
chilling nightmares [Bas]


03-21-2014, 03:51 PM
Haunting roots did lift from beckoning grounds. Whispers of where life had been given first breath and death and claimed all hope did dance across her mind. She stood on the edge, lingering at the site of the mourning trees. They were not their sentries, those tall red soldiers that stood and watched the world burn around them, they were merely fragments of memories dwarfed by time. However, even if they were shades of another forest she had found happiness in, this still held moments, bits in time and memories. The south was home, ingrained in her, and she longed for the days when life flourished and love was so easily touched.

Obsession ingrained the aroma of longing; deep into her mind, never would she release the chamber she locked away for him. He was first love. He was first hope and dreams and all little girl trinkets. He was the breath her heart gave when she held her own. The fluttering of wings that tickled her soul and sent her heart racing in time and even when distance had brought them world apart she could still feel the fear and excitement racing in her veins. Her body felt as if it were vibrating with her anxiety. She needed to touch, to smell, and know it was truly he.

She swallowed her fear and allowed her song to fill the air around her. It was so chilling. It was a mixture of forlorn and longing. He had once been her rock and yet it seemed another had filled that void. Had he ever cared about them, or her? She had never seen him try to find them, any of them.

Where was he while she went seeking answers. Uncertainty raged high in her mind as the fogy memories places a wicked smile. She saw a flash of nose, teeth, and darkness in a strangers gaze. She shifted on her paws, suddenly feeling woozy. She felt her body swaying back and forth. What the fuck was going on? She shook her head as she waited but something crawled into her limbs. She could feel it itching, spreading, and sending her into a panicked state. What was happening! She was pacing back and forth, her hair erect with her discomfort and fear. Her tail was slashing back and forth behind her frame as she attempted to ease the panicked feeling. Where was he! She needed something. A fearful snarl ripped from her throat and startled her, she had heard that sound before. It was locked away but so familiar. So close and yet so far away.

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
03-21-2014, 05:36 PM

They had been inseparable once. As close as two siblings could be. Too close, some even said; for so long he couldn't imagine life without her. Breathing without her. Things had changed, but even now, she still crossed his mind daily. He could never forget her voice, forget the promise that they had made to one another. That they would seek revenge on the woman that had killed their father, and that they would do it together. Their heart beat with the same blood. It would tie them together in an unbreakable bond.

And yet he wouldn't have imagined she would come here. Basilisk had grown content among these trees, able to lose himself in the thick fog that seemed to cover the earth so often in its gentle embrace. This was his home now. The redwoods had held his heart once, but Detste's betrayal had forced him away from those lands. It was Cataleya that had showed him the truth. She had given him strength and courage that no one else ever been able to offer him. He had never killed before her; he had never known the body of a woman before her. She had taken him by force, but now the dynamic between them was more than willing. She was to lead Elysium with him at her side, and it would only be to her that he would bend to.

As his mind was riddled with thoughts, rhymes that seemed to have no answer, he noticed something off. The scent of the air was different. An intruder. A snarl echoed through the trees. It was familiar, and he found himself growing wary at its familiarity. Slowly his massive form would approach the source of the sound, head held low as he sniffed at the wet air. He could not mistake her for anyone -- yet as she came into his vision, all he could do was grow strangely still. She looked so different, and yet he would not mistake her for any other. A soft sigh left his lips and he waited. Why had she come after all this time? He had almost given up hope of ever seeing her again.


03-21-2014, 05:48 PM

Darkness clutched the edges of her eyes. Threatening to steal her sight and take away a precious moment. Who did that face belong to? She wanted it out of her head. She shook it back and forth and she could feel the panic consuming her, eating her alive, and she wanted it to stop. She moved to the side in a startled motion, as if her limbs were betraying her, submitting to his dangerous call. Danger always allured her. It made her feel alive. The blood made her feel alive and something about that stranger wrecked danger and pain.

She snarled again. Her teeth bore at nothing, snapping at air, as she pawed at her head. It was hurting and she wanted it to stop. She shook it again and felt the need to run. If she ran hard enough maybe she could break whatever hold he had on her. Maybe it would go away if she ran hard enough! She was blinded by her fear to even notice her brother had approached her. She was too far gone for the time being but as she bolted she felt herself collide with someone. She yelped with fear as she hurried up and got back on her feet. Her teeth were all but dripping with in defense as she attempted to show her attacker she wouldn?t go down this time without hurting him back.

Reconnection eased its tangled web into her mind. Something smelled familiar. Adrenalin began to deplete, as her vision became to clear. Her heart was frantic for a lifeline, anything to help relax it. She took in deeper breaths and felt her body breaking. Felt the tears falling and she was so utterly confused. What had happened to her? Who had hurt her? She felt her body sliding downwards, giving up its fight, and she laid her head on her paws as struggled to regain control over her breathing.

Her violet eyes began to ascend up the figure that was her brother. She had loved him oh so much. She looked at how much he had grown. How handsome he had become and she felt a hint of sadness fill her. He belonged to her and he had made his own life without her. Her ears fell back with the haunting feeling still lingering in her soul. She felt chilled to the bone and yet he could still ease it for her. When he was around. She couldn?t quite collect herself enough to form words but she said it all in her eyes. I?ve missed you. It was all there for him to read but the pain from what ever event she couldn?t remember still lingered on the edges.

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
03-21-2014, 06:37 PM

Basilisk felt a strange pressure in his chest at the sight of his sister. She did not recognize him for a long moment. She was lost in her own mind, just as their mother had been so often, alone in the darkness. Even he knew that kind of loneliness. He suddenly wished he could rescue her from the demons, but he knew the monsters in one's own head could not be confronted by anyone else. He was silent and still, not wanting to enrage her or upset her, as she thrashed about. After so many minutes she seemed to grow calm. Her eyes focused on him, losing their fog. They recognized him and slowly his tail would sway behind him. He did not show affection toward many, but she would prove to be an exception.

His gaze narrowed as she came back to reality. She would crawl to the earth, and he would lower himself to meet her. "My sister." He missed him brother, his mother, and his father -- but his sister, most of all. She was silent, and he swore he could see tears forming in her eyes. "You've come back to me." His words were soft, laced with emotion that he did not know how to express. Where was their mother? Certainly she had not been with Syn. Slowly he would bring his nose to touch the crown of her head. His chest heaved as another sigh escaped his pursed lips. "Don't leave me this time."