
Reaper winter skills

Reaper fighting seasonal skill for winter, year 20



Expert Fighter (135)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
05-16-2024, 12:45 AM
The night was lit up by the moon in a much brighter manner than usual. Reaper was at awe of the moon, he always adored the moon. The raven flew above ahead in the shadows, he had now fondly named the bird Moloch. All seemed well within the unusually bright night, Reaper was completely unaware of the danger that stalked his footsteps.

Moloch seemed to circle around him more closely now. An odd behavior and Reaper wasn't sure why. “Moloch, friend, what is the matter with you?” The Bloodjaw inquired as he paused in his steps. His seagreen gaze casted out around him. He didn't see anything. The bird kept circling, letting out a series of alarming caws to the wolf.

Reaper felt a tinge of unease in his stomach. Something told him that someone or something was near and whatever it was, meant bad news. He remembered the stories from his father, Malice, who had gotten attacked by loners before. Lone wolves could be dangerous, even to other lone wolves. Reaper swallowed as he listened carefully for any signs of another presence. He was met with dead silence.

Reaper kept moving forwards. Moloch did not seem to like this. The raven swooped down and tried to stop Reaper in his tracks again. Reaper's face scrunched up in an annoyed manner. “I didn't see anything.” Reaper sighed irritatedly, muttering to himself. It wasn't until he heard the sound rustling nearby did the danger finally register. He was being stalked. Whoever it was, they were making sure not to be seen.

But what was stalking him? A bear, perhaps? He shivered at the thought of taking one on alone. He gave himself a quick sniff. He still reeked of dead carcasses. Whatever it was, it didn't care what gross smell was emitting from his pelt. It seemed intent on hunting him one way or the other.

“Are you going to show yourself, hm?” Reaper called out, as if the whole scenario was wasting his time. In a sense, it was. There was no reply for the dead of night, nothing but silence. Reaper glanced up at Moloch, who had taken perch on a nearby branch. The raven watched him with a curious gaze.

“Fine. I'll find them myself.” Reaper muttered to himself defiantly, even if the idea was unappealing to him. He turned his body to face whatever could be behind himself and started to walk in its direction. “You have til the count of three or else I'll find you myself.” Reaper called out, hoping this would make whoever it was expose themselves.

“One…” Reaper paused for a few seconds. “Two…” Another pause, his stomach twisting in knots. “Three.” He finished with a sigh. Well, he was a wolf of his word. Whatever was in the depths of the forest he would face. He was a Bloodjaw. Bloodjaws didn't cower from strange noises in the forest.

His pink nose led him to a strange smell. When Reaper found the source of the smell, it was another wolf. Only, this wolf wasn't friendly. They were glaring at him with a threatening snarl, their tail raised towards the sky. Quickly, Reaper checked his defenses.

Reaper widened his stance for balance, but not too wide. His father has taught him that widening his stance too wide could cause injury or delay in combat. Extra stress on the limbs and joints were not an advantage. He buried his claws into soil for stability. His chin tucked to protect his vitals. He glared back at the wolf and spoke calmly, giving them one last chance. 

“We don't have to do this. I prefer not to spill blood over something so trivial.” Reaper tried to reason with theoner, only to be met with a full front charge towards him. He braced himself and went charging back as a result. His white maws splayed open and sought the shoulder of the wolf. He was successful in grabbing the shoulder and he used his weight to knock the wolf back a few feet off their balance.

The wolf wobbled and almost lost its balance completely, however it regained it at the last second. Reaper tore into the shoulder with no mercy. His white face was painted with blood as he shredded the muscle down to the bone. The wolf fought back, grabbing Reaper by scruff.

Reaper could feel the tearing and ripping of his scruff as the other wolf shredded into his skin. He let out a vicious snarl and released his grip on the shoulder. He spat out blood and aimed to cock his head and grab the side of the neck of the wolf.

The wolf's side of the neck felt so full in Reaper's maw. He tore violently at the neck, his fangs burrowing deep into the skin. The wolf pull back, sacrificing a chunk of flesh in the process. Reaper spat it out. Reaper took this opportunity to charge once more, his tail rising in the air in dominance. He wouldn't kill the loner, but he would definitely teach it a lesson.

However the loner had different plans and took off the moment it saw the second charge. Reaper figured they finally gained some sense back. He shook his pelt, his scruff bleeding and sore from the attack. He watched as Moloch flew and landed on top of Reaper's shoulder blades, much like Somnium used to. Reaper gave a happy grin. “I should thank you, you know. You were of great assistance.” Reaper thanked the bird happily before trotting off into the night to lick his wounds and rest.

-Exit Reaper-

Word count: 940.

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1. Reaper winter skills Aspen Dam 12:45 AM, 05-16-2024 01:04 PM, 07-16-2024