
I ask for your heart and soul



03-23-2014, 07:55 PM

A night had passed since Alpine had seen the pup Erion and realised how much he had enjoyed the experience of teaching the pup. The playfight had turned into something of a lesson and the promise that he would find Erani and ask her permission to teach him officially. There where two things he needed to talk to her about and the two could not be more different, he almost chuckled and wondered if his two topics would surprise the Queen of Valhalla. He paced up and down beside the friendly surface of the lake, the very one he had approached when he had wished to join this pack. He paced as he tried to draw about him the courage and words to do this right. His first question would be easy enough and he had high hopes for the young Erion that he truly hoped he could see to fruitation. The energy and determination the other possessed would make him a willing and good student. No, it was the other topic that bit into his nerves and caused his pacing. It was something very, very important to him.

After a few moments and a long sigh the wolf decided he had taken long enough stalling, he drew in his breath and let out a howl, there was nothing presumptuous in its tones, their never was. Within his melody he asked for Erani, the queen of his pack, he asked for a moment with her if she but had the time. He sung and in it creeped the warmth and love he held for this pack, for the family he had found here. When at last he stopped his cry and lowered his head from the warm, sunny sky he realised he had found his strength, and with a warmth in his gaze waited to see if Erani would find her way to him.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-25-2014, 06:55 PM

The meeting and wedding had been a success, and it had done her heart good to see so many happy faces in the pack, though seeing Imena and Sarak?s depression had dampened some of the happiness. She wandered along the lake shore, paws dabbling in the water as the minor currents sent the water rolling up and down the sandy shore, rather like that of an ocean, though muted to mere lapping sounds.

Alpine?s scent drifted over the lake, touching her nose lightly, and she turned to look over at the silver white male, deep blue gaze watching him pace the shore. He hadn?t seen her yet, but his pacing halted, and he tilted his head back to call. He sought her, it appeared, and she gave a soft bark, announcing her presence. ?Alpine. You seem anxious. Is something amiss?? Gentle concern rode her velvet tones as she approached, leaving the water?s edge to stand beside the male.



03-25-2014, 08:50 PM

Immediately after commencing his call, the soft bark of his alphess sounded from behind him. He turned in suprise, noting her presence there, and realised she must have already been by the lakes sigh. He gave her a sheepish grin realising a full look of the lake would have told him he need not call. As he bowed in polite greeting to his queen he wondered if she had seen him worried pacing. With her words he realised that this must be so, rising now and turning fully towards her he cleared his throat, wondering where to start.
?No My Lady, nothing is amiss.?
He assured her first and decided maybe he better settle himself on his rump, he wasn't sure how long his explaining would take.

?I wanted to talk to you about a pup I ran into the other day, his name was Erion. We ended up sparring and he clearly enjoyed it, and I found myself also enjoying it. So much so that I wanted to ask you if I could teach him. I would see to it that he practised regularly.?

He smiled warmly at her, thinking of the young mite had had sparred with and teased. He certainly had a soft spot for kids, a love that showed on his face even now. With the thoughts of love however he would grow more solemn, draw in a sense of courage and stand tall as he looked into this Alpine's pretty blue eyes and thought of another, more irregular pair.
?I wanted, also, to ask of you something else. This may be unusual request but you are not only Alpha, but the mother of the wolf I have fallen for?
Having said that much already he hurried on to finish what he had started.
?And so I wish to ask your permission to court your Lyric. I promise you I would never lead her on foolishly and that I would court her with only my best intentions at heart. For, she has very much so captured it from me.?
He finished here, falling silent now, having finished his requests.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-27-2014, 09:20 PM

Erani nodded as Alpine Assured her all was well, and as he seated himself, thus she did so as well, tail settling comfortably about her hocks, aware that he was about to ask her something, and so her ears would press forward attentively, ready to hear what he had to say. What he said confirmed her assumption at the meeting. He had indeed met Erion not even hours after his acceptance, and, as she had guessed, Erion had turned it into a ?fight?. It made her ever more pleased with her choice in accepting him into the pack. He didn?t look down on children, and readily gave knowledge to them. ?I see no problem with you becoming his teacher in Fighting. That fills out his education. His mother teaches him hunting, and his father is our Theta Secondary, Friction Sovari. I?m sure he?s told you; plants are ?boring.?? Deep sapphire pools sparkled with soft amusement, a chuckle whispering from her throat.

He grew slightly more solemn, and her head tilted, waiting for him to speak. When he did, the maternal side of her wanted to bristle. One of her daughters? Which one? It hadn?t been all that long since his acceptance. Her mind flicked back to the meeting. Lyric. Ahh. He confirmed her guess in a hurry. He wished to court her youngest daughter. Recalling how comfortable Lyric had been with the male at the meeting, Erani?s sixth sense said that she should let him try, and so she nodded. ?Very well. If she is willing, you may court her. And if all goes well, I will hold your ceremony with my blessings. But? And here she rose, the feral glacial rage glimmering under the surface of those deep blue pools, a glimpse of what he would receive should he step wrong. Like cat?s claws slipping from their sheathes. She came nose to nose with him, locking gazes. When she spoke, there wasn?t a hint of jest in her soft voice. ?If you ever break her heart, or lie with another female, from this moment forward, you will be dealt every bit of pain, and you will wish you had never, ever been born.?

She allowed a moment for this to sink in, then asked, calmly, ?Are we clear, Alpine??



03-27-2014, 09:52 PM

Alpine would silence himself and watch Erani as she responded to his words. Her face held warmth and light, that love she seemed to share with all the wolves that resided within her pack. A sense of relief washed over him as she gladly allowed him to teach the pup. He would have hated the idea of looking the enthusiastic Erion in the eye and telling him there were other plans for his future and other people to instruct him in the art of fighting. The warmth flooded into a broad smile across Alpine?s own more, already imaging how he would call Erion and work out their training with the younger wolf. He would not let him slack, but nor could he imagine the other wanting to ? he had enjoyed the little bout they had had too much, Alpine thought.

?Thank you, for telling me who his parents are ? and yes, he did indeed say that? Alpine?s last words where a smile, but his first where more sincere, it was good to know who the guardians where of the pup, and wanted also to meet them, to organise also with them and around their own training schedules, one for Erion.

The setting grew more solemn and her icy eyes where upon him until he felt he might melt into a muddy little puddle at the bottom of her paws. He began to relax a little a little as her words seemed to hold acceptance and blessing, so long as Lyric herself was willing. The smile that had begun to form died upon his lips as she rose before him, her eyes as cold as ice and her claws scrapping against the earth as her head was brought eye-to-eye with his. And she threatened him every big as terribly as a protective father. He gulped, his eyes sourcer-wide as they looked into his Alphas. There where definitely down points that she was a princess, and that was the terror Erani held inside, a special, terrible place in her heart just for him.

Her voice had grown calm again and he wondered if he was only in the eye of the storm, as he forced himself to keep eye contact with Erani.
?If I fail her, then I deserve every bit of pain that you deal upon me.?
He promised her softly
?I would not be anyone I would care to be if I betray her I understand, my queen?
His voice was still so very, very soft, almost raw as he spoke.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-11-2014, 01:19 PM
Erani Adravendi

Alpine?s reaction to her promise of hell if he failed her daughter was enough to convince her that he understood how much pain he would receive should Lyric?s heart be broken by him. His meek answer further cemented the understanding, and she nodded, stepping away. ?Then by all means, court her. I saw the way she looked at you in the meeting, so I have little doubt that she doesn?t return your feelings. However, if she should turn you down, you back off without argument and respect her wishes.? That piercing look was given again, before her haunches settled upon the lake shore.

In a more conversational tone, she spoke to him. ?How are you finding Valhalla? Have you made any friends?? Deep blue pools were gentle lakes again as she listened for his reply with an interested smile on her muzzle. Heavens, one could almost say she was bi-polar. But no, her rage was something she pulled out, like a warriors blade from the scabbard, and put away again just as easily. Now that her point was across, she would continue on as though she hadn?t just threatened him tremendous agony if her daughter were harmed in any way. It could almost be called scary. Terrifying, was another word for it.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think