
Morning Stretch



03-23-2014, 12:08 PM
Valhalla had quite a few gammas it seemed, but Chrysanthe was curious. How many of them had skills to match their rank? She herself could use a good bit of practice, she hadn't really taken the time to spar since loosing sight in her right eye. The woman would trot over the plains, her feet carrying her swiftly through the grasses before she stopped atop a small incline of a hill that would be just perfect for what she had in mind. Feeling up to the challenge and hoping that she would get a good competitor, the woman would call for any nearby gamma that was up for a friendly spar.

On the battlefield she would have put up her defenses before she made the call, but here she was more relaxed. Still, her ears were perked atop her head as she listened for footsteps. Her toes were splayed, and her nails dug into the ground as she waited for her opponent. The sun beat down on her back, warm against her coat - the summer heat would be something that they would both have to battle through, but the weather was ideal - dry ground was much better than slick surfaces, which was why she had chosen to call for someone around noontime opposed to the morning which she enjoyed so much.

Once she had made the short howl, she would patiently await the lupine that would undoubtedly be her opponent. Perhaps she would end up sparring with someone she knew.



03-27-2014, 10:09 PM

The early afternoon often saw this alabaster wolf at the shores of Wolfpaw lake. It was an odd fluke, a little hunting part to bring food to a heart-sick wolf he had taken under his wing. He was just finished leaving prey at the den entrance of Twig?s little spot before he heard the call that rang out, and seemed somehow to be calling him. It wasn?t directed at anyone in particular but all the same his curiosity got the better of him and soon enough his paws where bringing him into view of the large female. He recognised, if not my knowing her by at least having seen her before. It had been at the meeting, but then every wolf had shown their face into that gathering.

p ?Chrysanthe?
He voiced in a friendly tone and he lowered his head politely and settled himself in a balanced position before her. It had been a while since he had last sparred, quite a while in fact and wondered if he was out of practice. Having just taken a pup?s training under his wing he thought it would be a fantastic idea to get in some practice of his own.

?I?m Alpine?
He introduced himself, as he eyes her own weight, balance and the set of her paws. She looked like a strong wolf and he had a feeling he would have quite a time trying to get the upper-hand. Lucky for him losing wasn?t a shame, just a learning curve.
?I don?t believe we?ve had the pleasure of meeting before?
He admitted warmly, despite the fact he knew her name. Only moments had passed since he had entered her view and settled himself before her, but he had said his piece by now, and his stance told her he was ready.




04-03-2014, 03:30 PM
A male unknown to her would be the one to answer her call. An ivory brute that had been at the meeting and sat with her sister - this meant that he was a gamma here in Valhalla, didn't it? She would look the brute over as he politely bowed, speaking her name with a friendly way about him. Her first retort would have been questioning why he had her name and she didn't have his - but he would remedy that quickly, introducing himself before she could pry at him for it. "We haven't - it's a pleasure, really." They would solidify their meeting with a spar - when was the last time that the woman had been able to do that?

This would be a friendly fight, no maims, no serious injuries. They were around the same height from what she could tell, but she might have been a bit heavier despite her gender - meaning that she could do a bit more damage bruising and he would be more flexible. She would keep that in mind as she prepared for the fight - wondering whether he would be the first to throw himself into battle. He seemed to wait though, and Chrysanthe would smile, holding back a small chuckle. "Ladies first I suppose?" Oh what a gentleman. Shame that the only thing that she had learned in her fighting career was that nice guys finished last - and she was normally the nicer of the two when it came to her opponents.

She would align herself to try and face the brute head on. They had faced each other to speak, and she would not lose sight of his azure gaze. Her stance was squared, her weight equally balanced on all four of her paws. Her back legs were squared, her toes splayed and digging into the ground for traction, and her tail was level with her spine behind her, prepared to flag left or right to keep her balance. As she lowered her head to align with her spine, her eyes would narrow and ears pull back as she gave the brute the only warning that he would get before she threw herself forward. "Hope you're ready." Her jaws would remain agape after the statement - and she pushed herself at him, hoping to cover the ground that remained between them with as much speed and as few strides as she could manage.

If she could collect momentum, hopefully her attack would do a good amount of damage - as she would aim to throw her left shoulder into the center of the male's chest. Her shoulders were rolled forward to protect her neck as she did so, and her chin was tucked to protect her throat as well. Gaping jaws would snap, and she would aim to grab hold of the left side of Alpine's neck and swiftly twist her head left in order to try and grab his fur and flesh. She would aim for a grip, but not to break the skin as it was a spar - practice. She wanted to test how fast this male was and see what sort of retaliation he would throw at her. Whether or not she managed to grip the other lupine she would swipe her right paw at his left foreleg, hoping throw his balance off by forcing him to redistribute his balance to counter her attack to his left and then attempt uproot it at the same time.

defenses: weight evenly balanced, back legs squared, toes splayed, tail level with spine, head aligned with spine, eyes narrowed, ears pulled back, jaws agape, shoulders rolled, chin tucked
attacks: attacking Alpine's chest with her left shoulder, biting at the left side of his neck, swiping her right paw at his left leg in an attempt to throw him off balance
injuries: none

vs. Alpine for practice
Round one of two(?)



04-03-2014, 04:36 PM

His eyes would appraise her, he too would notice the similarities in height and build, add in his lack of practice of late and to be honest, it didn't look well for him. All the same a smile would graze his lips, knowing he wasn't in it for the winning but or the fin, the practice and even to get to know this wolf to whom he could associate a name and a face but not a personality. ?Of course? he would venture, nodding his head towards her at his words and dropping a light wink over azure eyes.

It would seem the pleasantries where over as he watched her align herself, square her settling into stability and balance. He was so intent upon the placing of her paws eyeing them for weakness even as he assessed his own grip against the earth, clenching toes and legs to feel the looseness of his muscles, the balance of his own weight that he almost missed the sign within her eyes, they narrowed upon him as through aligning him also perfectly into her view, the twitching of her ears caught his focus and the tension of her muscles barely perceptible within her mass of fur told him all he needed to know. He flattened his own ear back against his skull to lower their availability as a target, his tail flared out behind him as an extra ounce of balance.

Her paws ate away at the distance between them in a few long strides, he had to swallow back his own retort at her baiting, knowing the words I was born ready where worthless now. He would flatten himself to the ground, his already carefully balanced weight reacting easily and fluidly to the small movement as he pushed all grip into the earth. The weight of the shoulder would collide against his own shoulder, the meat of his chest moved lower than her original anticipation. He would feel the force of her momentum drive into him and have the most fleeting wonder if standstill and weight had been his best tactic against this weightier foe. It would be far too late for doubts. He knew he would be in for bruising later, but the impact of their shoulders was against taunt muscle and bone, had it been the chest the wind would have been knocked from his body. The gaping jaws and tucked head would aim for his neck, and he would toss his own head to collide with her muzzle, the side of his head too large to fit between teeth he would aim to smack it against her muzzle to not only stop her from her pursuit of his neck but hopefully damage or hurt her jaw. As she raised her paw to swipe at him he would shove all of his weight into his fore-paws pushing his shoulders hard against her where they already met in an attempt to throw her weight and loosen her stability of the attack and its momentum towards his leg, the attack would still land, since his move was to throw his weight forward his paws stayed within reach. Since she couldn't reach the underside of his knee cap and his weight was so well lowered it would not shake him.

Defenses: Low to the ground, weight spread out against him, paws digging into the ground, ears flat against his skull. Tossing his head against hers to put his head in the way of her jaws and his neck.

Attacks: Smacking his head against her muzzle, throw his weight forward and into her to threaten her stability

Injuries: Bruised shoulder from her shoulder, her swipe connects (But couldn't see mention of claws) so no real injury from it, just more bruising.




04-06-2014, 11:42 AM
Her left shoulder would crash into his left(?) shoulder - and the mild bruising would definitely sting for the both of them. The area pulsed, throbbing slightly - but the one eyed woman had been through worse. It was something that she could for now, shake off. What she wanted, she would get as she gauged his reactions and discovered that he was a quick opponent - but he was definitely holding back while fighting against her. His jaws would not be used as a weapon, but as blunt force against her attack to his neck - the sudden crash of their muzzles would surprise her somewhat, and teeth would flash momentarily in the vision of her left eye. Out of a second's worth of reflex to protect her remaining sight - jaws would immediately close, and the woman snarled as she shifted her weight to her squared hind legs and lowered her body by folding her front left leg. Her muscles were tightened and it was clear that she was ready to spring at a moment's notice. Her hackles would raise along her spine, and her rolled shoulders would create a layer of fat that creased along the sides of her neck. The brute would shift and push forward as she pulled back - but as she pulled back she would attempt to keep her right leg hooked around his left and yank him toward her. "Show me your teeth." She would quickly say, a not so subtle effort to get him to give a little more in this spar. They weren't going to hurt each other there was no reason to hold back so much.
His body would collide with the upper left side of her chest, but his collision into her would be a failed attempt to get her to back off with little to no force from him - and the woman would hold back a snort at his retaliation. Because of their close proximity the damage from Alpine throwing his weight was minor at best - and she would waste no time retaliating - hopefully she could react faster than he would be able to pull away from her. With her eyes narrowed and ears pinned, her jaws would open in an attempt to close around the left side of his throat. She would use her somewhat lowered position to try and spring up toward him and put a bit of force into her attack - but if she managed to grab him, just like previously, she would not grip the other in a way that would break his skin. Her stomach was clenched beneath her, her toes splayed and gripping at the ground to aide in her balance and any sort of backlash she might get in the form of physical force from the brute.

defenses: hackles raised, muscles tightened, shoulders rolled, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, jaws open, stomach clenched, toes splayed, tail acting as a rudder for balance, back legs squared,
attacks: attempting to drag alpine forward by yanking on his left leg with her right, biting at the left side of his throat
injuries: bruising to her chest and left shoulder



04-06-2014, 09:26 PM

The brute would feel the ripple of muscles move beneath her as she shifted and changed her stance. He could feel in her strength and the minuscule reactions of this Woman that she had seen plenty of battle before this one. He could feel in her constant shifting that she preferred to take the offensive. He felt her roll her weight backwards, pushing it into her hind legs as through she prepared to surge forward and it dashed his attempts to throw her balance as his own weight surged in his front paws, as he pushed forward she would pull back. Her centre of weight would shift in her favour, had it been in her front paws he would have better been able to uproot her. Her balance however would remain and not topple, even with her raised right paw as he shoved all his moved weight into her and now she still did not lower her paw but instead attempted to hook it around his left. Even as he felt the brush of her paw touch the underside of his leg his he pulled his paw off the ground and lowered it just as quickly so that her swipe fell under it and gripped nothing.

The movement of raising his leg did nothing to impair his balance with his lowered gravity and they where at an equal state at the moment they had both their paws raised. She would rise up a little and lunge for his neck again. She had asked him for his teeth and as she went for his throat he would lunge downwards slightly beneath the body she had just raised to lunge at him. The flow of his movement would bring him forward and her jaws would miss his throat and perhaps land and grip on his shoulders if she still carried it out as he brought his head slightly under her and went for the tender muscles of her right ankle. He would attempt to catch her right ankle in his jaw a mechanism far better build for gripping then a swiping paw and if his grip landed would attempt to yank on said limp, once again going for the idea of unbalancing her, and knowing the tender skin of her ankles would give him more leverage then the muscular, fluffier one her teeth might have found on his shoulder.

Defences: Lowered to the ground, weight spread, paws gripping the earth, tail flared behind him, ears pinned

Attacks: lunging to grip his jaws on her right ankle and if landed would jank the limb forward

Injuries: Bruising to left shoulder, the pull of her grip against his shoulder if she continues the attack.


The Judge


04-11-2014, 02:33 PM


Round 1
NAME: Chrysanthe

10 for clarity-

10 for powerplaying.

10 for defenses.

8 for attack. using her weight when colliding head on (+2), attempted bite on the side of his neck(+4), moving to swipe at his left leg to throw him off balance(+2)

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Chrysanthe Total: 48/50

NAME: Alpine

10 for clarity-

10 for powerplaying.

5 for defenses. low to the ground (+1), weight evenly distributed (+1), claws digging into the ground (+1), ears pinned (+1), using his head in an attempt to deflect bite to the neck (+1)

4 for attack. using his weight to shove Chrysanthe (+2), attempt to smack her muzzle with his head (+2)

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Alpine Total: 37/50

Round 2


9 for clarity- some grammatical issues, some possible key words left out

10 for powerplaying.

9 for defenses. hackles lifted (+1), muscles tight (+1), shoulders scrunched forward (+1), eyes narrowed (+1), ears pinned (+1), stomach clenched +1), toes splayed (+1), back legs squared (+1), jaws open for attack (+1)

4 for attack. attempting to grab a hold of his left leg (+2), biting at the his throat (+2)

8 for injuries. bruising to the chest (-2)

Round two Chrysanthe Total: 31/50


10 for clarity-

10 for powerplaying.

3 for defenses. weight spread (+1), body low to the ground (+1), claws gripping the ground (+1)

4 for attack. attempting to grab a hold of the ankle (+2), attempting to pull the same limb forward (+2)

8 for injuries. Bruising the chest/shoulder (-2)

Round two Alpine Total: 35/50



ALPINE: 63/100

And the winner is...

CHRYSANTHE! ALPINE must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


CHRYSANTHE- Bruising to the chest/shoulder area, will heal in 5 ooc days

ALPINE- Bruising to his shoulder, will heal in 5 ooc days


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Chrysanthe
Just a few grammatical issues that made parts a little confusing, but otherwise you?re defenses were great and so were your attacks☺

For Alpine
Be sure to include as many defenses as possible, you used some good attacks, but don?t be afraid to really go after your opponent even if it?s a friendly spar☺

- By [Saffie]