
Unforseen Meeting



03-22-2014, 08:58 PM

The territory was calm, a surprise with so many wolves meandering about. Erani was a good leader, the numbers were flourishing as they should - and Chrysanthe couldn't help but be proud of her. Yet there was always a nagging urge within her to know who came and went within the pack - she had once kept tabs on the members, being one of the few that could allow lupine to enter and leave Valhalla. That was the reason she was searching for a bit of company this morning. Before the heat settled in, and there still managed to be a bit of dew on the ground from the night previous, it was the most comfortable part of a day during the Summer in Alacritia.

Thoughts would gently flit about her head - thoughts of her life in Valhalla that she was both growing used to and growing more comfortable with. Of what she wanted while living here - she had been uncertain for a while, but now she was nearly positive. She wanted a life with Themisto and perhaps a family with the male. He had come here for her, they had supported each other for many seasons now - they were close, there was only one little hop to take before they were mates.

Or so Chrysanthe had thus far assumed.

Perhaps she should talk to Erani about it - but... Erani was a busy woman, she hadn't the time to deal with her daughter's relationships. No the best thing to do would be to handle it as things went on, there was no rush. For now, she would enjoy the morning as she swept through the plains in search of company. She would pause, however, as a subtle scent came to her attention - female, with a distinct smell of hormones that she related to pregnancy. She didn't know that anyone in Valhalla was pregnant - there had been a wedding, but this wasn't Ashtoreth's scent.

Curious, she would seek out the female, hoping that she didn't mind a prying stranger. If there was anything that Chrysanthe could do for her she would - but if this woman had been living in Valhalla, she had probably found that to be common enough a mindset.

Twig I


03-22-2014, 10:09 PM

The girl could not get comfortable, the den would not offer her a nice place to continue to sleep. The pups within her were restless, moving about within her while her joints ached from misuse. She wouldn't be sleeping agin for a while it seemed so before the sun even found its way into the sky she would rise, hoping a nice walk would tire her enough to go back to sleep. Slate covered paws would carry the cross marked girl across the plains, her eyes set on a rather tall hill that rose from the horizon. The sun's first hints of breath showing on the horizon, it seemed she'd woken just in time to get a show. She wished she would have thought to find Themisto during her wandering, watching the sun rise with him would have certainly brightened her morning. However, it seemed alone time with her unborn children would be the easiest route. She would waddled up the hill, becoming quite content in not having to seek out another. She had already moved too much that day as she came to rest at the crest of the hill.
She would let her weight plop onto the grassy covered knoll, a relieved sigh rolling from her lips as she let her lilac gaze find its way into the sky's turning colors. Bright pastels would greet her as slowly the sun would bring itself into the sky, even now she could feel the looming heat. She would not look forward to the treck back to the den, but would leave future thoughts from her mind. She was there and she was tired, but at least she had the sun rise to watch.
A considerable amount of time would pass before she found the light scent of another wafting her way. She'd been rather lost in thoughts of the future before she became caught up in the arrival of another presence. She did not feel fear, being so deep in the heart of the territory, but she'd steel herself to come in contact with yet another over-helpful wolf of Valhalla. After her run in with Alpine it almost seemed like they were beginning to grow on her.




03-23-2014, 11:44 AM (This post was last modified: 03-23-2014, 11:45 AM by Chrysanthe.)

The lupine she found was not a woman that Chrysanthe was aquainted with. Her frame was somewhat swollen with children, but the once alpha did not find that an unappealing trait. Her first thought was who the father may be, but there was no dominant male scent upon the lady's pelt. Missing perhaps? She would definitely commend a single mother - but for now, she would join the other in the grass, offering a tip of her head in greeting and a bit of company. "You aren't a familiar face." It wasn't something that she often admitted about others, but the younger female was lovely. Her markings and swirls of black and white seemed appealing to her - she was certain there were others that felt the same. "I'm Chrysanthe, a gamma here." Her introduction would be swift, polite, set out of the way so that she could make her first inquiry - although she would wait a moment, for the woman to give a name and possibly a rank as well.

"This is my favorite time of day." She would quietly admit, a touch of a sigh to her voice - and her one eyed gaze moving from where it had settled on the orchid eyed woman, out to the gently rising sun. "It's a good moment to spare a few thoughts." Perhaps she had too much time to think as of late - but certainly she was not alone in that. There was always the chance that her company suffered a similar ailment - Chrysanthe could imagine that she wasn't allowed to lift even a single paw while heavy with child. Erani certainly wouldn't allow it, and neither would many of the other wolves that lived in Valhalla. "I would ask whether you need anything, but I'm sure the pack has over-attended your needs?" There would be a hint of teasing in her voice - as she knew Valhalla, as any family, would take care of her. If she was the independent sort, like Chrysanthe was, she would be a bit irked by all of the sitting around. "It's all because we care." Even she, who knew little at all about this woman, cared too.

Twig I


03-23-2014, 01:27 PM
Her lavender eyes would come to rest upon the approaching form of a lovely she wolf, her coat was primarily of a beautiful ivory while she boasted marks of russet. The stranger's head would nod in greeting as simple words followed, Twig had not been expecting company so early but would let her own tiara dip in hello. She would admit unfamiliarity, and the Black girl would wonder if the woman had yet to meet her brother either. She would introduce herself and her rank, from what she understood I Valhalla's hierarchy the woman was a warrior. However the ways he carried herself made the new mother suspicious that she wasn't just a warrior. She held one milky eye with a scar, testament to her fighting background. "You can call me, Twig," she would start simply, "I believe I'm an Epsilon?" she still wasn't quite sure but she knew she held the lower rank. She would grow silent again as their gazes would part, moving to the brilliance of the sky.?

Chrysanthe would offer what was on her mind, telling Twig of her personal thoughts. She found herself agreeing with the woman's opinion, the early morning was rather beautiful and quiet. During this time of year also blessedly cooler than mid day. She had certainly been using the time to herself to think, though it would have been better had she not been doing so. Her thoughts aways seemed to stray to such darkness, she had been making a point to keep herself from them but like a ghost they would haunt her relentlessly. ?She would not be allowed to dwell anymore however as the Gamma brought about words that Twig had been saying to herself since she'd been brought to the pack's lands. Like she could read her mind Chrysanthe would spell out Twig's most independent nature. She was completely correct in her assumptions and Twig had to wonder if the woman had been speaking to Jinxx or Alpine recently about her. A smile would tug at the corner of the girl's lips as her troubles with pack life came forth. "If I didn't know better I'd think we'd met before. I will not deny its been very much difficult for me, accepting everyone's help." she would let her royal purple stare be brought back to Chrysanthe's regal form. "I've always just depended on my family when I had to, priding myself in refraining from asking help." she would reveal the woman's inklings to be true as she repositioned herself. Still unable to make herself comfortable with the children so restless within her. She would move her gaze back to her swollen belly, watching as the surface would bulge gently with the movement of her babies. "They're worth it though. I'll endure my torture if it means having them safe with me when the time comes." her voice was meek as she spoke of them, already love was obviously present in her for them. No matter how they came about, they were hers and she would do anything for them.?



03-24-2014, 11:53 AM

Twig, her name was strange, but not the strangest that she had ever heard. Her own niece was named after a flower after all. She hadn't been ranked yet - which was understandable, if she had joined while she was pregnant then she wouldn't be pushed to find a preference just yet. The woman couldn't help but wonder what her specialty would be once she had her litter - that was, if she decided to stay with her newly created families. Some lupine feel the need to venture off afterward. The russet faced female nearly laughed - it was normal for a wolf as wise as Erani to be dubbed as something akin to psychic, but her? "Perhaps leading for a time heightened my perception - but it's far more likely, I've been in Valhalla long enough to know what the wolves here are like." She would comment. "Kind enough to drive you a bit wild. I'm glad you're fairing well, Twig." She would watch Twig continue on, taking note that she mentioned her family - perhaps she was related to Jinxx? "Is Jinxx part of your family?" Her meeting with the brute had been brief, but the cross bearing man seemed to be of a good demeanor. A similar one to this woman, and a similar scent as well.

"You seem like a good mother already." It was obvious that she loved the lives that she was bringing into the world, and for that Chrysanthe was thankful. Sometimes it took a bit for that maternal instinct to kick in, even for the best of them. Twig would be fine, whether she decided to stay or go - but was she doing this with her family alone or did she have a little outside help? "Is their father here in Valhalla, too?" She would finally ask - wondering whether her mate's scent had been masked by the scent of the pack as a whole. If he wasn't, and she was a single mother, there was always the chance that she could find a brute in Valhalla should she want one.

Twig I


03-27-2014, 12:42 PM
Chrysanthe's words would continue after Twig's own, the she wolf would confess to her leadership as the Black girl would have correctly assumed. She would continue, telling her how well she knew the wolves within the pack and Twig had to agree with her. She had not met a single one that was not ready to jump at the chance to help her. The gamma was right, they would certainly have been able to drive the cross marked girl crazy. She would mention a name that always brought a smile to her features, her brother was one she would do anything in the world for. She could hardly believe how good it felt to have him back in her arms. "My brother, and the reason I've joined Valhalla. There's no way I'd normally let a bunch of overly-helpful wolves pamper me so thoroughly" she would giggle light heartedly at her joke, hoping chrysanthe saw the humor in her words. Still the cream and crimson dame would continue, reassuring her that she was already a good mother. As she let her next question from her lips though Twig would be the one to grow somber.?

She would avert her gaze and swivel her crown to take in the colors of the sky again. The memories of the day of their conception flooding back through her features. "If he steps foot here I will kill him. My children don't have a father." the details she gave to her companion would be little, she had yet to let the word rape leave her muzzle and she had no intention of it ever sounding from her jaws. "A very evil man created them." her voice would grow quiet as she kept her lavender eyes from Chrysanthe's features.?