



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
03-29-2024, 04:00 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2024, 05:24 PM by Cifarelli. Edited 2 times in total. Edit Reason: Adding and Editing in the fight with Seph. )

The brisk weather from the mountains was cut in half by the summer's warm sun. Their trek to find an empty den didn't take much of an effort. As it seemed most of the ones higher up were unoccupied. Except, of course, for those that smelled heavily of Sephiran. He made sure to stir free from that area. The effects of his punishment weigh on him. Now with a scarred eye and ripped ear. It was only luck that he had been granted to keep his new pet. Her light steps behind him alerting him that she was still close. The scent she carried with her was so intoxicating. If he did not have such willpower to resist, there would be no question that her belly would be filled with his seed. An idea that was not fully dismissed. He just wished to wait until this small storm blew over.

Cifarelli stopped before the entrance of an underbrush. The leaves themselves traveled along a stone wall. Chilled winds gusted from its open mouth as if releasing a well-needed sigh. Yes. This would do nicely for them both. There was much they did not know of each other. Only that she was his to do whatever at any given time. Merizi did not object to the oddly colored woman. As if she could really see what pigment her coat even was. Regardless, the venomous serpent flicked her tongue in the female's direction. Eyes forever watching with observant intent. "Rizi. Check the inside." Casting a momentary gaze towards her master, she slipped from his body. Sliding ever so effortlessly into the darkness. Vision immediately adjusting to access the narrowed tunnel.

The further she ventured the more it began to expand. Opening into something that provided more space for all of them. If not three more to join them if possible. Moss coated the walls. A few sharp specks above lingered on the ceiling above. However, other than a few plants and bushes that scattered here and there, she found nothing of need to report. Returning to Cifarelli, she gave a subtle nod of clearance. Before deciding it was now time to go off and hunt. One blood-red eye and another a dull pink watched as his other pet/companion disappeared. Already knowing what adventure lay awake ahead of her, he gave a quick glance to Cierzo. "We will live here. Let's go." He said nothing further as he ventured silently inside. Pulling her leash along with him.




The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

4 Years
04-02-2024, 04:26 PM
The blush woman watched as Cifarelli ordered his snake to check the prospective den site, her bright orbs darting from his broad figure and the disappearing form of Merizi as it slithered inside. Cierzo's heart skipped a beat as she was left alone with him, though the snake was barely any company – at least it seemed like it tolerated her and left her alone well enough.

Each breath she took seemed to tighten the knot around her neck, its symbolism with her predicament didn’t go unnoticed. She had never been put on a leash before. Even though she had been trained from a young age to be obedient and subservient through any ill treatment – she was reminded of just how frightening this pack of wolves was. She clung to the hope that perhaps Cifarelli would offer her protection, though she couldn't shake the nagging doubt that she was merely his possession, at his mercy. Of course she was.

As the snake returned with an all clear, Cierzo was pulled forward by a commanding gaze and resolute tone. We will live here. With a resigned nod, she followed silently behind him, her steps measured and deliberate. She was to step lightly, delicately – just like her mother always taught her. Her peach skull leveled and parallel to the ground, making sure to keep a half lidded gaze – that’s how she would appeal to her husba-... captor? Though he spoke little, she understood at the very least that she was his property now. Property alone.

As they entered, her eyes briefly scanned the mossy walls and the small bit of foliage within the den, all the while the sudden seclusion with the dark brute brought a thrill of anticipation down her spine. She dared not speak, her gaze fixed ahead as she trailed behind him, the leash taut between them like a fragile lifeline.


Cierzo is a mature character for good reason, expect the worst.
Do not read if sensitive topics disturb you.


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
04-17-2024, 06:01 PM

Those blood-red eyes of his remained observant. Ears easily picked up any sound that made itself known to him. One of them recently maimed by Sephiran now displaying a rip on the right side. With Rizi gone, it only left him and Cierzo for the time being. It was now that he decided to really take her in. A paw easily held the leash in place as Cifa tightened it. There would be no escaping and even if she tried, there wouldn't be anywhere far to go before the Saxe family heard his howl. The hunt would be on. However, the punishment is worse. He could feel the anticipation off her body. It leaked from pores like steam. Filling his nostrils with a predatorial warmth that caused a low growl to vibrate his throat.

"You are to follow everything I say. Escaping isn't an option. Unless you wish to meet your death quite early." His large frame stretched. Toes spreading with claws gripping the stone floor. They'd been walking for quite a while and after the fight with his brother, he surely needed it. The healing of his right eye, though now decored with four claw marks was still fresh. He knew it would come the moment the meeting was over. This was something his brother could not just dismiss for days or weeks to come. So, it felt odd being able to relax the taunt muscles beneath an ocean of smoky black. "Master or Sir is what you will call me. Depending on how well of a pet you are, you may have some freedom. However, I will create something to show that you are mine."

Cifarelli stalked towards his new capture. His nose pressed into the curvature of her throat. Sliding a path to where her cheek met her ear. Inhaling the scent which now belonged to him. Perhaps it was too early. Or, maybe he did not care. Either way, the heaviness between his legs did not go ignored. Despite the mild pain he was in, it did not stop him from positioning himself above her. Using his chest to push her down. Teeth grazing sensually along the back of her neck and spine.

Quote:Adding and editing in the events of the thread between Seph and Cifa. Since it took place after the meeting.


The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

4 Years
04-26-2024, 11:28 AM
Cierzo's heart pounded in her chest as Cifarelli's blood-red eyes bore into her, his every movement was calculated and predatory. She felt a shiver run down her spine as he tightened the leash, reminding her of the futility of escape. There was nowhere to run, no one to help her. She was truly at his mercy. She felt the helplessness in her bones, but she could have expected no less – she was born to be kept under a man’s foot, wasn’t she?

His words cut through the air like a blade, commanding and final. She dared not defy him, not when the consequences were so dire. “Yes, Master. I understand.” She whispered, her chiming voice barely audible above the sound of her own racing pulse in her ears. Don’t tremble too much. Don’t lose your voice. Speak clearly. That answer would appease him, wouldn’t it? The delicate woman held herself in good posture, a steady crown even as her muzzle pointed downwards to show her deference to him.

As he approached, she felt a wave of fear wash over her, mingled with a strange, unsettling anticipation. His scent enveloped her as he pressed his nose against her throat, the breath that hitched in her throat was sudden yet soft. She couldn't suppress that gasp as his touch evolved – he pushed her down, his teeth grazing her skin with an edge she felt was dangerous. What did he mean by creating something to show she was his? Her mind raced. No, please. Those bright-dull eyes darted to his face for a moment before she remembered herself, and planted them firmly onto her own paws.

She closed her eyes, trying to block out the sensation of his weight pressing down on her, the heat of his body searing into her skin and fur. Cierzo let another soft gasp loose from her lips, her ears pulling back to show her nervousness – her uncertainty for what was to come. She did not move away, for fear of angering him. Instead the woman forced her muscles to relax, so that he could maneuver her as he pleased. If he so pleased.


Cierzo is a mature character for good reason, expect the worst.
Do not read if sensitive topics disturb you.


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
04-30-2024, 08:56 PM

Those sweet words that slipped from supple lips burned a fire in him he had no idea was already sizzling. It grew the flames into a larger blaze. Making what was to come next a memory he would surely never forget. Cifarelli felt the easy slip of what made him male. The wet pink appendage glistened from his desire. The need to claim what was his pouring from him in waves. Crashing into the smaller female that lay waiting for whatever it was to happen. No rush to his movements. They were steady and calculated. His tip angled in preparation for the onslaught of torturous pleasure. Pressing in a tease-like manner. He cared not what sounds escaped her mouth. Only to hear her beg, pant, and moan.

She had nowhere to go. Her very existence now rested in his paws. Such a thought itself freed a rumbling growl. The sound, he knew, filled her ears. His breath tickled the fur lying there. The anticipation lingering. Ignoring the screams of his aching muscles. He prepared himself for what was to come. Paws pulled her closer by the curvature of slim hips. Oh! How perfectly she fit against him. Drawing more of his member into the open. Now fully ready, he slipped into the tightness that made her female. Air sucked between clenched teeth. Unmoving for a few seconds to relish in the feel of her. Fuck. A single word shouted inside of his mind. He could not help but remain still. Enjoying the throws of her body adjusting to him.

"You are MINE!" His pace became faster. Each thrust deeper and applied with further force. For a second, he could feel himself slipping into another realm. Her body taking all of his frustration. His anger. He was a Saxe. Love did not belong in his blood. There was need for such emotion. And yet, he could feel himself creating an unbreakable bond with Cierzo. She was his and he, unknown to her, was hers.



The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

4 Years
05-07-2024, 05:14 PM
She is enveloped in the suffocating sense of fear and powerlessness as Cifarelli's presence looms over her. He is domineering, and she had only ever known submission. It comes easily to her, to be a perfect doll; an adornment, if you will. It was all she was good for. Every movement he makes feels like a calculated threat, a reminder of her vulnerability and his control over her. But she knew this feeling well, and with ease she slipped back into her predetermined role. She knows to survive she must appease and appeal.

So, she obediently whispers her acquiescence, hoping to satisfy him and avoid further harm. His touch is like fire against her skin, igniting a mixture of fear and anticipation within her blush bodice. She tries to steel herself against the onslaught of sensations, to maintain some semblance of composure, but it's a futile effort. She is at his mercy, a pawn for his pleasure and control.

He grasps her delicate hips, and in that moment she can't help but feel a sense of resignation wash over her. She is trapped, caught in his grasp with nowhere to run and no one to turn to for help. The heat of his masculinity pressed against her, his readiness to claim her sending shivers down her spine. All she can do is submit. And so she does. The supple curvature of her rump rises to meet his manhood, and she offers all she can – a gentle arch of her back to give him better access to what she can offer. To what she knows he wants.

As he drew closer, his growl reverberated in her ears, his breath hot against her fur as he leaned over her in preparation to claim her fully. She could feel the anticipation building, her body trembling in response to his touch. Reactive, sensitive. And then, with a suddenness that stole her breath away, he entered her. The sensation was overwhelming, a mixture of blasphemous pleasure and pain that left her gasping for air. Tears sprung from her bright eyes, her lips parting as she released a series of pants and moans in response to his assault.

His words echoed in her mind, a declaration of ownership that sent a frightened thrill through her body. With each thrust, he claimed her anew, his pace quickening as he drove deeper into her. And though she knew she should resist, she found herself surrendering to him completely. Just as she had always been trained to do. It was easy. The easiest thing she’s ever had to do. Maybe it was for the best.


Cierzo is a mature character for good reason, expect the worst.
Do not read if sensitive topics disturb you.


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
05-09-2024, 02:29 PM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2024, 02:30 PM by Cifarelli. Edited 1 time in total.)
Her body felt perfect under him. The sound of those perfect sounds escaping parted lips urged his movements to another speed. They slowed. Hips now grinding in sensual strokes within her. Drawing out more pleasurable noises from them both. He wanted to enjoy her further. To prolong their first experience together. This was her reward for not fighting against him. But, taking it like the good girl that she was. Tongue gliding along her neck, and cheek to pull her mouth to his in a deep kiss. Snarling his claim into the depths of her throat.

The heat between them surged through his veins. Exploding too many emotions for him to truly wrap his head around. This only fueled him to quicken his pace. On the cliff of releasing his essence into the existence that she would always be his. Paws tightened their grip. Deeper. Faster. He pounded himself into the outreaches of her soul. A guttural noise vibrated off the surrounding cave walls the moment they became locked in. Their bodies stuck for the moment until the swell of his aftermath cooled down.

Exhausted, though full of slight adrenaline, he decided to groom her. Placing nips along her skin beneath the blush of her coat. How beautiful she looked after their rendezvous. Cierzo deserved something far more than what now was held around her neck. A collar that expressed not only her ownership to the Saxe male; but, also a gift to accent her beauty alone. "You will be rewarded."



The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

4 Years
05-16-2024, 06:33 PM

Cierzo's body trembled beneath him, a mixture of pleasure and apprehension coursing through her veins. Each movement, each touch, sent waves of physical gratification radiating through her being, overwhelming her senses. She.. didn’t like this? She wasn’t supposed to like this. Was this her purpose? A slave, and a prisoner to her own body’s reactions to stimuli? She surrendered to him completely, allowing him to dictate the pace, to claim her in every way he desired. Fighting back wasn’t an option for the dainty woman.

As his lips found hers in a deep, possessive kiss, it was all she could do but focus on his hands holding her steady – anything but his length laying claim to her womanhood. Yet it was all she could feel, aside from the heavy air all around them.

With each thrust, each grind of his hips against hers, she felt herself drawn deeper into the abyss of pleasure, her moans mingling with his in a symphony of ecstasy. She moaned, sharp, short sounds for every move he made. And when their bodies finally stilled, locked in the aftermath of their union, she felt a sense of fulfillment wash over her; and she whined as the ebb and flow ran through her curvaceous bodice.

As he groomed her, trailing nips along her skin with a tenderness that contradicted his earlier aggression, she couldn't help but feel a swell of gratitude towards him. Her stomach twisted at the emotion, her mind unable to bridge the gap between her situation and her desperation to have a place in this world. And as he whispered promises of future rewards, she felt a sense of dreadful contentment settle over her. Maybe she was safe. Whatever he wanted to do to her, as long as she kept on living, kept on breathing. Everything would be fine.


Cierzo is a mature character for good reason, expect the worst.
Do not read if sensitive topics disturb you.

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