
Halldóra plots!


05-05-2024, 05:01 PM (This post was last modified: 06-01-2024, 01:40 PM by jeriko. Edited 1 time in total.)
Posting this under my OOC account just in case I want to make this a multi-char plotter, but will be trying very very hard to stick to one disaster child if i can help it.

Open to plotting for my girl Hal! She's a stoic, tough character hellbent on becoming a beast slayer of sorts because her family was murked by a bear and she's Traumatized TM. She's also joined the Armada and intends to train to fight and hunt there. I've laid out my plot ideas a bit differently here to cover the full range of relationships, and have put *'s next to the ones I'm most interested in~

Hal has recently joined and resides in the Armada pack territory (north of Boreas), so most interactions are gonna take place around there unless the pack itself travels or she tags along with someone, etc.

* [ Armada Wolves ] Hal is fresh meat in the Armada and knows absolutely nothing of pack life in general, much less life in the Armada itself, so she has a lot to get used to. Open to any and all interactions from fellow Armada wolves to get her familiarized with everything. :3
[ Syndicate Wolves ] The packs are fairly close and in the same region so open to interactions with Syndicate characters.
[ Other Packs ] All other packs are too far away to interact with closer to their own territories, but if a random wolf from a different pack comes up the Armada's way, she might be able to then.
[ Rogues ] Again, if they're up in north boreas near the Armada, but she of course can't accept them into the pack or anything.

* [ Mentors ] Hal will largely be training under Basilisk, but ofc wouldn't turn down lessons from other experienced wolves in the Armada as well, so open to things like spars, hunting excursions, etc.
* [ Peers ] Similarly open to her interacting with fellow Apprentices/wolves her age. She's awkward around most wolves but especially to those her own age, as she's never interacted with them before (only child, secluded family, etc.). Open to spars, hunts, etc. like with mentors. Help her learn or assert your dominance and try to prove you're better, either way LOL
[ Friends ] It'd be nice if she could make some good positive connections with those her own age, but as one quite asocial and a tad rude at times, it's hard. You'd either have to be a gem of a person who see's the good in all or someone with a similarly brash personality who understands it isn't necessarily personal and can tolerate it. Maybe if they give her enough of a chance she could open up to them, come out of her shell a bit more.
* [ Enemies/Rivals ] kekekek FIGHT- Like the above but swinging the opposite way, it could be fun to have some wolves who just don't like Hal and aren't afraid to show it, leading to some clashes. Maybe they're personally put off by her personality, maybe they just think they're better than everyone and take offense to Hal not putting up with it. Maybe they're both training to be the top of their class and they want to outcompete her. Could even turn into an ongoing rivalry who knows~
[ Romance ] She's a bit young and has other priorities right now (certainly not thinking about romance when she's not even thinking about having friends), but it could be cute to play out some attraction from either side. She is bi but particularly swayed by pretty girls... but doesn't know it yet. Much to discover and learn, and maybe she starts with a tiny crush or something.

I also am open to maybe her having some distant relative that's alive and would recognize her parents if named dropped; they were just loners with no noted history before that so where they came from exactly is very open ended. Preferably they would also have Icelandic names or anything close to it. If you have a present character that could somehow be a relative (thinking more parent or sibling of one of her parents), we could plot that, or turn it into an adopt, so DM me if interested in that.

I'm also on Discord (thebetterjeriko) if you want to DM me there~


06-01-2024, 01:41 PM
Updated! More options and more direction now that she's in the Armada~