
I Hear a Symphony



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
04-25-2024, 12:25 AM
As the golden rays of the afternoon sun filtered through the dense canopy of willow trees- casting a gentle glow over the unexpected clearing- Talyssa marveled at the tranquil beauty of her surroundings. It was a hidden treasure she had stumbled upon within the mountains: a small opening in the cave system that revealed an encapsulated sanctum where nature had reclaimed a place of a seemingly higher purpose. A feeling of peace enveloped the air, offering a much needed respite from the unforgiving world outside. The cliffs surrounding the open space were covered in vivid markings and paintings, each one a glimpse into another world- perhaps from another time. In the middle of it all sat a pool lined with rocks, its clear water reflecting more elaborate carvings on its bottom.

Mossy stepping stones led Talyssa to the pool's edge. She knelt down, her toes skimming the cool surface and disturbing the ancient reflections. She drew a sharp breath as she felt a rush of energy seep into her very being, filling her with an overwhelming sense of purpose. This was no ordinary place. It was something sacred – perhaps a temple or a sanctuary of some kind. Guilelessly, she shed her travel-worn belongings- her bag she carried with her of her mapping supplies, and her Carpathian steel pendant among other things- gently discarding them in a safe location before she slipped into the water. Despite its chilly tenderness, it offered warmth to her soul. It was invigorating, almost as if the water itself had a life force of its own. She let out a sigh as she swam towards the center, feeling her muscles relax under the gentle touch of the mountain spring.

"Talyssa Carpathius"

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1. I Hear a Symphony Shelby's Atheneum 12:25 AM, 04-25-2024 06:52 AM, 06-24-2024