
my god is a 12-gauge

azoula <3


04-20-2024, 12:36 AM

The amethyst giant was making meandering progress south, taking in the sights as he moved through new landscapes. This was an incredibly variable continent already, and he had to admit he was quite the fan of it. This particular region was a forest of sporadic pines, the wide gaps between clusters of conifers creating small oases of greenery on the chilly tundra. He could see low-lying shrubs around their trunks, and hear quiet birdsong. Tall auds flickered as he drank it all in, and nostrils flared in search of anything noteworthy. Ah, there. There were recent tracks, and the fading scent of reindeer. The young titan hadn't hunted large game in a few weeks, limited by what he could manage while he travelled all on his lonesome.

With a self-assured, sauntering gait he headed in the general direction of his quarry. Perhaps he could manage to bring down a particularly sickly one on his own, or a late born youngster. Broad paws moved with startling stealth across the permafrost, lavender gaze drifting to and fro as he sought them out. Ears shoved forward, flicking to catch the sounds of life around him. Rustling undergrowth as a rabbit fled from his presence in the otherwise peaceful woodland. Finally he caught the sound of cloven hooves battering the terrain. The sound wasn't as loud as he would expect, but the tracks weren't as numerous as he would expect to see, either. From this distance, the stench of musk filled his nostrils. Ah, a bachelor herd. Only a dozen or so, nothing like the enormous droves that migrated together. Regardless, they were unlikely to be manageable on his own, with the hormones and volatility of the autumn rut making the animals eager for a fight.

Heaving a long sigh, the young mans flanks shuddered a little with the force of the expelled breath. A plume of mist surrounded his features for a moment, obscuring his view of the retreating herd. His scowl turned to a grimace, fangs flashing for a moment in irritation. Perhaps he would head back for that rabbit, instead.