
Ne me quitte pas~



03-21-2014, 04:01 PM
"Themisto?" Chrysanthe would call for the male, her voice a short bark to question whether he was awake or even there. She would wait near the edge of the territory, where it just left the greenery that wolf paw lake provided even during the summertime. Waiting for a reply, the once alpha would sit on her rump, her visage expectant and a bit excited. Themisto had come to Valhalla for her - and she was finally getting the chance to spend some time with him! Free of Here though, she could just see where the ground took a sudden drop into the gorge, and the grass grew between the rocks until the ground was too rocky for it to grow anymore without being blown away by the wind. Whisperer's gorge was one of the few places that she hadn't been before, and was the last Valhallan territory that she would have to visit before she could say that she had explored them all.

She hoped that Themisto would come along for the ride, even if they didn't do anything but talk a bit. Chrysanthe had quite a bit to say to him - but the words seemed to be a bit stuck at the moment. There were a few things that kept her from jumping the gun and telling the brute how she felt, but maybe time was good? If she rushed into things, she or even Themisto could regret it for some reason later on... but she knew that she felt deeply for the male - he made her feel cared for and her heart fluttered like a yearling's when he smiled and winked and joked. It was almost embarrassing, how happy her reactions to him were - did he even know that her personality could once be described as stoic? Between he, Odette and no longer having the responsibility of being a leader, she had relaxed quite a bit.

If he noticed, did it bother him? Did he see it as a good change? A bad one? Chrysanthe's lips would twitch as she looked at the ground, her tail curling around her legs. She really liked this male, didn't she? For her thoughts to even consider drifting to what he thought of her - she wasn't the type to want to change for anyone. The fact that she didn't really have to for Themi, was enough to bring a small smile to her lips again. Knowing that he loved her tended to do that from time to time.

Perhaps she could now tell him that she returned the feelings? What was even stopping her anymore? "Speech"



03-24-2014, 11:43 AM

"Yes?" His response was a mere whisper as he approached her, his words just loud enough for her to hear and no one else. He had been aimlessly tending to his plants when her scent had lured him away from his work, and he had managed to follow her undetected up until now. Her sudden call would cause him to pick up his pace, and he would come up on her left side as his sunset hued stare aimed to align with her single eye. A warm smile creased his lips, his muscles were relaxed, and his tail was slowly wiggling behind him. It was obvious how much he enjoyed her company just by his body language alone.

He would glance toward the sudden drop before them, his gaze peering downward into the gorge. He had never explored the gorge before, and he assumed Chrysanthe hadn't either since she seemed to be eager to travel down it. He would look back toward her, a hint of excitement dancing within his gaze. "After you, my lady." He would extend his right paw as he pointed toward the uncharted path down the cliff side, his lips creasing wider so that his smile was toothy. He hoped they would spend a lot of time down there together, he really wanted to spend some alone time with her.




03-24-2014, 12:09 PM
His response surprised her, but she would hold back her gasp, looking toward the brute as Themisto saddled up beisde her. His smile was contagious, and she found herself smiling as well, her tail picking up speed in a gentle wag as she did. "I hope you weren't too busy before." She would say, not knowing what Themisto had been busy with before her call. He had come here to Valhalla for her, but that didn't meant that he had nothing else to busy himself with. Still, he had come, so she wasn't going to give him too much of an excuse to try and get away. He seemed like he wanted to be here as well - something that she found herself very happy with. Knowing that he liked being here, that he would always choose to be beside her - she truly wanted him at her side.
"We're exploring today." She would tell him, wondering whether he had been to the gorge before. She would chuckle as he ushered her toward the gorge, offering her the first steps of their little journey. With a bow she would step forward. "Thank you good sir." The woman would play along somewhat cheekily, raising her head and walking forward with a dainty spring to her step. The game would end as she paused, looking back at Themisto both to make sure he was really following - much like a pup will stop and goad their siblings into chasing after them - and to as him a question. "Have you been down here before?" She hoped that he hadn't, it would be interesting for both of them if that were the case.




03-24-2014, 02:12 PM

"I hope you weren't too busy before." "Don't worry, I wasn't." He would chuckle lightheartedly as he reassured her. He hadn't been doing much besides encouraging his plants to grow so that he could harvest the buds. "We're exploring today." "Alright, " His tail would wag faster behind him as he glanced downward again, excitement dancing within his facial features. He loved to explore the unknown, especially if he had Chrysanthe at his side. A day with her was always a pleasure, hell, even a moment with her was a treasure. When she would bow he would chuckle, and he would copy her motion, his front end bowing down as she began to walk down the trail. He would rise and quickly follow after her, leaving only inches between them as he walked behind her.

The trail was steep and narrow, and there wasn't enough room for him to walk next to her. Though he couldn't deny that he liked the view from back here. He would watch in awe as her hips rose and fell in sync with her movements, and a warm sensation would wash over him, the feeling of lust swirling within the pit of his stomach. He had always wanted her to himself, and with Gideon gone and the borders severed, what was holding him back from the physical barrier? Of course Chrysanthe's personal space refrained him, but nothing was stopping him from looking. "Have you been down here before?" His gaze would quickly rise from her swaying hips to her one-eyed stare, and he would sheepishly smile, hoping she hadn't noticed where his eyes had trailed off to. He almost bumped into her as she stopped suddenly, and he would take a few seconds to regain his balance. "No, have you?" He would inquire, trying to keep the conversation going. He could feel his cheeks burning beneath his ivory fur, but he would do his best to keep his exterior cool.




04-14-2014, 08:15 PM
She would pull forward without really thinking about it - falling somewhat into a protector's mindset. Anything that came at them she would deal with, Themisto had nothing to worry about while he was with her. She was also happy to explore - to see and smell somewhere new, even if it was claimed by Valhalla it was something that she hadn't experienced yet. The shadows of the gorge did not deter her steps despite being half blind - she had always liked peeking into the unknown, dark shadowy places were absolutely daunting to her, and because of that, she would explore them as often and as thoroughly as possible.

She had met Gideon in a cave!

This trail was much different than that cave had been - half light and half dark, narrow but not impossible to pass through. Themisto was so bright, but the trail to him seemed to be littered with angles and stops that she wasn't sure what to do with. He loved her, didn't he? She was always on his mind, he wanted to be with her, near her. The woman would peek over her shoulder at the other - meeting his sheepish visage. What? What exactly had he been staring at? The woman could consider herself a solider - not the best, but fighting was something that she was relatively good for. But a seductress? Someone that a male would find themselves staring at? Marred and built large and muscular she would never imagine that his wandering eyes could have been watching the sway of her hips.

She would stare at him curiously, blinking at him as he asked whether she had been here before. "Well if I had, it wouldn't be much of an exploration." She would chuckle her retort, and shake her head at his odd behavior. "I wonder how this place was made." There was the faint scent of water coming from somewhere... perhaps below the two of them? "There's water here somewhere, maybe runoff from the grande is below?" She was a little excited, and it showed in her tone despite her voice being kept relatively even in decible.

Chrysanthe would let herself wander a bit father, knowing that if she stopped she and Themisto would be more than close enough to touch nearly excited her as much as the prospect of a new discovery. Yet she wouldn't let those thoughts rule her mind - not... so early in their travels. Their time to talk would come, she just had to wait for the right moment.

Why was she always making herself wait?
