
Kiss of an Angel.


03-22-2014, 02:54 PM

It had been some time since she had first met Skoll. Ever since then she had stayed by his side, where he went she did too. It was nice and comforting to travel about with someone at your side. She never had to fear about turning the corner to look back and never see him again. The white male was always there with her. She was slowly growing more confident within herself. His kind words like a warm blanket to snuggle into, to feel safe and warm. Even her nightmares were lessening. They were still just as violent but they were far in between and she had managed to at least not scream out in her sleep, just to whimper and struggle.

Early dawn broke out when her pale ice blues opened. With a yawn she got up to see Skoll still sleeping. With a soft smile she would ever so gently nuzzle his shoulder with the feather light touch before padding off. She wouldn't go far, she just wanted a moment alone. She needed to reflect on things, see if she couldn't figure out more about herself. But in her musings she would be gone longer than she had planned. Really she had been thinking and then hunting down herbs she knew of. She had even gathered a few lavender and poppy seeds. Maybe they would help her sleep better at night. Then there was the task of finding something to carry them in. Which in turn took some time really. Everything was too short to wrap around her bundle till she found some long grass.

It must have been nearly noon when she retraced her steps back. She hoped Skoll hadn't worried over too much on her absence. She felt bad for being gone so long. She would just have to promise him a good meal to make up for it. She picked up her pace to a trot, the bundle bouncing against her chest softly. Surprisingly she had gone some distance from him and snorted at herself. How had she gone so far and not have noticed till now? Skoll's white form came into view and she gave a soft muffled bark in greeting as she approached.



3 Years
03-23-2014, 04:08 PM

Another mission the powers have called me away

Another time to carry the colors again

My motivation an oath I've sworn to defend

To win the honor of coming back home again
Waking each morning with his Angel by his side had become a habit for Sk?ll, like waking up with all four paws attached and with his ears still on his head. So when he woke up and got the creeping sensation that there was something missing, it took him a moment to place it. Angel. Where had his Angel gone?

The youthful wolf was on his feet in a heartbeat, eyes scanning the area around him with something akin to panic. His Angel, where was she? Who had dared to steal her away while he slept? Or had she left him on his own, without his express permission? A sudden snarl wreathed his normally placid features. Had the bitch abandoned him then? No more than he should expect from such inferior being. He'd raised her up on a pedestal, he had treated her like a Queen, he'd listened to her whinging, and then she outright abandoned him.

He wasted long hours pacing the area they'd slept that night, searching for a trail gone cold from dew and time. The sun rose higher and he finally caught sight of her small pale form crossing toward him. All the self-righteous anger and offended pride he'd been accumulating through the long morning alone rose like the sun to nearly choke him. Face blankly impassive, he was moving toward her when she gave a friendly bark of greeting and he snapped.

Three powerful bounds with his long legs brought him to her side. His neck curved over hers, but instead of the hug she may have expected, his teeth took a firm, bruising hold of her scruff. Shaking the smaller wolf viciously, hard enough to bring her off her paws for a moment, before he threw her to the ground, blue eyes blazing at her. "How dare you run off like that? Leaving me here alone to look everywhere for you? Did you even once think about how I would feel, Madieke? And then you come back here and act like you didn't do anything at all. You don't really care about me at all!" The white wolf's large form was bristled, each word of this scathing monologue spoken in a cold, razor-sharp tone that was nothing like his usual puppyish voice as he stared down at her form.

My declaration embedded deep under my skin

A permanent reminder of how it began

No hesitation when I am commanded to strike

You need to know that you're in for the fight of your life


03-23-2014, 07:47 PM

Her happiness increased at seeing Skoll bounding to her. A warm feeling spread from her chest and through her body. Who knew coming back to someone who cared felt so good. As his neck curved around her, she would begin to lean towards him to nuzzle into him. But a sharp and crushing pain took hold of her neck. Her bundle fell from her jaws as a strangled cry left her jaws. Her world began to shake, her body in his full control as he shook her. Her eyes squeezed shut and she curled in on herself. A gasping whine left her till air was knocked out of her. She found herself on the ground, her head pounding and vision spinning.

She had been doing so well with no panic attacks thus far. But this, this she could not shut down. Her body trembled uncontrollably, her breath shallow and gasping. Her felt so light headed, so scared. She couldn't see right, just hear his cold voice. What was going on? Her mind took her to the snapping jaws of the black male when her sister had been injured, back to the battle ground of blood and death. Her jaws parted in silent scream, at least she thought it was silent.

She would scream as if she was being murdered, as if she was being torn apart. On she went till her mouth grew dry and her no longer could make a noise. But her body still had her screaming silently. She curled up in a ball, shaking violently. The blood, the death, the screams. She couldn't make it go away. She wanted to run away but she forgot how to move. She want Skoll to save her, make it go away. But he cause this, he hurt her! Why? She managed a glimpse of him, enough to try and toss her body farther away but only managing to move a foot or two away. She cringed away from him. He had been her savior, her angel, her shield. But now he was a monster like all the others.



3 Years
03-23-2014, 08:18 PM

Another mission the powers have called me away

Another time to carry the colors again

My motivation an oath I've sworn to defend

To win the honor of coming back home again
The girl collapsed in a shaking heap, terror drawing a scream from her, and Sk?ll's rage was mollified. He took a step closer, and she shrank away from him. Well, that simply would not do. "Oh, Angel, my darling, my lovely," he sighed. "I wish more than anything I didn't have to do that to you. But how will you learn if you are never punished for your mistakes? I'm just helping you, Angel." Another step closer. "Come here, my light, let me make it better. I promise, everything will be better now that we're together again." He crouched so he wasn't looming over her, his blue eyes shining sweetly at her now as he crooned at her. "Let me help you, my dear."

His tail swept around, drawing closer the herbs she had procured on her illicit travels. He was no healer - Hroovitnir would never have stood for one of his sons learning the unmanly art of healing - but he had been around it enough to recognize the common herbs before him. Lavender, and poppy seeds. Excellent. He spoke again to the hysterical girl coaxingly. "Come, Angel, take these. We can talk when you're calm. Surely you know I'm doing this all for you, my bright angel." He nudged the remedies closer to her with one paw, separating out the best approximation of the dosages he could remember.

My declaration embedded deep under my skin

A permanent reminder of how it began

No hesitation when I am commanded to strike

You need to know that you're in for the fight of your life


03-30-2014, 06:20 PM

Never had she been punished in such a way. She had never been yelled at, shook till she could not stand on her own four paws, scared to the breaking point of screaming till her voice was gone. She could hear his voice, softer, gentle and caring once more. But the words were lost on her as she laid there gasping for air. She tried to regain control, to push away the panic and fears. It was draining on her mind and body. She laid there with her head between her paws, her eyes slowly focusing on the here and now.

Skoll was closer now to her, no longer towering above her but crouched down. Her body tensed up as he had moved closer, as if expecting another attack but too tired and scared to move. His tail scooted her herbs closer and she wanted to snatch her paw out and pull then all to her and ingest all of it. But she dared not to move. Her gasped slowed down to begin a regular breathes. Her ice blues shifted from his every movement to the herbs. As he separated out a amount for her to take she eyes the rest of it, slowly reaching a paw out to grab a few more to her pile. But with each inch her paw made she would glance at him, waiting, fearing he lash out again. But once it was infront of her she quickly licked up the poppy seeds. The lavender she pressed her nose into it, drawing long deep breaths before picking up a few to mindlessly chew on.

She looked up at Skoll, wanting to trust his words, she bury herself into his side and pretend this never happened. But she could feel the slow trickle of blood running down her neck from her nape where he had grabbed her. But the poppy seeds were kicking in, relaxing her body and allowing her to calm down her distress. Eyes grew slightly heavy but never fell closed. The lavender eased her pain mentally and she leaned into Skoll, sighing softly."I'm...sorry.." She croaked out to him and buried her face into his shoulder.



3 Years
04-10-2014, 07:54 AM

Another mission the powers have called me away

Another time to carry the colors again

My motivation an oath I've sworn to defend

To win the honor of coming back home again
Skoll simply watched blandly as the girl's paw inched fearfully toward the herbs, adjusting the dosage and pulling it back toward her. He made no move to either help or hinder her. She swallowed the seeds, obedient to his wishes now, and a faint smile flickered over his face as her body relaxed, the poppy taking effect. Finally she leaned against him, then pressed into her shoulder, an apology dropping from her lips. "I know you are, Angel," he said in a soothing manner, his tongue gently swiping her forehead. "You are a good girl, I know you are. You won't scare me like that again."

She would learn quickly to be the perfectly obedient and loving mate his mother had been for his father, Skoll had no doubt of that. She was smart and beautiful and so far above the other common-blooded wolves of this land - she was perfect. She just needed molding, that was all. This family of hers she'd spoken of before might be a rather inconvenient problem though... he would have to take care. He didn't have brothers willing to slaughter an entire family with him, as his uncles had helped his father slaughter his mother's family, unfortunately. They clung to their silly self-righteous morals.

He would need to think carefully about this, he decided as his tongue swiped absently over Angel's neck, attempting to clean and sooth the bite marks there.

My declaration embedded deep under my skin

A permanent reminder of how it began

No hesitation when I am commanded to strike

You need to know that you're in for the fight of your life


04-11-2014, 06:35 PM

She listened to Skoll speak softly, in a way given his own apology, or so she would think so. Now she understood why he acted that way, he had been scared. She felt horrible making him feel that way. She swore she would never do it again. She would always tell him where she would go or always stay in his sights. She would remain with him for who knew how long. Till life do them part?

She would relax rather in his gentle touch. Amazing how he could be so strong and harsh and yet so soft and gentle. It brought a smile to her lips. She knew with him around she was safe, a feeling she had been loosing ever since coming to Ala. She had thought she would be safe around her siblings till they started to disappear from her. She didn't know what became of Pulsus, only that the whole time he was close to Twig. Everyone was close to Twig. Jealously swelled up in her chest and she frowned."They always liked her better, Twig. They were always there for her, not me. Her mumbled out as she laid her down across Skoll's forelegs. She would glance up at him, "Why did they never try to be there for me? Was it because I always stood aside? She asked softly.

In a way Skoll was doing her good, making her independent from her family. Discovering who she was. But at the same time he play on her more timid scared natural to his advantage. It would not be surprising if she became skittish after some time, always jumping to do what was told. She would be more independent from her family but she would fall in on herself.