
Brotherhood Quest [hunt]



Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-23-2024, 06:00 PM
Ardyn Adravendi

He sat at the top of the hillock, scanning the land below. It was a struggle to not confront the loners and wolves of other packs when they crossed into the lands. Not forever, he had to make do with promising himself. Eventually, he’d figure on a course toward reviving the pack. With luck, by the next year, the pack would be back, and the borders lawfully secured.

Lyr dropped to the wall of the tower beside him, croaking a greeting before reporting, There’s an injured stag who looks as though he may not be long for the world.”

Ardyn tipped his head to nod at the raven, then asked quietly, “Can you lead me to Coran? I’m sure he’d like to help hunt.”

Lyr pushed off with a flutter of wings, and Ardyn followed at a trot, ink-black coat flaring.

The raven gave a friendly clark-clark as he spotted the cream and white-brindled male ahead, and Ardyn followed up with a gentle woof of greeting.

“Care for a hunt, brother? Lyr tells me there’s a stag injured not far from here on the Plains.”


Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ----  "Hear" ---- Think

Ardyn's family (Red, Aurielle, Siblings, Valhalla) are allowed to crash threads, regardless of private tags.

Ardyn at first glance is as black as can be imagined with a raven sheen.

Closer inspection proves that he shimmers in fire tones in every hair on his hide right down to his lashes.

More obviously, he glows like a bed of coals and flames with every movement and brush of fur. His tail is usually wagging, so blazes like a torch.

His adult teeth are in and his saber canines have grown to their full length (see profile). His mane and tail hair have grown to full length, as well as being lightweight and easily buffeted by breezes.

A look at his front paws will give the impression of hands, with his dew claw dropped low and lengthened into a functioning thumb, and his toes elongated into fingers. He has retractable, solid black cat-like claws on every paw.

Ardyn has developed a glowing mast of intricate markings in fire and ice colors over his face, symmetrical over the last seasons of Year 17 (see profile for details). During hunts or raids/sieges, he will smudge them out with black soot to cover the glow, otherwise, they are bright enough to note at first direct glance at his face. Not all his artwork currently portrays the mask markings.

He is also often bedecked in beads, small bells, feathers in blues, ribbons and braids thanks to the Ooze Event of Halloween 2021, and the Coathanger item that he got. The accessories generally are seen most in his mane and tail hair. He removes the brighter items and bells for hunts or battle.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

5 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
03-24-2024, 11:34 AM

Coran kept close to the plains, spending his time either monitoring prey movements or working on various crafts. He now had a nice roe deer hide lining his den and a few shelves with hide glue and various bone tools. He was in the process of digging near the entrance of his den to fix some drainage issues when his brother arrived with news of an injured stag. Coran grinned and nodded. "Excellent news, yes I could do with a good hunt and a break from den chores." While hunting and providing for a pack was most certainly a job, it was one that Coran found enjoyable. "Lead the way!"



Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-01-2024, 07:00 PM
Ardyn Adravendi

Ardyn’s features bloomed in a grin under the mask of markings as Coran quickly agreed to the hunt and Lyr wheeled off, winging toward the stag’s last known location.

Ardyn took off at a brisk trot, following the glowing black and white splashed raven and trusting that Coran could keep up.

Lyr croaked softly, soon enough, and Ardyn flicked it tail in a fiery signal to move silently, hos own pace dropping to a near-silent prowl, head lowering to below his shoulders, tail half-mast to keep the long hair from dragging in the leaf-litter beneath their paws and alerting the target.

Soon enough, he settled to his belly, peering through the leaves of a bush, then tipped his head to nod Coran forward, close enough to speak with him without raising his voice.

The injured stag was one of those older deer that had hit his twilight years and yet mating season encouraged him to fight on to put his stamp on the local does’ next fawns. Predictably, he wasn’t as agile or strong as his younger foes, and his last opponent must have gouged him but good on one shoulder.

Judging by the fetid smell of infection, the fight had been a few days ago and he might have wandered into the plains just this day to collapse.

Ardyn leaned to speak into Coran’s ear, voice low, but not quiet a whisper. Whispers carried better than a very low speaking voice.

“I’ll circle around to get ahead of him. When Lyr calls three times, I’m in position. I’ll be in that stand of bushes on teh far side of the clearing. Try and spook him toward me, and once I’ve got a bite, help me take him down.”

He waited for Coran’s response, eyes twinkling with the good thrill of the hunt.


Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ----  "Hear" ---- Think

Ardyn's family (Red, Aurielle, Siblings, Valhalla) are allowed to crash threads, regardless of private tags.

Ardyn at first glance is as black as can be imagined with a raven sheen.

Closer inspection proves that he shimmers in fire tones in every hair on his hide right down to his lashes.

More obviously, he glows like a bed of coals and flames with every movement and brush of fur. His tail is usually wagging, so blazes like a torch.

His adult teeth are in and his saber canines have grown to their full length (see profile). His mane and tail hair have grown to full length, as well as being lightweight and easily buffeted by breezes.

A look at his front paws will give the impression of hands, with his dew claw dropped low and lengthened into a functioning thumb, and his toes elongated into fingers. He has retractable, solid black cat-like claws on every paw.

Ardyn has developed a glowing mast of intricate markings in fire and ice colors over his face, symmetrical over the last seasons of Year 17 (see profile for details). During hunts or raids/sieges, he will smudge them out with black soot to cover the glow, otherwise, they are bright enough to note at first direct glance at his face. Not all his artwork currently portrays the mask markings.

He is also often bedecked in beads, small bells, feathers in blues, ribbons and braids thanks to the Ooze Event of Halloween 2021, and the Coathanger item that he got. The accessories generally are seen most in his mane and tail hair. He removes the brighter items and bells for hunts or battle.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

5 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
04-06-2024, 02:05 PM

Coran travelled close behind Ardyn, noting the direction of the wind as they walked, checking to make sure it would not give them away. Soon they slowed and Coran stalked forward through the brush to settle at his brother's side. Ahead of them was the old, injured stag. Blood seeped from a puncture wound on his shoulder. The stag was settled down in the leaf litter and seemed to be suffering from an infection as well. It would be a mercy to put it out of its suffering. He leaned toward Coran as his brother laid out the plan. Coran nodded with a grin. "Can do."



Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-09-2024, 07:33 PM
Ardyn Adravendi

With Coran’s agreement, Ardyn smiled and slid off into the grasses and underbrush, moving slowly and downwind of the stag, eyes flicking up now and then to track Lyr as he maneuvered into position. He was bare of his usual ornaments, thankfully, since those would have given him away in an instant with their clinking and tinkling noises.

It felt good to hunt with his family again. He hadn’t had many chances to hunt with his brother, mostly with his sisters. Where were they at? He hadn’t caught a scent of any of them since his return. Lyr had sent friends out to catch news of them, though, so it shouldn’t be long before they heard back. Ravens were excellent grapevine gossips.

Finally, he slid into position, peering through the bushes at the stag, and then beyond him to the faint glimpse of Coran’s pale coat across the clearing.

All was in place, so he glanced up at Lyr and nodded. Ready

The glowing raven croaked thrice.


Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ----  "Hear" ---- Think

Ardyn's family (Red, Aurielle, Siblings, Valhalla) are allowed to crash threads, regardless of private tags.

Ardyn at first glance is as black as can be imagined with a raven sheen.

Closer inspection proves that he shimmers in fire tones in every hair on his hide right down to his lashes.

More obviously, he glows like a bed of coals and flames with every movement and brush of fur. His tail is usually wagging, so blazes like a torch.

His adult teeth are in and his saber canines have grown to their full length (see profile). His mane and tail hair have grown to full length, as well as being lightweight and easily buffeted by breezes.

A look at his front paws will give the impression of hands, with his dew claw dropped low and lengthened into a functioning thumb, and his toes elongated into fingers. He has retractable, solid black cat-like claws on every paw.

Ardyn has developed a glowing mast of intricate markings in fire and ice colors over his face, symmetrical over the last seasons of Year 17 (see profile for details). During hunts or raids/sieges, he will smudge them out with black soot to cover the glow, otherwise, they are bright enough to note at first direct glance at his face. Not all his artwork currently portrays the mask markings.

He is also often bedecked in beads, small bells, feathers in blues, ribbons and braids thanks to the Ooze Event of Halloween 2021, and the Coathanger item that he got. The accessories generally are seen most in his mane and tail hair. He removes the brighter items and bells for hunts or battle.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

5 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
04-13-2024, 07:12 PM

Coran crouched down amongst the brush, eyes peering ahead to the injured stag. He kept quiet and patient, making sure not to startle their prey before the intended time. Listening carefully he noted the call of Ardyn's raven. Now it was time to begin. Coran began to stalk closer, moving precisely and carefully until he got as close as he dared. In an instant he sprang forward, racing toward the stag which bleated in surprise and stumbled to its feet.

The stag bounded off away from him and away from Ardyn, but its injury slowed it down, not to mention the time it wasted in going from laying down to running. With time in his favor it only took a few great strides for Coran to get in front of the stag. He snapped violently at its front left leg. The stag swooped its antlers down toward him before twisting away and trying to flee. Coran shifted position and continued after the deer, effectively herding it toward where Ardyn lay in wait.

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. Brotherhood Quest [hunt] Vericona Plains 06:00 PM, 03-23-2024 09:03 PM, 05-27-2024