
House of glass



03-21-2024, 01:18 AM

Nugget moved slowly, no destination in mind. The night was dragging on currently, the moon the light above, full and bright. She was sad for the little man, just as he was kind of sad for himself. He hadn't figured out what to do with himself yet. He still hadn't quite grasped the concept of his freedom.

He'd been hobbling along a border for a while now, daring not to cross but eyeing the land beyond it. There was a stream he could hear, he bet there was fish there. Would be tasty but they weren't his to eat. His bandana kind of looked dingy from dust right now but he wouldn't fret over it yet. It'd been so long since he'd spoken to anyone now, but here he was near some pack border again looking for something he wasn't fit to have. His ears dropped as he shook his head.

He needed to move away from the border. He'd seen traps in the land too, and from a distance some wolves. He could be considered a stalker he guessed at this point. He turned and hobbled towards the grapevines that seemed to meet up in an almost temple like shape. He should find something edible there he guessed.

Heart made of glass, isn't it lovely


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-05-2024, 11:14 PM
Nights are difficult for Haydée because the quietness that the evenings offer, often lead to her overthinking… well, everything. Lately, her bed has become her enemy as she often tosses and turns, only to stare at the walls while silently begging sleep to come and steal her away. The lack of slumber on this Spring night, drives her from her den and out into the silvery moonlight where she is left to consider her options. Paws pick a pathway, allowing the familiar rhythm of walking to lull her into a state of semi-consciousness.

A gentle breeze tickles her nose and runs its fingers through her coat and the kiss of cool against the warmth of the night is welcomed. Trekking out toward the land that the large felines had once occupied, a strange form in the shadows of the low foliage shakes Haydée from her stupor and she curiously attempts to figure out what it is. A small, elongated form hobbles away from Ethne’s borders and the curious young woman is quick to steps lightly over the border and offer a small, warm, beckoning woof.

Features are gentle as she looks to the tiny male, her stance open, relaxed, and welcoming as she slowly approaches them. With carefully picked, metered words, Hay gently says, “Hello there. Are you… are you okay? Is there anything I can help you with?” Emerald eyes roam the scarred dog’s form, sorrow pulling at the lines of her face as they alight on his hobbling leg. Quickly, she moves back to catch his own mismatched gaze and offers him a warm smile as she remembers a similar boy, taller and golden, who had once been lost but had found himself in Ethne. Gods, how she misses Bay.

Wishing to put the smaller canine at ease, Haydée’s tail slowly wags behind her as she tries to appear as nonthreatening as possible because, sometimes, everyone could use a friend.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.


04-06-2024, 01:24 AM

Before Nugget got too far it seemed he would be found out. The woof from the other has him stopping and half turning to see the one who beckoned him. Her words soft on his ears as he clocks his head in her direction. Blue and gold gaze, saddened from years of mistreatment, meeting vibrant equally sad green eyes. His head canting up so he could meet her gaze.

"I'm alright miss. My apologies for lingering to close to the border for too long." his voice was heavily accented as he answered the woman. His nub of a tail giving his own gentle wag, barely even noticeable but still there. He didn't miss the look as she glanced over him and her eyes found his lame forepaw.

He gave her a smile gently before setting his weight on the leg to prove it didn't hurt much anymore. "Its old, healed and all that if thats your next question. Doesn't hurt except on occasional cold days." he wasn't against company though if she felt like spending time with him. "Wouldn't mind some company though if you dont mind...." hope danced in those sad eyes of his as he offered her some company. He'd not found a friend yet since he washed up in these lands.

Heart made of glass, isn't it lovely


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-26-2024, 03:48 PM
Paws softly pad toward the smaller dog, a warm, friendly smile on her lips as Haydée approaches the sad man. Concern etches lines into her face as she looks him over, trying to assess any injuries that he might have. Accented words greet her ears and the young woman’s gaze snaps back to his gold and blue eyes and her smile softens as she says, “You weren’t lingering too long. I was actually just taking a late night-walk and happened to notice you all alone out here and it seemed like you could use a friend.”

As he talks about his leg, Hay winces in sympathy but offers, “Well, you are in luck. Up in Boreas, it is just starting to get cold. But, here in Auster, summer is just around the corner.” The dark cloud that seems to have been hanging over her head slowly begins to lift and, when the small dog offers to share his company, the small wolf happily moves to join him. With gentle words, she says, “Thank you sir, I sure could use some company too. Been thinking about a lot of things that I cannot change and worrying about things beyond my control.”

A sigh fills the air around her as she exhales and her the features turn sheepish as she ducks her head and says, “Ah! I forgot my manners. My name is Haydée Kedieo.” The young woman purposefully leaves off her title because, right now, she is just a lost soul, wandering along with a friendly stranger and nothing more. Lifting her head, she says, “Are you looking for any place in particular? I have lived here my whole life and can show you some pretty cool places! Er… if you want to see them of course.” Again, that shy smile wiggles her lips as she tries not to overwhelm the stranger too much.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.


04-28-2024, 02:14 AM

There's relief when she tells him he wasn't lingering too long and he gives her a smile at that. It was good that he hadn't made her think he was some kind of strange stalker. Mismatched eyes look at her own healed scar before he looks back to her green gems. He nods at her stating the luck he was in and he gave her a small deep chuckle.

He definitely didn't consider himself lucky. But then she drops that she herself is troubled and his head tilts. "Well that's no good. A lady such as yourself shouldn't have troubles or worries, let alone look as haggard as ya do." for he had noticed but it wasn't until now he decided to comment on it. His head returned back to its upright position though. "Walk with me a bit and tell me bout these troubles? Maybe what you need is an ear to chew, figuratively.

He moved forward gently after beckoning her follow, or lead if she'd like. He definitely wouldn't turn down any of her offers. "Nugget, and to be honest, I haven't found anyone or anyplace I can call home since I washed up on the upper continent. Bad storm got me separated from my flock and I figure killed a majority of em, since sheep can be rather dumb. But I would love to have ya show me some places ya recon I would enjoy and appreciate. But enough of my problems, tell me about yours, a lady don't get lookin so tired without a story ta tell." he glanced up to her face as he spoke. His little nubs were working a little overtime to keep up if she hadn't slowed down that was of course, but he didn't mind. His gait might of been hobbled but he was more than capable of trotting to keep up with her longer legs.

Heart made of glass, isn't it lovely

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1. House of glass Grapevine Cathedral 01:18 AM, 03-21-2024 01:04 PM, 07-16-2024