
Time To Play �Catch-Up.�


05-15-2014, 08:16 AM

Though his sister had returned to Valhalla Arwel was sad to say that he had not yet had the chance to speak to her as he wished to. There was much that they needed to catch up on. His sister had a mate... A man he?d never met. Sure she was no longer a child, but still it felt a little strange to see her with the male. He wanted to know more about him... More about what had happened in the time that Meili had been missing from his life. All of it. It was sad to think that his own sister was more or less a stranger to him. It was something that he would definitely need to correct.

There were of course things she needed to know as well. Though they had encountered each other briefly on the island Arwel found that the meeting was entirely too short. He yearned for the past... If only fragments of the days before their family was shattered remained. He was sure he was there for her... And he wanted to be there for her again. Especially since she might be starting a family soon. A family... The thought sent a pang through his heart. It was a wonderful idea... But...

Arwel would tilt his head back, calling for his sister then. There was a lot of catching up to do.



5 Years
Athena I
05-15-2014, 09:26 AM

A howl, unexpected but welcome, rang out across the plains, her brother's voice calling her toward him. Her ears perked up with interest and she poked her head out of her den. Her teal gaze was curious, but excited as well. She had been meaning to find him and see how he had been doing, but she had been so caught up in getting reaquainted with pack life that she hadn't had the chance. Luckily for her, her brother seemed to act on his thoughts more readily than she did. She pulled herself out of her den, pausing long enough to shake out her fur and stretch before trotting off in Arwel's direction.

Soon enough his semi-familiar form appeared in her view and she smiled. It saddened her a bit that she really didn't know him all that well, but now was her chance to fix that. She wished desperately that she could remember more of her time before the incident and she wondered what their childhood together had been like. Had they been close? She didn't guess she'd ever know, but that wouldn't stop her from being close to him now. "Arwel," she'd say affectionately, her tail wagging happily behind her as she pressed her nose to his cheek. "It's good to see you again, brother."



05-15-2014, 05:16 PM

Arwel?s heart would lift as he saw Meili approach his form. Happiness shown in his cerulean eyes, glad that they could finally spend some time together. While she had been busy getting back into the groove of being in a pack he was either off hunting, doing some patrolling, or visiting Emily. It was only about a week or so now since he had found her, the days slowly drifting by. Reuniting with her had been a great shock as well, but Arwel was more than happy that he had managed to come across both fae?s again. Both Meili and Emily were important to him... Both part of his past and wolves that he wanted to be part of his future.

A bright smile would pass Arwel?s lips as Meili pressed her nose against his in greeting, gently moving his head to the side to brush his muzzle against her own. ?Likewise, Meili. Have you been settling back into the pack okay?? There was a lot he wanted to ask her... So much he wanted to know and learn about. But he didn?t want to bombard her with a thousand questions either. He would take a set, hoping that they would be there for a good while. Though he wasn?t going anywhere now. No way, no how. He was where he belonged.



5 Years
Athena I
05-17-2014, 04:10 PM

Meili nodded at Arwel's question, smiling as she settled down on her haunches as well. "I have. Gael and I found a den and are all settled in. I've started doing runs in the morning too, you know, to stay in shape. You should join me sometime, if you want to. I make a loop around almost all of the territory." She smiled hopefully, her tail wagging behind her. It would be nice to have some company on her runs from time to time if he agreed.

Her teal gaze grew curious and she posed her own question. "What about you Arwel? How have you been? What have you been up to?" She had unfortunately left not long after he had first arrived so she really didn't get to see him transition into the pack at all. Meili knew he was a hunter like herself, which made her happy since they had a common task that would likely bring them together fairly often, but that was about the extent of what she knew. Of course, as his sister, she wondered if he had met someone like she had Gael, but she wanted him to tell her on his own accord if he had.



05-18-2014, 07:41 PM

They had settled in, finding a den together. Meili would even go on runs in the morning. He would chuckle softly. It was surprising they hadn?t run into each other in the morning yet. ?That would be nice... I?m already up early in the mornings, so it probably wouldn?t be too much of a change to my routine.? Some company in the morning would definitely be wonderful.Then Meili would speak, asking her own question of him. Arwel would chuckle softly.

?I?ve been well, settling into the pack quite nicely, actually. It?s had been a bit lonely... I interact alright with the others here but I haven?t exactly befriended anyone yet to the point of hanging out with them. But... A few days ago I met up with someone again.? He was smiling brightly as he said this. ?Her name is Emily... A beautiful femme of tan and white with some brown and black markings. She has gentle eyes too, of blue-green.? He hadn?t even realized he?d gone into detail of describing Emily, but as he did he seemed to have a far off, almost dreamy-look in his eyes.

?I found her when she was just a pup... Her eyes weren?t even open yet. It hadn?t even been a year since our family was attacked... I was near the base of the mountain where I was living with an old healer... It seemed that Emily?s family had tried to start a pack near the same ones that attacked us... And they slaughtered them as well.? He would frown deeply as he remembered the events. ?Sindri took her on as her own pup... And we all lived together for a time... But then Sindri passed on. I moved on with Emily but... I don?t know... I wasn?t sure I could keep her safe and ended up temporarily joining a pack with her. I just wanted what was best for her... But... I didn?t feel like I could be part of her future. I left the pack one night without a word to anyone... But it seemed fate had other things in store and we found each other again.? He would give a soft sigh.

?Part of me still wonders if me being part of her life is a good thing or not... And yet the other part wants to keep her close. I?m not really sure what to do... I thought maybe with Valhalla being so full sending her to one of our allies but...? He would look down, guilty. ?She looked at me so hurt when I mentioned that... I couldn?t do it. I?m at a loss, really. She?s small... I worry for her... Especially being out on her own.? He hadn?t mentioned it, but it was clear Arwel had strong feelings for the younger she-wolf.



5 Years
Athena I
05-30-2014, 09:45 AM

Meili listened intently as her brother began to speak of how he was settling in, her ears perking up when he said he had run into someone named Emily. She was happy to see him look so happy, especially when it was from thinking of a girl. He went on to explain how they met and her head would tip gently to the side with curiosity. It was all too clear to her that Arwel liked this girl a lot, perhaps even loved her, and she wished it was an easier situation for him.

"It seems like neither one of us have easy relationships," she said with a slight chuckle. She smiled easily, hoping to ease some of his anxiety. "If she wants to be in your life as much as you want to be in hers, then don't worry about anything else. Just trust your heart, Arwel." It wasn't an easy situation to be in, she knew that much from dealing with her and Gael's age gap and his father's first reaction to her, but she knew Arwel would make the right choice. She just wanted him to be happy in the end.

She paused, thinking it over for a bit, before going on, "Have... you considered going to one of our allies? I mean, moving to another pack with Emily. I want to say that maybe some space will open up in Valhalla for the both of you, but I know I have to be realistic. Plus, even if there was room for two of you, I'm sure that if your relationship gets any more serious you'll both want pups in the future." She smiled faintly, adding, "I don't want you to go, but I know that if you're anything like Gael is with me you won't be happy without her."



06-01-2014, 08:45 AM

Arwel would give a small nod as Meili spoke, though his cheeks burned a bit at the mention of it being a relationship. It wasn?t easy yet to put it that way... But Meili could see how much he cared for Emily, saying that he needed to trust his heart. He wanted to, he did, but he was in so many ways afraid of doing that. He had conflicting emotions on everything as well, which were only brought further to the surface at his sister?s words. His cerulean gaze shifted to the ground, a sigh leaving him.

?I... I don?t know...? His voice was soft, almost hurting as he said this. ?Part of me thinks maybe I should... That I need to... I know Valhalla is growing, and I don?t see room being made, but only further taken away as couples decided they too want to have pups. I... I don?t know how the relationship will go either... Getting more serious... If we?d end up with pups but... I know I should stay open to the possibility...? Arwel would close his eyes.

?It?s tearing me up knowing shes in Cryer?s Ravine alone... But at the same time the thought of asking to leave Valhalla tears at me as well. It has become my home, my family... I?ve settled in here and hold a deep respect for Erani, to want to do well for the sake of her pack, the pack that has made me much more than I have ever considering I would be. I have grown so much here... To leave my friends, to leave you... I don?t know how I could bear it...? The male let out a frustrated whine.

?None of the options seem to be the right ones... I don?t know what to do... It?s not like I can be in both places at once... But no matter what I choose I?m going to be away from those I care about... And if I stay here, and Emily in the Ravine... There is the chance some rogue might find her and...? His voice trailed off. He was clearly at a loss at what to do, heart divided on what he wanted. Did he give in to duty, to his love of his friends, sister, and pack, or leave it all behind to be with the fae he cared more about more than he would admit even to himself?
