would seem to slither across the earth, his body low and his neck coiled as if he could strike instantly when provoked. He was feral in comparison to most other members, but he did not mind. He merely wanted them to stay the fuck away from him.

As he neared his monarch a smug sneer would curl his ebony lips, his brow raising as he aimed to run his left side along her right front limb, the way a cat would when admiring his owner. An aroused growl would bubble from his cracked lips, and he would look up at her and peer into her rose hued gaze. "Agresseur, your majesty." He would glance away before waiting for a response, and he would glare at his pack mates as he wondered who his opponent may be.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-30-2014, 04:12 PM

Be careful making wishes in the dark
Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
Hati had paced the border of the misty forest territory since he had spoken the hasty words that got him unexpectedly accepted into this pack, though he'd had little time to actually explore it. Resting now beneath the shelter of a fallen tree, the distant sound of the alpha's call reached him. He listened a moment, then squirmed his way out of his shelter. What an interesting invitation this alpha made to her pack. A tournament to impress her for rank?

Hati's paws moved almost without his consent, carrying him toward the call. Did he want rank? No, he wanted nothing to do with that tangled mess. But tournament style sparring, that sounded like his sort of thing. Sounded like home.

And like a racing pigeon, Hati was drawn to it, heavy steps bringing him through the forest from his den to where his packmates had gathered. A few sparred already, Cataleya there amongst it all watching smugly as they battled at her whim. It didn't bother him to see; she had the right to it, as they wouldn't be fighting if she hadn't done something to earn their cooperation. Surprisingly many of the wolves there were really young, barely older than pups. Whatever though, it wasn't like he and his brothers hadn't been leading raids since they were a year old too. A little weird to see a pack here doing it though.

He stood back on the outskirts, just watching, until he saw of all people his half-sister Nott. A sharp, barking laugh issued from his harsh throat as she stated her intention of becoming a Marquis. What the fuck was a Marquis? Whatever it was, he had no intention of letting Nott get it while he sat around and played loyal soldier. Whether or not the opposition female could manage to knock her from the running was unimportant. Damned if he was going to depend on that.

Pelt bristling, he stalked up toward Cataleya. "Yeah, I'm gonna go for Marquis too. Rather not be killed because some ranking guy didn't know what the hell they were doing."

And besides in the meantime
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


03-30-2014, 10:04 PM

She had heard of the tournament her mother was planning on holding for members of the pack. She thought it was a good idea, to make members work for their rank, to prove their worth, so when her mothers call echoed across the land, the girl would rise from her resting place, adjusting her course to find her mother. Paws would kiss the earth, she didn't rush, there was no need, she would not be participating, simply there to watch.

Upon her arrival, most of the pack was already there, eating already telling her mother their desired rank and waiting to be paired up with a partner. The Heir would sit herself on the outskirts, staying out of the way, icy eyes drifting from wolf to wolf. It would not take long for the fighting to begin, nearly everyone was here and she was certain that those who didn't show would be punished accordingly.

Talk like this


03-30-2014, 10:24 PM
OOC: Going to assume Cat knows everyones name or this would be hard XD

She had waited long enough. Most of the members of her pack were in attendance and had stated the rank they desired. It pleased her that so many were ambitious, but she would be skeptical about the ages of some of those wolves. She would acknowledge everyone as the arrived and stated the rank they wanted. In her mind she would pair up each wolf, and soon the sparring would being. The Queen would noticed a few absences. Avery and Codeine, two of the newer members, had failed to show. And more importantly, Basilisk. Her lip would curl ever so slightly as she thought it over. He was slacking. All missing was Sora, as Prince, he should have at least shown his face like his sister.

"Lets begin then. Narfi and Kaneyna will spar for Duchess. Kylar and Uisge for Duke. Daegmar and Nott first for Marquis, then the winner shall spar Hati. Meinx and Neios, you will each spar for your desired ranks. You may all begin."

She would remained seated where she was, watching as the crowd separated to begin their spars with their partners. "Avery and Codeine will be given the rank Chevalier since they cannot take the time to show their faces. Do with them as you please." Her dark lips would curl with distaste as she spoke of the two who failed to show. Nothing more would be said, it was now time for her to carefully assess each pair, to watch how determined each was for their rank and how skillful they were. Coral gems drifted from pair to pair, watching, judging, planning.